Hypoxia truncates and constitutively activates the key cholesterol synthesis enzyme squalene monooxygenase

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    Hudson and colleagues provide a new link between oxygen sensing and cholesterol synthesis. In previous studies, this group had shown that the cholesterol synthetic enzyme squalene monooxygenase (SM) is subjected to partial proteasomal degradation, which leads to the production of a truncated, constitutively active enzyme. Here, the authors provide evidence for the physiological significance of SM truncation by showing that subjecting cells to hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) induces truncation of SM. The synthesis of cholesterol requires 11 molecules of oxygen and SM is the first oxygen-dependent enzyme in the cholesterol-committed branch of the pathway. It is possible that constitutive activation of SM under oxygen-deficient conditions could reduce the toxicity of squalene and other sterol intermediates.

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Cholesterol synthesis is both energy- and oxygen-intensive, yet relatively little is known of the regulatory effects of hypoxia on pathway enzymes. We previously showed that the rate-limiting and first oxygen-dependent enzyme of the committed cholesterol synthesis pathway, squalene monooxygenase (SM), can undergo partial proteasomal degradation that renders it constitutively active. Here, we show hypoxia is a physiological trigger for this truncation, which occurs through a two-part mechanism: (1) increased targeting of SM to the proteasome via stabilization of the E3 ubiquitin ligase MARCHF6 and (2) accumulation of the SM substrate, squalene, which impedes the complete degradation of SM and liberates its truncated form. This preserves SM activity and downstream pathway flux during hypoxia. These results uncover a feedforward mechanism that allows SM to accommodate fluctuating substrate levels and may contribute to its widely reported oncogenic properties.

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  1. Author Response

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    Results of this manuscript provide a new link between oxygen sensing and cholesterol synthesis. In previous studies, this group showed that the cholesterol synthetic enzyme squalene monooxygenase (SM) is subjected to partial proteasomal degradation, which leads to the production of a truncated, constitutively active enzyme. In this study, the authors provide evidence for the physiological significance of SM truncation. In a series of experiments, the authors show that subjecting cells to hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) induces truncation of SM. The synthesis of cholesterol requires 11 molecules of oxygen and SM is the first oxygen-dependent enzyme in the cholesterol-committed branch of the pathway. Evidence is presented that hypoxia causes squalene, the substrate of SM, to accumulate, which results in the enzyme's truncation. In addition, hypoxia stabilizes MARCHF6, the E3 ligase required for sterol-dependent ubiquitination and degradation of SM. Finally, the authors provide an experiment showing that truncation of SM correlates with hypoxia in endometrial cancer tissues.

    Overall, the data presented in this manuscript are compelling for the most part. Hypoxia-induced truncation of SM and MARCHF6 is very clear according to the presented results. The specificity of SM-induced truncation is strong; both direct addition and inhibitor studies are presented. The major strength of this manuscript is that it provides the physiological relevance for the authors' previous finding that squalene accumulation leads to truncation of SM. However, there are a few issues that should be addressed to improve the interpretation of the data presented.

    We thank the reviewer for their useful comments.

    The manner in which quantified immunoblots are presented is very confusing and difficult to interpret. This is evident in experiments in several figures. For example, it is difficult to determine the role of ubiquitination (Figure 2D) and MARCHF6 (Figure 2E) in the generation of truncated SM. The authors should present quantified data of all lanes of the immunoblots to reduce confusion.

    The revised manuscript includes quantification of protein levels for all immunoblot lanes, including in Figure 2D and Figure 2E (now Figure 3A). It also contains updates to the text, figure legends, and axis labels to improve clarity about data normalization. For more information, please refer to our response to Essential Revisions comment #1.

    The other important finding of this manuscript is that hypoxia stabilizes MARCHF6. This is supported by the results of Fig. 3A; however, the result of Figure 3B is not clear. A new band appears upon inhibition of VCP and MG-132 seems to reduce protein expression. These results could be removed from the manuscript without impacting the conclusions drawn.

    As suggested, the revised manuscript contains only the initial observation that hypoxia stabilizes MARCHF6. Other experiments investigating the mechanism have been removed. For more information, please refer to our response to Essential Revisions comment #2.

    Finally, the results shown in Figure 5 showing that truncation of SM correlates with hypoxia in endometrial cancer tissues are a little preliminary. Multiple bands are detected in SM immunoblots, which interferes with interpretation. This experiment could be removed and speculated upon in the discussion.

    As suggested, this experiment is removed from the revised manuscript.

  2. eLife assessment

    Hudson and colleagues provide a new link between oxygen sensing and cholesterol synthesis. In previous studies, this group had shown that the cholesterol synthetic enzyme squalene monooxygenase (SM) is subjected to partial proteasomal degradation, which leads to the production of a truncated, constitutively active enzyme. Here, the authors provide evidence for the physiological significance of SM truncation by showing that subjecting cells to hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) induces truncation of SM. The synthesis of cholesterol requires 11 molecules of oxygen and SM is the first oxygen-dependent enzyme in the cholesterol-committed branch of the pathway. It is possible that constitutive activation of SM under oxygen-deficient conditions could reduce the toxicity of squalene and other sterol intermediates.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    The manuscript by Coates et al. from the Brown lab adds a fascinating and colorful set of tiles to the growing mosaic of small molecule control of the sterol pathway through strategic employment of different parts of the proteostasis pathway. Dr. Brown is an active and creative leader in this field, and this story brings some new and surprising twists to our understanding of the ways that metabolites, and potentially other small molecules, can alter protein processing and life cycle as part of normal cellular function or pathophysiological states. The data are convincing and thorough, and do a great job of revealing many mechanistic aspects of the intriguing observation that hypoxia changes SM processing and activity by altering its degradative fate. The contributing parts of the whole process include altered MARCH 6 E3 ligase activity, new metabolite-ligand regulators (squalene), and ligand-dependent escape from the proteasome to allow the production of a novel form of SM that is freed from the normal regulation of the full-length protein caused by cholesterol, as the authors have previously described. I particularly appreciate three aspects of this study.

    First, they test a lot of hypotheses to gain a very full understanding of the gears that are turning to make this hypoxia response machine run. Importantly, these studies also rule out some oxygen sensing mechanisms that work in other contexts, like proline hydroxylation. Second, the authors go to great lengths to integrate the action of the moving parts in a quantitative way, to ascertain if the effects are explained by the coordinated separate changes that are occurring when hypoxia is imposed. And third, the work includes a very well-thought-out set of ideas about why this sort of response is occurring, both in normal cells experiencing either transient or long-term hypoxia, as well as in cancer cells that seem to prefer this form of truncated and alternatively regulated SM.

    There is a growing interest in studying and harnessing small molecules to alter and affect protein stability, and these studies add weight to the idea that there are many evolved mechanisms that can teach us lessons both about foundational biology, and new approaches to drug discovery. These beautiful studies will be an important addition to the literature and will be read and referenced by many.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    Previous work from the Brown lab showed that SM undergoes proteasomal dependent processing of its N-terminal regulatory region to generate truncSM, which retains catalytic activity. In this manuscript, Hudson and colleagues show that the generation of truncSM correlates with hypoxic conditions. This process appears to be independent of the transcription factor HIF1α and proline hydroxylation. Instead, their data suggest that hypoxia-induced truncSm results from 1) upregulation of the E3 Ub ligase MARCH; 2) accumulation of squalene, the substrate for SM. Finally, the authors have linked these observations to pathologies, such as hypoxic endometrial cancer tissues, arguing that overactive truncSM may contribute to the growth and survival of malignant cells. Overall, this paper provides some interesting concepts on the regulation of the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway upon low oxygen levels. However, the functional consequences of truncSM accumulation under hypoxia have not been addressed.

    Another important open question is the role of squalene in promoting truncSM. Any additional information to address these issues would significantly strengthen this study. The analysis and some of the data on the relative abundance of SM and truncSM could also be improved.

  5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    Results of this manuscript provide a new link between oxygen sensing and cholesterol synthesis. In previous studies, this group showed that the cholesterol synthetic enzyme squalene monooxygenase (SM) is subjected to partial proteasomal degradation, which leads to the production of a truncated, constitutively active enzyme. In this study, the authors provide evidence for the physiological significance of SM truncation. In a series of experiments, the authors show that subjecting cells to hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) induces truncation of SM. The synthesis of cholesterol requires 11 molecules of oxygen and SM is the first oxygen-dependent enzyme in the cholesterol-committed branch of the pathway. Evidence is presented that hypoxia causes squalene, the substrate of SM, to accumulate, which results in the enzyme's truncation. In addition, hypoxia stabilizes MARCHF6, the E3 ligase required for sterol-dependent ubiquitination and degradation of SM. Finally, the authors provide an experiment showing that truncation of SM correlates with hypoxia in endometrial cancer tissues.

    Overall, the data presented in this manuscript are compelling for the most part. Hypoxia-induced truncation of SM and MARCHF6 is very clear according to the presented results. The specificity of SM-induced truncation is strong; both direct addition and inhibitor studies are presented. The major strength of this manuscript is that it provides the physiological relevance for the authors' previous finding that squalene accumulation leads to truncation of SM. However, there are a few issues that should be addressed to improve the interpretation of the data presented. The manner in which quantified immunoblots are presented is very confusing and difficult to interpret. This is evident in experiments in several figures. For example, it is difficult to determine the role of ubiquitination (Figure 2D) and MARCHF6 (Figure 2E) in the generation of truncated SM. The authors should present quantified data of all lanes of the immunoblots to reduce confusion.

    The other important finding of this manuscript is that hypoxia stabilizes MARCHF6. This is supported by the results of Fig. 3A; however, the result of Figure 3B is not clear. A new band appears upon inhibition of VCP and MG-132 seems to reduce protein expression. These results could be removed from the manuscript without impacting the conclusions drawn. Finally, the results shown in Figure 5 showing that truncation of SM correlates with hypoxia in endometrial cancer tissues are a little preliminary. Multiple bands are detected in SM immunoblots, which interferes with interpretation. This experiment could be removed and speculated upon in the discussion.