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  1. High Rates of Rapid Antigen Test Positivity After 5 days of Isolation for COVID-19

    This article has 6 authors:
    1. Emily Landon
    2. Allison H. Bartlett
    3. Rachel Marrs
    4. Caroline Guenette
    5. Stephen G Weber
    6. Michael J. Mina

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 4 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  2. Live-attenuated vaccine sCPD9 elicits superior mucosal and systemic immunity to SARS-CoV-2 variants in hamsters

    This article has 35 authors:
    1. Geraldine Nouailles
    2. Julia M. Adler
    3. Peter Pennitz
    4. Stefan Peidli
    5. Luiz Gustavo Teixeira Alves
    6. Morris Baumgardt
    7. Judith Bushe
    8. Anne Voss
    9. Alina Langenhagen
    10. Christine Langner
    11. Ricardo Martin Vidal
    12. Fabian Pott
    13. Julia Kazmierski
    14. Aileen Ebenig
    15. Mona V. Lange
    16. Michael D. Mühlebach
    17. Cengiz Goekeri
    18. Szandor Simmons
    19. Na Xing
    20. Azza Abdelgawad
    21. Susanne Herwig
    22. Günter Cichon
    23. Daniela Niemeyer
    24. Christian Drosten
    25. Christine Goffinet
    26. Markus Landthaler
    27. Nils Blüthgen
    28. Haibo Wu
    29. Martin Witzenrath
    30. Achim D. Gruber
    31. Samantha D. Praktiknjo
    32. Nikolaus Osterrieder
    33. Emanuel Wyler
    34. Dusan Kunec
    35. Jakob Trimpert

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 4 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  3. Three-dose vaccination-induced immune responses protect against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2

    This article has 16 authors:
    1. Runhong Zhou
    2. Na Liu
    3. Xin Li
    4. Qiaoli Peng
    5. Cheuk-Kwan Yiu
    6. Haode Huang
    7. Dawei Yang
    8. Zhenglong Du
    9. Hau-Yee Kwok
    10. Ka-Kit Au
    11. Jian-Piao Cai
    12. Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung
    13. Kelvin Kai-Wang To
    14. Xiaoning Xu
    15. Kwok-Yung Yuen
    16. Zhiwei Chen

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 4 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  4. Biochemical Characterization of Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Nsp15 Endoribonuclease Variants

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Isha M. Wilson
    2. Meredith N. Frazier
    3. Jian-Liang Li
    4. Thomas A. Randall
    5. Robin E. Stanley

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 6 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  5. Favipiravir, lopinavir-ritonavir or combination therapy (FLARE): a randomised, double blind, 2x2 factorial placebo-controlled trial of early antiviral therapy in COVID-19

    This article has 18 authors:
    1. David M Lowe
    2. Li-An K Brown
    3. Kashfia Chowdhury
    4. Stephanie Davey
    5. Philip Yee
    6. Felicia Ikeji
    7. Amalia Ndoutoumou
    8. Divya Shah
    9. Alexander Lennon
    10. Abhulya Rai
    11. Akosua A Agyeman
    12. Anna Checkley
    13. Nicola Longley
    14. Hakim-Moulay Dehbi
    15. Nick Freemantle
    16. Judith Breuer
    17. Joseph F Standing
    18. FLARE Investigators

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 3 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  6. SARS-CoV-2 infection results in lasting and systemic perturbations post recovery

    This article has 23 authors:
    1. Justin J. Frere
    2. Randal A. Serafini
    3. Kerri D. Pryce
    4. Marianna Zazhytska
    5. Kohei Oishi
    6. Ilona Golynker
    7. Maryline Panis
    8. Jeffrey Zimering
    9. Shu Horiuchi
    10. Daisy A. Hoagland
    11. Rasmus Møller
    12. Anne Ruiz
    13. Jonathan B. Overdevest
    14. Albana Kodra
    15. Peter D. Canoll
    16. James E. Goldman
    17. Alain C. Borczuk
    18. Vasuretha Chandar
    19. Yaron Bram
    20. Robert Schwartz
    21. Stavros Lomvardas
    22. Venetia Zachariou
    23. Benjamin R. tenOever

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 3 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  7. Viral load dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron variants following multiple vaccine doses and previous infection

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Yonatan Woodbridge
    2. Sharon Amit
    3. Amit Huppert
    4. Naama M. Kopelman

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 3 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  8. Monitoring of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1/BA.2 lineage transition in the Swedish population reveals increased viral RNA levels in BA.2 cases

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Antonio Lentini
    2. Antonio Pereira
    3. Ola Winqvist
    4. Björn Reinius

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 4 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  9. Myopericarditis After COVID-19 Booster Dose Vaccination

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Katie A. Sharff
    2. David M. Dancoes
    3. Jodi L. Longueil
    4. Paul F. Lewis
    5. Eric S. Johnson

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 4 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
  10. Prediction of deterioration from COVID-19 in patients in skilled nursing facilities using wearable and contact-free devices: a feasibility study

    This article has 8 authors:
    1. Sabine von Preyss-Friedman
    2. Linda Emmet
    3. Dree Deckert
    4. Dennis A.B. David
    5. Heikki Raisanen
    6. Kevin Longoria
    7. Willem Gielen
    8. Martin G. Frasch

    Reviewed by Rapid Reviews Infectious Diseases, ScreenIT

    This article has 4 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
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