Biophysical network modeling of temporal and stereotyped sequence propagation of neural activity in the premotor nucleus HVC

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    Birdsong production depends on precise neural sequences in a vocal motor nucleus HVC. In this useful biophysical model, Daou and colleagues identify specific biophysical parameters that result in sparse neural sequences observed in vivo. While the model is presently incomplete because it is overfit to produce sequences and therefore not robust to real biological variation, the model has the potential to address some outstanding issues in HVC function.

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Stereotyped neural sequences are often exhibited in the brain, yet the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying their generation are not fully understood. Birdsong is a prominent model to study such behavior particularly because juvenile songbirds progressively learn from their tutors and by adulthood are able to sing stereotyped song patterns. The songbird premotor nucleus HVC coordinate motor and auditory activity responsible for learned vocalizations. The HVC comprises three neural populations that has distinct in vitro and in vivo electrophysiological responses. Typically, models that explain HVC’s network either rely on intrinsic HVC circuitry to propagate sequential activity, rely on extrinsic feedback to advance the sequence or rely on both. Here, we developed a physiologically realistic neural network model incorporating the three classes of HVC neurons based on the ion channels and the synaptic currents that had been pharmacologically identified. Our model is based on a feedforward chain of microcircuits that encode for the different sub-syllabic segments (SSSs) and that interact with each other through structured feedback inhibition. The network reproduced the in vivo activity patterns of each class of HVC neurons, and unveiled key intrinsic and synaptic mechanisms that govern the sequential propagation of neural activity by highlighting important roles for the T-type Ca 2+ current, Ca 2+ -dependent K + current, A-type K + current, hyperpolarization activated inward current, as well as excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents. The result is a biophysically realistic model that suggests an improved characterization of the HVC network responsible for song production in the songbird.

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  1. Author response:

    eLife Assessment

    Birdsong production depends on precise neural sequences in a vocal motor nucleus HVC. In this useful biophysical model, Daou and colleagues identify specific biophysical parameters that result in sparse neural sequences observed in vivo. While the model is presently incomplete because it is overfit to produce sequences and therefore not robust to real biological variation, the model has the potential to address some outstanding issues in HVC function.

    We are grateful for the extensive supportive comments from the reviewers, including broad, strong appreciation of the novel aspects of our manuscript. We believe these will be only strengthened in the next submission.

    Public Reviews:

    Reviewer #1 (Public review):


    The paper presents a model for sequence generation in the zebra finch HVC, which adheres to cellular properties measured experimentally. However, the model is fine-tuned and exhibits limited robustness to noise inherent in the inhibitory interneurons within the HVC, as well as to fluctuations in connectivity between neurons. Although the proposed microcircuits are introduced as units for sub-syllabic segments (SSS), the backbone of the network remains a feedforward chain of HVC_RA neurons, similar to previous models.


    The model incorporates all three of the major types of HVC neurons. The ion channels used and their kinetics are based on experimental measurements. The connection patterns of the neurons are also constrained by the experiments.


    The model is described as consisting of micro-circuits corresponding to SSS. This presentation gives the impression that the model's structure is distinct from previous models, which connected HVC_RA neurons in feedforward chain networks (Jin et al 2007, Li & Greenside, 2006; Long et al 2010; Egger et al 2020). However, the authors implement single HVC_RA neurons into chain networks within each micro-circuit and then connect the end of the chain to the start of the chain in the subsequent micro-circuit. Thus, the HVC_RA neuron in their model forms a single-neuron chain. This structure is essentially a simplified version of earlier models.

    In the model of the paper, the chain network drives the HVC_I and HVC_X neurons. The role of the micro-circuits is more significant in organizing the connections: specifically, from HVC_RA neurons to HVC_I neurons, and from HVC_I neurons to both HVC_X and HVC_RA neurons.

    We thank Reviewer 1 for their thoughtful comments.

    While the reviewer is correct about the fact that the propagation of sequential activity in this model is primarily carried by HVCRA neurons in a feed-forward manner, we need to emphasize that this is true only if there is no intrinsic or synaptic perturbation to the HVC network. For example, we showed in Figures 10 and 12 how altering the intrinsic properties of HVCX neurons or for interneurons disrupts sequence propagation. In other words, while HVCRA neurons are the key forces to carry the chain forward, the interplay between excitation and inhibition in our network as well as the intrinsic parameters for all classes of HVC neurons are equally important forces in carrying the chain of activity forward. Thus, the stability of activity propagation necessary for song production depend on a finely balanced network of HVC neurons, with all classes contributing to the overall dynamics. Moreover, all existing models that describe premotor sequence generation in the HVC either assume a distributed model (Elmaleh et al., 2021) that dictates that local HVC circuitry is not sufficient to advance the sequence but rather depends upon momentto-moment feedback through Uva (Hamaguchi et al., 2016), or assume models that rely on intrinsic connections within HVC to propagate sequential activity. In the latter case, some models assume that HVC is composed of multiple discrete subnetworks that encode individual song elements (Glaze & Troyer, 2013; Long & Fee, 2008; Wang et al., 2008), but lacks the local connectivity to link the subnetworks, while other models assume that HVC may have sufficient information in its intrinsic connections to form a single continuous network sequence (Long et al. 2010). The HVC model we present extends the concept of a feedforward network by incorporating additional neuronal classes that influence the propagation of activity (interneurons and HVCX neurons). We have shown that any disturbance of the intrinsic or synaptic conductances of these latter neurons will disrupt activity in the circuit even when HVCRA neurons properties are maintained.

    In regard to the similarities between our model and earlier models, several aspects of our model distinguish it from prior work. In short, while several models of how sequence is generated within HVC have been proposed (Cannon et al., 2015; Drew & Abbott, 2003; Egger et al., 2020; Elmaleh et al., 2021; Galvis et al., 2018; Gibb et al., 2009a, 2009b; Hamaguchi et al., 2016; Jin, 2009; Long & Fee, 2008; Markowitz et al., 2015), all the models proposed either rely on intrinsic HVC circuitry to propagate sequential activity, rely on extrinsic feedback to advance the sequence or rely on both. These models do not capture the complex details of spike morphology, do not include the right ionic currents, do not incorporate all classes of HVC neurons, or do not generate realistic firing patterns as seen in vivo. Our model is the first biophysically realistic model that incorporates all classes of HVC neurons and their intrinsic properties. We tuned the intrinsic and the synaptic properties bases on the traces collected by Daou et al. (2013) and Mooney and Prather (2005) as shown in Figure 3. The three classes of model neurons incorporated to our network as well as the synaptic currents that connect them are based on HodgkinHuxley formalisms that contain ion channels and synaptic currents which had been pharmacologically identified. This is an advancement over prior models that primarily focused on the role of synaptic interactions or external inputs. The model is based on a feedforward chain of microcircuits that encode for the different sub-syllabic segments and that interact with each other through structured feedback inhibition, defining an ordered sequence of cell firing. Moreover, while several models highlight the critical role of inhibitory interneurons in shaping the timing and propagation of bursts of activity in HVCRA neurons, our work offers an intricate and comprehensive model that help understand this critical role played by inhibition in shaping song dynamics and ensuring sequence propagation.

    How useful is this concept of micro-circuits? HVC neurons fire continuously even during the silent gaps. There are no SSS during these silent gaps.

    Regarding the concern about the usefulness of the 'microcircuit' concept in our study, we appreciate the comment and we are glad to clarify its relevance in our network. While we acknowledge that HVCRA neurons interconnect microcircuits, our model's dynamics are still best described within the framework of microcircuitry particularly due to the firing behavior of HVCX neurons and interneurons. Here, we are referring to microcircuits in a more functional sense, rather than rigid, isolated spatial divisions (Cannon et al. 2015). A microcircuit in our model reflects the local rules that govern the interaction between all HVC neuron classes within the broader network, and that are essential for proper activity propagation. For example, HVCINT neurons belonging to any microcircuit burst densely and at times other than the moments when the corresponding encoded SSS is being “sung”. What makes a particular interneuron belong to this microcircuit or the other is merely the fact that it cannot inhibit HVCRA neurons that are housed in the microcircuit it belongs to. In particular, if HVCINT inhibits HVCRA in the same microcircuit, some of the HVCRA bursts in the microcircuit might be silenced by the dense and strong HVCINT inhibition breaking the chain of activity again. Similarly, HVCX neurons were selected to be housed within microcircuits due to the following reason: if an HVCX neuron belonging to microcircuit i sends excitatory input to an HVCINT neuron in microcircuit j, and that interneuron happens to select an HVCRA neuron from microcircuit i, then the propagation of sequential activity will halt, and we’ll be in a scenario similar to what was described earlier for HVCINT neurons inhibiting HVCRA neurons in the same microcircuit.

    We agree that there are no sub-syllabic segments described during the silent gaps and we thank the reviewer to pointing this out. Although silent gaps are integral to the overall process of song production, we have not elaborated on them in this model due to the lack of a clear, biophysically grounded representation for the gaps themselves at the level of HVC. Our primary focus has been on modeling the active, syllable-producing phases of the song, where the HVC network’s sequential dynamics are critical for song. However, one can think the encoding of silent gaps via similar mechanisms that encode SSSs, where each gap is encoded by similar microcircuits comprised of the three classes of HVC neurons (let’s called them GAP rather than SSS) that are active only during the silent gaps. In this case, the propagation of sequential activity is carried throughout the GAPs from the last SSS of the previous syllable to the first SSS of the subsequent syllable. We’ll make sure to emphasize this mechanism more in the revised version of the manuscript.

    A significant issue of the current model is that the HVC_RA to HVC_RA connections require fine-tuning, with the network functioning only within a narrow range of g_AMPA (Figure 2B). Similarly, the connections from HVC_I neurons to HVC_RA neurons also require fine-tuning. This sensitivity arises because the somatic properties of HVC_RA neurons are insufficient to produce the stereotypical bursts of spikes observed in recordings from singing birds, as demonstrated in previous studies (Jin et al 2007; Long et al 2010). In these previous works, to address this limitation, a dendritic spike mechanism was introduced to generate an intrinsic bursting capability, which is absent in the somatic compartment of HVC_RA neurons. This dendritic mechanism significantly enhances the robustness of the chain network, eliminating the need to fine-tune any synaptic conductances, including those from HVC_I neurons (Long et al 2010).

    Why is it important that the model should NOT be sensitive to the connection strengths?

    We thank the reviewer for the comment. While mathematical models designed for highly complex nonlinear biological processes tangentially touch the biological realism, the current network as is right now is the first biologically realistic-enough network model designed for HVC that explains sequence propagation. We do not include dendritic processes in our network although that increases the realistic dynamics for various reasons. 1) The ion channels we integrated into the somatic compartment are known pharmacologically (Daou et al. 2013), but we don’t know about the dendritic compartment’s intrinsic properties of HVC neurons and the cocktail of ion channels that are expressed there. 2) We are able to generate realistic bursting in HVCRA neurons despite the single compartment, and the main emphasis in this network is on the interactions between excitation and inhibition, the effects of ion channels in modulating sequence propagation, etc. 3) The network model already incorporates thousands of ODEs that govern the dynamics of each of the HVC neurons, so we did not want to add more complexity to the network especially that we don’t know the biophysical properties of the dendritic compartments.

    Therefore, our present focus is on somatic dynamics and the interaction between HVCRA and HVCINT neurons, but we acknowledge the importance of these processes in enhancing network resiliency. Although we agree that adding dendritic processes improves robustness, we still think that somatic processes alone can offer insightful information on the sequential dynamics of the HVC network. While the network should be robust across a wide range of parameters, it is also essential that certain parameters are designed to filter out weaker signals, ensuring that only reliable, precise patterns of activity propagate. Hence, we specifically chose to make the HVCRA-to-HVCRA excitatory connections more sensitive (narrow range of values) such that only strong, precise and meaningful stimuli can propagate through the network representing the high stereotypy and precision seen in song production.

    First, the firing of HVC_I neurons is highly noisy and unreliable. HVC_I neurons fire spontaneous, random spikes under baseline conditions. During singing, their spike timing is imprecise and can vary significantly from trial to trial, with spikes appearing or disappearing across different trials. As a result, their inputs to HVC_RA neurons are inherently noisy. If the model relies on precisely tuned inputs from HVC_I neurons, the natural fluctuations in HVC_I firing would render the model non-functional. The authors should incorporate noisy HVC_I neurons into their model to evaluate whether this noise would render the model non-functional.

    We acknowledge that under baseline and singing settings, interneurons fire in an extremely noisy and inaccurate manner, although they exhibit time locked episodes in their activity (Hahnloser et al 2002, Kozhinikov and Fee 2007). In order to mimic the biological variability of these neurons, our model does, in fact, include a stochastic current to reflect the intrinsic noise and random variations in interneuron firing shown in vivo (and we highlight this in the Methods). If necessary and to make sure the network is resilient to this randomness in interneuron firing, we will investigate different approaches to enhance the noise representation even further and check its effect on sequence propagation.

    Second, Kosche et al. (2015) demonstrated that reducing inhibition by suppressing HVC_I neuron activity makes HVC_RA firing less sparse but does not compromise the temporal precision of the bursts. In this experiment, the local application of gabazine should have severely disrupted HVC_I activity. However, it did not affect the timing precision of HVC_RA neuron firing, emphasizing the robustness of the HVC timing circuit. This robustness is inconsistent with the predictions of the current model, which depends on finely tuned inputs and should, therefore, be vulnerable to such disruptions.

    We thank the reviewer for the comment. The differences between the Kosche et al. (2015) findings and the predictions of our model arise from differences in the aspect of HVC function we are modeling. Our model is more sensitive to inhibition, which is a designed mechanism for achieving precise song patterning. This is a modeling simplification we adopted to capture specific characteristics of HVC function. Hence, Kosche et al. (2015) findings do not invalidate the approach of our model, but highlights that HVC likely operates with several, redundant mechanisms that overall ensure temporal precision.Nevertheless, we will investigate further the effects of the degree of inhibition on song patterning.

    Third, the reliance on fine-tuning of HVC_RA connections becomes problematic if the model is scaled up to include groups of HVC_RA neurons forming a chain network, rather than the single HVC_RA neurons used in the current work. With groups of HVC_RA neurons, the summation of presynaptic inputs to each HVC_RA neuron would need to be precisely maintained for the model to function. However, experimental evidence shows that the HVC circuit remains functional despite perturbations, such as a few degrees of cooling, micro-lesions, or turnover of HVC_RA neurons. Such robustness cannot be accounted for by a model that depends on finely tuned connections, as seen in the current implementation.

    Our model of individual HVCRA neurons and as stated previously is reductive model that focuses on understanding the mechanisms that govern sequential neural activity. We agree that scaling the model to include many of HVCRA neurons poses challenges, specifically concerning the summation of presynaptic inputs. However, our model can still be adapted to a larger network without requiring the level of fine-tuning currently needed. In fact, the current fine-tuning of synaptic connections in the model is a reflection of fundamental network mechanisms rather than a limitation when scaling to a larger network. Besides, one important feature of this neural network is redundancy. Even if some neurons or synaptic connections are impaired, other neurons or pathways can compensate for these changes, allowing the activity propagation to remain intact.

    The authors examined how altering the channel properties of neurons affects the activity in their model. While this approach is valid, many of the observed effects may stem from the delicate balancing required in their model for proper function.

    In the current model, HVC_X neurons burst as a result of rebound activity driven by the I_H current. Rebound bursts mediated by the I_H current typically require a highly hyperpolarized membrane potential. However, this mechanism would fail if the reversal potential of inhibition is higher than the required level of hyperpolarization. Furthermore, Mooney (2000) demonstrated that depolarizing the membrane potential of HVC_X neurons did not prevent bursts of these neurons during forward playback of the bird's own song, suggesting that these bursts (at least under anesthesia, which may be a different state altogether) are not necessarily caused by rebound activity. This discrepancy should be addressed or considered in the model.

    In our HVC network model, one goal with HVCX neurons is to generate bursts in their underlying neuron population. Since HVCX neurons in our model receive only inhibitory inputs from interneurons, we rely on inhibition followed by rebound bursts orchestrated by the IH and the ICaT currents to achieve this goal. The interplay between the T-type Ca++ current and the H current in our model is fundamental to generate their corresponding bursts, as they are sufficient for producing the desired behavior in the network. Due to this interplay, we do not need significant inhibition to generate rebound bursts, because the T-type Ca++ current’s conductance can be stronger leading to robust rebound bursting even when the degree of inhibition is not very strong. We will highlight this with more clarity in the revised version.

    Some figures contain direct copies of figures from published papers. It is perhaps a better practice to replace them with schematics if possible.

    We will replace the relevant figures with schematic representations where possible.

    Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    In this paper, the authors use numerical simulations to try to understand better a major experimental discovery in songbird neuroscience from 2002 by Richard Hahnloser and collaborators. The 2002 paper found that a certain class of projection neurons in the premotor nucleus HVC of adult male zebra finch songbirds, the neurons that project to another premotor nucleus RA, fired sparsely (once per song motif) and precisely (to about 1 ms accuracy) during singing.

    The experimental discovery is important to understand since it initially suggested that the sparsely firing RA-projecting neurons acted as a simple clock that was localized to HVC and that controlled all details of the temporal hierarchy of singing: notes, syllables, gaps, and motifs. Later experiments suggested that the initial interpretation might be incomplete: that the temporal structure of adult male zebra finch songs instead emerged in a more complicated and distributed way, still not well understood, from the interaction of HVC with multiple other nuclei, including auditory and brainstem areas. So at least two major questions remain unanswered more than two decades after the 2002 experiment: What is the neurobiological mechanism that produces the sparse precise bursting: is it a local circuit in HVC or is it some combination of external input to HVC and local circuitry?

    And how is the sparse precise bursting in HVC related to a songbird's vocalizations?

    The authors only investigate part of the first question, whether the mechanism for sparse precise bursts is local to HVC. They do so indirectly, by using conductance-based Hodgkin-Huxley-like equations to simulate the spiking dynamics of a simplified network that includes three known major classes of HVC neurons and such that all neurons within a class are assumed to be identical. A strength of the calculations is that the authors include known biophysically deduced details of the different conductances of the three major classes of HVC neurons, and they take into account what is known, based on sparse paired recordings in slices, about how the three classes connect to one another. One weakness of the paper is that the authors make arbitrary and not well-motivated assumptions about the network geometry, and they do not use the flexibility of their simulations to study how their results depend on their network assumptions. A second weakness is that they ignore many known experimental details such as projections into HVC from other nuclei, dendritic computations (the somas and dendrites are treated by the authors as point-like isopotential objects), the role of neuromodulators, and known heterogeneity of the interneurons. These weaknesses make it difficult for readers to know the relevance of the simulations for experiments and for advancing theoretical understanding.


    The authors use conductance-based Hodgkin-Huxley-like equations to simulate spiking activity in a network of neurons intended to model more accurately songbird nucleus HVC of adult male zebra finches. Spiking models are much closer to experiments than models based on firing rates or on 2-state neurons.

    The authors include information deduced from modeling experimental current-clamp data such as the types and properties of conductances. They also take into account how neurons in one class connect to neurons in other classes via excitatory or inhibitory synapses, based on sparse paired recordings in slices by other researchers.

    The authors obtain some new results of modest interest such as how changes in the maximum conductances of four key channels (e.g., A-type K+ currents or Ca-dependent K+ currents) influence the structure and propagation of bursts, while simultaneously being able to mimic accurately current-clamp voltage measurements.


    One weakness of this paper is the lack of a clearly stated, interesting, and relevant scientific question to try to answer. In the introduction, the authors do not discuss adequately which questions recent experimental and theoretical work have failed to explain adequately, concerning HVC neural dynamics and its role in producing vocalizations. The authors do not discuss adequately why they chose the approach of their paper and how their results address some of these questions.

    For example, the authors need to explain in more detail how their calculations relate to the works of Daou et al, J. Neurophys. 2013 (which already fitted spiking models to neuronal data and identified certain conductances), to Jin et al J. Comput. Neurosci. 2007 (which already discussed how to get bursts using some experimental details), and to the rather similar paper by E. Armstrong and H. Abarbanel, J. Neurophys 2016, which already postulated and studied sequences of microcircuits in HVC. This last paper is not even cited by the authors.

    We thank the reviewer for this valuable comment, and we agree that we did not clarify enough throughout the paper the utility of our model or how it advanced our understanding of the HVC dynamics and circuitry. To that end, we will revise several places of the manuscript and make sure to cite and highlight the relevance and relatedness of the mentioned papers.

    In short, and as mentioned to Reviewer 1, while several models of how sequence is generated within HVC have been proposed (Cannon et al., 2015; Drew & Abbott, 2003; Egger et al., 2020; Elmaleh et al., 2021; Galvis et al., 2018; Gibb et al., 2009a, 2009b; Hamaguchi et al., 2016; Jin, 2009; Long & Fee, 2008; Markowitz et al., 2015; Jin et al., 2007), all the models proposed either rely on intrinsic HVC circuitry to propagate sequential activity, rely on extrinsic feedback to advance the sequence or rely on both. These models do not capture the complex details of spike morphology, do not include the right ionic currents, do not incorporate all classes of HVC neurons, or do not generate realistic firing patterns as seen in vivo. Our model is the first biophysically realistic model that incorporates all classes of HVC neurons and their intrinsic properties.

    No existing hypothesis had been challenged with our model, rather; our model is a distillation of the various models that’s been proposed for the HVC network. We go over this in detail in the Discussion. We believe that the network model we developed provide a step forward in describing the biophysics of HVC circuitry, and may throw a new light on certain dynamics in the mammalian brain, particularly the motor cortex and the hippocampus regions where precisely-timed sequential activity is crucial. We suggest that temporally-precise sequential activity may be a manifestation of neural networks comprised of chain of microcircuits, each containing pools of excitatory and inhibitory neurons, with local interplay among neurons of the same microcircuit and global interplays across the various microcircuits, and with structured inhibition as well as intrinsic properties synchronizing the neuronal pools and stabilizing timing within a firing sequence.

    The authors' main achievement is to show that simulations of a certain simplified and idealized network of spiking neurons, which includes some experimental details but ignores many others, match some experimental results like current-clamp-derived voltage time series for the three classes of HVC neurons (although this was already reported in earlier work by Daou and collaborators in 2013), and simultaneously the robust propagation of bursts with properties similar to those observed in experiments. The authors also present results about how certain neuronal details and burst propagation change when certain key maximum conductances are varied.

    However, these are weak conclusions for two reasons. First, the authors did not do enough calculations to allow the reader to understand how many parameters were needed to obtain these fits and whether simpler circuits, say with fewer parameters and simpler network topology, could do just as well. Second, many previous researchers have demonstrated robust burst propagation in a variety of feed-forward models. So what is new and important about the authors' results compared to the previous computational papers?

    A major novelty of our work is the incorporation of experimental data with detailed network models. While earlier works have established robust burst propagation, our model uses realistic ion channel kinetics and feedback inhibition not only to reproduce experimental neural activity patterns but also to suggest prospective mechanisms for song sequence production in the most biophysical way possible. This aspect that distinguishes our work from other feed-forward models. We go over this in detail in the Discussion. However, the reviewer is right regarding the details of the calculations conducted for the fits, we will make sure to highlight this in the Methods and throughout the manuscript with more details.

    We believe that the network model we developed provide a step forward in describing the biophysics of HVC circuitry, and may throw a new light on certain dynamics in the mammalian brain, particularly the motor cortex and the hippocampus regions where precisely-timed sequential activity is crucial. We suggest that temporally-precise sequential activity may be a manifestation of neural networks comprised of chain of microcircuits, each containing pools of excitatory and inhibitory neurons, with local interplay among neurons of the same microcircuit and global interplays across the various microcircuits, and with structured inhibition as well as intrinsic properties synchronizing the neuronal pools and stabilizing timing within a firing sequence.

    Also missing is a discussion, or at least an acknowledgment, of the fact that not all of the fine experimental details of undershoots, latencies, spike structure, spike accommodation, etc may be relevant for understanding vocalization. While it is nice to know that some models can match these experimental details and produce realistic bursts, that does not mean that all of these details are relevant for the function of producing precise vocalizations. Scientific insights in biology often require exploring which of the many observed details can be ignored and especially identifying the few that are essential for answering some questions. As one example, if HVC-X neurons are completely removed from the authors' model, does one still get robust and reasonable burst propagation of HVC-RA neurons? While part of the nucleus HVC acts as a premotor circuit that drives the nucleus RA, part of HVC is also related to learning. It is not clear that HVC-X neurons, which carry out some unknown calculation and transmit information to area X in a learning pathway, are relevant for burst production and propagation of HVCRA neurons, and so relevant for vocalization. Simulations provide a convenient and direct way to explore questions of this kind.

    One key question to answer is whether the bursting of HVC-RA projection neurons is based on a mechanism local to HVC or is some combination of external driving (say from auditory nuclei) and local circuitry. The authors do not contribute to answering this question because they ignore external driving and assume that the mechanism is some kind of intrinsic feed-forward circuit, which they put in by hand in a rather arbitrary and poorly justified way, by assuming the existence of small microcircuits consisting of a few HVC-RA, HVC-X, and HVC-I neurons that somehow correspond to "sub-syllabic segments". To my knowledge, experiments do not suggest the existence of such microcircuits nor does theory suggest the need for such microcircuits.

    Recent results showed a tight correlation between the intrinsic properties of neurons and features of song (Daou and Margoliash 2020, Medina and Margoliash 2024), where adult birds that exhibit similar songs tend to have similar intrinsic properties. While this is relevant, we acknowledge that not all details may be necessary for every aspect of vocalization, and future models could simplify concentrate on core dynamics and exclude certain features while still providing insights into the primary mechanisms.

    The question of whether HVCX neurons are relevant for burst propagation given that our model includes these neurons as part of the network for completeness, the reviewer is correct, the propagation of sequential activity in this model is primarily carried by HVCRA neurons in a feed-forward manner, but only if there is no perturbation to the HVC network. For example, we have shown how altering the intrinsic properties of HVCX neurons or for interneurons disrupts sequence propagation. In other words, while HVC neurons are the key forces to carry the chain forward, the interplay between excitation and inhibition in our network as well as the intrinsic parameters for all classes of HVC neurons are equally important forces in carrying the chain of activity forward. Thus, the stability of activity propagation necessary for song production depend on a finely balanced network of HVC neurons, with all classes contributing to the overall dynamics.

    We agree with the reviewer however that a potential drawback of our model is that its sole focus is on local excitatory connectivity within the HVC (Kornfeld et al., 2017; Long et al., 2010), while HVC neurons receive afferent excitatory connections (Akutagawa & Konishi, 2010; Nottebohm et al., 1982) that plays significant roles in their local dynamics. For example, the excitatory inputs that HVC neurons receive from Uvaeformis may be crucial in initiating (Andalman et al., 2011; Danish et al., 2017; Galvis et al., 2018) or sustaining (Hamaguchi et al., 2016) the sequential activity. While we acknowledge this limitation, our main contribution in this work is the biophysical insights onto how the patterning activity in HVC is largely shaped by the intrinsic properties of the individual neurons as well as the synaptic properties where excitation and inhibition play a major role in enabling neurons to generate their characteristic bursts during singing. This is true and holds irrespective of whether an external drive is injected onto the microcircuits or not. We will however elaborate on and investigate this more during the next submission.

    Another weakness of this paper is an unsatisfactory discussion of how the model was obtained, validated, and simulated. The authors should state as clearly as possible, in one location such as an appendix, what is the total number of independent parameters for the entire network and how parameter values were deduced from data or assigned by hand. With enough parameters and variables, many details can be fit arbitrarily accurately so researchers have to be careful to avoid overfitting. If parameter values were obtained by fitting to data, the authors should state clearly what the fitting algorithm was (some iterative nonlinear method, whose results can depend on the initial choice of parameters), what the error function used for fitting (sum of least squares?) was, and what data were used for the fitting.

    The authors should also state clearly the dynamical state of the network, the vector of quantities that evolve over time. (What is the dimension of that vector, which is also the number of ordinary differential equations that have to be integrated?) The authors do not mention what initial state was used to start the numerical integrations, whether transient dynamics were observed and what were their properties, or how the results depended on the choice of the initial state. The authors do not discuss how they determined that their model was programmed correctly (it is difficult to avoid typing errors when writing several pages or more of a code in any language) or how they determined the accuracy of the numerical integration method beyond fitting to experimental data, say by varying the time step size over some range or by comparing two different integration algorithms.

    We thank the reviewer again. The fitting process in our model occurred only at the first stage where the synaptic parameters were fit to the Mooney and Prather as well as the Kosche results. There was no data shared and we merely looked at the figures in those papers and checked the amplitude of the elicited currents, the magnitudes of DC-evoked excitations etc, and we replicated that in our model. While this is suboptimal, it was better for us to start with it rather than simply using equations for synaptic currents from the literature for other types of neurons (that are not even HVC’s or in the songbird) and integrate them into our network model. However, we will certainly highlight the details of this fitting process in the new submission. We will also highlight more technical details in the Methods regarding the exact number of ODEs, the initial conditions to run them, etc.

    Also disappointing is that the authors do not make any predictions to test, except rather weak ones such as that varying a maximum conductance sufficiently (which might be possible by using dynamic clamps) might cause burst propagation to stop or change its properties. Based on their results, the authors do not make suggestions for further experiments or calculations, but they should.

    We agree that making experimental testable predictions is crucial for the advancement of the model. Our predictions include testing whether eradication of a class of neurons such as HVCX neurons disrupts activity propagation which can be done through targeted neuron elimination. This also can be done through preventing rebound bursting in HVCX by pharmacologically blocking the Ih channels. Others include down regulation of certain ion channels (pharmacologically done through ion blockers) and testing which current is fundamental for song production (and there a plenty of test based our results, like the SK current, the T-type Ca++ current, the A-type K+ current, etc). We will incorporate these into the revised manuscript to better demonstrate the model's applicability and to guide future research directions.

  2. eLife Assessment

    Birdsong production depends on precise neural sequences in a vocal motor nucleus HVC. In this useful biophysical model, Daou and colleagues identify specific biophysical parameters that result in sparse neural sequences observed in vivo. While the model is presently incomplete because it is overfit to produce sequences and therefore not robust to real biological variation, the model has the potential to address some outstanding issues in HVC function.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


    The paper presents a model for sequence generation in the zebra finch HVC, which adheres to cellular properties measured experimentally. However, the model is fine-tuned and exhibits limited robustness to noise inherent in the inhibitory interneurons within the HVC, as well as to fluctuations in connectivity between neurons. Although the proposed microcircuits are introduced as units for sub-syllabic segments (SSS), the backbone of the network remains a feedforward chain of HVC_RA neurons, similar to previous models.


    The model incorporates all three of the major types of HVC neurons. The ion channels used and their kinetics are based on experimental measurements. The connection patterns of the neurons are also constrained by the experiments.


    The model is described as consisting of micro-circuits corresponding to SSS. This presentation gives the impression that the model's structure is distinct from previous models, which connected HVC_RA neurons in feedforward chain networks (Jin et al 2007, Li & Greenside, 2006; Long et al 2010; Egger et al 2020). However, the authors implement single HVC_RA neurons into chain networks within each micro-circuit and then connect the end of the chain to the start of the chain in the subsequent micro-circuit. Thus, the HVC_RA neuron in their model forms a single-neuron chain. This structure is essentially a simplified version of earlier models.

    In the model of the paper, the chain network drives the HVC_I and HVC_X neurons. The role of the micro-circuits is more significant in organizing the connections: specifically, from HVC_RA neurons to HVC_I neurons, and from HVC_I neurons to both HVC_X and HVC_RA neurons.

    How useful is this concept of micro-circuits? HVC neurons fire continuously even during the silent gaps. There are no SSS during these silent gaps.

    A significant issue of the current model is that the HVC_RA to HVC_RA connections require fine-tuning, with the network functioning only within a narrow range of g_AMPA (Figure 2B). Similarly, the connections from HVC_I neurons to HVC_RA neurons also require fine-tuning. This sensitivity arises because the somatic properties of HVC_RA neurons are insufficient to produce the stereotypical bursts of spikes observed in recordings from singing birds, as demonstrated in previous studies (Jin et al 2007; Long et al 2010). In these previous works, to address this limitation, a dendritic spike mechanism was introduced to generate an intrinsic bursting capability, which is absent in the somatic compartment of HVC_RA neurons. This dendritic mechanism significantly enhances the robustness of the chain network, eliminating the need to fine-tune any synaptic conductances, including those from HVC_I neurons (Long et al 2010).

    Why is it important that the model should NOT be sensitive to the connection strengths?

    First, the firing of HVC_I neurons is highly noisy and unreliable. HVC_I neurons fire spontaneous, random spikes under baseline conditions. During singing, their spike timing is imprecise and can vary significantly from trial to trial, with spikes appearing or disappearing across different trials. As a result, their inputs to HVC_RA neurons are inherently noisy. If the model relies on precisely tuned inputs from HVC_I neurons, the natural fluctuations in HVC_I firing would render the model non-functional. The authors should incorporate noisy HVC_I neurons into their model to evaluate whether this noise would render the model non-functional.

    Second, Kosche et al. (2015) demonstrated that reducing inhibition by suppressing HVC_I neuron activity makes HVC_RA firing less sparse but does not compromise the temporal precision of the bursts. In this experiment, the local application of gabazine should have severely disrupted HVC_I activity. However, it did not affect the timing precision of HVC_RA neuron firing, emphasizing the robustness of the HVC timing circuit. This robustness is inconsistent with the predictions of the current model, which depends on finely tuned inputs and should, therefore, be vulnerable to such disruptions.

    Third, the reliance on fine-tuning of HVC_RA connections becomes problematic if the model is scaled up to include groups of HVC_RA neurons forming a chain network, rather than the single HVC_RA neurons used in the current work. With groups of HVC_RA neurons, the summation of presynaptic inputs to each HVC_RA neuron would need to be precisely maintained for the model to function. However, experimental evidence shows that the HVC circuit remains functional despite perturbations, such as a few degrees of cooling, micro-lesions, or turnover of HVC_RA neurons. Such robustness cannot be accounted for by a model that depends on finely tuned connections, as seen in the current implementation.

    The authors examined how altering the channel properties of neurons affects the activity in their model. While this approach is valid, many of the observed effects may stem from the delicate balancing required in their model for proper function.

    In the current model, HVC_X neurons burst as a result of rebound activity driven by the I_H current. Rebound bursts mediated by the I_H current typically require a highly hyperpolarized membrane potential. However, this mechanism would fail if the reversal potential of inhibition is higher than the required level of hyperpolarization. Furthermore, Mooney (2000) demonstrated that depolarizing the membrane potential of HVC_X neurons did not prevent bursts of these neurons during forward playback of the bird's own song, suggesting that these bursts (at least under anesthesia, which may be a different state altogether) are not necessarily caused by rebound activity. This discrepancy should be addressed or considered in the model.

    Some figures contain direct copies of figures from published papers. It is perhaps a better practice to replace them with schematics if possible.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    In this paper, the authors use numerical simulations to try to understand better a major experimental discovery in songbird neuroscience from 2002 by Richard Hahnloser and collaborators. The 2002 paper found that a certain class of projection neurons in the premotor nucleus HVC of adult male zebra finch songbirds, the neurons that project to another premotor nucleus RA, fired sparsely (once per song motif) and precisely (to about 1 ms accuracy) during singing.

    The experimental discovery is important to understand since it initially suggested that the sparsely firing RA-projecting neurons acted as a simple clock that was localized to HVC and that controlled all details of the temporal hierarchy of singing: notes, syllables, gaps, and motifs. Later experiments suggested that the initial interpretation might be incomplete: that the temporal structure of adult male zebra finch songs instead emerged in a more complicated and distributed way, still not well understood, from the interaction of HVC with multiple other nuclei, including auditory and brainstem areas. So at least two major questions remain unanswered more than two decades after the 2002 experiment: What is the neurobiological mechanism that produces the sparse precise bursting: is it a local circuit in HVC or is it some combination of external input to HVC and local circuitry? And how is the sparse precise bursting in HVC related to a songbird's vocalizations?

    The authors only investigate part of the first question, whether the mechanism for sparse precise bursts is local to HVC. They do so indirectly, by using conductance-based Hodgkin-Huxley-like equations to simulate the spiking dynamics of a simplified network that includes three known major classes of HVC neurons and such that all neurons within a class are assumed to be identical. A strength of the calculations is that the authors include known biophysically deduced details of the different conductances of the three major classes of HVC neurons, and they take into account what is known, based on sparse paired recordings in slices, about how the three classes connect to one another. One weakness of the paper is that the authors make arbitrary and not well-motivated assumptions about the network geometry, and they do not use the flexibility of their simulations to study how their results depend on their network assumptions. A second weakness is that they ignore many known experimental details such as projections into HVC from other nuclei, dendritic computations (the somas and dendrites are treated by the authors as point-like isopotential objects), the role of neuromodulators, and known heterogeneity of the interneurons. These weaknesses make it difficult for readers to know the relevance of the simulations for experiments and for advancing theoretical understanding.


    The authors use conductance-based Hodgkin-Huxley-like equations to simulate spiking activity in a network of neurons intended to model more accurately songbird nucleus HVC of adult male zebra finches. Spiking models are much closer to experiments than models based on firing rates or on 2-state neurons.

    The authors include information deduced from modeling experimental current-clamp data such as the types and properties of conductances. They also take into account how neurons in one class connect to neurons in other classes via excitatory or inhibitory synapses, based on sparse paired recordings in slices by other researchers.

    The authors obtain some new results of modest interest such as how changes in the maximum conductances of four key channels (e.g., A-type K+ currents or Ca-dependent K+ currents) influence the structure and propagation of bursts, while simultaneously being able to mimic accurately current-clamp voltage measurements.


    One weakness of this paper is the lack of a clearly stated, interesting, and relevant scientific question to try to answer. In the introduction, the authors do not discuss adequately which questions recent experimental and theoretical work have failed to explain adequately, concerning HVC neural dynamics and its role in producing vocalizations. The authors do not discuss adequately why they chose the approach of their paper and how their results address some of these questions.

    For example, the authors need to explain in more detail how their calculations relate to the works of Daou et al, J. Neurophys. 2013 (which already fitted spiking models to neuronal data and identified certain conductances), to Jin et al J. Comput. Neurosci. 2007 (which already discussed how to get bursts using some experimental details), and to the rather similar paper by E. Armstrong and H. Abarbanel, J. Neurophys 2016, which already postulated and studied sequences of microcircuits in HVC. This last paper is not even cited by the authors.

    The authors' main achievement is to show that simulations of a certain simplified and idealized network of spiking neurons, which includes some experimental details but ignores many others, match some experimental results like current-clamp-derived voltage time series for the three classes of HVC neurons (although this was already reported in earlier work by Daou and collaborators in 2013), and simultaneously the robust propagation of bursts with properties similar to those observed in experiments. The authors also present results about how certain neuronal details and burst propagation change when certain key maximum conductances are varied.

    However, these are weak conclusions for two reasons. First, the authors did not do enough calculations to allow the reader to understand how many parameters were needed to obtain these fits and whether simpler circuits, say with fewer parameters and simpler network topology, could do just as well. Second, many previous researchers have demonstrated robust burst propagation in a variety of feed-forward models. So what is new and important about the authors' results compared to the previous computational papers?

    Also missing is a discussion, or at least an acknowledgment, of the fact that not all of the fine experimental details of undershoots, latencies, spike structure, spike accommodation, etc may be relevant for understanding vocalization. While it is nice to know that some models can match these experimental details and produce realistic bursts, that does not mean that all of these details are relevant for the function of producing precise vocalizations. Scientific insights in biology often require exploring which of the many observed details can be ignored and especially identifying the few that are essential for answering some questions. As one example, if HVC-X neurons are completely removed from the authors' model, does one still get robust and reasonable burst propagation of HVC-RA neurons? While part of the nucleus HVC acts as a premotor circuit that drives the nucleus RA, part of HVC is also related to learning. It is not clear that HVC-X neurons, which carry out some unknown calculation and transmit information to area X in a learning pathway, are relevant for burst production and propagation of HVC-RA neurons, and so relevant for vocalization. Simulations provide a convenient and direct way to explore questions of this kind.

    One key question to answer is whether the bursting of HVC-RA projection neurons is based on a mechanism local to HVC or is some combination of external driving (say from auditory nuclei) and local circuitry. The authors do not contribute to answering this question because they ignore external driving and assume that the mechanism is some kind of intrinsic feed-forward circuit, which they put in by hand in a rather arbitrary and poorly justified way, by assuming the existence of small microcircuits consisting of a few HVC-RA, HVC-X, and HVC-I neurons that somehow correspond to "sub-syllabic segments". To my knowledge, experiments do not suggest the existence of such microcircuits nor does theory suggest the need for such microcircuits.

    Another weakness of this paper is an unsatisfactory discussion of how the model was obtained, validated, and simulated. The authors should state as clearly as possible, in one location such as an appendix, what is the total number of independent parameters for the entire network and how parameter values were deduced from data or assigned by hand. With enough parameters and variables, many details can be fit arbitrarily accurately so researchers have to be careful to avoid overfitting. If parameter values were obtained by fitting to data, the authors should state clearly what the fitting algorithm was (some iterative nonlinear method, whose results can depend on the initial choice of parameters), what the error function used for fitting (sum of least squares?) was, and what data were used for the fitting.

    The authors should also state clearly the dynamical state of the network, the vector of quantities that evolve over time. (What is the dimension of that vector, which is also the number of ordinary differential equations that have to be integrated?) The authors do not mention what initial state was used to start the numerical integrations, whether transient dynamics were observed and what were their properties, or how the results depended on the choice of the initial state. The authors do not discuss how they determined that their model was programmed correctly (it is difficult to avoid typing errors when writing several pages or more of a code in any language) or how they determined the accuracy of the numerical integration method beyond fitting to experimental data, say by varying the time step size over some range or by comparing two different integration algorithms.

    Also disappointing is that the authors do not make any predictions to test, except rather weak ones such as that varying a maximum conductance sufficiently (which might be possible by using dynamic clamps) might cause burst propagation to stop or change its properties. Based on their results, the authors do not make suggestions for further experiments or calculations, but they should.