Cryo-EM structure of the bicarbonate receptor GPR30

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    This study resolves a cryo-EM structure of the GPCR, human GPR30, which responds to bicarbonate and regulates cellular responses to pH and ion homeostasis. Understanding the ligand and the mechanism of activation is important to the field of receptor signaling and potentially facilitates drug development targeting this receptor. While the overall structures are solid, the identification of the bicarbonate binding site is only partly supported by the structural data and cell-based functional assays, leaving a major aim of the study incomplete.

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G-protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30) is a bicarbonate receptor that plays a vital role in cellular responses to extracellular pH and ion homeostasis. Despite its significance, the mechanisms by which GPR30 interacts with bicarbonate ions remain elusive. There is no consensus on a drug that targets GPR30, and the difficulty in the pharmacological analysis has limited biological and drug discovery researches on GPR30. Here, we present the cryo-electron microscopy structure of human GPR30 in the presence of bicarbonate ions at 3.2 Å resolution. Our structure reveals unique extracellular pockets and critical residues for bicarbonate binding and activation. Functional assays demonstrate that mutations in these residues impair bicarbonate-induced GPR30 activation, underscoring their importance in receptor function. This study also provides insights into the G-protein coupling, highlighting the structural divergence between GPR30 and other GPCRs. Our findings not only advance the understanding of the role of GPR30 in pH homeostasis but also pave the way for the development of high-affinity drugs targeting GPR30 for therapeutic interventions in diseases associated with acid-base imbalance.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This study resolves a cryo-EM structure of the GPCR, human GPR30, which responds to bicarbonate and regulates cellular responses to pH and ion homeostasis. Understanding the ligand and the mechanism of activation is important to the field of receptor signaling and potentially facilitates drug development targeting this receptor. While the overall structures are solid, the identification of the bicarbonate binding site is only partly supported by the structural data and cell-based functional assays, leaving a major aim of the study incomplete.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    This study resolves a cryo-EM structure of the GPCR, GPR30, which was recently identified as a bicarbonate receptor by the authors' lab. Understanding the ligand and the mechanism of activation is of fundamental importance to the field of receptor signaling. However, the main claim of the paper, the identification of the bicarbonate binding site, is only partly supported by the structural and functional data, leaving the study incomplete.


    The overall structure, and proposed mechanism of G-protein coupling seem solid. The authors perform fairly extensive unbiased mutagenesis to identify a host of positions that are important to G-protein signaling. To my knowledge, bicarbonate is the only physiological ligand that has been identified for GPR30, making this study a particularly important contribution to the field.


    Without higher resolution structures and/or additional experimental assessment of the binding pocket, the assignment of the bicarbonate remains highly speculative. The local resolution is especially poor in the ECL loop region where the ligand is proposed to bind (4.3 - 4 .8 Å range). Of course, sometimes it is difficult to achieve high structural resolution, but in these cases, the assignment of ligands should be backed up by even more rigorous experimental validation.

    The functional assay monitors activation of GPR30, and thus reports on not only bicarbonate binding, but also the integrity of the allosteric network that transduces the binding signal across the membrane. Thus, disruption of bicarbonate signaling by mutagenesis of the putative coordinating residues does not necessarily mean that bicarbonate binding has been disrupted. Moreover, the mutagenesis was apparently done prior to structure determination, meaning that residues proposed to directly surround bicarbonate binding, such as E218, were not experimentally validated. Targeted mutagenesis based on the structure would strengthen the story.

    Moreover, the proposed bicarbonate binding site is surprising in a chemical sense, as it is located within an acidic pocket. The authors cite several other structural studies to support the surprising observation of anionic bicarbonate surrounded by glutamate residues in an acidic pocket (references 31-34). However, it should be noted that in general, these other structures also possess a metal ion (sodium or calcium) and/or a basic sidechain (arginine or lysine) in the coordination sphere, forming a tight ion pair. Thus, the assigned bicarbonate binding site in GPR30 remains an anomaly in terms of the chemical properties of the proposed binding site.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    In this manuscript, "Cryo-EM structure of the bicarbonate receptor GPR30," the authors aimed to enrich our understanding of the role of GPR30 in pH homeostasis by combining structural analysis with a receptor function assay. This work is a natural development and extension of their previous work (PMID: 38413581). In the current body of work, they solved the first cryo-EM structure of the human GPR30-G-protein (mini-Gsqi) complex in the presence of bicarbonate ions at 3.21 Å resolution. From the atomic model built based on this map, they observed the overall canonical architecture of class A GPCR and also identified 4 extracellular pockets created by extracellular loops (ECLs) (Pockets A-D). Based on the polarity, location, and charge of each pocket, the authors hypothesized that pocket D is a good candidate for the bicarbonate binding site. To verify their structural observation, on top of the 10 mutations they generated in the previous work, the authors introduced another 11 mutations to map out the essential residues for the bicarbonate response on hGPR30. In addition, the human GPR30-G-protein complex model also allowed the authors to untangle the G-protein coupling mechanism of this special class A GPCR that plays an important role in pH homeostasis.


    As a continuation of their recent Nature Communication publication (PMID: 38413581), this study was carefully designed, and the authors used mutagenesis and functional studies to confirm their structural observations. This work provided high-resolution structural observations for the receptor in complex with G-protein, allowing us to explore its mechanism of action, and will further facilitate drug development targeting GPR30. There were 4 extracellular pockets created by ECLs (Pockets A-D). The authors were able to filter out 3 of them and identified that pocket D was a good candidate for the bicarbonate binding site based on the polarity, location, and charge of each pocket. From there, the authors identified the key residues on GPR30 for its interaction with the substrate, bicarbonate. Together with their previous work, they carefully mapped out nine amino acids that are critical for receptor reactivity.


    It is unclear how novel the aspects presented in the new paper are compared to the most recent Nature Communications publication (PMID: 38413581). Some areas of the manuscript appear to be mixed with the previous publication. The work is still impactful to the field. The new and novel aspects of this manuscript could be better highlighted.

    I also have some concerns about the TGFα shedding assay the authors used to verify their structural observation. I understand that this assay was also used in the authors' previous work published in Nature Communications. However, there are still several things in the current data that raised concerns:

    (1) The authors confirmed the "similar expression levels of HA-tagged hGPR30" mutants by WB in Supplemental Figure 1A and B. However, compared to the hGPR30-HA (~6.5 when normalized to the housekeeping gene, Na-K-ATPase), several mutants of the key amino acids had much lower surface expression: S134A, D210A, C207A had ~50% reduction, D125A had ~30% reduction, and Q215A and P71A had ~20% reduction. This weakens the receptor reactivity measured by the TGFα shedding assay.

    (2) In the previous work, the authors demonstrated that hGPR30 signals through the Gq signaling pathway and can trigger calcium mobilization. Given that calcium mobilization is a more direct measurement for the downstream signaling of hGPR30 than the TGFα shedding assay, pairing the mutagenesis study with the calcium assay will be a better functional validation to confirm the disruption of bicarbonate signaling.

    (3) It was quite confusing for Figure 4B that all statistical analyses were done by comparing to the mock group. It would be clearer to compare the activity of the mutants to the wild-type cell line.

    Additional concerns about the structural data include:

    (1) E218 was in close contact with bicarbonate in Figure 4D. However, there is no functional validation for this observation. Including the mutagenesis study of this site in the cell-based functional assay will strengthen this structural observation.

    (2) For the flow chart of the cryo-EM data processing in Supplemental data 2, the authors started with 10,148,422 particles after template picking, then had 441,348 Particles left after 2D classification/heterogenous refinement, and finally ended with 148,600 particles for the local refinement for the final map. There seems to be a lot of heterogeneity in this purified sample. GPCRs usually have flexible and dynamic loop regions, which explains the poor resolution of the ECLs in this case. Thus, a solid cell-based functional validation is a must to assign the bicarbonate binding pocket to support their hypothesis.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    GPR30 responds to bicarbonate and regulates cellular responses to pH and ion homeostasis. However, it remains unclear how GPR30 recognizes bicarbonate ions. This paper presents the cryo-EM structure of GPR30 bound to a chimeric mini-Gq in the presence of bicarbonate. The structure together with functional studies aims to provide mechanistic insights into bicarbonate recognition and G protein coupling.


    The authors performed comprehensive mutagenesis studies to map the possible binding site of bicarbonate.


    Owing to the poor resolution of the structure, some structural findings may be overclaimed.

    Based on EM maps shown in Figure 1a and Figure Supplement 2, densities for side chains in the receptor particularly in ECLs (around 4 Å) are poorly defined. At this resolution, it is unlikely to observe a disulfide bond (C130ECL1-C207ECl2) and bicarbonate ions. Moreover, the disulfide between ECL1 and ECL2 has not been observed in other GPCRs and the published structure of GPR30 (PMID: 38744981). The density of this disulfide bond could be noise.

    The authors observed a weak density in pocket D, which is accounted for by the bicarbonate ions. This ion is mainly coordinated by Q215 and Q138. However, the Q215A mutation only reduced but not completely abolished bicarbonate response, and the author did not present the data of Q138A mutation. Therefore, Q215 and Q138 could not be bicarbonate binding sites. While H307A completely abolished bicarbonate response, the authors proposed that this residue plays a structural role. Nevertheless, based on the structure, H307 is exposed and may be involved in binding bicarbonate. The assignment of bicarbonate in the structure is not supported by the data.