Evaluated articles
A list by preLights
Articles that have been evaluated by preLights.
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Visually-guided compensation of deafening-induced song deterioration
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Mechanical stresses govern myoblast fusion and myotube growth
This article has 9 authors:Reviewed by preLights
IMMClock reveals immune aging and T cell function at single-cell resolution
This article has 13 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Levetiracetam prevents Aβ42 production through SV2a-dependent modulation of App processing in Alzheimer’s disease models
This article has 15 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Thermal preconditioning modulates coral physiology and heat tolerance: A multi-species perspective
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Adenine DNA methylation associated to transcription is widespread across eukaryotes
This article has 9 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Sex chromosomes shape the transcriptional landscape of the preimplantation mouse embryo
This article has 11 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Necrosulfonamide causes oxidation of PCM1 and impairs ciliogenesis and autophagy
This article has 9 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Huntingtin S421 phosphorylation increases kinesin and dynein engagement on early endosomes and lysosomes
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Polystyrene nanoplastics promote neurodegeneration by catalyzing TDP43 hyperphosphorylation
This article has 13 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Coagulative Granular Hydrogels with an Enzyme Catalyzed Fibrin Network for Endogenous Tissue Regeneration
This article has 10 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Target cell tension regulates macrophage trogocytosis
This article has 6 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Enzymatic access to the rare ΔUA (1→4) Glc 3, 6, N-sulfated heparin disaccharide, implications for heparin quality control
This article has 12 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Factor XI localization in human deep venous thrombus and function of activated factor XI on venous thrombus formation and hemostasis in rabbit
This article has 12 authors:Reviewed by preLights
A ChatGPT Assisted Reading Protocol for Undergraduate Research Students
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Chromosomal Instability in Human Trophoblast Stem Cells and Placentas
This article has 6 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Plant plasmodesmata bridges form through ER-dependent incomplete cytokinesis
This article has 22 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Restoring mechanophenotype reverts malignant properties of ECM-enriched vocal fold cancer
This article has 19 authors:Reviewed by preLights
From impact metrics and open science to communicating research: Journalists’ awareness of academic controversies
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by preLights
Germplasm stability in zebrafish requires maternal Tdrd6a and Tdrd6c
This article has 5 authors:Reviewed by preLights, Review Commons