A group on Sciety represents a team of scientists who evaluate and curate preprint research articles.
Select a group to follow their work.
Access Microbiology
Access Microbiology is an innovative open research platform. -
Arcadia Science
Arcadia Science is a science company that shares open research publications and requests community feedback. To contribute to the ecosystem of open review, our scientists make public comments on public products. Our scientists comment modularly, annotating preprints with specific comments on the areas that best align with their expertise. -
eLife reviews preprints in the life sciences and medicine. -
Review Commons
Review Commons is a platform for high-quality journal-independent peer-review in the life sciences. -
PREreview's mission is to bring more diversity to scholarly peer review by supporting and empowering community of researchers, particularly those at early stages of their career (ECRs) to review preprints. -
preLights is a community initiative supported by The Company of Biologists. -
GigaScience is an open access, open data, open peer-review journal focusing on ‘big data’ research from the life and biomedical sciences. -
Peer Community in Archaeology
Free and transparent preprint peer-review and recommendation by and for researchers in Archaeology. -
Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases
RR\ID (Rapid Reviews\Infectious Diseases) is an open-access overlay journal that accelerates peer review of important infectious disease-related research preprints. -
Peer Community in Ecology
Free and transparent preprint peer-review and recommendation by and for researchers in Ecology. -
Biophysics Colab
Biophysics Colab is a collaboration of biophysicists who are working in partnership with eLife to improve the way in which original research is evaluated. We aim to drive forward the principles of open science by providing an equitable, inclusive, and transparent environment for peer review. Our ambition is to facilitate a publishing ecosystem in which the significance of research is recognised independently of publication venue. -
Peer Community in Paleontology
Free and transparent preprint peer-review and recommendation by and for researchers in Paleontology. -
Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology
Free and transparent preprint peer-review and recommendation by and for researchers in Evolutionary Biology. -
GigaByte is an open access and open science journal published by GigaScience Press, BGI's Open Access and Open Data Publishing division. As with our sister-journal GigaScience— we publish ALL reusable and shareable research objects, such as data, software tools and workflows, from data-driven research. -
Peer Community in Animal Science
Free and transparent preprint peer-review and recommendation by and for researchers in Animal Science. -
Peer Community In Zoology
Free and transparent preprint peer-review and recommendation by and for researchers in Zoology. -
MetaROR is a collaborative initiative led jointly by the Research on Research Institute (RoRI) and the Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-Research and Open Science (AIMOS), which are working together to build a platform to leverage the strengths of the Publish – Review – Curate approach for the various metaresearch disciplines. -
Life Science Editors Foundation
The Life Science Editors Foundation aims to increase representation and eliminate inequity in the scientific community. -
Peer Community in Neuroscience
Free and transparent preprint peer-review and recommendation by and for researchers in Neuroscience. -
PeerJ is an open access publisher of 7 peer-reviewed journals, and an editorial community of over 2000 Academic Editors and Advisors, and tens of thousands of authors and reviewers. -
PeerRef is a journal-independent open peer review platform for all research. -
Life Science Editors
Life Science Editors is a group of former journal editors and grant specialists who are passionate about helping scientists and science reach their full potential. -
The Unjournal
The Unjournal organizes and commissions journal-independent public evaluation & quantified rating of global-priorities-relevant research in social science and economics. -
ASAPbio crowd review
We promote the productive use of preprints for research dissemination and transparent peer review and feedback on all research outputs. -
ASAPbio-SciELO Preprint crowd review
O ASAPbio promove o uso produtivo de preprints para divulgação da pesquisa e avaliação por pares transparente e feedback sobre todos os resultados da pesquisa. SciELO Preprints é um servidor de preprints multilingue e multi-disciplinar gerenciado pelo Programa SciELO. -
The Automated Screening Working Groups is a group of software engineers and biologists passionate about improving scientific manuscripts on a large scale. Our members have created tools that check for common problems in scientific manuscripts, including information needed to improve transparency and reproducibility. We have combined our tools into a single pipeline, called ScreenIT. We're currently using our tools to screen COVID preprints. -
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus Research Compendium (NCRC) is a centralized, publicly available resource that rapidly curates and reviews the emerging scientific evidence about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Our goal is to provide accurate, relevant information for global public health action by clinicians, public health practitioners, and policy makers.