A unifying account of replay as context-driven memory reactivation

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    Zhou et al. introduce cascading neural activations, known as 'replay', into a context-maintenance and retrieval model (CMR) that has been previously used to capture a range of memory phenomena. The proposed 'CMR-replay' model outperforms its CMR predecessor in a compelling way, and thus, the work makes important strides towards understanding the empirical memory literature as well as some of the cognitive functions of replay. Notable limitations include the scope of the model with respect to established aspects of memory consolidation, such as the stages and physiology of sleep, and the lack of integration with highly relevant associative and deep learning theories.

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During rest and sleep, sequential neural activation patterns corresponding to awake experience re-emerge, and this replay has been shown to benefit subsequent behavior and memory. Whereas some studies show that replay directly recapitulates recent experience, others demonstrate that replay systematically deviates from the temporal structure, the statistics, and even the content of recent experience. Given these disparate characteristics, what is the nature and purpose of replay? Here, we offer a theoretical framework in which replay reflects simple context-guided processes that facilitate memory. We suggest that, during awake learning, the brain associates experiences with the contexts in which they are encoded, at encoding rates that vary according to the salience of each experience. During quiescence, replay emerges as the result of a cascade of autonomous bidirectional interactions between contexts and their associated experiences, which in turn facilitates memory consolidation. A computational model instantiating this proposal explains numerous replay phenomena, including findings that existing models fail to account for and observations that have been predominantly construed through the lens of reinforcement learning. Our theory provides a unified, mechanistic framework of how the brain initially encodes and subsequently replays experiences in the service of memory consolidation.

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  1. eLife assessment

    Zhou et al. introduce cascading neural activations, known as 'replay', into a context-maintenance and retrieval model (CMR) that has been previously used to capture a range of memory phenomena. The proposed 'CMR-replay' model outperforms its CMR predecessor in a compelling way, and thus, the work makes important strides towards understanding the empirical memory literature as well as some of the cognitive functions of replay. Notable limitations include the scope of the model with respect to established aspects of memory consolidation, such as the stages and physiology of sleep, and the lack of integration with highly relevant associative and deep learning theories.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    Zhou and colleagues developed a computational model of replay that heavily builds on cognitive models of memory in context (e.g., the context-maintenance and retrieval model), which have been successfully used to explain memory phenomena in the past. Their model produces results that mirror previous empirical findings in rodents and offers a new computational framework for thinking about replay.


    The model is compelling and seems to explain a number of findings from the rodent literature. It is commendable that the authors implement commonly used algorithms from wakefulness to model sleep/rest, thereby linking wake and sleep phenomena in a parsimonious way. Additionally, the manuscript's comprehensive perspective on replay, bridging humans and non-human animals, enhanced its theoretical contribution.


    This reviewer is not a computational neuroscientist by training, so some comments may stem from misunderstandings. I hope the authors would see those instances as opportunities to clarify their findings for broader audiences.

    (1) The model predicts that temporally close items will be co-reactivated, yet evidence from humans suggests that temporal context doesn't guide sleep benefits (instead, semantic connections seem to be of more importance; Liu and Ranganath 2021, Schechtman et al 2023). Could these findings be reconciled with the model or is this a limitation of the current framework?

    (2) During replay, the model is set so that the next reactivated item is sampled without replacement (i.e., the model cannot get "stuck" on a single item). I'm not sure what the biological backing behind this is and why the brain can't reactivate the same item consistently. Furthermore, I'm afraid that such a rule may artificially generate sequential reactivation of items regardless of wake training. Could the authors explain this better or show that this isn't the case?

    (3) If I understand correctly, there are two ways in which novelty (i.e., less exposure) is accounted for in the model. The first and more talked about is the suppression mechanism (lines 639-646). The second is a change in learning rates (lines 593-595). It's unclear to me why both procedures are needed, how they differ, and whether these are two different mechanisms that the model implements. Also, since the authors controlled the extent to which each item was experienced during wakefulness, it's not entirely clear to me which of the simulations manipulated novelty on an individual item level, as described in lines 593-595 (if any).

    As to the first mechanism - experience-based suppression - I find it challenging to think of a biological mechanism that would achieve this and is selectively activated immediately before sleep (somehow anticipating its onset). In fact, the prominent synaptic homeostasis hypothesis suggests that such suppression, at least on a synaptic level, is exactly what sleep itself does (i.e., prune or weaken synapses that were enhanced due to learning during the day). This begs the question of whether certain sleep stages (or ultradian cycles) may be involved in pruning, whereas others leverage its results for reactivation (e.g., a sequential hypothesis; Rasch & Born, 2013). That could be a compelling synthesis of this literature. Regardless of whether the authors agree, I believe that this point is a major caveat to the current model. It is addressed in the discussion, but perhaps it would be beneficial to explicitly state to what extent the results rely on the assumption of a pre-sleep suppression mechanism.

    (4) As the manuscript mentions, the only difference between sleep and wake in the model is the initial conditions (a0). This is an obvious simplification, especially given the last author's recent models discussing the very different roles of REM vs NREM. Could the authors suggest how different sleep stages may relate to the model or how it could be developed to interact with other successful models such as the ones the last author has developed (e.g., C-HORSE)? Finally, I wonder how the model would explain findings (including the authors') showing a preference for reactivation of weaker memories. The literature seems to suggest that it isn't just a matter of novelty or exposure, but encoding strength. Can the model explain this? Or would it require additional assumptions or some mechanism for selective endogenous reactivation during sleep and rest?

    (5) Lines 186-200 - Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but wouldn't it be trivial that an external cue at the end-item of Figure 7a would result in backward replay, simply because there is no potential for forward replay for sequences starting at the last item (there simply aren't any subsequent items)? The opposite is true, of course, for the first-item replay, which can't go backward. More generally, my understanding of the literature on forward vs backward replay is that neither is linked to the rodent's location. Both commonly happen at a resting station that is further away from the track. It seems as though the model's result may not hold if replay occurs away from the track (i.e. if a0 would be equal for both pre- and post-run).

    (6) The manuscript describes a study by Bendor & Wilson (2012) and tightly mimics their results. However, notably, that study did not find triggered replay immediately following sound presentation, but rather a general bias toward reactivation of the cued sequence over longer stretches of time. In other words, it seems that the model's results don't fully mirror the empirical results. One idea that came to mind is that perhaps it is the R/L context - not the first R/L item - that is cued in this study. This is in line with other TMR studies showing what may be seen as contextual reactivation. If the authors think that such a simulation may better mirror the empirical results, I encourage them to try. If not, however, this limitation should be discussed.

    (7) There is some discussion about replay's benefit to memory. One point of interest could be whether this benefit changes between wake and sleep. Relatedly, it would be interesting to see whether the proportion of forward replay, backward replay, or both correlated with memory benefits. I encourage the authors to extend the section on the function of replay and explore these questions.

    (8) Replay has been mostly studied in rodents, with few exceptions, whereas CMR and similar models have mostly been used in humans. Although replay is considered a good model of episodic memory, it is still limited due to limited findings of sequential replay in humans and its reliance on very structured and inherently autocorrelated items (i.e., place fields). I'm wondering if the authors could speak to the implications of those limitations on the generalizability of their model. Relatedly, I wonder if the model could or does lead to generalization to some extent in a way that would align with the complementary learning systems framework.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    This manuscript proposes a model of replay that focuses on the relation between an item and its context, without considering the value of the item. The model simulates awake learning, awake replay, and sleep replay, and demonstrates parallels between memory phenomenon driven by encoding strength, replay of sequence learning, and activation of nearest neighbor to infer causality. There is some discussion of the importance of suppression/inhibition to reduce activation of only dominant memories to be replayed, potentially boosting memories that are weakly encoded. Very nice replications of several key replay findings including the effect of reward and remote replay, demonstrating the equally salient cue of context for offline memory consolidation.

    I have no suggestions for the main body of the study, including methods and simulations, as the work is comprehensive, transparent, and well-described. However, I would like to understand how the CMRreplay model fits with the current understanding of the importance of excitation vs inhibition, remembering vs forgetting, activation vs deactivation, strengthening vs elimination of synapses, and even NREM vs REM as Schapiro has modeled. There seems to be a strong association with the efforts of the model to instantiate a memory as well as how that reinstantiation changes across time. But that is not all this is to consolidation. The specific roles of different brain states and how they might change replay is also an important consideration.

    Do the authors suggest that these replay systems are more universal to offline processes beyond episodic memory? What about procedural memories and working memory?

    Though this is not a biophysical model per se, can the authors speak to the neuromodulatory milieus that give rise to the different types of replay?

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    In this manuscript, Zhou et al. present a computational model of memory replay. Their model (CMR-replay) draws from temporal context models of human memory (e.g., TCM, CMR) and claims replay may be another instance of a context-guided memory process. During awake learning, CMR replay (like its predecessors) encodes items alongside a drifting mental context that maintains a recency-weighted history of recently encoded contexts/items. In this way, the presently encoded item becomes associated with other recently learned items via their shared context representation - giving rise to typical effects in recall such as primacy, recency, and contiguity. Unlike its predecessors, CMR-replay has built-in replay periods. These replay periods are designed to approximate sleep or wakeful quiescence, in which an item is spontaneously reactivated, causing a subsequent cascade of item-context reactivations that further update the model's item-context associations.

    Using this model of replay, Zhou et al. were able to reproduce a variety of empirical findings in the replay literature: e.g., greater forward replay at the beginning of a track and more backward replay at the end; more replay for rewarded events; the occurrence of remote replay; reduced replay for repeated items, etc. Furthermore, the model diverges considerably (in implementation and predictions) from other prominent models of replay that, instead, emphasize replay as a way of predicting value from a reinforcement learning framing (i.e., EVB, expected value backup).

    Overall, I found the manuscript clear and easy to follow, despite not being a computational modeller myself. (Which is pretty commendable, I'd say). The model also was effective at capturing several important empirical results from the replay literature while relying on a concise set of mechanisms - which will have implications for subsequent theory-building in the field.

    With respect to weaknesses, additional details for some of the methods and results would help the readers better evaluate the data presented here (e.g., explicitly defining how the various 'proportion of replay' DVs were calculated).

    For example, for many of the simulations, the y-axis scale differs from the empirical data despite using comparable units, like the proportion of replay events (e.g., Figures 1B and C). Presumably, this was done to emphasize the similarity between the empirical and model data. But, as a reader, I often found myself doing the mental manipulation myself anyway to better evaluate how the model compared to the empirical data. Please consider using comparable y-axis ranges across empirical and simulated data wherever possible.

    In a similar vein to the above point, while the DVs in the simulations/empirical data made intuitive sense, I wasn't always sure precisely how they were calculated. Consider the "proportion of replay" in Figure 1A. In the Methods (perhaps under Task Simulations), it should specify exactly how this proportion was calculated (e.g., proportions of all replay events, both forwards and backwards, combining across all simulations from Pre- and Post-run rest periods). In many of the examples, the proportions seem to possibly sum to 1 (e.g., Figure 1A), but in other cases, this doesn't seem to be true (e.g., Figure 3A). More clarity here is critical to help readers evaluate these data. Furthermore, sometimes the labels themselves are not the most informative. For example, in Figure 1A, the y-axis is "Proportion of replay" and in 1C it is the "Proportion of events". I presumed those were the same thing - the proportion of replay events - but it would be best if the axis labels were consistent across figures in this manuscript when they reflect the same DV.

  5. Reviewer #4 (Public Review):


    With their 'CMR-replay' model, Zhou et al. demonstrate that the use of spontaneous neural cascades in a context-maintenance and retrieval (CMR) model significantly expands the range of captured memory phenomena.


    The proposed model compellingly outperforms its CMR predecessor and, thus, makes important strides towards understanding the empirical memory literature, as well as highlighting a cognitive function of replay.


    Competing accounts of replay are acknowledged but there are no formal comparisons and only CMR-replay predictions are visualized. Indeed, other than the CMR model, only one alternative account is given serious consideration: A variant of the 'Dyna-replay' architecture, originally developed in the machine learning literature (Sutton, 1990; Moore & Atkeson, 1993) and modified by Mattar et al (2018) such that previously experienced event-sequences get replayed based on their relevance to future gain. Mattar et al acknowledged that a realistic Dyna-replay mechanism would require a learned representation of transitions between perceptual and motor events, i.e., a 'cognitive map'. While Zhou et al. note that the CMR-replay model might provide such a complementary mechanism, they emphasize that their account captures replay characteristics that Dyna-replay does not (though it is unclear to what extent the reverse is also true).

    Another important consideration, however, is how CMR replay compares to alternative mechanistic accounts of cognitive maps. For example, Recurrent Neural Networks are adept at detecting spatial and temporal dependencies in sequential input; these networks are being increasingly used to capture psychological and neuroscientific data (e.g., Zhang et al, 2020; Spoerer et al, 2020), including hippocampal replay specifically (Haga & Fukai, 2018). Another relevant framework is provided by Associative Learning Theory, in which bidirectional associations between static and transient stimulus elements are commonly used to explain contextual and cue-based phenomena, including associative retrieval of absent events (McLaren et al, 1989; Harris, 2006; Kokkola et al, 2019). Without proper integration with these modeling approaches, it is difficult to gauge the innovation and significance of CMR-replay, particularly since the model is applied post hoc to the relatively narrow domain of rodent maze navigation.