1. Review Commons

    Review Commons is a platform for high-quality journal-independent peer-review in the life sciences.
    This group has 4929 evaluations1 list147 followersLatest activity
  2. eLife

    eLife reviews preprints in the life sciences and medicine.
    This group has 37985 evaluations6683 curated articles1 list290 followersLatest activity
  3. PeerRef

    PeerRef is a journal-independent open peer review platform for all research.
    This group has 79 evaluations1 list20 followersLatest activity
  4. GigaScience

    GigaScience is an open access, open data, open peer-review journal focusing on ‘big data’ research from the life and biomedical sciences.
    This group has 587 evaluations1 list13 followersLatest activity