Structural mechanisms of PIP2 activation and SEA0400 inhibition in human cardiac sodium-calcium exchanger NCX1
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NCX1 is an important cardiac Ca2+/Na+ exchanger whose activity is tightly regulated. This manuscript describes the structural basis of activation by the lipid PIP2 and inhibition by binding of a small molecule to NCX1. These results provide key insights into NCX1 regulation and cellular Ca2+ signaling, but the evidence presented is still incomplete.
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Na + /Ca 2+ exchangers (NCXs) transport Ca 2+ across the plasma membrane in exchange for Na + and play a vital role in maintaining cellular Ca 2+ homeostasis. Our previous structural study of human cardiac NCX1 (HsNCX1) reveals the overall architecture of the eukaryotic exchanger and the formation of the inactivation assembly by the intracellular regulatory domain that underlies the cytosolic Na + -dependent inactivation and Ca 2+ activation of NCX1. Here we present the cryo-EM structures of HsNCX1 in complex with a physiological activator phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP 2 ), or pharmacological inhibitor SEA0400 that enhances the inactivation of the exchanger. We demonstrate that PIP 2 binding stimulates NCX1 activity by inducing a conformational change at the interface between the TM and cytosolic domains that destabilizes the inactivation assembly. In contrast, SEA0400 binding in the TM domain of NCX1 stabilizes the exchanger in an inward-facing conformation that facilitates the formation of the inactivation assembly, thereby promoting the Na + -dependent inactivation of NCX1. Thus, this study reveals the structural basis of PIP 2 activation and SEA0400 inhibition of NCX1 and provides some mechanistic understandings of cellular regulation and pharmacology of NCX family proteins.
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eLife Assessment
NCX1 is an important cardiac Ca2+/Na+ exchanger whose activity is tightly regulated. This manuscript describes the structural basis of activation by the lipid PIP2 and inhibition by binding of a small molecule to NCX1. These results provide key insights into NCX1 regulation and cellular Ca2+ signaling, but the evidence presented is still incomplete.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study uses structural and functional approaches to investigate the regulation of the Na/Ca exchanger NCX1 by an activator, PIP2, and an inhibitor, SEA0400.
State-of-the-art methods are employed, and the data are of high quality and presented very clearly. The manuscript combines two rather different studies (one on PIP2; and one on SEA0400) neither of which is explored in the depth one might have hoped to form robust conclusions and significantly extend knowledge in the field.
The novel aspect of this work is the study of PIP2. Unfortunately, technical limitations precluded structural data on binding of the native PIP2, so an unnatural short-chained analog, di-C8 PIP2, was used instead. This raises the question of whether these two molecules, which have similar but very distinctly different profiles of …
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This study uses structural and functional approaches to investigate the regulation of the Na/Ca exchanger NCX1 by an activator, PIP2, and an inhibitor, SEA0400.
State-of-the-art methods are employed, and the data are of high quality and presented very clearly. The manuscript combines two rather different studies (one on PIP2; and one on SEA0400) neither of which is explored in the depth one might have hoped to form robust conclusions and significantly extend knowledge in the field.
The novel aspect of this work is the study of PIP2. Unfortunately, technical limitations precluded structural data on binding of the native PIP2, so an unnatural short-chained analog, di-C8 PIP2, was used instead. This raises the question of whether these two molecules, which have similar but very distinctly different profiles of activation, actually share the same binding pocket and mode of action. In an effort to address this, the authors mutate key residues predicted to be important in forming the binding site for the phosphorylated head group of PIP2. However, none of these mutations prevent PIP2 activation. The only ones that have a significant effect also influence the Na-dependent inactivation process independently of PIP2, thus casting doubt on their role in PIP2 binding, and thus identification of the PIP2 binding site. A more extensive mutagenic study, based on the di-C8 PIP2 binding site, would have given more depth to this work and might have been more revealing mechanistically.
The SEA0400 aspect of the work does not integrate particularly well with the rest of the manuscript. This study confirms the previously reported structure and binding site for SEA0400 but provides no further information. While interesting speculation is presented regarding the connection between SEA0400 inhibition and Na-dependent inactivation, further experiments to test this idea are not included here.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The study by Xue et al. reports the structural basis for the regulation of the human cardiac sodium-calcium exchanger, NCX1, by the endogenous activator PIP2 and the small molecule inhibitor SEA400. This well-written study contextualizes the new data within the existing literature on NCX1 and the broader NCX family. This work builds upon the authors' previous study (Xue et al., 2023), which presented the cryo-EM structures of human cardiac NCX1 in both inactivated and activated states. The 2023 study highlighted key structural differences between the active and inactive states and proposed a mechanism where the activity of NCX1 is regulated by the interactions between the ion-transporting transmembrane domain and the cytosolic regulatory domain. Specifically, in the inward-facing state and at low cytosolic …
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The study by Xue et al. reports the structural basis for the regulation of the human cardiac sodium-calcium exchanger, NCX1, by the endogenous activator PIP2 and the small molecule inhibitor SEA400. This well-written study contextualizes the new data within the existing literature on NCX1 and the broader NCX family. This work builds upon the authors' previous study (Xue et al., 2023), which presented the cryo-EM structures of human cardiac NCX1 in both inactivated and activated states. The 2023 study highlighted key structural differences between the active and inactive states and proposed a mechanism where the activity of NCX1 is regulated by the interactions between the ion-transporting transmembrane domain and the cytosolic regulatory domain. Specifically, in the inward-facing state and at low cytosolic calcium levels, the transmembrane (TM) and cytosolic domains form a stable interaction that results in the inactivation of the exchanger. In contrast, calcium binding to the cytosolic domain at high cytosolic calcium levels disrupts the interaction with the TM domain, leading to active ion exchange.
In the current study, the authors present two mechanisms explaining how both PIP2 stimulates NCX1 activity by destabilizing the protein's inactive state (i.e., by disrupting the interaction between the TM domain and the cytosolic domain) and how SEA400 stabilizes this interaction, thereby acting as a specific inhibitor of the system.
The first part of the results section addresses the effect of PIP2 and PIP2 diC8 on NCX1 activity. This is pertinent as the authors use the diC8 version of this lipid (which has a shorter acyl chain) in their subsequent cryo-EM structure due to the instability of native PIP2. I am not an electrophysiology expert; however, my main comment would be to ask whether there is sufficient data here to characterise fully the differences between PIP2 and PIP2 diC8 on NCX1 function. It appears from the text that this study is the first to report these differences, so perhaps this data needs to be more robust. The spread of the data points in Figure 1B is possibly a little unconvincing given that only six measurements were taken. Why is there one outlier in Figure 1A? Were these results taken using the same batch of oocytes? Are these technical or biological replicates? Is the convention to use statistical significance for these types of experiments?
I am also somewhat skeptical about the modelling of the PIP2 diC8 molecule. The authors state, "The density of the IP3 head group from the bound PIP2 diC8 is well-defined in the EM map. The acyl chains, however, are flexible and could not be resolved in the structure (Fig. S2)."
However, the density appears rather ambiguous to me, and the ligand does not fit well within the density. Specifically, there is a large extension in the volume near the phosphate at the 5' position, with no corresponding volume near the 4' phosphate. Additionally, there is no bifurcation of the volume near the lipid tails. I attempted to model cholesterol hemisuccinate (PDB: Y01) into this density, and it fits reasonably well - at least as well as PIP2 diC8. I am also concerned that if this site is specific for PIP2, then why are there no specific interactions with the lipid phosphates? How can the authors explain the difference between PIP2 and PIP2 diC8 if the acyl chains don't make any direct interactions with the TM domain? In short, the structures do not explain the functional differences presented in Figure 1.
The side chain densities for Arg167 and Arg220 are also quite weak. While there is some density for the side chain of Lys164, it is also very weak. I would expect that if this site were truly specific for PIP2, it should exhibit greater structural rigidity - otherwise, how is this specific?
Given this observation, have the authors considered using other PIP2 variants to determine if the specificity lies with PI4,5P2 as opposed to PI3,5P2 or PI3,4P2? A lack of specificity may explain the observed poor density.
I also noticed many lipid-like densities in the maps for this complex. Is it possible that the authors overlooked something? For instance, there is a cholesterol-like density near Val51, as well as something intriguing near Trp763, where I could model PIP2 diC8 (though this leads to a clash with Trp763). I wonder if the authors are working with mixed populations in their dataset. The accompanying description of the structural changes is well-written (assuming it is accurate).
I would recommend that the authors update the figures associated with this section, as they are currently somewhat difficult to interpret without prior knowledge of NCX architecture. My suggestions include:
- Including the density for the PIP2 diC8 in Figure 2A.
- Adding membrane boundaries (cytosolic vs. extracellular) in Figure 2B.
- Labeling the cytosolic domains in Figure 2B.
- Adding hydrogen bond distances in Figure 2A.
- Detailing the domain movements in Figure 2B (what is the significance of the grey vs. blue structures?).
The section on the mechanism of SEA400-induced inactivation is strong. The maps are of better quality than those for the PIP2 diC8 complex, and the ligand fits well. However, I noticed a density peak below F02 on SEA400 that lies within the hydrogen bonding distance of Asp825. Is this a water molecule? If so, is this significant?
Furthermore, there are many unmodeled regions that are likely cholesterol hemisuccinate or detergent molecules, which may warrant further investigation.
The authors introduce SEA400 as a selective inhibitor of NCX1; however, there is little to no comparison between the binding sites of the different NCX proteins. This section could be expanded. Perhaps Fig. 4C could include sequence conservation data.
Additionally, is the fenestration in the membrane physiological, or is it merely a hole forced open by the binding of SEA400? I was unclear as to whether the authors were suggesting a physiological role for this feature, similar to those observed in sodium channels.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
NCXs are key Ca2+ transporters located on the plasma membrane, essential for maintaining cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and signaling. The activities of NCX are tightly regulated in response to cellular conditions, ensuring precise control of intracellular Ca2+ levels, with profound physiological implications. Building upon their recent breakthrough in determining the structure of human NCX1, the authors obtained cryo-EM structures of NCX1 in complex with its modulators, including the cellular activator PIP2 and the small molecule inhibitor SEA0400. Structural analyses revealed mechanistically informative conformational changes induced by PIP2 and elucidated the molecular basis of inhibition by SEA0400. These findings underscore the critical role of the interface between the transmembrane and cytosolic domains in …
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
NCXs are key Ca2+ transporters located on the plasma membrane, essential for maintaining cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and signaling. The activities of NCX are tightly regulated in response to cellular conditions, ensuring precise control of intracellular Ca2+ levels, with profound physiological implications. Building upon their recent breakthrough in determining the structure of human NCX1, the authors obtained cryo-EM structures of NCX1 in complex with its modulators, including the cellular activator PIP2 and the small molecule inhibitor SEA0400. Structural analyses revealed mechanistically informative conformational changes induced by PIP2 and elucidated the molecular basis of inhibition by SEA0400. These findings underscore the critical role of the interface between the transmembrane and cytosolic domains in NCX regulation and small molecule modulation. Overall, the results provide key insights into NCX regulation, with important implications for cellular Ca2+ homeostasis.