@fatemehkhalili's saved articles
A list by Fatemeh Khalili
Articles that have been saved by @fatemehkhalili
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CryoEM structures of the human CLC-2 voltage-gated chloride channel reveal a ball-and-chain gating mechanism
This article has 10 authors:This article has been curated by 1 group:Reviewed by eLife
Folding of prestin’s anion-binding site and the mechanism of outer hair cell electromotility
This article has 6 authors:This article has been curated by 1 group:Reviewed by eLife
CryoEM structures of Kv1.2 potassium channels, conducting and non-conducting
This article has 7 authors:This article has been curated by 1 group:Reviewed by eLife
How accurately can one predict drug binding modes using AlphaFold models?
This article has 3 authors:This article has been curated by 1 group:Reviewed by eLife