Reading list
A list by Biophysics Colab
Articles that are being read by Biophysics Colab.
Showing page 5 of 48 pages of list content
Molecular mapping and functional validation of GLP-1R cholesterol binding sites in pancreatic beta cells
This article has 10 authors:This article has been curated by 1 group:Reviewed by eLife
Piezo1 is a mechanosensor of soft matrix viscoelasticity
This article has 9 authors: -
Lipid composition of the membrane governs the oligomeric organization of VDAC1
This article has 9 authors: -
KCNG4 genetic variant linked to migraine prevents expression of KCNB1
This article has 4 authors: -
Structural basis for the transport and regulation mechanism of the Multidrug resistance-associated protein 2
This article has 4 authors: -
The ABC transporter MsbA in a dozen environments
This article has 12 authors: -
Molecular principles of redox-coupled sodium pumping of the ancient Rnf machinery
This article has 10 authors: -
Interplay between phosphorylation and oligomerization tunes the conformational ensemble of SWEET transporters
This article has 2 authors: -
The C-terminal activating domain promotes Panx1 channel opening
This article has 4 authors: -
Mg 2+ -dependent mechanism of environmental versatility in a multidrug efflux pump
This article has 10 authors: -
Ethosuximide: subunit- and Gβγ-dependent blocker and reporter of allosteric changes in GIRK channels
This article has 10 authors: -
A Second Drug Binding Site in P2X3
This article has 8 authors: -
Specificity and tunability of efflux pumps: a new role for the proton gradient?
This article has 5 authors: -
Structure of the Ion Channel Kir7.1 and Implications for its Function in Normal and Pathophysiologic States
This article has 10 authors: -
Four-color single-molecule imaging system for tracking GPCR dynamics with fluorescent HiBiT peptide
This article has 4 authors: -
Small molecule NS11021 promotes BK channel activation by increasing inner pore hydration
This article has 3 authors: -
Improving Olfactory Receptor Structure Modeling via Hybrid Methods
This article has 3 authors: -
Diverse toxins exhibit a common binding mode to the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
This article has 3 authors: