Latest preprint reviews

  1. Tossing the coin of ESBL: Prevalence of ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from patients with sepsis.

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Beatrice Achan
    2. Tonny Luggya
    3. Robert Innocent Ebwongu
    4. Simon Sekyanzi
    5. Henry Kajumbula

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 4 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
  2. The first comparative metagenomic analysis of diarrheal and non-diarrheal gut microbiome leading to the identification of prospective prognostic markers and probiotics to protect from diarrhea: A Brief Report

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Rituparna De
    2. Suman Kanungo
    3. Asish K. Mukhopadhyay
    4. Shanta Dutta

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 6 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
  3. Evaluation of the Education & Outreach Symposium at the Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2024

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Melissa M Lacey
    2. Michael J Dillon
    3. Sean Goodman
    4. Victoria Easton
    5. Alison I Graham

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 3 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
  4. Campylobacter fetus subspecies fetus; an unforeseen cause of abortion in Regional Australia.

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Immanuella Owusu-Ansa
    2. Manjeera Ramadas
    3. Nikhitha Jacob
    4. Femi E. Ayeni

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 8 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
  5. Effect of the incubation time on blood culture results and bacterial pathogens causing bloodstream infections among children attending Sekou Toure Regional Referral Hospital in Mwanza, Tanzania

    This article has 8 authors:
    1. James Thomas
    2. Albert Wasira
    3. Darus Maarafu
    4. Faustin Igogo
    5. Eunice Emmanuel
    6. Roza Ernest
    7. Martha F. Mushi
    8. Stephen E. Mshana

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 3 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
  6. RSYD-BASIC: a bioinformatics pipeline for Routine Sequence analYsis and Data processing of BActerial iSolates for clInical miCrobiology

    This article has 8 authors:
    1. Kat Steinke
    2. Karina Gravgaard Thomsen
    3. Silje Vermedal Hoegh
    4. Sanne Løkkegaard Larsen
    5. Karina Kubel Vilhelmsen
    6. Thøger Gorm Jensen
    7. Marianne Nielsine Skov
    8. Thomas Vognbjerg Sydenham

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 8 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
  7. Isolation and genetic analysis of mycobacteria from suspect tuberculous lesions in slaughtered cattle from Wolaita, Ethiopia

    This article has 10 authors:
    1. Melese Yilma Zaba
    2. Sebsib Neway
    3. Damien Farrell
    4. Eva Denion
    5. Viktor Perets
    6. Melaku Tilahun
    7. Kidist Bobosha
    8. Joseph P. Cassidy
    9. Asefa Asmare
    10. Stephen V. Gordon

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 3 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
  8. Crystalline lens dislocation as a presenting sign of Streptococcus pyogenes invasive infections

    This article has 8 authors:
    1. Paulina Liberman
    2. Jacob G Light
    3. Shazia Dharssi
    4. Tracy Howard
    5. Jen Lu
    6. Patricia J. Simner
    7. Karen C. Carroll
    8. Cheng-Ying Ho

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 3 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
  9. A Cautionary Tale of False Positive Histoplasma Urine Antigen in an HIV Patient: A Case Report

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Mohammad Z Khrais
    2. Jake Smith
    3. Tanmay Gandhi
    4. Shahrukh Arif
    5. Juan Carlos Rico

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 3 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
  10. Detection of vanA genes in vancomycin susceptible Enterococcus faecium isolates; implications for additional testing

    This article has 2 authors:
    1. Victoria Jordan
    2. Hemalatha Varadhan

    Reviewed by Access Microbiology

    This article has 4 evaluationsLatest version Latest activity
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