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  1. Single-cell eQTL mapping in yeast reveals a tradeoff between growth and reproduction

    This article has 8 authors:
    1. James Boocock
    2. Noah Alexander
    3. Leslie Alamo Tapia
    4. Laura Walter-McNeill
    5. Shivani Prashant Patel
    6. Chetan Munugala
    7. Joshua S Bloom
    8. Leonid Kruglyak
    This article has been curated by 1 group:
    • Curated by eLife

      eLife assessment

      This manuscript describes the mapping of natural DNA sequence variants that affect gene expression and its noise, as well as cell cycle timing, using as input single-cell RNA-sequencing of progeny from crosses between wild yeast strains. The method represents an important advance in the study of natural genetic variation. The findings, especially given the follow-up validation of the phenotypic impact of a mapped locus of major effect, provide convincing support for the rigor and utility of the method.

    Reviewed by eLife, Arcadia Science

    This article has 10 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  2. Novel Association of Lyme disease, Age, and Atopic Dermatitis

    This article has 17 authors:
    1. Brandon T. Lee
    2. Sarah D. Galloway
    3. Qingying Feng
    4. Satu Strausz
    5. Maia Shoham
    6. Paige Hansen
    7. Laughing Bear Torrez Dulgeroff
    8. Grace Blacker
    9. Ying Y. Yiu
    10. Paul Mansfield
    11. FinnGen
    12. Atif Saleem
    13. Eric Gars
    14. Erin C. Sanders
    15. Irving L. Weissman
    16. Hanna M. Ollila
    17. Michal Caspi Tal

    Reviewed by Arcadia Science

    This article has 3 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  3. Evolutionary trends of alternative splicing

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Rebeca de la Fuente
    2. Wladimiro Díaz-Villanueva
    3. Vicente Arnau
    4. Andrés Moya
    This article has been curated by 1 group:
    • Curated by eLife

      eLife assessment

      The authors examined whether the frequency of alternative splicing across entire genomes correlates with measures of complexities across prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Although the question is very interesting and important for our general understanding of the evolution of life forms, the work is inadequate: the methods, data, and analyses do not support the primary claims. The measure of alternative splicing frequency used by the authors is problematic; the method is inappropriate; the observed correlations may also be explained by known population genetics principles; and parts of the manuscript are difficult to understand.

    Reviewed by Arcadia Science, eLife

    This article has 15 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  4. FAIR Header Reference genome: a TRUSTworthy standard

    This article has 13 authors:
    1. Adam Wright
    2. Mark D Wilkinson
    3. Christopher Mungall
    4. Scott Cain
    5. Stephen Richards
    6. Paul Sternberg
    7. Ellen Provin
    8. Jonathan L Jacobs
    9. Scott Geib
    10. Daniela Raciti
    11. Karen Yook
    12. Lincoln Stein
    13. David C Molik

    Reviewed by Arcadia Science

    This article has 26 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  5. Predicting phage-bacteria interactions at the strain level from genomes

    This article has 14 authors:
    1. Baptiste Gaborieau
    2. Hugo Vaysset
    3. Florian Tesson
    4. Inès Charachon
    5. Nicolas Dib
    6. Juliette Bernier
    7. Tanguy Dequidt
    8. Héloïse Georjon
    9. Olivier Clermont
    10. Pascal Hersen
    11. Laurent Debarbieux
    12. Jean-Damien Ricard
    13. Erick Denamur
    14. Aude Bernheim

    Reviewed by Arcadia Science

    This article has 3 evaluationsAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity