Latest preprint reviews

  1. In defense of the original Type I functional response: The frequency and population-dynamic effects of feeding on multiple prey at a time

    This article has 3 authors:
    1. Mark Novak
    2. Kyle E. Coblentz
    3. John P. DeLong

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Ecology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  2. Crop productivity of Central European Permaculture is within the range of organic and conventional agriculture

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Julius Reiff
    2. Hermann F. Jungkunst
    3. Nicole Antes
    4. Martin H. Entling

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Ecology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  3. Exploring Rubiaceae fungal endophytes across contrasting tropical forests, tree tissues, and developmental stages

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Humberto Castillo-Gonzalez
    2. Jason C Slot
    3. Stephanie Yarwood
    4. Priscila Chaverri

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Ecology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  4. Cool topoclimates promote cold-adapted plant diversity in temperate mountain forests

    This article has 9 authors:
    1. Jeremy Borderieux
    2. Emiel De Lombaerde
    3. Karen De Pauw
    4. Pieter Sanczuk
    5. Pieter Vangansbeke
    6. Thomas Vanneste
    7. Pieter De Frenne
    8. Jean-Claude Gégout
    9. Josep Serra-Diaz

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Ecology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  5. Delayed dichromatism in waterfowl as a convenient tool for assessing vital rates

    This article has 6 authors:
    1. Adrien Tableau
    2. Iain Henderson
    3. Sébastien Reeber
    4. Matthieu Guillemain
    5. Jean-François Maillard
    6. Alain Caizergues

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Ecology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  6. Using informative priors to account for identifiability issues in occupancy models with identification errors

    This article has 3 authors:
    1. Célian Monchy
    2. Marie-Pierre Etienne
    3. Olivier Gimenez

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Ecology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  7. Integrating multiple datasets to align biological and statistical populations for abundance estimation

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Michelle Kissling
    2. Paul Lukacs
    3. Kelly Nesvacil
    4. Scott Gende
    5. Grey Pendleton

    Reviewed by Peer Community in Ecology

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
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