A direct neural signature of serial dependence in working memory

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    This important study reveals a neural signature of a common behavioural phenomenon: serial dependence, whereby estimates of a visual feature (here motion direction) are attracted towards the recent history of encoded and reported stimuli. The study provides solid evidence that this phenomenon arises primarily during working memory maintenance. The pervasiveness of serial dependencies across modalities and species makes these findings important for researchers interested in perceptual decision-making across subfields.

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Our perception is biased towards sensory input from the recent past. While this “serial dependence” has been well established in behavior, a direct neural correlate of the phenomenon has not been determined. Applying multivariate analyses to magnetoencephalographic data during a visual working memory task, we found an attraction of neural representations to previous stimuli, which was consistent with behavioral responses. This is the first evidence for a direct neural signature of serial dependence. In addition, the present task, together with the high temporal resolution of magnetoencephalography, allowed us to identify the timing of serial dependence. In line with current theoretical models, we found serial dependence to emerge at late, post-encoding stages of information processing in working memory.Serial dependence describes the phenomenon that current object representations are attracted to previously encoded and reported representations. While attractive biases have been observed reliably and across various modalities in behavioral reports, a direct neural correlate has not been established. Previous studies have either shown a reactivation of past information without observing a neural signal related to the bias of the current information, or a repulsive distortion of current neural representations contrasting the behavioral bias. The present study recorded neural signals with magnetoencephalography during a working memory task to identify neural correlates of serial dependence. Participants encoded and memorized two sequentially presented motion directions per trial, one of which was later retro-cued for report. Multivariate analyses provided reliable reconstructions of both motion directions. Importantly, the reconstructed directions in the current trial were attractively shifted towards the target direction of the previous trial. This neural bias mirrored the behavioral attractive bias, thus reflecting a direct neural signature of serial dependence. The use of a retro-cue task in combination with magnetoencephalography allowed us to determine that this neural bias emerged at later, post-encoding time points. This timing suggests that serial dependence in working memory affects memorized information during read-out and reactivation processes that happen after the initial encoding. Taken together, we identified a direct neural signature of serial dependence, which occurs during later processing stages of working memory representations.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This important study reveals a neural signature of a common behavioural phenomenon: serial dependence, whereby estimates of a visual feature (here motion direction) are attracted towards the recent history of encoded and reported stimuli. The study provides solid evidence that this phenomenon arises primarily during working memory maintenance. The pervasiveness of serial dependencies across modalities and species makes these findings important for researchers interested in perceptual decision-making across subfields.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    This study uses MEG to test for a neural signature of the trial history effect known as 'serial dependence.' This is a behavioral phenomenon whereby stimuli are judged to be more similar than they really are, in feature space, to stimuli that were relevant in the recent past (i.e., the preceding trials). This attractive bias is prevalent across stimulus classes and modalities, but a neural source has been elusive. This topic has generated great interest in recent years, and I believe this study makes a unique contribution to the field. The paper is overall clear and compelling, and makes effective use of data visualizations to illustrate the findings. Below, I list several points where I believe further detail would be important to interpreting the results. I also make suggestions for additional analyses that I believe would enrich understanding but are inessential to the main conclusions.

    (1) In the introduction, I think the study motivation could be strengthened, to clarify the importance of identifying a neural signature here. It is clear that previous studies have focused mainly on behavior, and that the handful of neuroscience investigations have found only indirect signatures. But what would the type of signature being sought here tell us? How would it advance understanding of the underlying processes, the function of serial dependence, or the theoretical debates around the phenomenon?

    (1a) As one specific point of clarification, on p. 5, lines 91-92, a previous study (St. John-Saaltink et al.) is described as part of the current study motivation, stating that "as the current and previous orientations were either identical or orthogonal to each other, it remained unclear whether this neural bias reflected an attraction or repulsion in relation to the past." I think this statement could be more explicit as to why/how these previous findings are ambiguous. The St. John-Saaltink study stands as one of very few that may be considered to show evidence of an early attractive effect in neural activity, so it would help to clarify what sort of advance the current study represents beyond that.

    (1b) The study motivation might also consider the findings of Ranieri et al (2022, J. Neurosci) Fornaciai, Togoli, & Bueti (2023, J. Neurosci), and Luo & Collins (2023, J. Neurosci) who all test various neural signatures of serial dependence.

    (2) Regarding the methods and results, it would help if the initial description of the reconstruction approach, in the main text, gave more context about what data is going into reconstruction (e.g., which sensors), a more conceptual overview of what the 'reconstruction' entails, and what the fidelity metric indexes. To me, all of that is important to interpreting the figures and results. For instance, when I first read, it was unclear to me what it meant to "reconstruct the direction of S1 during the S2 epoch" (p. 10, line 199)? As in, I couldn't tell how the data/model knows which item it is reconstructing, as opposed to just reporting whatever directional information is present in the signal.

    (2a) Relatedly, what does "reconstruction strength" reflect in Figure 2a? Is this different than the fidelity metric? Does fidelity reflect the strength of the particular relevant direction, or does it just mean that there is a high level of any direction information in the signal?

    (3) Then in the Methods, it would help to provide further detail still about the IEM training/testing procedure. For instance, it's not entirely clear to me whether all the analyses use the same model (i.e., all trained on stimulus encoding) or whether each epoch and timepoint is trained on the corresponding epoch and timepoint from the other session. This speaks to whether the reconstructions reflect a shared stimulus code across different conditions vs. that stimulus information about various previous and current trial items can be extracted if the model is tailored accordingly. Specifically, when you say "aim of the reconstruction" (p. 31, line 699), does that simply mean the reconstruction was centered in that direction (that the same data would go into reconstructing S1 or S2 in a given epoch, and what would differentiate between them is whether the reconstruction was centered to the S1 or S2 direction value)? Or were S1 and S2 trained and tested separately for the same epoch? And was training and testing all within the same time point (i.e., train on delay, test on delay), or train on the encoding of a given item, then test the fidelity of that stimulus code under various conditions?

    (3a) I think training and testing were done separately for each epoch and timepoint, but this could have important implications for interpreting the results. Namely if the models are trained and tested on different time points, and reference directions, then some will be inherently noisier than others (e.g., delay period more so than encoding), and potentially more (or differently) susceptible to bias. For instance, the S1 and S2 epochs show no attractive bias, but they may also be based on more high-fidelity training sets (i.e., encoding), and therefore less susceptible to the bias that is evident in the retrocue epoch.

    (4) I believe the work would benefit from a further effort to reconcile these results with previous findings (i.e., those that showed repulsion, like Sheehan & Serences), potentially through additional analyses. The discussion attributes the difference in findings to the "combination of a retro-cue paradigm with the high temporal resolution of MEG," but it's unclear how that explains why various others observed repulsion (thought to happen quite early) that is not seen at any stage here. In my view, the temporal (as well as spatial) resolution of MEG could be further exploited here to better capture the early vs. late stages of processing. For instance, by separately examining earlier vs. later time points (instead of averaging across all of them), or by identifying and analyzing data in the sensors that might capture early vs. late stages of processing. Indeed, the S1 and S2 reconstructions show subtle repulsion, which might be magnified at earlier time points but then shift (toward attraction) at later time points, thereby counteracting any effect. Likewise, the S1 reconstruction becomes biased during the S2 epoch, consistent with previous observations that the SD effects grow across a WM delay. Maybe both S1 and S2 would show an attractive bias emerging during the later (delay) portion of their corresponding epoch? As is, the data nicely show that an attractive bias can be detected in the retrocue period activity, but they could still yield further specificity about when and where that bias emerges.

    (5) A few other potentially interesting (but inessential considerations): A benchmark property of serial dependence is its feature-specificity, in that the attractive bias occurs only between current and previous stimuli that are within a certain range of similarity to each other in feature space. I would be very curious to see if the neural reconstructions manifest this principle - for instance, if one were to plot the trialwise reconstruction deviation from 0, across the full space of current-previous trial distances, as in the behavioral data. Likewise, something that is not captured by the DoG fitting approach, but which this dataset may be in a position to inform, is the commonly observed (but little understood) repulsive effect that appears when current and previous stimuli are quite distinct from each other. As in, Figure 1b shows an attractive bias for direction differences around 30 degrees, but a repulsive one for differences around 170 degrees - is there a corresponding neural signature for this component of the behavior?

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    The study aims to probe the neural correlates of visual serial dependence - the phenomenon that estimates of a visual feature (here motion direction) are attracted towards the recent history of encoded and reported stimuli. The authors utilize an established retro-cue working memory task together with magnetoencephalography, which allows to probe neural representations of motion direction during encoding and retrieval (retro-cue) periods of each trial. The main finding is that neural representations of motion direction are not systematically biased during the encoding of motion stimuli, but are attracted towards the motion direction of the previous trial's target during the retrieval (retro-cue period), just prior to the behavioral response. By demonstrating a neural signature of attractive biases in working memory representations, which align with attractive behavioral biases, this study highlights the importance of post-encoding memory processes in visual serial dependence.


    The main strength of the study is its elegant use of a retro-cue working memory task together with high temporal resolution MEG, enabling to probe neural representations related to stimulus encoding and working memory. The behavioral task elicits robust behavioral serial dependence and replicates previous behavioral findings by the same research group. The careful neural decoding analysis benefits from a large number of trials per participant, considering the slow-paced nature of the working memory paradigm. This is crucial in a paradigm with considerable trial-by-trial behavioral variability (serial dependence biases are typically small, relative to the overall variability in response errors). While the current study is broadly consistent with previous studies showing that attractive biases in neural responses are absent during stimulus encoding (previous studies reported repulsive biases), to my knowledge it is the first study showing attractive biases in current stimulus representations during working memory. The study also connects to previous literature showing reactivations of previous stimulus representations, although the link between reactivations and biases remains somewhat vague in the current manuscript. Together, the study reveals an interesting avenue for future studies investigating the neural basis of visual serial dependence.


    The main weakness of the current manuscript is that the authors could have done more analyses to address the concern that their neural decoding results are driven by signals related to eye movements. The authors show that participants' gaze position systematically depended on the current stimuli's motion directions, which together with previous studies on eye movement-related confounds in neural decoding justifies such a concern. The authors seek to rule out this confound by showing that the consistency of stimulus-dependent gaze position does not correlate with (a) the neural reconstruction fidelity and (b) the repulsive shift in reconstructed motion direction. However, both of these controls do not directly address the concern. If I understand correctly the metric quantifying the consistency of stimulus-dependent gaze position (Figure S3a) only considers gaze angle and not gaze amplitude. Furthermore, it does not consider gaze position as a function of continuous motion direction, but instead treats motion directions as categorical variables. Therefore, assuming an eye movement confound, it is unclear whether the gaze consistency metric should strongly correlate with neural reconstruction fidelity, or whether there are other features of eye movements (e.g., amplitude differences across participants, and tuning of gaze in the continuous space of motion directions) which would impact the relationship with neural decoding. Moreover, it is unclear whether the consistency metric, which does not consider history dependencies in eye movements, should correlate with attractive history biases in neural decoding. It would be more straightforward if the authors would attempt to (a) directly decode stimulus motion direction from x-y gaze coordinates and relate this decoding performance to neural reconstruction fidelity, and (b) investigate whether gaze coordinates themselves are history-dependent and are attracted to the average gaze position associated with the previous trials' target stimulus. If the authors could show that (b) is not the case, I would be much more convinced that their main finding is not driven by eye movement confounds.

    I am not convinced by the across-participant correlation between attractive biases in neural representations and attractive behavioral biases in estimation reports. One would expect a correlation with the behavioral bias amplitude, which is not borne out. Instead, there is a correlation with behavioral bias width, but no explanation of how bias width should relate to the bias in neural representations. The authors could be more explicit in their arguments about how these metrics would be functionally related, and why there is no correlation with behavioral bias amplitude.

    The sample size (n = 10) is definitely at the lower end of sample sizes in this field. The authors collected two sessions per participant, which partly alleviates the concern. However, given that serial dependencies can be very variable across participants, I believe that future studies should aim for larger sample sizes.

    It would have been great to see an analysis in source space. As the authors mention in their introduction, different brain areas, such as PPC, mPFC, and dlPFC have been implicated in serial biases. This begs the question of which brain areas contribute to the serial dependencies observed in the current study. For instance, it would be interesting to see whether attractive shifts in current representations and pre-stimulus reactivations of previous stimuli are evident in the same or different brain areas.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    This study identifies the neural source of serial dependence in visual working memory, i.e., the phenomenon that recall from visual working memory is biased towards recently remembered but currently irrelevant stimuli. Whether this bias has a perceptual or post-perceptual origin has been debated for years - the distinction is important because of its implications for the neural mechanism and ecological purpose of serial dependence. However, this is the first study to provide solid evidence based on human neuroimaging that identifies a post-perceptual memory maintenance stage as the source of the bias. The authors used multivariate pattern analysis of magnetoencephalography (MEG) data while observers remembered the direction of two moving dot stimuli. After one of the two stimuli was cued for recall, decoding of the cued motion direction re-emerged, but with a bias towards the motion direction cued on the previous trial. By contrast, decoding of the stimuli during the perceptual stage was not biased.


    The strengths of the paper are its design, which uses a retrospective cue to clearly distinguish the perceptual/encoding stage from the post-perceptual/maintenance stage, and the rigour of the careful and well-powered analysis. The study benefits from high within-participant power through the use of sensitive MEG recordings (compared to the more common EEG), and the decoding and neural bias analysis are done with care and sophistication, with appropriate controls to rule out confounds.


    A minor weakness of the study is the remaining (but slight) possibility of an eye movement confound. A control analysis shows that participants make systematic eye movements that are aligned with the remembered motion direction during both the encoding and maintenance phases of the task. The authors go some way to show that this eye gaze bias seems unrelated to the decoding of MEG data, but in my opinion do not rule it out conclusively. They merely show that the strengths of the gaze bias and the strength of MEG-based decoding/neural bias are uncorrelated across the 10 participants. Therefore, this argument seems to rest on a null result from an underpowered analysis.


    This important study contributes to the debate on serial dependence with solid evidence that biased neural representations emerge only at a relatively late post-perceptual stage, in contrast to previous behavioural studies. This finding is of broad relevance to the study of working memory, perception, and decision-making by providing key experimental evidence favouring one class of computational models of how stimulus history affects the processing of the current environment.