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  1. New evidence for the presence and function of phosphoinositides (PPIs) in the chloroplast

    This article has 3 authors:
    1. Mastoureh Sedaghatmehr
    2. Frieda Rößler
    3. Alexander P. Hertle

    Reviewed by preLights

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  2. Leukocytes use endothelial membrane tunnels to extravasate the vasculature

    This article has 24 authors:
    1. Werner J. van der Meer
    2. Abraham C.I. van Steen
    3. Eike Mahlandt
    4. Loïc Rolas
    5. Haitao Wang
    6. Janine J.G. Arts
    7. Lanette Kempers
    8. Max L.B. Grönloh
    9. Rianne M. Schoon
    10. Amber Driessen
    11. Jos van Rijssel
    12. Ingeborg Klaassen
    13. Reinier O. Schlingemann
    14. Yosif Manavski
    15. Mark Hoogenboezem
    16. Reinier A. Boon
    17. Satya Khuon
    18. Eric Wait
    19. John Heddleston
    20. Teng-Leong Chew
    21. Martijn A. Nolte
    22. Sussan Nourshargh
    23. Joachim Goedhart
    24. Jaap D. van Buul

    Reviewed by preLights

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  3. Investigating Mechanically Activated Currents from Trigeminal Neurons of Non-Human Primates

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Karen A Lindquist
    2. Jennifer Mecklenburg
    3. Anahit H. Hovhannisyan
    4. Shivani Ruparel
    5. Armen N. Akopian

    Reviewed by preLights

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  4. Platelet-derived LPA16:0 inhibits adult neurogenesis and stress resilience in anxiety disorder

    This article has 16 authors:
    1. Thomas Larrieu
    2. Charline Carron
    3. Fabio Grieco
    4. Crystal Weber
    5. Kyllian Ginggen
    6. Aurélie Delacrétaz
    7. Hector Gallart-Ayala
    8. Mumeko Tsuda
    9. Heather A. Cameron
    10. Chin B. Eap
    11. Julijana Ivanisevic
    12. Pierre Magistretti
    13. Ludovic Telley
    14. Alexandre Dayer
    15. Camille Piguet
    16. Nicolas Toni

    Reviewed by preLights

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  5. Circadian modulation of mosquito host-seeking persistence by Pigment-Dispersing Factor impacts daily biting patterns

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Linhan Dong
    2. Richard Hormigo
    3. Jord M. Barnett
    4. Chloe Greppi
    5. Laura B. Duvall

    Reviewed by preLights

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  6. Geometric analysis of airway trees shows that lung anatomy evolved to enable explosive ventilation and prevent barotrauma in cetaceans

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Robert L. Cieri
    2. Merryn H. Tawhai
    3. Marina Piscitelli-Doshkov
    4. A. Wayne Vogl
    5. Robert E. Shadwick

    Reviewed by preLights

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  7. Hippocampal neuroinflammation causes sex-specific disruptions in action selection, food approach memories, and neuronal activation

    This article has 14 authors:
    1. Kiruthika Ganesan
    2. Sahar Ghorbanpour
    3. William Kendall
    4. Sarah Thomas Broome
    5. Joanne M. Gladding
    6. Amolika Dhungana
    7. Arvie Rodriguez Abiero
    8. Maedeh Mahmoudi
    9. Alessandro Castorina
    10. Michael D. Kendig
    11. Serena Becchi
    12. Veronika Valova
    13. Louise Cole
    14. Laura A. Bradfield

    Reviewed by preLights

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  8. A depth map of visual space in the primary visual cortex

    This article has 4 authors:
    1. Yiran He
    2. Antonio Colas Nieto
    3. Antonin Blot
    4. Petr Znamenskiy

    Reviewed by preLights

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  9. Motor Clustering Enhances Kinesin-driven Vesicle Transport

    This article has 6 authors:
    1. Rui Jiang
    2. Qingzhou Feng
    3. Daguan Nong
    4. You Jung Kang
    5. David Sept
    6. William O. Hancock

    Reviewed by preLights

    This article has 1 evaluationAppears in 1 listLatest version Latest activity
  10. Cellular signalling protrusions enable dynamic distant contacts in spinal cord neurogenesis

    This article has 5 authors:
    1. Joshua Hawley
    2. Robert Lea
    3. Veronica Biga
    4. Nancy Papalopulu
    5. Cerys Manning

    Reviewed by PREreview, preLights

    This article has 2 evaluationsAppears in 2 listsLatest version Latest activity
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