Segment-specific axon guidance by Wnt/Fz signaling diversifies motor commands in Drosophila larvae

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    The study by Takagi and colleagues is an important contribution to the question of how homologous neuronal circuits might be wired differently to elicit different behaviours. The authors combine genetic, neuroanatomical, and behavioral data to provide convincing evidence that Dfz2/DWnt4 signaling controls the innervation pattern of wave command neurons in the fly larva, and thereby behavioral locomotion program selection.

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Functional diversification of homologous neuronal microcircuits is a widespread feature observed across brain regions as well as across species, while its molecular and developmental mechanisms remain largely unknown. We address this question in Drosophila larvae by focusing on segmentally homologous Wave command-like neurons, which diversify their wiring and function in a segment-specific manner. Anterior Wave (a-Wave) neurons extend axons anteriorly and connect to circuits inducing backward locomotion, whereas posterior Wave (p-Wave) neurons extend axons posteriorly and trigger forward locomotion. Here, we show that Frizzled receptors DFz2 and DFz4, together with the DWnt4 ligand, regulate the segment-specific Wave axon projection. DFz2 knock-down (KD) not only reroutes Wave axons to posterior neuromeres but also biases its motor command to induce forward instead of backward locomotion as tactile response. Thus, segment-specific axon guidance diversifies the function of homologous command neurons in behavioral regulation. Since control of anterior-posterior (A-P) axon guidance by Wnt/Fz-signaling is evolutionarily conserved, our results reveal a potentially universal molecular principle for formation and diversification of the command system in the nerve cord. Furthermore, this work indicates that sensorimotor transduction can be rerouted by manipulating a single gene in a single class of neurons, potentially facilitating the evolutionary flexibility in action selection.

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  1. eLife assessment

    The study by Takagi and colleagues is an important contribution to the question of how homologous neuronal circuits might be wired differently to elicit different behaviours. The authors combine genetic, neuroanatomical, and behavioral data to provide convincing evidence that Dfz2/DWnt4 signaling controls the innervation pattern of wave command neurons in the fly larva, and thereby behavioral locomotion program selection.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    In this study, Takagi and colleagues demonstrate that changes in axonal arborization of the segmental wave motor command neurons are sufficient to change behavioral motor output.

    The authors identify the Wnt receptors DFz2 and DFz4 and the ligand Wnt4 as modulators of stereotypic segmental arborization patterns of segmental wave neurons along the anterior-posterior body axis. Based on both embryonic expression pattern analysis and genetic manipulation of the signaling components in wave neurons (receptors) and the neuropil (Wnt4) the authors convincingly demonstrate that Wnt4 acts as a repulsive ligand for DFz2 that restricts posterior axon guidance of both anterior and posterior wave neurons. They also provide the first evidence that Wnt4 potentially acts as an attractive ligand for Df4 to promote the posterior extension of p-wave neurons. Interestingly, artificial optogenetic activation of all wave neurons that normally induces backward locomotion due to the activity of anterior wave neurons, fails to induce backward locomotion in a DFz2 knockdown condition with altered axonal extensions of all wave neurons towards posterior segments. In addition, the authors now observe enhanced fast-forward locomotion, a feature normally induced by posterior wave neurons. Consistent with these findings, they observe that the natural response to an anterior tactile stimulus is similarly altered in DFz2 knockdown animals. The animals respond with less backward movement and increased fast forward motion. These results suggest that alterations in the innervation pattern of wave motor command neurons are sufficient to switch behavioral response programs.


    The authors convincingly demonstrate the importance of Wnt signaling for anterior-posterior axon guidance of a single class of motor command neurons in the larval CNS. The demonstration that alteration of the expression level of a single axon guidance receptor is sufficient to not only alter the innervation pattern but to significantly modify the behavioral response program of the animal provides a potential entry point to understanding behavioral adaptations during evolution.


    While the authors demonstrate an alteration of the behavioral response to a natural tactile stimulus the observed effects, a reduction of backward motion and increased fast-foward locomotion, currently cannot be directly correlated to the morphological alterations observed in the single-neuron analyses. The authors do not report any loss of innervation in the "normal" target region but only a small additional innervation of more posterior regions. An analysis of synaptic connectivity and/or a more detailed morphological analysis that is supported by a larger number of analyzed neurons both in control and experimental animals would further strengthen the confidence of the study. As the authors suggest an alteration of the command circuitry, a direct observation of the downstream activation pattern in response to selective optogenetic stimulation of anterior wave neurons would further strengthen their claims (analogous to Takagi et al., 2017, Figure 4).

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    The authors previously demonstrated that anterior-located a-Wave neurons (neuromeres A1-A3) extend axons anteriorly to connect to circuits inducing backward locomotion, while p-Wave axon (neuromeres A4-A7) project posteriorly to promote forward locomotion in Drosophila larvae. In the manuscript, the authors aim to determine the molecular mechanisms involved in wiring the segmentally homologous Wave neurons distinctively and thus are functionally different in modulating forward or backward locomotion. The genetic screen focused on Wnt/Fz-signaling due to its known anterior-to-posterior guidance roles in mammals and nematodes.


    Knock-down (KD) DFz2 with two independent RNAi-lines caused ectopic posterior axon and dendrite extension for all a- and p-Wave neurons, with a-Wave axon extending into regions where p-Wave axons normally project. Both behavioral assays (optogenetic stimulation of all Wave neurons or tactile stimuli on heads using a von Frey filament) show that backward movement is reduced or absent and that the speed of evoked fast-forward locomotion is increased. This demonstrates that altered projections of Wave do alter behavior and the DFz2 KD phenotype is consistent with the potential aberrant wiring of a-Wave neurons to forward locomotion-promoting circuits instead of to backward locomotion-promoting circuits.

    The main conclusion, that Wnt/Fz-signaling is essential for the guidance of Wave neurons and in diversifying their protection pattern in a segment-specific manner, is further supported by the results showing that DFz2 gain of function causes shortening of a-Wave but not p-Wave axon extensions towards the posterior end and that KD of DFz4 causes axonal shortening only in A6-p-Wave neurons but does not affect dendrites or processes of other Wave neurons. A role for ligand Wnt4 is demonstrated by results indicating that WNT4 mutants' posterior extension of a-Wave axons was elongated similar to DFz2 KD animals and p-Wave axon extension towards the posterior end was shortened similar to DFz2 KD animals. Finally, a DWnt4 gradient decreasing from the posterior (A8) to the anterior end (A2), similar to that described in other species, is supported by analyses of DWnt4 gene expression (using Wnt4 Trojan-Gal4) and protein expression (using antibodies). In contrast, DFz2 receptor levels seemed to decrease from the anterior (A2) to the posterior end (A5/6). Together the results support the conclusion that opposing Wnt/Fz ligand-receptor gradients contribute to the diversification of Wave neurons in a location-dependent manner and that DFz2 and DFz4 have opposing effects on axon extension.


    Wave axon and dendrite projections are not exclusively determined by Wnt4, DFz2, and DFz4, and are likely to involve other Fz receptors, Wt ligands, and other types of receptor-ligand signaling pathways. This is in part supported by the fact that Wnt4 loss of function also resulted in phenotypes that do not mimic DFz2 KD or DFz4 KD (Figures 3D, E, and F) and that other Fz/Wnt mutants caused wave neuron phenotypes (Figure 1-supplement 2, D+E). This is not a weakness per se, since it doesn't affect the main conclusion of the manuscript. However, the description and analyses of the data in particular for Figure 1-supplement 2 D should be clarified in the legend. The number within the bars and the asterisks are not defined. It's presumed they refer to numbers of animals assessed and the asterisk next to DFz2 and DFz4 indicate statistically significant differences. However, only one p-value is provided in the legend. It is also unclear if p-values for the other mutants have not been determined or are non-significant. At least for mutants like Corin, which also exhibit altered axon projections, the p-values should be provided.

    Figure 4 D, F. The gradient for Wnt4 was determined by comparison of expression levels of other segments to A8 but the gradient for DFz2 was by comparison to A2 and the data supports opposing gradients. However, for DFz2 (Figure 4, F) it seems that the gradient is bi-directional with the lowest being in A5 and increasing towards A2 as well as A8. Analysis should be performed in reference to A8 as well to determine if it is indeed bi-directional. While such a finding would not affect the interpretation of a-Wave neurons, it may impact conclusions about p-Wave neuron projections.

    As discussed above, the DFz2 KD phenotypes are consistent with the potential aberrant wiring of a-Wave neurons to forward locomotion-promoting circuits instead of to backward locomotion-promoting circuits. However, since the axon and dendrites of a-Wave and p-Wave are affected the actual dendritic and axonal contributions for the altered behavior remain elusive. The authors certainly considered a potential contribution of altered dendrite projection of a-Wave neurons to the phenotype and their conclusion that altered axonal projections are involved is supported by the optogenetic experiment "bypassing" sensory input (albeit it seems unlikely that all Wave neurons are activated simultaneously when perceiving natural stimuli). However, the author should also consider that altered perception and projection of p-Wave neuron may directly (e.g. extended P-wave axon projections increase forward locomotion input thereby overriding backward locomotion) or indirectly (e.g. feedback loops between forward and backward circuits) contribute to the altered behavioral phenotypes in both assays. It is probably noteworthy that the more complex behavioral alterations observed with mechanical stimulation are likely to also be caused by altered dendritic projections.

    Presynaptic varicosities of a-Wave neurons in DFz2 KD animals are indicated by orange arrows in Figure 1. However, no presynaptic markers have been used to confirm actual ectopic synaptic connections. At least the authors should more clearly define what parameters they used to "visually" define potential presynaptic varicosities. Some arrows seem to point to more "globular structures" but for several others, it's unclear what they are pointing at.