An emerging view of neural geometry in motor cortex supports high-performance decoding

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    This paper presents a new method called MINT that is simple yet effective at BCI-style decoding tasks in stereotyped settings. While the reviewers raise caveats, overall they believe the work is a valuable study for the field of motor control, and the evidence to support their claims is solid.

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Decoders for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) assume constraints on neural activity, chosen to reflect scientific beliefs while yielding tractable computations. Recent scientific advances suggest that the true constraints on neural activity, especially its geometry, may be quite different from those assumed by most decoders. We designed a decoder, MINT, to embrace statistical constraints that are potentially more appropriate. If those constraints are accurate, MINT should outperform standard methods that explicitly make different assumptions. Additionally, MINT should be competitive with expressive machine learning methods that can implicitly learn constraints from data. MINT performed well across tasks, suggesting its assumptions are well-matched to the data. MINT outperformed other interpretable methods in every comparison we made. MINT outperformed expressive machine learning methods in 37 of 42 comparisons. MINT’s computations are simple, scale favorably with increasing neuron counts, and yield interpretable quantities such as data likelihoods. MINT’s performance and simplicity suggest it may be a strong candidate for many BCI applications.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This paper presents a new method called MINT that is simple yet effective at BCI-style decoding tasks in stereotyped settings. While the reviewers raise caveats, overall they believe the work is a valuable study for the field of motor control, and the evidence to support their claims is solid.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    This paper presents an innovative decoding approach for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), introducing a new method named MINT. The authors develop a trajectory-centric approach to decode behaviors across several different datasets, including eight empirical datasets from the Neural Latents Benchmark. Overall, the paper is well written and their method shows impressive performance compared to more traditional decoding approaches that use a simpler approach. While there are some concerns (see below), the paper's strengths, particularly its emphasis on a trajectory-centric approach and the simplicity of MINT, provide a compelling contribution to the field.

    The adoption of a trajectory-centric approach that utilizes statistical constraints presents a substantial shift in methodology, potentially revolutionizing the way BCIs interpret and predict neural behaviour. This is one of the strongest aspects of the paper.

    The thorough evaluation of the method across various datasets serves as an assurance that the superior performance of MINT is not a result of overfitting. The comparative simplicity of the method in contrast to many neural network approaches is refreshing and should facilitate broader applicability.

    Scope: Despite the impressive performance of MINT across multiple datasets, it seems predominantly applicable to M1/S1 data. Only one of the eight empirical datasets comes from an area outside the motor/somatosensory cortex. It would be beneficial if the authors could expand further on how the method might perform with other brain regions that do not exhibit low tangling or do not have a clear trial structure (e.g. decoding of position or head direction from hippocampus)

    When comparing methods, the neural trajectories of MINT are based on averaged trials, while the comparison methods are trained on single trials. An additional analysis might help in disentangling the effect of the trial averaging. For this, the authors could average the input across trials for all decoders, establishing a baseline for averaged trials. Note that inference should still be done on single trials. Performance can then be visualized across different values of N, which denotes the number of averaged trials used for training.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The goal of this paper is to present a new method, termed MINT, for decoding behavioral states from neural spiking data. MINT is a statistical method which, in addition to outputting a decoded behavioral state, also provides soft information regarding the likelihood of that behavioral state based on the neural data. The innovation in this approach is neural states are assumed to come from sparsely distributed neural trajectories with low tangling, meaning that neural trajectories (time sequences of neural states) are sparse in the high-dimensional space of neural spiking activity and that two dissimilar neural trajectories tend to correspond to dissimilar behavioral trajectories. The authors support these assumptions through analysis of previously collected data, and then validate the performance of their method by comparing it to a suite of alternative approaches. The authors attribute the typically improved decoding performance by MINT to its assumptions being more faithfully aligned to the properties of neural spiking data relative to assumptions made by the alternatives.

    The paper did an excellent job critically evaluating common assumptions made by neural analytical methods, such as neural state being low-dimensional relative to the number of recorded neurons. The authors made strong arguments, supported by evidence and literature, for potentially high-dimensional neural states and thus the need for approaches that do not rely on an assumption of low dimensionality.

    The paper was thorough in considering multiple datasets across a variety of behaviors, as well as existing decoding methods, to benchmark the MINT approach. This provided a valuable comparison to validate the method. The authors also provided nice intuition regarding why MINT may offer performance improvement in some cases and in which instances MINT may not perform as well.

    In addition to providing a philosophical discussion as to the advantages of MINT and benchmarking against alternatives, the authors also provided a detailed description of practical considerations. This included training time, amount of training data, robustness to data loss or changes in the data, and interpretability. These considerations not only provided objective evaluation of practical aspects but also provided insights to the flexibility and robustness of the method as they relate back to the underlying assumptions and construction of the approach.

    The authors posit that neural and behavioral trajectories are non-isometric. To support this point, they look at distances between neural states and distances between the corresponding behavioral states, in order to demonstrate that there are differences in these distances in each respective space. This supports the idea that neural states and behavioral states are non-isometric but does not directly address their point. In order to say the trajectories are non-isometric, it would be better to look at pairs of distances between corresponding trajectories in each space.

    With regards to the idea of neural and behavioral trajectories having different geometries, this is dependent on what behavioral variables are selected. In the example for Fig 2a, the behavior is reach position. The geometry of the behavioral trajectory of interest would look different if instead the behavior of interest was reach velocity. The paper would be strengthened by acknowledgement that geometries of trajectories are shaped by extrinsic choices rather than (or as much as they are) intrinsic properties of the data.

    The approach is built up on the idea of creating a "mesh" structure of possible states. In the body of the paper the definition of the mesh was not entirely clear and I could not find in the methods a more rigorous explicit definition. Since the mesh is integral to the approach, the paper would be improved with more description of this component.

    This work is motivated by brain-computer interfaces applications, which it will surely impact in terms of neural decoder design. However, this work is also broadly impactful for neuroscientific analysis to relate neural spiking activity to observable behavioral features. Thus, MINT will likely impact neuroscience research generally. The methods are made publicly available, and the datasets used are all in public repositories, which facilitates adoption and validation of this method within the greater scientific community.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    This manuscript develops a new method termed MINT for decoding of behavior. The method is essentially a table-lookup rather than a model. Within a given stereotyped task, MINT tabulates averaged firing rate trajectories of neurons (neural states) and corresponding averaged behavioral trajectories as stereotypes to construct a library. For a test trial with a realized neural trajectory, it then finds the closest neural trajectory to it in the table and declares the associated behavior trajectory in the table as the decoded behavior. The method can also interpolate between these tabulated trajectories. The authors mention that the method is based on three key assumptions: (1) Neural states may not be embedded in a low-dimensional subspace, but rather in a high-dimensional space. (2) Neural trajectories are sparsely distributed under different behavioral conditions. (3) These neural states traverse trajectories in a stereotyped order.

    The authors conducted multiple analyses to validate MINT, demonstrating its decoding of behavioral trajectories in simulations and datasets (Figures 3, 4). The main behavior decoding comparison is shown in Figure 4. In stereotyped tasks, decoding performance is comparable (M_Cycle, MC_Maze) or better (Area 2_Bump) than other linear/nonlinear algorithms (Figure 4). However, MINT underperforms for the MC_RTT task, which is less stereotyped (Figure 4).

    This paper is well-structured and its main idea is clear. The fact that performance on stereotyped tasks is high is interesting and informative, showing that these stereotyped tasks create stereotyped neural trajectories. The task-specific comparisons include various measures and a variety of common decoding approaches, which is a strength. However, I have several major concerns. I believe several of the conclusions in the paper, which are also emphasized in the abstract, are not accurate or supported, especially about generalization, computational scalability, and utility for BCIs. MINT is essentially a table-lookup algorithm based on stereotyped task-dependent trajectories and involves the tabulation of extensive data to build a vast library without modeling. These aspects will limit MINT's utility for real-world BCIs and tasks. These properties will also limit MINT's generalizability from task to task, which is important for BCIs and thus is commonly demonstrated in BCI experiments with other decoders without any retraining. Furthermore, MINT's computational and memory requirements can be prohibitive it seems. Finally, as MINT is based on tabulating data without learning models of data, I am unclear how it will be useful in basic investigations of neural computations. I expand on these concerns below.

    Main comments:

    1. MINT does not generalize to different tasks, which is a main limitation for BCI utility compared with prior BCI decoders that have shown this generalizability as I review below. Specifically, given that MINT tabulates task-specific trajectories, it will not generalize to tasks that are not seen in the training data even when these tasks cover the exact same space (e.g., the same 2D computer screen and associated neural space).

    First, the authors provide a section on generalization, which is inaccurate because it mixes up two fundamentally different concepts: 1) collecting informative training data and 2) generalizing from task to task. The former is critical for any algorithm, but it does not imply the latter. For example, removing one direction of cycling from the training set as the authors do here is an example of generating poor training data because the two behavioral (and neural) directions are non-overlapping and/or orthogonal while being in the same space. As such, it is fully expected that all methods will fail. For proper training, the training data should explore the whole movement space and the associated neural space, but this does not mean all kinds of tasks performed in that space must be included in the training set (something MINT likely needs while modeling-based approaches do not). Many BCI studies have indeed shown this generalization ability using a model. For example, in Weiss et al. 2019, center-out reaching tasks are used for training and then the same trained decoder is used for typing on a keyboard or drawing on the 2D screen. In Gilja et al. 2012, training is on a center-out task but the same trained decoder generalizes to a completely different pinball task (hit four consecutive targets) and tasks requiring the avoidance of obstacles and curved movements. There are many more BCI studies, such as Jarosiewicz et al. 2015 that also show generalization to complex real-world tasks not included in the training set. Unlike MINT, these works can achieve generalization because they model the neural subspace and its association to movement. On the contrary, MINT models task-dependent neural trajectories, so the trained decoder is very task-dependent and cannot generalize to other tasks. So, unlike these prior BCIs methods, MINT will likely actually need to include every task in its library, which is not practical.

    I suggest the authors remove claims of generalization and modify their arguments throughout the text and abstract. The generalization section needs to be substantially edited to clarify the above points. Please also provide the BCI citations and discuss the above limitation of MINT for BCIs.

    2. MINT is shown to achieve competitive/high performance in highly stereotyped datasets with structured trials, but worse performance on MC_RTT, which is not based on repeated trials and is less stereotyped. This shows that MINT is valuable for decoding in repetitive stereotyped use-cases. However, it also highlights a limitation of MINT for BCIs, which is that MINT may not work well for real-world and/or less-constrained setups such as typing, moving a robotic arm in 3D space, etc. This is again due to MINT being a lookup table with a library of stereotyped trajectories rather than a model. Indeed, the authors acknowledge that the lower performance on MC_RTT (Figure 4) may be caused by the lack of repeated trials of the same type. However, real-world BCI decoding scenarios will also not have such stereotyped trial structure and will be less/un-constrained, in which MINT underperforms. Thus, the claim in the abstract or lines 480-481 that MINT is an "excellent" candidate for clinical BCI applications is not accurate and needs to be qualified. The authors should revise their statements according and discuss this issue. They should also make the use-case of MINT on BCI decoding clearer and more convincing.

    3. Related to 2, it may also be that MINT achieves competitive performance in offline and trial-based stereotyped decoding by overfitting to the trial structure in a given task, and thus may not generalize well to online performance due to overfitting. For example, a recent work showed that offline decoding performance may be overfitted to the task structure and may not represent online performance (Deo et al. 2023). Please discuss.

    4. Related to 2, since MINT requires firing rates to generate the library and simple averaging does not work for this purpose in the MC_RTT dataset (that does not have repeated trials), the authors needed to use AutoLFADS to infer the underlying firing rates. The fact that MINT requires the usage of another model to be constructed first and that this model can be computationally complex, will also be a limiting factor and should be clarified.

    5. I also find the statement in the abstract and paper that "computations are simple, scalable" to be inaccurate. The authors state that MINT's computational cost is O(NC) only, but it seems this is achieved at a high memory cost as well as computational cost in training. The process is described in section "Lookup table of log-likelihoods" on line [978-990]. The idea is to precompute the log-likelihoods for any combination of all neurons with discretization x all delay/history segments x all conditions and to build a large lookup table for decoding. Basically, the computational cost of precomputing this table is O(V^{Nτ} x TC) and the table requires a memory of O(V^{Nτ}), where V is the number of discretization points for the neural firing rates, N is the number of neurons, τ is the history length, T is the trial length, and C is the number of conditions. This is a very large burden, especially the V^{Nτ} term. This cost is currently not mentioned in the manuscript and should be clarified in the main text. Accordingly, computation claims should be modified including in the abstract.

    6. In addition to the above technical concerns, I also believe the authors should clarify the logic behind developing MINT better. From a scientific standpoint, we seek to gain insights into neural computations by making various assumptions and building models that parsimoniously describe the vast amount of neural data rather than simply tabulating the data. For instance, low-dimensional assumptions have led to the development of numerous dimensionality reduction algorithms and these models have led to important interpretations about the underlying dynamics (e.g., fixed points/limit cycles). While it is of course valid and even insightful to propose different assumptions from existing models as the authors do here, they do not actually translate these assumptions into a new model. Without a model and by just tabulating the data, I don't believe we can provide interpretation or advance the understanding of the fundamentals behind neural computations. As such, I am not clear as to how this library building approach can advance neuroscience or how these assumptions are useful. I think the authors should clarify and discuss this point.

    7. Related to 6, there seems to be a logical inconsistency between the operations of MINT and one of its three assumptions, namely, sparsity. The authors state that neural states are sparsely distributed in some neural dimensions (Figure 1a, bottom). If this is the case, then why does MINT extend its decoding scope by interpolating known neural states (and behavior) in the training library? This interpolation suggests that the neural states are dense on the manifold rather than sparse, thus being contradictory to the assumption made. If interpolation-based dense meshes/manifolds underlie the data, then why not model the neural states through the subspace or manifold representations? I think the authors should address this logical inconsistency in MINT, especially since this sparsity assumption also questions the low-dimensional subspace/manifold assumption that is commonly made.


    Weiss, Jeffrey M., Robert A. Gaunt, Robert Franklin, Michael L. Boninger, and Jennifer L. Collinger. 2019. "Demonstration of a Portable Intracortical Brain-Computer Interface." Brain-Computer Interfaces 6 (4): 106-17.

    Gilja, Vikash, Paul Nuyujukian, Cindy A. Chestek, John P. Cunningham, Byron M. Yu, Joline M. Fan, Mark M. Churchland, et al. 2012. "A High-Performance Neural Prosthesis Enabled by Control Algorithm Design." Nature Neuroscience 15 (12): 1752-1757.

    Jarosiewicz, Beata, Anish A. Sarma, Daniel Bacher, Nicolas Y. Masse, John D. Simeral, Brittany Sorice, Erin M. Oakley, et al. 2015. "Virtual Typing by People with Tetraplegia Using a Self-Calibrating Intracortical Brain-Computer Interface." Science Translational Medicine 7 (313): 313ra179-313ra179.

    Darrel R. Deo, Francis R. Willett, Donald T. Avansino, Leigh R. Hochberg, Jaimie M. Henderson, and Krishna V. Shenoy. 2023. "Translating Deep Learning to Neuroprosthetic Control." BioRxiv, 2023.04.21.537581.