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  1. Visually-guided compensation of deafening-induced song deterioration

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. M Rolland
    2. A Zai
    3. RHR Hahnloser
    4. C Del Negro
    5. N Giret

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  2. Mechanical stresses govern myoblast fusion and myotube growth

    This article has 9 authors:
    1. Yoann Le Toquin
    2. Sushil Dubey
    3. Aleksandra Ardaševa
    4. Lakshmi Balasubramaniam
    5. Emilie Delaune
    6. Valérie Morin
    7. Amin Doostmohammadi
    8. Christophe Marcelle
    9. Benoît Ladoux

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  3. IMMClock reveals immune aging and T cell function at single-cell resolution

    This article has 13 authors:
    1. Yael Gurevich Schmidt
    2. Di Wu
    3. Sanna Madan
    4. Sanju Sinha
    5. Sahil Sahni
    6. Vishaka Gopalan
    7. Binbin Wang
    8. Saugato Rahman Dhruba
    9. Alejandro A. Schäffer
    10. Nan-ping Weng
    11. Nicholas P. Restifo
    12. Kun Wang
    13. Eytan Ruppin

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  4. Levetiracetam prevents Aβ42 production through SV2a-dependent modulation of App processing in Alzheimer’s disease models

    This article has 15 authors:
    1. Nalini R. Rao
    2. Olivia DeGulis
    3. Toshihiro Nomura
    4. SeungEun Lee
    5. Timothy J. Hark
    6. Justin C. Dynes
    7. Emily X. Dexter
    8. Maciej Dulewicz
    9. Junyue Ge
    10. Arun Upadhyay
    11. Eugenio F. Fornasiero
    12. Robert Vassar
    13. Jörg Hanrieder
    14. Anis Contractor
    15. Jeffrey N. Savas

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  5. Thermal preconditioning modulates coral physiology and heat tolerance: A multi-species perspective

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Erik F. Ferrara
    2. Anna Roik
    3. Franziska Wöhrmann-Zipf
    4. Maren Ziegler

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  6. Adenine DNA methylation associated to transcription is widespread across eukaryotes

    This article has 9 authors:
    1. Pedro Romero Charria
    2. Cristina Navarrete
    3. Vladimir Ovchinnikov
    4. Luke A Sarre
    5. Victoria Shabardina
    6. Elena Casacuberta
    7. David Lara-Astiaso
    8. Arnau Sebé-Pedrós
    9. Alex de Mendoza

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  7. Sex chromosomes shape the transcriptional landscape of the preimplantation mouse embryo

    This article has 11 authors:
    1. Daniel M. Snell
    2. Wazeer Varsally
    3. Aurélien Courtois
    4. Sergio Menchero
    5. Prabhakaran Munusamy
    6. Richelle Rietdijk
    7. Obah A. Ojarikre
    8. Stephanie Strohbuecker
    9. Haskan Kaya
    10. Mahesh N. Sangrithi
    11. James M.A. Turner

    Reviewed by preLights

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  8. Necrosulfonamide causes oxidation of PCM1 and impairs ciliogenesis and autophagy

    This article has 9 authors:
    1. Clotilde C.N. Renaud
    2. Carolina Alves Nicolau
    3. Clément Maghe
    4. Kilian Trillet
    5. Jane Jardine
    6. Sophie Escot
    7. Nicolas David
    8. Julie Gavard
    9. Nicolas Bidère

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  9. Huntingtin S421 phosphorylation increases kinesin and dynein engagement on early endosomes and lysosomes

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Emily N.P. Prowse
    2. Abdullah R. Chaudhary
    3. David Sharon
    4. Adam G. Hendricks

    Reviewed by preLights

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  10. Polystyrene nanoplastics promote neurodegeneration by catalyzing TDP43 hyperphosphorylation

    This article has 13 authors:
    1. Winanto
    2. Li-Yi Tan
    3. Wai Hon Chooi
    4. Cheryl Yi-Pin Lee
    5. Wan Yun Ho
    6. Yong Shan Lim
    7. Boon Seng Soh
    8. Emma Sanford
    9. Chong-Lun Tan
    10. Yih-Cherng Liou
    11. Cathy Chia-Yu Huang
    12. Shuo-Chien Ling
    13. Shi-Yan Ng

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