1. Review Commons

    Review Commons is a platform for high-quality journal-independent peer-review in the life sciences.
    This group has 4790 evaluations1 list146 followersLatest activity
  2. eLife

    eLife reviews preprints in the life sciences and medicine.
    This group has 36394 evaluations6517 curated articles1 list288 followersLatest activity
  3. Biophysics Colab

    Biophysics Colab is a collaboration of biophysicists who are working in partnership with eLife to improve the way in which original research is evaluated. We aim to drive forward the principles of open science by providing an equitable, inclusive, and transparent environment for peer review. Our ambition is to facilitate a publishing ecosystem in which the significance of research is recognised independently of publication venue.
    This group has 67 evaluations19 curated articles2 lists64 followersLatest activity
  4. ASAPbio crowd review

    We promote the productive use of preprints for research dissemination and transparent peer review and feedback on all research outputs.
    This group has 45 evaluations1 list39 followersLatest activity
  5. PeerRef

    PeerRef is a journal-independent open peer review platform for all research.
    This group has 79 evaluations1 list19 followersLatest activity
  6. preLights

    preLights is a community initiative supported by The Company of Biologists.
    This group has 1269 evaluations1 list47 followersLatest activity
  7. PeerJ

    PeerJ is an open access publisher of 7 peer-reviewed journals, and an editorial community of over 2000 Academic Editors and Advisors, and tens of thousands of authors and reviewers.
    This group has 1368 evaluations1 list85 followersLatest activity
  8. GigaByte

    GigaByte is an open access and open science journal published by GigaScience Press, BGI's Open Access and Open Data Publishing division. As with our sister-journal GigaScience— we publish ALL reusable and shareable research objects, such as data, software tools and workflows, from data-driven research.
    This group has 160 evaluations40 curated articles1 list10 followersLatest activity
  9. GigaScience

    GigaScience is an open access, open data, open peer-review journal focusing on ‘big data’ research from the life and biomedical sciences.
    This group has 583 evaluations1 list13 followersLatest activity
  10. ScreenIT

    The Automated Screening Working Groups is a group of software engineers and biologists passionate about improving scientific manuscripts on a large scale. Our members have created tools that check for common problems in scientific manuscripts, including information needed to improve transparency and reproducibility. We have combined our tools into a single pipeline, called ScreenIT. We're currently using our tools to screen COVID preprints.
    This group has 24814 evaluations1 list21 followersLatest activity
  11. PREreview

    PREreview's mission is to bring more diversity to scholarly peer review by supporting and empowering community of researchers, particularly those at early stages of their career (ECRs) to review preprints.
    This group has 649 evaluations1 list159 followersLatest activity