Evaluated articles
A list by GigaScience
Articles that have been evaluated by GigaScience.
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PhenoMeNal: processing and analysis of metabolomics data in the cloud
This article has 56 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Lilikoi: an R package for personalized pathway-based classification modeling using metabolomics data
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
BLINK: a package for the next level of genome-wide association studies with both individuals and markers in the millions
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Efficient and accurate detection of splice junctions from RNAseq with Portcullis
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Re-assembly, quality evaluation, and annotation of 678 microbial eukaryotic reference transcriptomes
This article has 3 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Ximmer: a system for improving accuracy and consistency of CNV calling from exome data
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Single-cell RNA-seq reveals dynamic transcriptome profiling in human early neural differentiation
This article has 20 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Monitoring changes in the Gene Ontology and their impact on genomic data analysis
This article has 3 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Imaging tissues and cells beyond the diffraction limit with structured illumination microscopy and Bayesian image reconstruction
This article has 6 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
PhenoSpD: an integrated toolkit for phenotypic correlation estimation and multiple testing correction using GWAS summary statistics
This article has 11 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
ANNOgesic: a Swiss army knife for the RNA-seq based annotation of bacterial/archaeal genomes
This article has 3 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Clinker: visualizing fusion genes detected in RNA-seq data
This article has 7 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
SVEngine: an efficient and versatile simulator of genome structural variations with features of cancer clonal evolution
This article has 7 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Clustering trees: a visualization for evaluating clusterings at multiple resolutions
This article has 2 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Whole genome and transcriptome maps of the entirely black native Korean chicken breed Yeonsan Ogye
This article has 11 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Leveraging multiple transcriptome assembly methods for improved gene structure annotation
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
Hot-starting software containers for STAR aligner
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
MetaMap: an atlas of metatranscriptomic reads in human disease-related RNA-seq data
This article has 9 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience
YAMP: a containerized workflow enabling reproducibility in metagenomics research
This article has 3 authors:Reviewed by GigaScience