Neural Geometry from Mixed Sensorimotor Selectivity for Predictive Sensorimotor Control

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    eLife assessment

    This useful study examines the neural activity in the motor cortex as a monkey reaches to intercept moving targets, focusing on how tuned single neurons contribute to an interesting overall population geometry. The presented results and analyses are solid, though the investigation of this novel task could be strengthened by clarifying the assumptions behind the single neuron analyses, and further analyses of the neural population activity and its relation to different features of behaviour.

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Although recent studies suggest that activity in the motor cortex, in addition to generating motor outputs, receives substantial information regarding sensory inputs, it is unclear how sensory context adjusts the motor commands. Here, we recorded population neural activity in the motor cortex via microelectrode arrays while monkeys performed flexible manual interceptions of moving targets. During this task, which requires predictive sensorimotor control, the activity of most neurons in the motor cortex encoding upcoming movements, was influenced by ongoing target motion. Single-trial neural states at movement onset formed staggered orbital geometries, suggesting that target speed modulates pre-movement activity in an orthogonal manner. This neural geometry was further evaluated with a representational model and a recurrent neural network (RNN) with task-specific input-output mapping. We propose that sensorimotor dynamics can be derived from neuronal mixed sensorimotor selectivity and dynamic interaction between modulations.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This useful study examines the neural activity in the motor cortex as a monkey reaches to intercept moving targets, focusing on how tuned single neurons contribute to an interesting overall population geometry. The presented results and analyses are solid, though the investigation of this novel task could be strengthened by clarifying the assumptions behind the single neuron analyses, and further analyses of the neural population activity and its relation to different features of behaviour.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    This study addresses the question of how task-relevant sensory information affects activity in the motor cortex. The authors use various approaches to address this question, looking at single units and population activity. They find that there are three subtypes of modulation by sensory information at the single unit level. Population analyses reveal that sensory information affects the neural activity orthogonally to motor output. The authors then compare both single unit and population activity to computational models to investigate how encoding of sensory information at the single unit level is coordinated in a network. They find that an RNN that displays similar orbital dynamics and sensory modulation to the motor cortex also contains nodes that are modulated similarly to the three subtypes identified by the single unit analysis.


    The strengths of this study lie in the population analyses and the approach of comparing single-unit encoding to population dynamics. In particular, the analysis in Figure 3 is very elegant and informative about the effect of sensory information on motor cortical activity. The task is also well designed to suit the questions being asked and well controlled.

    It is commendable that the authors compare single units to population modulation. The addition of the RNN model and perturbations strengthen the conclusion that the subtypes of individual units all contribute to the population dynamics. However, the subtypes (PD shift, gain, and addition) are not sufficiently justified. The authors also do not address that single units exhibit mixed modulation, but RNN units are not treated as such.


    The main weaknesses of the study lie in the categorization of the single units into PD shift, gain, and addition types. The single units exhibit clear mixed selectivity, as the authors highlight. Therefore, the subsequent analyses looking only at the individual classes in the RNN are a little limited. Another weakness of the paper is that the choice of windows for analyses is not properly justified and the dependence of the results on the time windows chosen for single-unit analyses is not assessed. This is particularly pertinent because tuning curves are known to rotate during movements (Sergio et al. 2005 Journal of Neurophysiology).

    This paper shows sensory information can affect motor cortical activity whilst not affecting motor output. However, it is not the first to do so and fails to cite other papers that have investigated sensory modulation of the motor cortex (Stavinksy et al. 2017 Neuron, Pruszynski et al. 2011 Nature, Omrani et al. 2016 eLife). These studies should be mentioned in the Introduction to capture better the context around the present study. It would also be beneficial to add a discussion of how the results compare to the findings from these other works.

    This study also uses insights from single-unit analysis to inform mechanistic models of these population dynamics, which is a powerful approach, but is dependent on the validity of the single-cell analysis, which I have expanded on below.

    I have clarified some of the areas that would benefit from further analysis below:

    (1) Task:
    The task is well designed, although it would have benefited from perhaps one more target speed (for each direction). One monkey appears to have experienced one more target speed than the others (seen in Figure 3C). It would have been nice to have this data for all monkeys.

    (2) Single unit analyses:
    In some analyses, the effects of target speed look more driven by target movement direction (e.g. Figures 1D and E). To confirm target speed is the main modulator, it would be good to compare how much more variance is explained by models including speed rather than just direction. More target speeds may have been helpful here too.

    The choice of the three categories (PD shift, gain addition) is not completely justified in a satisfactory way. It would be nice to see whether these three main categories are confirmed by unsupervised methods.

    The decoder analyses in Figure 2 provide evidence that target speed modulation may change over the trial. Therefore, it is important to see how the window considered for the firing rate in Figure 1 (currently 100ms pre - 100ms post movement onset) affects the results.

    (3) Decoder:
    One feature of the task is that the reach endpoints tile the entire perimeter of the target circle (Figure 1B). However, this feature is not exploited for much of the single-unit analyses. This is most notable in Figure 2, where the use of a SVM limits the decoding to discrete values (the endpoints are divided into 8 categories). Using continuous decoding of hand kinematics would be more appropriate for this task.

    (4) RNN:
    Mixed selectivity is not analysed in the RNN, which would help to compare the model to the real data where mixed selectivity is common. Furthermore, it would be informative to compare the neural data to the RNN activity using canonical correlation or Procrustes analyses. These would help validate the claim of similarity between RNN and neural dynamics, rather than allowing comparisons to be dominated by geometric similarities that may be features of the task. There is also an absence of alternate models to compare the perturbation model results to.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    In this manuscript, Zhang et al. examine neural activity in the motor cortex as monkeys make reaches in a novel target interception task. Zhang et al. begin by examining the single neuron tuning properties across different moving target conditions, finding several classes of neurons: those that shift their preferred direction, those that change their modulation gain, and those that shift their baseline firing rates. The authors go on to find an interesting, tilted ring structure of the neural population activity, depending on the target speed, and find that (1) the reach direction has consistent positioning around the ring, and (2) the tilt of the ring is highly predictive of the target movement speed. The authors then model the neural activity with a single neuron representational model and a recurrent neural network model, concluding that this population structure requires a mixture of the three types of single neurons described at the beginning of the manuscript.


    I find the task the authors present here to be novel and exciting. It slots nicely into an overall trend to break away from a simple reach-to-static-target task to better characterize the breadth of how the motor cortex generates movements. I also appreciate the movement from single neuron characterization to population activity exploration, which generally serves to anchor the results and make them concrete. Further, the orbital ring structure of population activity is fascinating, and the modeling work at the end serves as a useful baseline control to see how it might arise.


    While I find the behavioral task presented here to be excitingly novel, I find the presented analyses and results to be far less interesting than they could be. Key to this, I think, is that the authors are examining this task and related neural activity primarily with a single-neuron representational lens. This would be fine as an initial analysis since the population activity is of course composed of individual neurons, but the field seems to have largely moved towards a more abstract "computation through dynamics" framework that has, in the last several years, provided much more understanding of motor control than the representational framework has. As the manuscript stands now, I'm not entirely sure what interpretation to take away from the representational conclusions the authors made (i.e. the fact that the orbital population geometry arises from a mixture of different tuning types). As such, by the end of the manuscript, I'm not sure I understand any better how the motor cortex or its neural geometry might be contributing to the execution of this novel task.

    Main Comments:

    My main suggestions to the authors revolve around bringing in the computation through a dynamics framework to strengthen their population results. The authors cite the Vyas et al. review paper on the subject, so I believe they are aware of this framework. I have three suggestions for improving or adding to the population results:

    (1) Examination of delay period activity: one of the most interesting aspects of the task was the fact that the monkey had a random-length delay period before he could move to intercept the target. Presumably, the monkey had to prepare to intercept at any time between 400 and 800 ms, which means that there may be some interesting preparatory activity dynamics during this period. For example, after 400ms, does the preparatory activity rotate with the target such that once the go cue happens, the correct interception can be executed? There is some analysis of the delay period population activity in the supplement, but it doesn't quite get at the question of how the interception movement is prepared. This is perhaps the most interesting question that can be asked with this experiment, and it's one that I think may be quite novel for the field--it is a shame that it isn't discussed.

    (2) Supervised examination of population structure via potent and null spaces: simply examining the first three principal components revealed an orbital structure, with a seemingly conserved motor output space and a dimension orthogonal to it that relates to the visual input. However, the authors don't push this insight any further. One way to do that would be to find the "potent space" of motor cortical activity by regression to the arm movement and examine how the tilted rings look in that space (this is actually fairly easy to see in the reach direction components of the dPCA plot in the supplement--the rings will be highly aligned in this space). Presumably, then, the null space should contain information about the target movement. dPCA shows that there's not a single dimension that clearly delineates target speed, but the ring tilt is likely evident if the authors look at the highest variance neural dimension orthogonal to the potent space (the "null space")--this is akin to PC3 in the current figures, but it would be nice to see what comes out when you look in the data for it.

    (3) RNN perturbations: as it's currently written, the RNN modeling has promise, but the perturbations performed don't provide me with much insight. I think this is because the authors are trying to use the RNN to interpret the single neuron tuning, but it's unclear to me what was learned from perturbing the connectivity between what seems to me almost arbitrary groups of neurons (especially considering that 43% of nodes were unclassifiable). It seems to me that a better perturbation might be to move the neural state before the movement onset to see how it changes the output. For example, the authors could move the neural state from one tilted ring to another to see if the virtual hand then reaches a completely different (yet predictable) target. Moreover, if the authors can more clearly characterize the preparatory movement, perhaps perturbations in the delay period would provide even more insight into how the interception might be prepared.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    This experimental study investigates the influence of sensory information on neural population activity in M1 during a delayed reaching task. In the experiment, monkeys are trained to perform a delayed interception reach task, in which the goal is to intercept a potentially moving target.

    This paradigm allows the authors to investigate how, given a fixed reach endpoint (which is assumed to correspond to a fixed motor output), the sensory information regarding the target motion is encoded in neural activity.

    At the level of single neurons, the authors found that target motion modulates the activity in three main ways: gain modulation (scaling of the neural activity depending on the target direction), shift (shift of the preferred direction of neurons tuned to reach direction), or addition (offset to the neural activity).

    At the level of the neural population, target motion information was largely encoded along the 3rd PC of the neural activity, leading to a tilt of the manifold along which reach direction was encoded that was proportional to the target speed. The tilt of the neural manifold was found to be largely driven by the variation of activity of the population of gain-modulated neurons.
    Finally, the authors studied the behaviour of an RNN trained to generate the correct hand velocity given the sensory input and reach direction. The RNN units were found to similarly exhibit mixed selectivity to the sensory information, and the geometry of the « neural population » resembled that observed in the monkeys.


    - The experiment is well set up to address the question of how sensory information that is directly relevant to the behaviour but does not lead to a direct change in behavioural output modulates motor cortical activity.

    - The finding that sensory information modulates the neural activity in M1 during motor preparation and execution is non trivial, given that this modulation of the activity must occur in the nullspace of the movement.

    - The paper gives a complete picture of the effect of the target motion on neural activity, by including analyses at the single neuron level as well as at the population level. Additionally, the authors link those two levels of representation by highlighting how gain modulation contributes to shaping the population representation.


    - One of the main premises of the paper is the fact that the motor output for a given reach point is preserved across different target motions. However, as the authors briefly mention in the conclusion, they did not record muscle activity during the task, but only hand velocity, making it impossible to directly verify how preserved muscle patterns were across movements. While the authors highlight that they did not see any difference in their results when resampling the data to control for similar hand velocities across conditions, this seems like an important potential caveat of the paper whose implications should be discussed further or highlighted earlier in the paper.

    - The main takeaway of the RNN analysis is not fully clear. The authors find that an RNN trained given a sensory input representing a moving target displays modulation to target motion that resembles what is seen in real data. This is interesting, but the authors do not dissect why this representation arises, and how robust it is to various task design choices. For instance, it appears that the network should be able to solve the task using only the motion intention input, which contains the reach endpoint information. If the target motion input is not used for the task, it is not obvious why the RNN units would be modulated by this input (especially as this modulation must lie in the nullspace of the movement hand velocity if the velocity depends only on the reach endpoint). It would thus be important to see alternative models compared to true neural activity, in addition to the model currently included in the paper. Besides, for the model in the paper, it would therefore be interesting to study further how the details of the network setup (eg initial spectral radius of the connectivity, weight regularization, or using only the target position input) affect the modulation by the motion input, as well as the trained population geometry and the relative ratios of modulated cells after training.

    - Additionally, it is unclear what insights are gained from the perturbations to the network connectivity the authors perform, as it is generally expected that modulating the connectivity will degrade task performance and the geometry of the responses. If the authors wish the make claims about the role of the subpopulations, it could be interesting to test whether similar connectivity patterns develop in networks that are not initialized with an all-to-all random connectivity or to use ablation experiments to investigate whether the presence of multiple types of modulations confers any sort of robustness to the network.

    - The results suggest that the observed changes in motor cortical activity with target velocity result from M1 activity receiving an input that encodes the velocity information. This also appears to be the assumption in the RNN model. However, even though the input shown to the animal during preparation is indeed a continuously moving target, it appears that the only relevant quantity to the actual movement is the final endpoint of the reach. While this would have to be a function of the target velocity, one could imagine that the computation of where the monkeys should reach might be performed upstream of the motor cortex, in which case the actual target velocity would become irrelevant to the final motor output. This makes the results of the paper very interesting, but it would be nice if the authors could discuss further when one might expect to see modulation by sensory information that does not directly affect motor output in M1, and where those inputs may come from. It may also be interesting to discuss how the findings relate to previous work that has found behaviourally irrelevant information is being filtered out from M1 (for instance, Russo et al, Neuron 2020 found that in monkeys performing a cycling task, context can be decoded from SMA but not from M1, and Wang et al, Nature Communications 2019 found that perceptual information could not be decoded from PMd)?

  5. Author response:

    eLife assessment

    This useful study examines the neural activity in the motor cortex as a monkey reaches to intercept moving targets, focusing on how tuned single neurons contribute to an interesting overall population geometry. The presented results and analyses are solid, though the investigation of this novel task could be strengthened by clarifying the assumptions behind the single neuron analyses, and further analyses of the neural population activity and its relation to different features of behaviour.

    Thanks for recognizing the content of our research, and please stay tuned for our follow-up studies on neural dynamics during interception.

    Public Reviews:

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    This study addresses the question of how task-relevant sensory information affects activity in the motor cortex. The authors use various approaches to address this question, looking at single units and population activity. They find that there are three subtypes of modulation by sensory information at the single unit level. Population analyses reveal that sensory information affects the neural activity orthogonally to motor output. The authors then compare both single unit and population activity to computational models to investigate how encoding of sensory information at the single unit level is coordinated in a network. They find that an RNN that displays similar orbital dynamics and sensory modulation to the motor cortex also contains nodes that are modulated similarly to the three subtypes identified by the single unit analysis.


    The strengths of this study lie in the population analyses and the approach of comparing single-unit encoding to population dynamics. In particular, the analysis in Figure 3 is very elegant and informative about the effect of sensory information on motor cortical activity. The task is also well designed to suit the questions being asked and well controlled.

    We appreciate these kind comments.

    It is commendable that the authors compare single units to population modulation. The addition of the RNN model and perturbations strengthen the conclusion that the subtypes of individual units all contribute to the population dynamics. However, the subtypes (PD shift, gain, and addition) are not sufficiently justified. The authors also do not address that single units exhibit mixed modulation, but RNN units are not treated as such.

    We’re sorry for not providing sufficient grounds to introduce the subtypes. We determined the PD shift, gain, and addition as pertinent subtypes based on classical cosine tuning model (Georgopoulos et al., 1982) and referred to some gain modulation studies (e.g. Pesaran et al. 2010, Bremner and Andersen, 2012). Here, we applied this subtype analysis as a criteria to identify the modulation in neuronal population rather than to sort neuron into distinct cell types. We will update Methods in the revised version of manuscript.


    The main weaknesses of the study lie in the categorization of the single units into PD shift, gain, and addition types. The single units exhibit clear mixed selectivity, as the authors highlight. Therefore, the subsequent analyses looking only at the individual classes in the RNN are a little limited. Another weakness of the paper is that the choice of windows for analyses is not properly justified and the dependence of the results on the time windows chosen for single-unit analyses is not assessed. This is particularly pertinent because tuning curves are known to rotate during movements (Sergio et al. 2005 Journal of Neurophysiology).

    The mixed selectivity or precisely the mixed modulation is indeed a significant feature of neuronal population in the present study. The purpose of the subtype analysis was to serve as a criterion for the potential modulation mechanisms. However, the results appear to be a spectrum than clusters. It still through some insights to understand the modulation distribution and we will refine the description in the next version. In the current version, we observed single-unit tuning and population neural state with sliding windows, focusing on the period around movement onset (MO) due to the emergence of a ring-like structure. We will clarify the choice of windows and the dependence assessment in the next version. It’s a great suggestion to consider the role of rotating tuning curves in neural dynamics during interception.

    This paper shows sensory information can affect motor cortical activity whilst not affecting motor output. However, it is not the first to do so and fails to cite other papers that have investigated sensory modulation of the motor cortex (Stavinksy et al. 2017 Neuron, Pruszynski et al. 2011 Nature, Omrani et al. 2016 eLife). These studies should be mentioned in the Introduction to capture better the context around the present study. It would also be beneficial to add a discussion of how the results compare to the findings from these other works.

    Thanks for the reminder. We will introduce the relevant research in the next version of manuscript.

    This study also uses insights from single-unit analysis to inform mechanistic models of these population dynamics, which is a powerful approach, but is dependent on the validity of the single-cell analysis, which I have expanded on below.

    I have clarified some of the areas that would benefit from further analysis below:

    (1) Task:

    The task is well designed, although it would have benefited from perhaps one more target speed (for each direction). One monkey appears to have experienced one more target speed than the others (seen in Figure 3C). It would have been nice to have this data for all monkeys.

    Great suggestion! However, it’s hard to implement as the implanted arrays have been removed.

    (2) Single unit analyses:

    In some analyses, the effects of target speed look more driven by target movement direction (e.g. Figures 1D and E). To confirm target speed is the main modulator, it would be good to compare how much more variance is explained by models including speed rather than just direction. More target speeds may have been helpful here too.

    Nice suggestion! The fitting goodness of the simple model (just motor direction) is much less than the complex model (including target speed). We will update the results in the next version.

    The choice of the three categories (PD shift, gain addition) is not completely justified in a satisfactory way. It would be nice to see whether these three main categories are confirmed by unsupervised methods.

    A good point. We will have a try with unsupervised methods.

    The decoder analyses in Figure 2 provide evidence that target speed modulation may change over the trial. Therefore, it is important to see how the window considered for the firing rate in Figure 1 (currently 100ms pre - 100ms post movement onset) affects the results.

    Thanks for the suggestion and close reading. We will test the decoder in other epochs.

    (3) Decoder:

    One feature of the task is that the reach endpoints tile the entire perimeter of the target circle (Figure 1B). However, this feature is not exploited for much of the single-unit analyses. This is most notable in Figure 2, where the use of a SVM limits the decoding to discrete values (the endpoints are divided into 8 categories). Using continuous decoding of hand kinematics would be more appropriate for this task.

    This is a very reasonable suggestion. In this study, we discrete the reach-direction as the previous studies (Li et al., 2018&2022) and thought that the discrete decoding was already enough to show the interaction of sensory and motor variables. In future studies, we will try continuous decoding of hand kinematics.

    (4) RNN:

    Mixed selectivity is not analysed in the RNN, which would help to compare the model to the real data where mixed selectivity is common. Furthermore, it would be informative to compare the neural data to the RNN activity using canonical correlation or Procrustes analyses. These would help validate the claim of similarity between RNN and neural dynamics, rather than allowing comparisons to be dominated by geometric similarities that may be features of the task. There is also an absence of alternate models to compare the perturbation model results to.

    Thank you for these helpful suggestions. We will perform decoding analysis on RNN units to verify if there is interaction of sensory and motor variables as in real data, as well as the canonical correlation or Procrustes analysis.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    In this manuscript, Zhang et al. examine neural activity in the motor cortex as monkeys make reaches in a novel target interception task. Zhang et al. begin by examining the single neuron tuning properties across different moving target conditions, finding several classes of neurons: those that shift their preferred direction, those that change their modulation gain, and those that shift their baseline firing rates. The authors go on to find an interesting, tilted ring structure of the neural population activity, depending on the target speed, and find that (1) the reach direction has consistent positioning around the ring, and (2) the tilt of the ring is highly predictive of the target movement speed. The authors then model the neural activity with a single neuron representational model and a recurrent neural network model, concluding that this population structure requires a mixture of the three types of single neurons described at the beginning of the manuscript.


    I find the task the authors present here to be novel and exciting. It slots nicely into an overall trend to break away from a simple reach-to-static-target task to better characterize the breadth of how the motor cortex generates movements. I also appreciate the movement from single neuron characterization to population activity exploration, which generally serves to anchor the results and make them concrete. Further, the orbital ring structure of population activity is fascinating, and the modeling work at the end serves as a useful baseline control to see how it might arise.

    Thank you for recognizing our work.


    While I find the behavioral task presented here to be excitingly novel, I find the presented analyses and results to be far less interesting than they could be. Key to this, I think, is that the authors are examining this task and related neural activity primarily with a single-neuron representational lens. This would be fine as an initial analysis since the population activity is of course composed of individual neurons, but the field seems to have largely moved towards a more abstract "computation through dynamics" framework that has, in the last several years, provided much more understanding of motor control than the representational framework has. As the manuscript stands now, I'm not entirely sure what interpretation to take away from the representational conclusions the authors made (i.e. the fact that the orbital population geometry arises from a mixture of different tuning types). As such, by the end of the manuscript, I'm not sure I understand any better how the motor cortex or its neural geometry might be contributing to the execution of this novel task.

    The present study shows the sensory modulation on motor tuning in single units and neural state during motor execution period. It’s a pity that the findings were constrained in certain time windows. We are still working this topic, and hopefully will address related questions in our follow-up studies.

    Main Comments:

    My main suggestions to the authors revolve around bringing in the computation through a dynamics framework to strengthen their population results. The authors cite the Vyas et al. review paper on the subject, so I believe they are aware of this framework. I have three suggestions for improving or adding to the population results:

    (1) Examination of delay period activity: one of the most interesting aspects of the task was the fact that the monkey had a random-length delay period before he could move to intercept the target. Presumably, the monkey had to prepare to intercept at any time between 400 and 800 ms, which means that there may be some interesting preparatory activity dynamics during this period. For example, after 400ms, does the preparatory activity rotate with the target such that once the go cue happens, the correct interception can be executed? There is some analysis of the delay period population activity in the supplement, but it doesn't quite get at the question of how the interception movement is prepared. This is perhaps the most interesting question that can be asked with this experiment, and it's one that I think may be quite novel for the field--it is a shame that it isn't discussed.

    Great idea! We are on the way, and close to complete the puzzle.

    (2) Supervised examination of population structure via potent and null spaces: simply examining the first three principal components revealed an orbital structure, with a seemingly conserved motor output space and a dimension orthogonal to it that relates to the visual input. However, the authors don't push this insight any further. One way to do that would be to find the "potent space" of motor cortical activity by regression to the arm movement and examine how the tilted rings look in that space (this is actually fairly easy to see in the reach direction components of the dPCA plot in the supplement--the rings will be highly aligned in this space). Presumably, then, the null space should contain information about the target movement. dPCA shows that there's not a single dimension that clearly delineates target speed, but the ring tilt is likely evident if the authors look at the highest variance neural dimension orthogonal to the potent space (the "null space")--this is akin to PC3 in the current figures, but it would be nice to see what comes out when you look in the data for it.

    Nice suggestion. Target-speed modulation mainly influences PC3, which is consistent with ‘null space’ hypothesis. We will try other methods of dimensionality reduction (e.g. dPCA, Manopt) to determine the potent and null space.

    (3) RNN perturbations: as it's currently written, the RNN modeling has promise, but the perturbations performed don't provide me with much insight. I think this is because the authors are trying to use the RNN to interpret the single neuron tuning, but it's unclear to me what was learned from perturbing the connectivity between what seems to me almost arbitrary groups of neurons (especially considering that 43% of nodes were unclassifiable). It seems to me that a better perturbation might be to move the neural state before the movement onset to see how it changes the output. For example, the authors could move the neural state from one tilted ring to another to see if the virtual hand then reaches a completely different (yet predictable) target. Moreover, if the authors can more clearly characterize the preparatory movement, perhaps perturbations in the delay period would provide even more insight into how the interception might be prepared.

    We are sorry that we didn’t clarify the definition of “none” type, which can be misleading. The 43% unclassified nodes include those inactive ones, when only activate (task-related) nodes included, the ratio of unclassified nodes would be much lower. By perturbing the connectivity, we intended to explore the interaction between different modulations.

    Thank you for the great advice. We tried moving neural states from one ring to another without changing the directional cluster, but this perturbation didn’t have a significant influence on network performance as expected. We will check this result again and try perturbations in the delay period.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    This experimental study investigates the influence of sensory information on neural population activity in M1 during a delayed reaching task. In the experiment, monkeys are trained to perform a delayed interception reach task, in which the goal is to intercept a potentially moving target.

    This paradigm allows the authors to investigate how, given a fixed reach endpoint (which is assumed to correspond to a fixed motor output), the sensory information regarding the target motion is encoded in neural activity.

    At the level of single neurons, the authors found that target motion modulates the activity in three main ways: gain modulation (scaling of the neural activity depending on the target direction), shift (shift of the preferred direction of neurons tuned to reach direction), or addition (offset to the neural activity).

    At the level of the neural population, target motion information was largely encoded along the 3rd PC of the neural activity, leading to a tilt of the manifold along which reach direction was encoded that was proportional to the target speed. The tilt of the neural manifold was found to be largely driven by the variation of activity of the population of gain-modulated neurons.

    Finally, the authors studied the behaviour of an RNN trained to generate the correct hand velocity given the sensory input and reach direction. The RNN units were found to similarly exhibit mixed selectivity to the sensory information, and the geometry of the « neural population » resembled that observed in the monkeys.


    - The experiment is well set up to address the question of how sensory information that is directly relevant to the behaviour but does not lead to a direct change in behavioural output modulates motor cortical activity.

    - The finding that sensory information modulates the neural activity in M1 during motor preparation and execution is non trivial, given that this modulation of the activity must occur in the nullspace of the movement.

    - The paper gives a complete picture of the effect of the target motion on neural activity, by including analyses at the single neuron level as well as at the population level. Additionally, the authors link those two levels of representation by highlighting how gain modulation contributes to shaping the population representation.

    Thanks for your recognition.


    - One of the main premises of the paper is the fact that the motor output for a given reach point is preserved across different target motions. However, as the authors briefly mention in the conclusion, they did not record muscle activity during the task, but only hand velocity, making it impossible to directly verify how preserved muscle patterns were across movements. While the authors highlight that they did not see any difference in their results when resampling the data to control for similar hand velocities across conditions, this seems like an important potential caveat of the paper whose implications should be discussed further or highlighted earlier in the paper.

    Thanks for the suggestion. We will highlight the resampling results as important control in the next version of manuscript.

    - The main takeaway of the RNN analysis is not fully clear. The authors find that an RNN trained given a sensory input representing a moving target displays modulation to target motion that resembles what is seen in real data. This is interesting, but the authors do not dissect why this representation arises, and how robust it is to various task design choices. For instance, it appears that the network should be able to solve the task using only the motion intention input, which contains the reach endpoint information. If the target motion input is not used for the task, it is not obvious why the RNN units would be modulated by this input (especially as this modulation must lie in the nullspace of the movement hand velocity if the velocity depends only on the reach endpoint). It would thus be important to see alternative models compared to true neural activity, in addition to the model currently included in the paper. Besides, for the model in the paper, it would therefore be interesting to study further how the details of the network setup (eg initial spectral radius of the connectivity, weight regularization, or using only the target position input) affect the modulation by the motion input, as well as the trained population geometry and the relative ratios of modulated cells after training.

    Great suggestions. It’s a considerable pity that we didn’t dissect the formation reason and influence factor of the representation in the current version. We’ve tried several combinations of inputs before: in the network which received only motor intention and GO inputs, there were rings but not tilting related to target-speed; in the network which received only target location and GO inputs, there were ring-like structures but not clear directional clusters. We will check these results and try alternative models in the next version. In future studies, we will examine the influence of network setup details.

    - Additionally, it is unclear what insights are gained from the perturbations to the network connectivity the authors perform, as it is generally expected that modulating the connectivity will degrade task performance and the geometry of the responses. If the authors wish the make claims about the role of the subpopulations, it could be interesting to test whether similar connectivity patterns develop in networks that are not initialized with an all-to-all random connectivity or to use ablation experiments to investigate whether the presence of multiple types of modulations confers any sort of robustness to the network.

    Thank you for the great suggestions. By perturbations, we intended to explore the contribution of interaction between certain subpopulations. We tried ablation experiments, but the result was not significant. Probably because the most units were of mixed selectivity, the units of only modulations were not enough for bootstrapping, or the random sampling from single subpopulation (bearing mixed selectivity) could be repeated. We will consider these suggestions carefully in the revised version.

    - The results suggest that the observed changes in motor cortical activity with target velocity result from M1 activity receiving an input that encodes the velocity information. This also appears to be the assumption in the RNN model. However, even though the input shown to the animal during preparation is indeed a continuously moving target, it appears that the only relevant quantity to the actual movement is the final endpoint of the reach. While this would have to be a function of the target velocity, one could imagine that the computation of where the monkeys should reach might be performed upstream of the motor cortex, in which case the actual target velocity would become irrelevant to the final motor output. This makes the results of the paper very interesting, but it would be nice if the authors could discuss further when one might expect to see modulation by sensory information that does not directly affect motor output in M1, and where those inputs may come from. It may also be interesting to discuss how the findings relate to previous work that has found behaviourally irrelevant information is being filtered out from M1 (for instance, Russo et al, Neuron 2020 found that in monkeys performing a cycling task, context can be decoded from SMA but not from M1, and Wang et al, Nature Communications 2019 found that perceptual information could not be decoded from PMd)?

    How and where sensory information modulates M1 are very interesting and open questions. We will discuss further about this topic in the next version.