Latest preprint reviews

  1. The RAB27A effector SYTL5 regulates mitophagy and mitochondrial metabolism

    This article has 8 authors:
    1. Ana Lapao
    2. Lauren Sophie Johnson
    3. Laura Trachsel-Moncho
    4. Sakshi Singh
    5. Matthew Yoke Wui Ng
    6. Sigve Nakken
    7. Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen
    8. Anne Simonsen
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      eLife Assessment

      This study presents valuable insights into the role of two proteins, Rab27A and SYTL5, which control vesicle transport and delivery. While the data is clear, the overall evidence is somewhat incomplete. Strengthening the mechanistic aspect would enhance the study, making it of greater interest to cell biologists studying membrane trafficking and mitochondria.

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    This article has 4 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  2. PRMT1-Mediated Metabolic Reprogramming Promotes Leukemogenesis

    This article has 24 authors:
    1. Hairui Su
    2. Yong Sun
    3. Han Guo
    4. Chiao-Wang Sun
    5. Qiuying Chen
    6. Szumam Liu
    7. Anlun Li
    8. Min Gao
    9. Rui Zhao
    10. Glen Raffel
    11. Jian Jin
    12. Cheng-qui Qu
    13. Michael Yu
    14. Christopher A Klug
    15. George Y Zheng
    16. Scott Ballinger
    17. Matthew Kutny
    18. XLong Zheng
    19. Zechen Chong
    20. Chamara Senevirathne
    21. Steve Gross
    22. Yabing Chen
    23. Minkui Luo
    24. Xinyang Zhao
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    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      This study reveals that PRMT1 overexpression drives tumorigenesis of acute megakaryocytic leukemia (AMKL) and that targeting PRMT1 is a viable approach for treating AMKL. While the evidence, based largely on one cell line, is convincing, further validations in additional experiment settings will solidify the conclusion. These findings have important implications for the treatment of AMKL with PRMT1 over expression in the future.

    Reviewed by eLife

    This article has 3 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  3. A Commander-independent function of COMMD3 in endosomal trafficking

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Galen T Squiers
    2. Chun Wan
    3. James Gorder
    4. Harrison Puscher
    5. Jingshi Shen
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    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      This important study explores the commander-independent function of COMMD3-Arf1 in endosomal recycling. The evidence supporting the authors' claims is solid; however, the inclusion of additional validation experiments and control conditions would have further strengthened the study. The findings will be of significant interest to cell biologists working on membrane trafficking.

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  4. Negative regulation of miRNAs sorting in EVs: the RNA-binding protein PCBP2 impairs SYNCRIP-mediated miRNAs EVs loading

    This article has 10 authors:
    1. Francesco Marocco
    2. Sabrina Garbo
    3. Claudia Montaldo
    4. Alessio Colantoni
    5. Luca Quattrocchi
    6. Gioele Gaboardi
    7. Carla Cicchini
    8. Gian Gaetano Tartaglia
    9. Cecilia Battistelli
    10. Marco Tripodi
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      eLife Assessment

      This manuscript makes a valuable contribution to the field by uncovering a molecular mechanism for miRNA intracellular retention, mediated by the interaction of PCBP2, SYNCRIP, and specific miRNA motifs. These findings advance our understanding of RNA-binding protein-mediated miRNA sorting and provide deeper insights into miRNA dynamics. While the conclusions are supported by solid experimental evidence, additional controls and clarification of the precise intracellular interactions would further strengthen the study.

    Reviewed by eLife

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  5. Newly discovered and conserved role of IgM against viral infection in an early vertebrate

    This article has 10 authors:
    1. Weiguang Kong
    2. Xinyou Wang
    3. Guangyi Ding
    4. Peng Yang
    5. Yong Shi
    6. Chang Cai
    7. Xinyi Yang
    8. Gaofeng Cheng
    9. Fumio Takizawa
    10. Zhen Xu
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    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      This important study explores the conserved role of IgM in both systemic and mucosal antiviral immunity in teleosts, challenging established views on the differential roles of IgT and IgM. The findings have theoretical and practical implications for immunology and aquaculture. However, the strength of the evidence is incomplete due to insufficient validation of the monoclonal antibodies used to deplete IgM, which limits confidence in the main claims. Addressing these methodological weaknesses would significantly enhance the study's impact.

    Reviewed by eLife

    This article has 2 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  6. Clathrin-independent endocytosis and retrograde transport in cancer cells promote cytotoxic CD8 T cell activation

    This article has 10 authors:
    1. Shiqiang Xu
    2. Alix Buridant
    3. Thibault Hirsch
    4. Massiullah Shafaq-Zadah
    5. Estelle Dransart
    6. Benjamin Ledoux
    7. Ludger Johannes
    8. Pierre van der Bruggen
    9. Pierre Morsomme
    10. Henri-François Renard
    This article has been curated by 1 group:
    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      This valuable study provides convincing evidence that specific proteins on the surface of cancer cells undergo a particular form of recycling and are redirected toward the cell-cell contact with T cells, a type of immune cell. However, the characterization of the consequences of T cell activation resulting from perturbing the recycling pathway is incomplete. Furthermore, relevant literature has not been sufficiently cited.

    Reviewed by eLife

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  7. Stability vs flexibility: reshaping archaeal membranes in silico

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Miguel Amaral
    2. Felix Frey
    3. Xiuyun Jiang
    4. Buzz Baum
    5. Anđela Šarić
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      eLife Assessment

      This important study characterizes the mechanics and stability of bolalipids from archaeal membranes using molecular dynamics simulations. A mesoscale model of bolalipids is presented and evaluated across a series of membrane configurations. The evidence supporting the conclusions is convincing, demonstrating that mixtures of bolalipids and regular bilayer lipids in archaeal membranes enhance fluidity and stability.

    Reviewed by eLife

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  8. Neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex that are not modulated by hippocampal sharp-wave ripples are involved in spatial tuning and signaling upcoming choice

    This article has 2 authors:
    1. Hanna den Bakker
    2. Fabian Kloosterman
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    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      This useful study reports analyses of Neuropixel recordings in the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of rats in a spatial navigation trial, focusing on classifying prefrontal neurons based on SWR modulation and anatomical location. However, the evidence for claims of a clear link between SWR modulation and neuronal encoding, and the evidence for anatomical organization, is currently incomplete. Further analyses might strengthen the evidence for some conclusions, and some of the strong claims of the paper should likely be moderated.

    Reviewed by eLife

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  9. Novel and optimized mouse behavior enabled by fully autonomous HABITS: Home-cage Assisted Behavioral Innovation and Testing System

    This article has 6 authors:
    1. Bowen Yu
    2. Penghai Li
    3. Haoze Xu
    4. Yueming Wang
    5. Kedi Xu
    6. Yaoyao Hao
    This article has been curated by 1 group:
    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      This manuscript describes a novel approach for assessing cognitive function in freely moving mice in their home-cage, without human involvement. The authors provide convincing evidence in support of the tasks they developed to capture a variety of complex behaviors and demonstrate the utility of a machine learning approach to expedite the acquisition of task demands. This work is important given its potential utility for other investigators interested in studying mouse cognition. However, additional information (e.g., detailed construction manual, code) is needed to allow other investigators to implement this system independently and use it widely.

    Reviewed by eLife

    This article has 5 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  10. Sexual Failure Decreases Sweet Taste Perception in Male Drosophila via Dopaminergic Signaling

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Gaohang Wang
    2. Wei Qi
    3. Rui Huang
    4. Liming Wang
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    • Curated by eLife

      eLife Assessment

      This study provides valuable findings on the effects of mating experience on sweet taste perception. The data as presented provide solid evidence that the dopaminergic signaling-mediated reward system underlies this mating state-dependent behavioral modulation. The work will interest neuroscientists, particularly those working on neuromodulation and the effects of internal states on behavior.

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