Latest preprint reviews

  1. Discordant population structure inferred from male- and female-type mtDNAs from Macoma balthica , a bivalve species characterized by doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondria

    This article has 9 authors:
    1. Le Cam Sabrina
    2. Brémaud Julie
    3. Becquet Vanessa
    4. Huet Valérie
    5. Dubillot Emmanuel
    6. Garcia Pascale
    7. Viricel Amélia
    8. Breton Sophie
    9. Pante Eric

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  2. Dark side of the honeymoon: reconstructing the Asian x European rose breeding history through the lens of genomics

    This article has 16 authors:
    1. Thibault Leroy
    2. Elise Albert
    3. Tatiana Thouroude
    4. Sylvie Baudino
    5. Jean-Claude Caissard
    6. Annie Chastellier
    7. Jérôme Chameau
    8. Julien Jeauffre
    9. Thérèse Loubert
    10. Saretta Nindya Paramita
    11. Alix Pernet
    12. Vanessa Soufflet-Freslon
    13. Cristiana Oghina-Pavie
    14. Fabrice Foucher
    15. Laurence Hibrand-Saint Oyant
    16. Jérémy Clotault

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  3. Partitioning the phenotypic and genetic variances of reaction norms

    This article has 2 authors:
    1. Pierre de Villemereuil
    2. Luis-Miguel Chevin

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  4. Sex-biased gene expression across tissues reveals unexpected differentiation in the gills of the threespine stickleback

    This article has 3 authors:
    1. Florent Sylvestre
    2. Nadia Aubin-Horth
    3. Louis Bernatchez

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  5. Faster model-based estimation of ancestry proportions

    This article has 3 authors:
    1. Cindy G. Santander
    2. Alba Refoyo Martinez
    3. Jonas Meisner

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

    This article has 2 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  6. A genomic duplication spanning multiple P450s contributes to insecticide resistance in the dengue mosquito Aedes aegypti

    This article has 15 authors:
    1. Tiphaine Bacot
    2. Chloe Haberkorn
    3. Joseph Guilliet
    4. Julien Cattel
    5. Mary Kefi
    6. Louis Nadalin
    7. Jonathan Filee
    8. Frederic Boyer
    9. Thierry Gaude
    10. Frederic Laporte
    11. Jordan Tutagata
    12. John Vontas
    13. Isabelle Dusfour
    14. Jean-Marc Bonneville
    15. Jean-Philippe David

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  7. Cryptic species and hybridisation in corals: challenges and opportunities for conservation and restoration

    This article has 16 authors:
    1. Cynthia Riginos
    2. Iva Popovic
    3. Zoe Meziere
    4. Vhon Garcia
    5. Ilha Byrne
    6. Samantha M. Howitt
    7. Hisatake Ishida
    8. Kevin Bairos-Novak
    9. Adriana Humanes
    10. Hugo Scharfenstein
    11. Thomas Richards
    12. Ethan Briggs
    13. Vanessa Clark
    14. Chuan Lei
    15. Mariam Khan
    16. Katharine E. Prata

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  8. The impact of social complexity on the efficacy of natural selection in termites

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Camille Roux
    2. Alice Ha
    3. Arthur Weyna
    4. Morgan Lode
    5. Jonathan Romiguier

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  9. The impact of social complexity on the efficacy of natural selection in termites

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Camille Roux
    2. Alice Ha
    3. Arthur Weyna
    4. Morgan Lode
    5. Jonathan Romiguier

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
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