Geriatric Medicine
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) 1 expression in leukocytes of adults from 64 to 67 years old
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by PeerRef
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Latino families with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias: Perceptions of family caregivers and primary care providers
This article has 7 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Assessment of oxidative stress markers in elderly patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and potential prognostic implications in the medium and long term
This article has 8 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
The helping older people engage (HOPE) study: Protocol & COVID modifications for a randomized trial
This article has 13 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Anti‐spike IgG antibody kinetics following the second and third doses of BNT162b2 vaccine in nursing home residents
This article has 10 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Risk factors for developing symptomatic COVID-19 in older residents of nursing homes: A hypothesis-generating observational study
This article has 10 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Effects of 3 months of multi-nutrient supplementation on the immune system and muscle and respiratory function of older adults in aged care (The Pomerium Study): protocol for a randomised controlled trial
This article has 13 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Temporal trends in hospitalizations and 30-day mortality in older patients during the COVID pandemic from March 2020 to July 2021
This article has 15 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Change in long‐term care service usage in Japan following the COVID ‐19 pandemic: A survey using a nationwide statistical summary in 2018–2021
This article has 4 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT
Two Years with COVID-19: The Electronic Frailty Index Identifies High-Risk Patients in the Stockholm GeroCovid Study
This article has 19 authors:Reviewed by ScreenIT