1. Alpha-bat soup

    A community curated collection of preprints about the fascinating flying mammals. Preprints added here are those that have been evaluated or had versions published in 2023.

    This list contains 3 articlesLast updated
  2. Multiple group peer review and curation

    Sciety facilitates multiple organisations to review and curate the same preprint, creating an ecosystem where review and curation is performed by many groups, not just a single journal. This list showcases preprint peer review by multiple communities

    This list contains 19 articlesLast updated
  3. Preprint review and curation

    Articles related to the growing research around the commentary, feedback, review and curation of preprint literature.

    This list contains 12 articlesLast updated
  4. Preprint highlights for June

    A collection of the evaluated preprints we've been highlighting on social media.

    This list contains 14 articlesLast updated
  5. Preprint highlights April - May

    A collection of the evaluated preprints we've been highlighting on social media.

    This list contains 39 articlesLast updated
  6. Preprint highlights Jan - March

    A collection of the evaluated preprints we've been highlighting on social media.

    This list contains 13 articlesLast updated