1. ASAPbio crowd review

    We promote the productive use of preprints for research dissemination and transparent peer review and feedback on all research outputs.
    This group has 45 evaluations1 list32 followersLatest activity
  2. preLights

    preLights is a community initiative supported by The Company of Biologists.
    This group has 1174 evaluations1 list43 followersLatest activity
  3. PREreview

    PREreview's mission is to bring more diversity to scholarly peer review by supporting and empowering community of researchers, particularly those at early stages of their career (ECRs) to review preprints.
    This group has 409 evaluations1 list145 followersLatest activity
  4. Review Commons

    Review Commons is a platform for high-quality journal-independent peer-review in the life sciences.
    This group has 4119 evaluations1 list136 followersLatest activity
  5. eLife

    eLife reviews preprints in the life sciences and medicine.
    This group has 26791 evaluations5240 curated articles23 lists275 followersLatest activity
  6. Arcadia Science

    Arcadia Science is a science company that shares open research publications and requests community feedback. To contribute to the ecosystem of open review, our scientists make public comments on public products. Our scientists comment modularly, annotating preprints with specific comments on the areas that best align with their expertise.
    This group has 2641 evaluations1 list19 followersLatest activity
  7. ASAPbio-SciELO Preprint crowd review

    O ASAPbio promove o uso produtivo de preprints para divulgação da pesquisa e avaliação por pares transparente e feedback sobre todos os resultados da pesquisa. SciELO Preprints é um servidor de preprints multilingue e multi-disciplinar gerenciado pelo Programa SciELO.
    This group has 13 evaluations1 list5 followersLatest activity