Neural dynamics of visual working memory representation during sensory distraction

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    This useful study reports a reanalysis of one experiment of a previously published report to characterize the dynamics of neural population codes during visual working memory in the presence of distracting information. The evidence supporting the claims of dynamic codes is incomplete, as only a subset of the original data is analyzed, there is only modest evidence for dynamic coding in the results, and the result might be affected by the signal-to-noise ratio. This research will be of interest to cognitive neuroscientists working on the neural bases of visual perception and memory.

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Recent studies have provided evidence for the concurrent encoding of sensory percepts and visual working memory contents (VWM) across visual areas; however, it has remained unclear how these two types of representations are concurrently present. Here, we reanalyzed an open-access fMRI dataset where participants memorized a sensory stimulus while simultaneously being presented with sensory distractors. First, we found that the VWM code in several visual regions did not generalize well between different time points, suggesting a dynamic code. A more detailed analysis revealed that this was due to shifts in coding spaces across time. Second, we collapsed neural signals across time to assess the degree of interference between VWM contents and sensory distractors, specifically by testing the alignment of their encoding spaces. We find that VWM and feature-matching sensory distractors are encoded in separable coding spaces. Together, these results indicate a role of dynamic coding and temporally stable coding spaces in helping multiplex perception and VWM within visual areas.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This useful study reports a reanalysis of one experiment of a previously published report to characterize the dynamics of neural population codes during visual working memory in the presence of distracting information. The evidence supporting the claims of dynamic codes is incomplete, as only a subset of the original data is analyzed, there is only modest evidence for dynamic coding in the results, and the result might be affected by the signal-to-noise ratio. This research will be of interest to cognitive neuroscientists working on the neural bases of visual perception and memory.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    In this study, the authors re-analyzed Experiment 1 of a public dataset (Rademaker et al, 2019, Nature Neuroscience) which includes fMRI and behavioral data recorded while participants held an oriented grating in visual working memory (WM) and performed a delayed recall task at the end of an extended delay period. In that experiment, participants were pre-cued on each trial as to whether there would be a distracting visual stimulus presented during the delay period (filtered noise or randomly oriented grating). In this manuscript, the authors focused on identifying whether the neural code in the retinotopic cortex for remembered orientation was 'stable' over the delay period, such that the format of the code remained the same, or whether the code was dynamic, such that information was present, but encoded in an alternative format. They identify some time points - especially towards the beginning/end of the delay - where the multivariate activation pattern fails to generalize to other time points and interpret this as evidence for a dynamic code. Additionally, the authors compare the representational format of remembered orientation in the presence vs absence of a distracting stimulus, averaged over the delay period. This analysis suggested a 'rotation' of the representational subspace between distracting orientations and remembered orientations, which may help preserve simultaneous representations of both remembered and viewed stimuli.


    (1) Direct comparisons of coding subspaces/manifolds between time points and task conditions is an innovative and useful approach for understanding how neural representations are transformed to support cognition.

    (2) Re-use of existing datasets substantially goes beyond the authors' previous findings by comparing the geometry of representational spaces between conditions and time points, and by looking explicitly for dynamic neural representations


    (1) Only Experiment 1 of Rademaker et al (2019) is reanalyzed. The previous study included another experiment (Expt 2) using different types of distractors which did result in distractor-related costs to neural and behavioral measures of working memory. The Rademaker et al (2019) study uses these two results to conclude that neural WM representations are protected from distraction when distraction does not impact behavior, but conditions that do impact behavior also impact neural WM representations. Considering this previous result is critical for relating the present manuscript's results to the previous findings, it seems necessary to address Experimentt 2's data in the present work

    (2) Primary evidence for 'dynamic coding', especially in the early visual cortex, appears to be related to the transition between encoding/maintenance and maintenance/recall, but the delay period representations seem overall stable, consistent with previous findings

    (3) Dynamicism index used in Figure 1f quantifies the proportion of off-diagonal cells with significant differences in decoding performance from the diagonal cell. It's unclear why the proportion of time points is the best metric, rather than something like a change in decoding accuracy. This is addressed in the subsequent analysis considering coding subspaces, but the utility of the Figure 1f analysis remains weakly justified.

    (4) There is no report of how much total variance is explained by the two PCs defining the subspaces of interest in each condition, and timepoint. It could be the case that the first two principal components in one condition (e.g., sensory distractor) explain less variance than the first two principal components of another condition.

    (5) Converting a continuous decoding metric (angular error) to "% decoding accuracy" serves to obfuscate the units of the actual results. Decoding precision (e.g., sd of decoding error histogram) would be more interpretable and better related to both the previous study and behavioral measures of WM performance.

    (6) This report does not make use of behavioral performance data in the Rademaker et al (2019) dataset.

    (7) Given there were observed differences between individual retinotopic ROIs in the temporal cross-decoding analyses shown in Figure 1, the lack of data presented for the subspace analyses for the corresponding individual ROIs is a weakness

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    In this work, Degutis and colleagues addressed an interesting issue related to the concurrent coding of sensory percepts and visual working memory contents in visual cortices. They used generalization analyses to test whether working memory representations change over time, diverge from sensory percepts, and vary across distraction conditions. Temporal generalization analysis demonstrated that off-diagonal decoding accuracies were lower than on-diagonal decoding accuracies, regardless of the presence of intervening distractions, implying that working memory representations can change over time. They further showed that the coding space for working memory contents showed subtle but statistically significant changes over time, potentially explaining the impaired off-diagonal decoding performance. The neural coding of sensory distractions instead remained largely stable. Generalization analyses between target and distractor codes showed overlaps but were not identical. Cross-condition decodings had lower accuracies compared to within-condition decodings. Finally, within-condition decoding revealed more reliable working memory representations in the condition with intervening random noises compared to cross-condition decoding using a trained classifier on data from the no-distraction condition, indicating a change in the VWM format between the noise distractor and no-distractor trials.


    This paper demonstrates a clever use of generalization analysis to show changes in the neural codes of working memory contents across time and distraction conditions. It provides some insights into the differences between representations of working memory and sensory percepts, and how they can potentially coexist in overlapping brain regions.


    (1) An alternative interpretation of the temporal dynamic pattern is that working memory representations become less reliable over time. As shown by the authors in Figure 1c and Figure 4a, the on-diagonal decoding accuracy generally decreased over time. This implies that the signal-to-noise ratio was decreasing over time. Classifiers trained with data of relatively higher SNR and lower SNR may rely on different features, leading to poor generalization performance. This issue should be addressed in the paper.

    (2) The paper tests against a strong version of stable coding, where neural spaces representing WM contents must remain identical over time. In this version, any changes in the neural space will be evidence of dynamic coding. As the paper acknowledges, there is already ample evidence arguing against this possibility. However, the evidence provided here (dynamic coding cluster, angle between coding spaces) is not as strong as what prior studies have shown for meaningful transformations in neural coding. For instance, the principal angle between coding spaces over time was smaller than 8 degrees, and around 7 degrees between sensory distractors and WM contents. This suggests that the coding space for WM was largely overlapping across time and with that for sensory distractors. Therefore, the major conclusion that working memory contents are dynamically coded is not well-supported by the presented results.

    (3) Relatedly, the main conclusions, such as "VWM code in several visual regions did not generalize well between different time points" and "VWM and feature-matching sensory distractors are encoded in separable coding spaces" are somewhat subjective given that cross-condition generalization analyses consistently showed above chance-level performance. These results could be interpreted as evidence of stable coding. The authors should use more objective descriptions, such as 'temporal generalization decoding showed reduced decoding accuracy in off-diagonals compared to on-diagonals.