1. The neuronal calcium sensor NCS-1 regulates the phosphorylation state and activity of the Gα chaperone and GEF Ric-8A

    This article has 11 authors:
    1. Daniel Muñoz-Reyes
    2. Levi J McClelland
    3. Sandra Arroyo-Urea
    4. Sonia Sánchez-Yepes
    5. Juan Sabín
    6. Sara Pérez-Suárez
    7. Margarita Menendez
    8. Alicia Mansilla
    9. Javier García-Nafría
    10. Stephen Sprang
    11. Maria Jose Sanchez-Barrena
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      eLife assessment

      This important study reports biochemical and structural experiments that were carried out to determine the molecular basis of calcium-sensitive regulation of the guanine exchange factor Ric8A by the neuronal calcium sensor 1 (NCS-1). Structural and biochemical evidence for the NCS-1/Ric8A interface is convincing, but evidence for the full-length interactions is incomplete due to the low resolution of cryo-EM maps. This work will have important implications for scientists interested in G-protein signaling and molecular interactions that contribute to synapse function.

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  2. Structural rather than catalytic role for mitochondrial respiratory chain supercomplexes

    This article has 6 authors:
    1. Michele Brischigliaro
    2. Alfredo Cabrera-Orefice
    3. Susanne Arnold
    4. Carlo Viscomi
    5. Massimo Zeviani
    6. Erika Fernández-Vizarra
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      eLife assessment

      This study presents valuable findings on the organization of respiratory chain complexes in mitochondria. It provides solid evidence that respiratory supercomplex formation in the fruit fly does not impact respiratory function, suggesting the role of these complexes is structural, rather than catalytic. However, whether the conclusions extend to other species requires further evidence. This manuscript will be of broad interest to the field of mitochondrial bioenergetics.

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  3. An unconventional gatekeeper mutation sensitizes inositol hexakisphosphate kinases to an allosteric inhibitor

    This article has 9 authors:
    1. Tim Aguirre
    2. Gillian L Dornan
    3. Sarah Hostachy
    4. Martin Neuenschwander
    5. Carola Seyffarth
    6. Volker Haucke
    7. Anja Schütz
    8. Jens Peter von Kries
    9. Dorothea Fiedler
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      eLife assessment

      This manuscript describes a fundamental strategy for developing isozyme-selective inhibitors of inositol hexakisphosphate kinases. The compelling evidence that subtle changes to the gatekeeper position can sensitize the inositol hexakisphosphate kinase mutant to allosteric inhibitors will undoubtedly inspire other analog-sensitive inhibitor studies. This manuscript will be of interest to researchers focusing on kinase regulation and inhibitor design.

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  4. Oligomerization-dependent and synergistic regulation of Cdc42 GTPase cycling by a GEF and a GAP

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Sophie Tschirpke
    2. Werner K-G. Daalman
    3. Frank van Opstal
    4. Liedewij Laan

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  5. MEMO1 binds iron and modulates iron homeostasis in cancer cells

    This article has 14 authors:
    1. Natalia Dolgova
    2. Eva-Maria E Uhlemann
    3. Michal T Boniecki
    4. Frederick S Vizeacoumar
    5. Anjuman Ara
    6. Paria Nouri
    7. Martina Ralle
    8. Marco Tonelli
    9. Syed A Abbas
    10. Jaala Patry
    11. Hussain Elhasasna
    12. Andrew Freywald
    13. Franco J Vizeacoumar
    14. Oleg Y Dmitriev
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      eLife assessment

      Dolgova et al present a well-written and important manuscript focused on the mechanism of MEMO1 function in tumor cells. The authors explore whether the mechanism of MEMO1 overexpression in breast cancer, especially TNBC, is related to regulating iron given evidence that MEMO1 binds multiple proteins in the iron regulation pathway. While the data is in part compelling, the claims are based on indirect evidence for a central role of MEMO1 in tumorogenesis and perhaps metastasis via its effect on iron homeostasis.

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  6. Hepatic conversion of acetyl-CoA to acetate plays crucial roles in energy stress

    This article has 16 authors:
    1. Jinyang Wang
    2. Yaxin Wen
    3. Wentao Zhao
    4. Yan Zhang
    5. Furong Lin
    6. Cong Ouyang
    7. Huihui Wang
    8. Lizheng Yao
    9. Huanhuan Ma
    10. Yue Zhuo
    11. Huiying Huang
    12. Xiulin Shi
    13. Liubin Feng
    14. Donghai Lin
    15. Bin Jiang
    16. Qinxi Li
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      eLife assessment

      This is important work that examines hepatic acetate production via ACOT12/18 in starvation and diabetes. The investigators use solid loss of function strategies in cells, including mouse primary hepatocytes, and in vivo mouse experiments to show that ACOTs are necessary for normal acetate production in the context of fasting and type 1 diabetes. Given that acetate is commonly thought to primarily represent a fermentation product, this study is of interest as it describes hepatic pathways converting fatty acids to acetate.

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  7. Structural basis for the phase separation of the chromosome passenger complex

    This article has 6 authors:
    1. Nikaela W Bryan
    2. Aamir Ali
    3. Ewa Niedzialkowska
    4. Leland Mayne
    5. P Todd Stukenberg
    6. Ben E Black

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  8. The protective function of an immunity protein against the cis -toxic effects of a Xanthomonas Type IV Secretion System Effector

    This article has 6 authors:
    1. Gabriel U. Oka
    2. Diorge P. Souza
    3. Germán G. Sgro
    4. Cristiane R. Guzzo
    5. German Dunger
    6. Chuck S. Farah

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  9. The Calpain-7 protease functions together with the ESCRT-III protein IST1 within the midbody to regulate the timing and completion of abscission

    This article has 7 authors:
    1. Elliott L Paine
    2. Jack J Skalicky
    3. Frank G Whitby
    4. Douglas R Mackay
    5. Katharine S Ullman
    6. Christopher P Hill
    7. Wesley I Sundquist
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      eLife assessment

      The manuscript by Paine and coworkers provides a fundamental improvement on how the enzymatic activity of CALPAIN7 (a Cys protease) influences cytokinesis mediated by the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) pathway. The authors provide a convincing molecular and cellular basis for one of the several key steps involved in membrane fission during the separation of dividing eukaryotic cells. These findings should be of interest to a wide scientific audience including biochemists, structural biologists, and cell biologists.

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  10. Statin-mediated reduction in mitochondrial cholesterol primes an anti-inflammatory response in macrophages by upregulating Jmjd3

    This article has 17 authors:
    1. Zeina Salloum
    2. Kristin Dauner
    3. Yun-feng Li
    4. Neha Verma
    5. David Valdivieso-González
    6. Víctor Almendro-Vedia
    7. John D Zhang
    8. Kiran Nakka
    9. Mei Xi Chen
    10. Jeffrey McDonald
    11. Chase D Corley
    12. Alexander Sorisky
    13. Bao-Liang Song
    14. Iván López-Montero
    15. Jie Luo
    16. Jeffrey F Dilworth
    17. Xiaohui Zha
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      eLife assessment

      The manuscript by Salloum and colleagues shows that cholesterol-lowering statins can reduce mitochondrial cholesterol and impact epigenetic programs in macrophages. The findings could be valuable for understanding statin-mediated anti-inflammatory functions in macrophages. The major claims describing new mechanisms by which statins may regulate macrophage function via epigenetic programming are partially supported by the data presented.

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