Sensorimotor delays constrain robust locomotion in a 3D kinematic model of fly walking

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    This valuable study presents a computational model that simulates walking motions in Drosophila and suggests that, if sensorimotor delays in the neural circuitry were any longer, the system would be easily destabilized by external perturbations. The hierarchical control model is sensible and the evidence supporting the conclusions is solid. However, because the modular model has many interacting components with varying degrees of biological realism, it is difficult to judge the degree to which the observed differences between simulation and empirical data are meaningful, and the precise source of the discrepancies.

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Walking animals must maintain stability in the presence of external perturbations, despite significant temporal delays in neural signaling and muscle actuation. Here, we develop a 3D kinematic model with a layered control architecture to investigate how sensorimotor delays constrain robustness of walking behavior in the fruit fly, Drosophila . Motivated by the anatomical architecture of insect locomotor control circuits, our model consists of three component layers: a neural network that generates realistic 3D joint kinematics for each leg, an optimal controller that executes the joint kinematics while accounting for delays, and an inter-leg coordinator. The model generates realistic simulated walking that matches real fly walking kinematics and sustains walking even when subjected to unexpected perturbations, generalizing beyond its training data. However, we found that the model’s robustness to perturbations deteriorates when sensorimotor delay parameters exceed the physiological range. These results suggest that fly sensorimotor control circuits operate close to the temporal limit at which they can detect and respond to external perturbations. More broadly, we show how a modular, layered model architecture can be used to investigate physiological constraints on animal behavior.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This valuable study presents a computational model that simulates walking motions in Drosophila and suggests that, if sensorimotor delays in the neural circuitry were any longer, the system would be easily destabilized by external perturbations. The hierarchical control model is sensible and the evidence supporting the conclusions is solid. However, because the modular model has many interacting components with varying degrees of biological realism, it is difficult to judge the degree to which the observed differences between simulation and empirical data are meaningful, and the precise source of the discrepancies.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    In this work, the authors present a novel, multi-layer computational model of motor control to produce realistic walking behaviour of a Drosophila model in the presence of external perturbations and under sensory and motor delays. The novelty of their model of motor control is that it is modular, with divisions inspired by the fly nervous system, with one component based on deep learning while the rest are based on control theory. They show that their model can produce realistic walking trajectories. Given the mostly reasonable assumptions of their model, they convincingly show that the sensory and motor delays present in the fly nervous system are the maximum allowable for robustness to unexpected perturbations.

    Their fly model outputs torque at each joint in the leg, and their dynamics model translates these into movements, resulting in time-series trajectories of joint angles. Inspired by the anatomy of the fly nervous system, their fly model is a modular architecture that separates motor control at three levels of abstraction:
    (1) oscillator-based model of coupling of phase angles between legs,
    (2) generation of future joint-angle trajectories based on the current state and inputs for each leg (the trajectory generator), and
    (3) closed-loop control of the joint-angles using torques applied at every joint in the model (control and dynamics).

    These three levels of abstraction ensure coordination between the legs, future predictions of desired joint angles, and corrections to deviations from desired joint-angle trajectories. The parameters of the model are tuned in the absence of external perturbations using experimental data of joint angles of a tethered fly. A notable disconnect from reality is that the dynamics model used does not model the movement of the body and ground contacts as is the case in natural walking, nor the movement of a ball for a tethered fly, but instead something like legs moving in the air for a tethered fly.

    In order to validate the realism of the generated simulated walking trajectories, the authors compare various attributes of simulated to real tethered fly trajectories and show qualitative and quantitative similarities, including using a novel metric coined as Kinematic Similarity (KS). The KS score of a trajectory is a measure of the likelihood that the trajectory belongs to the distribution of real trajectories estimated from the experimental data. While such a metric is a useful tool to validate the quality of simulated data, there is some room for improvement in the actual computation of this score. For instance, the KS score is computed for any given time-window of walking simulation using a fraction of information from the joint-angle trajectories. It is unclear if the remaining information in joint-angle trajectories that are not used in the computation of the KS score can be ignored in the context of validating the realism of simulated walking trajectories.

    The authors validate simulated walking trajectories generated by the trained model under a range of sensorimotor delays and external perturbations. The trained model is shown to generate realistic joint-angle trajectories in the presence of external perturbations as long as the sensorimotor delays are constrained within a certain range. This range of sensorimotor delays is shown to be comparable to experimental measurements of sensorimotor delays, leading to the conclusion that the fly nervous system is just fast enough to be robust to perturbations.


    This work presents a novel framework to simulate Drosophila walking in the presence of external perturbations and sensorimotor delay. Although the model makes some simplifying assumptions, it has sufficient complexity to generate new, testable hypotheses regarding motor control in Drosophila. The authors provide evidence for realistic simulated walking trajectories by comparing simulated trajectories generated by their trained model with experimental data using a novel metric proposed by the authors. The model proposes a crucial role in future predictions to ensure robust walking trajectories against external perturbations and motor delay. Realistic simulations under a range of prediction intervals, perturbations, and motor delays generating realistic walking trajectories support this claim. The modular architecture of the framework provides opportunities to make testable predictions regarding motor control in Drosophila. The work can be of interest to the Drosophila community interested in digitally simulating realistic models of Drosophila locomotion behaviors, as well as to experimentalists in generating testable hypotheses for novel discoveries regarding neural control of locomotion in Drosophila. Moreover, the work can be of broad interest to neuroethologists, serving as a benchmark in modelling animal locomotion in general.


    As the authors acknowledge in their work, the control and dynamics model makes some simplifying assumptions about Drosophila physics/physiology in the context of walking. For instance, the model does not incorporate ground contact forces and inertial effects of the fly's body. It is not clear how these simplifying assumptions would affect some of the quantitative results derived by the authors. The range of tolerable values of sensorimotor delays that generate realistic walking trajectories is shown to be comparable with sensorimotor delays inferred from physiological measurements. It is unclear if this comparison is meaningful in the context of the model's simplifying assumptions. The authors propose a novel metric coined as Kinematic Similarity (KS) to distinguish realistic walking trajectories from unrealistic walking trajectories. Defining such an objective metric to evaluate the model's predictions is a useful exercise, and could potentially be applied to benchmark other computational animal models that are proposed in the future. However, the KS score proposed in this work is calculated using only the first two PCA modes that cumulatively account for less than 50% of the variance in the joint angles. It is not obvious that the information in the remaining PCA modes may not change the log-likelihood that occurs in the real walking data.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    In this study, Karashchuk et al. develop a hierarchical control system to control the legs of a dynamic model of the fly. They intend to demonstrate that temporal delays in sensorimotor processing can destabilize walking and that the fly's nervous system may be operating with as long of delays as could possibly be corrected for.


    Overall, the approach the authors take is impressive. Their model is trained using a huge dataset of animal data, which is a strength. Their model was not trained to reproduce animal responses to perturbations, but it successfully rejects small perturbations and continues to operate stably. Their results are consistent with the literature, that sensorimotor delays destabilize movements.


    The model is sophisticated and interesting, but the reviewer has great concerns regarding this manuscript's contributions, as laid out in the abstract:

    (1) Much simpler models can be used to show that delays in sensorimotor systems destabilize behavior (e.g., Bingham, Choi, and Ting 2011; Ashtiani, Sarvestani, and Badri-Sproewitz 2021), so why create this extremely complex system to test this idea? The complexity of the system obscures the results and leaves the reviewer wondering if the instability is due to the many, many moving parts within the model. The reviewer understands (and appreciates) that the authors tested the impact of the delay in a controlled way, which supports their conclusion. However, the reviewer thinks the authors did not use the most parsimonious model possible, and as such, leave many possible sources for other causes of instability.

    (2) In a related way, the reviewer is not sure that the elements the authors introduced reflect the structure or function of the fly's nervous system. For example, optimal control is an active field of research and is behind the success of many-legged robots, but the reviewer is not sure what evidence exists that suggests the fly ventral nerve cord functions as an optimal controller. If this were bolstered with additional references, the reviewer would be less concerned.

    (3) "The model generates realistic simulated walking that matches real fly walking kinematics...". The reviewer appreciates the difficulty in conducting this type of work, but the reviewer cannot conclude that the kinematics "match real fly walking kinematics". The range of motion of several joints is 30% too small compared to the animal (Figure 2B) and the reviewer finds the video comparisons unpersuasive. The reviewer would understand if there were additional constraints, e.g., the authors had designed a robot that physically could not complete the prescribed motions. However the reviewer cannot think of a reason why this simulation could not replicate the animal kinematics with arbitrary precision, if that is the goal.

  4. Author response:

    We thank the editor and reviewers for their supportive comments about our modeling approach and conclusions, and for raising several valid concerns; we address them briefly below.

    Concerns about model’s biological realism and impact on interpretations

    The goal of this paper was to use an interpretable and modular model to investigate the impact of varying sensorimotor delays. Aspects of the model (e.g. layered architecture, modularity) are inspired by biology; at the same time, necessary abstractions and simplifications (e.g. using an optimal controller) are made for interpretability and generalizability, and they reflect common approaches from past work. The hypothesized effects of certain simplifying assumptions are discussed in detail in Section 3.5. Furthermore, the modularity of our model allows us to readily incorporate additional biological realism (e.g. biomechanics, connectomics, and neural dynamics) in future work. In the revision, we will add citations and edits to the text to clarify these points.

    Concerns that the model is overly complex

    To investigate the impact of sensorimotor delays on locomotion, we built a closed-loop model that recapitulates the complex joint trajectories of fly walking. We agree that locomotion models face a tradeoff between simplicity/interpretability and realism — therefore, we developed a model that was as simple and interpretable as possible, while still reasonably recapitulating joint trajectories and generalizing to novel simulation scenarios. Along these lines, we also did not select a model that primarily recreates empirical data, as this would hinder generalizability and add unnecessary complexity to the model. We do not think these design choices are significant weaknesses of this model; in fact, few comparable models account for all joints involved in locomotion, and fewer explicitly compare model kinematics with kinematics from data. We will add citations and edits to the text to clarify these points in the revision.

    Concerns about the validity of the Kinematic Similarity (KS) metric to evaluate walking

    We chose to incorporate only the first two PCA modes dimensions in the KS metric because the kernel density estimator performs poorly for high dimensional data. Our primary use of this metric was to indicate whether the simulated fly continues walking in the presence of perturbations. For technical reasons, it is not feasible to perform equivalent experiments on real walking flies, which is one of the reasons we explore this phenomenon with the model. We note the dramatic shift from walking to non-walking as delay increases (Figure 5). To be thorough, in the revision, we will investigate the effect of incorporating additional PCA modes, and whether this affects the interpretation of our results. We will additionally edit the discussion and presentation of the KS metric to clarify its purpose in this study. We agree with the reviewers that the KS metric is too coarse to reflect fine details of joint kinematics; indeed, in the unperturbed case, we evaluate our model’s performance using other metrics based on comparisons with empirical data (Figures 2, 7, 8).