Bursts from the past: Intrinsic properties link a network model to zebra finch song

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    This important study combines experiment and theory to examine how the intrinsic physiological properties of neurons involved in orchestrating birdsong are related to the temporal structure of song. Intrinsic properties determine how neurons respond to inputs, and in this manuscript, the authors describe rules that connect these intrinsic properties to a learned behaviour, the learned song of an adult songbird. The experimental data are convincing and the computational model builds on a robust and well-validated biophysical framework. Although some key points of the model could be established more strongly, the evidence supporting the idea that song temporal structure is related to intrinsic physiology is solid and this research will be of general interest to researchers in the field and neurophysiologists.

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Neuronal intrinsic excitability is a mechanism implicated in learning and memory that is distinct from synaptic plasticity. Prior work in songbirds established that intrinsic properties (IPs) of premotor basal-ganglia-projecting neurons (HVC X ) relate to learned song. Here we find that temporal song structure is related to specific HVC X IPs: HVC X from birds who sang longer songs including longer invariant vocalizations (harmonic stacks) had IPs that reflected increased post-inhibitory rebound. This suggests a rebound excitation mechanism underlying the ability of HVC X neurons to integrate over long periods of time and represent sequence information. To explore this, we constructed a network model of realistic neurons showing how in-vivo HVC bursting properties link rebound excitation to network structure and behavior. These results demonstrate an explicit link between neuronal IPs and learned behavior. We propose that sequential behaviors exhibiting temporal regularity require IPs to be included in realistic network-level descriptions.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This important study combines experiment and theory to examine how the intrinsic physiological properties of neurons involved in orchestrating birdsong are related to the temporal structure of song. Intrinsic properties determine how neurons respond to inputs, and in this manuscript, the authors describe rules that connect these intrinsic properties to a learned behaviour, the learned song of an adult songbird. The experimental data are convincing and the computational model builds on a robust and well-validated biophysical framework. Although some key points of the model could be established more strongly, the evidence supporting the idea that song temporal structure is related to intrinsic physiology is solid and this research will be of general interest to researchers in the field and neurophysiologists.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    Previous research from the Margoliash laboratory has demonstrated that the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of one class of projection neurons in the song nucleus HVC, HVCX neurons, are similar within birds and differ between birds in a manner that relates to the bird's song. The current study builds on this research by addressing how intrinsic properties may relate to the temporal structure of the bird's song and by developing a computational model for how this can influence sequence propagation of activity within HVC during singing.

    First, the authors identify that the duration of the song motif is correlated with the duration of song syllables and particularly the length of harmonic stacks within the song. They next found positive correlations between some of the intrinsic properties, including firing frequency, sag ratio, and rebound excitation area with the duration of the birds' longest harmonic syllable and some other measure of motif duration. These results were extended by examining measures of firing frequency and sag ratio between two groups of birds that were experimentally raised to learn songs that only differed by the addition of a long terminal harmonic stack in one of the groups. Lastly, the authors present an HH-based model elucidating how the timing and magnitude of rebound excitation of HVCX neurons can function to support previously reported physiological network properties of these neurons during singing.


    By trying to describe how intrinsic properties (IPs) may relate to the structure of learned behavior and providing a potentially plausible model (see below for more on this) for how differences in IPs can relate to sequence propagation in this neural network, this research is addressing an important and challenging issue. An understanding of how cell types develop IPs and how those IPs relate to the function and output of a network is a fundamental issue. Tackling this in the zebra finch HVC is an elegant approach because it provides a quantifiable and reliable behavior that is explicitly tied to the neurons that the authors are studying. Nonetheless, this is a difficult problem, and kudos to the authors for trying to unravel this.

    Correlations between harmonic stack durations and song durations are well-supported and interesting. This provides a new insight that can and will likely be used by other research groups in correlating neuronal activity patterns to song behavior and motif duration. Additionally, correlations between IPs associated with rebound excitation are also well supported in this study.

    The HH-model presented is important because it meaningfully relates how high or low rebound excitation can set the integration time window for HVCX neurons. Further, the synaptic connectivity of this model provides at least one plausible way in how this functions to permit the bursting activity of HVCX neurons during singing (and potentially during song playback experiments in sleeping birds). Thus, this model will be useful to the field for understanding how this network activity intersects with 'learned' IPs in an important class of neurons in this circuit.


    The main weakness of the study is that there is somewhat of a disconnect between the physiological measurements described and the key components of the circuit model presented at the end of the paper. Thus, better support could be provided to link the magnitude of rebound excitation with song temporal structure. The rebound excitation area is shown to be positively correlated with the longest harmonic stack. Does this correlation hold when the four birds with unusually long stacks (>150ms) are excluded? Is rebound excitation area positively correlated with motif duration? Additionally, rebound excitation was not considered when examining experimentally tutored birds. Further analysis of these correlations can better link this research to the model presented.

    The HH model is of general interest, but I am concerned about the plausibility of some of this circuitry, particularly because synaptic connectivity underlying information flow is a central component of the model. At several steps in the model, excitatory drive onto HVCX neurons is coming from another HVCX neuron. Although disynaptic inhibition between HVCX neurons and between HVCRA and HVCX neurons is well established, I am not aware of any data indicating direct synaptic connections between HVCX neurons.

    Thus, how does the model change if all excitatory drive onto HVCX neurons are coming from HVCRA neurons? Currently, the model is realized through neurons being active at syllable or gesture transitions. What does the model predict about the distribution of HVCRA neurons activity across songs if they are the exclusive excitatory input to HVCX neurons? A better consideration of these issues can improve the suitability of the model in the context of known connectivity.

    If I understand the model and ideas correctly, birds with longer motifs should exhibit longer pauses in the activity of tonically active HVC interneurons during singing and they should exhibit longer post-rebound integration windows. Experimental evidence supporting either of these ideas is not provided and would strengthen this research.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    Intrinsic properties of a neuron refer to the ion channels that a neuron expresses. These ion channels determine how a neuron responds to its inputs. How intrinsic properties link to behavior remains poorly understood. Medina and Margoliash address this question using the zebra finch, a well-studied songbird. Previous studies from their lab and other labs have shown that the intrinsic properties of adult songbird basal-ganglia projecting premotor neurons, are more similar within a bird than across birds. Across birds, this similarity is related to the extent of similarity in the songs; the more similar the song between two birds, the more similar the intrinsic properties between the neurons of these two birds. Finally, the intrinsic properties of these neurons change over the course of development and are sensitive to intact auditory feedback. However, the song features that relate to these intrinsic properties and the function of the within-bird homogeneity of intrinsic properties are unclear.

    In this manuscript, the authors address these two questions by examining the intrinsic properties of basal-ganglia projecting premotor neurons in zebra finch brain slices. Specifically, they focus on the Ih current (as this is related to rhythmic activity in many pattern-generating circuits) and correlate the properties of the Ih current with song features. They find that the sag ratio (a measure of the driving force of the Ih current) and the rebound area (a measure of the post-inhibitory depolarisation) are both correlated with the temporal features of the song. First, they show the presence of correlations between the length of the song motif and the length of the longest syllable (most often a harmonic stack syllable). Based on this, they conclude that longer song motifs are composed of longer syllables. Second, they show that HVCX neurons within a bird have more similar sag ratios and rebound areas than across birds. Third, the mean sag ratio and mean rebound areas across birds were correlated with the duration of the longest harmonic stack within the song. These two results suggest that IPs are correlated with the temporal structure of the song. To further test this, the authors used natural and experimental tutoring procedures to have birds that learned two different types of songs that only differed in length; the longer song had an extra harmonic stack at the end. Using these two sets of birds, the authors find larger sag ratios and higher firing frequencies in birds with longer songs. Fifth, they show that the post-inhibitory rebound area allows neurons to respond to excitatory inputs and produce spikes. Neurons with a larger rebound area have a larger time window for responding to excitatory inputs. Based on this, they speculate that HVCX neurons with larger rebound areas integrate over larger time windows. Finally, they make a network model of HVC and show that one specific model could explain sequence-specific bursting of HVCX neurons.


    The question being addressed is an interesting question and the authors use appropriate techniques. The authors find a new temporal structure within the song, specifically, they find that longer songs typically have more syllables and longer syllables. As far as I know, this has not been shown earlier. The authors build on existing literature to suggest that IPs of HVCX neurons are correlated with the temporal structure of songs.


    I have a number of concerns with the statistics and interpretation of the results, insufficient controls for one experiment, and the specifics of the model that affect the implications of these results. These concerns are listed in the recommendations for the authors.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    It is rare to find systems in neuroscience where a detailed mechanistic link can be made between the biophysical properties of individual neurons and observable behaviors. In this study, Medina and Margoliash examined how the intrinsic physiological properties of a subclass of neurons in HVC, the main nucleus orchestrating the production of birdsong, might have an effect on the temporal structure of a song. This builds on prior work from this lab demonstrating that intrinsic properties of these neurons are highly consistent within individual animals and more similar between animals with similar songs, by identifying specific acoustic features of the song that covary with intrinsic properties and by setting forth a detailed biophysical network model to explain the relationship.

    The main experimental finding is that excitability, hyperpolarization-evoked sag, and rebound depolarization are correlated with song duration and the duration of long harmonic elements. This motivates the hypothesis that rebound depolarization acts as a coincidence detector for the offset of inhibition associated with the previous song element and excitation associated with the start of the next element, with the delay and other characteristics of the window determined primarily by Ih. The idea is then that the temporal sensitivity of coincidence detection, which is common to all HVCx neurons, sets a global tempo that relates to the temporal characteristics of a song. This model is supported by some experimental data showing variation in the temporal integration of rebound spiking and by a Hodgkin-Huxley-based computational model that demonstrates proof of principle, including the emergence of a narrow (~50 ms) post-inhibitory window when excitatory input from other principal neurons can effectively evoke spiking.

    Overall, the data are convincing and the model is compelling. The manuscript plays to the strengths of zebra finch song learning and the well-characterized microcircuitry and network dynamics of HVC. Of particular note, the design for the electrophysiology experiments employed both a correlational approach exploiting the natural variation in zebra finch song and a more controlled approach comparing birds that were tutored to produce songs that differed primarily along a single acoustical dimension. The modeling is based on Hodgkin-Huxley ionic conductances that have been pharmacologically validated, and the connections and functional properties of the network are consistent with prior work. This makes for a level of mechanistic detail that will likely be fruitful for future work.

    There are some minor to moderate weaknesses. A minor weakness in the analysis of the experimental data relates to the handling of multiple correlations. There are several physiological variables that covary and several acoustical variables that covary, which makes it difficult to interpret standard Pearson correlation coefficients between any two individual variables. This is a minor concern because the results of the correlational analysis were confirmed in separate experiments with controlled tutoring, but a partial correlation analysis or latent factor analysis would be a more rigorous way of analyzing the natural live tutoring data.