Slow kinesin-dependent microtubular transport facilitates ribbon synapse assembly in developing cochlear inner hair cells

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    This study provides important information about the formation of ribbon synapses in mouse cochlear hair cells, which facilitate the temporally-precise transmission of acoustic information to the auditory nerve. Live-cell imaging provides compelling evidence that ribbon precursor volume is dynamically modified by fission and fusion events on microtubules, but some of the other evidence included, particularly in relation to the directed transport of these precursors to the hair cell active zone is incomplete. These findings will be of interest to neuroscientists studying synapse formation and function and should inspire further research into the molecular basis for synaptic ribbon maturation.

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Sensory synapses are characterized by electron-dense presynaptic specializations, so-called synaptic ribbons. In cochlear inner hair cells (IHCs), ribbons play an essential role as core active zone (AZ) organizers, where they tether synaptic vesicles, cluster calcium channels and facilitate the temporally-precise release of primed vesicles. While a multitude of studies aimed to elucidate the molecular composition and function of IHC ribbon synapses, the developmental formation of these signalling complexes remains largely elusive to date. To address this shortcoming, we performed long-term live-cell imaging of fluorescently-labelled ribbon precursors in young postnatal IHCs to track ribbon precursor motion. We show that ribbon precursors utilize the apico-basal microtubular (MT) cytoskeleton for targeted trafficking to the presynapse, in a process reminiscent of slow axonal transport in neurons. During translocation, precursor volume regulation is achieved by highly dynamic structural plasticity – characterized by regularly-occurring fusion and fission events. Pharmacological MT destabilization negatively impacted on precursor translocation and attenuated structural plasticity, whereas genetic disruption of the anterograde molecular motor Kif1a impaired ribbon volume accumulation during developmental maturation. Combined, our data thus indicate an essential role of the MT cytoskeleton and Kif1a in adequate ribbon synapse formation and structural maintenance.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This study provides important information about the formation of ribbon synapses in mouse cochlear hair cells, which facilitate the temporally-precise transmission of acoustic information to the auditory nerve. Live-cell imaging provides compelling evidence that ribbon precursor volume is dynamically modified by fission and fusion events on microtubules, but some of the other evidence included, particularly in relation to the directed transport of these precursors to the hair cell active zone is incomplete. These findings will be of interest to neuroscientists studying synapse formation and function and should inspire further research into the molecular basis for synaptic ribbon maturation.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    The manuscript by Voorn and collaborators aims at deciphering the microtubule-dependent ribbon formation in mouse hair cells. Using STED/confocal imaging, pharmacology tools, and mouse mutant, the group of Christian Vogl convincingly demonstrated that ribbon, the organelle that tethers vesicles at the hair cell synapse, results from the fusion and fission of ribbon precursors, moving along the microtubule network. This study goes hand in hand with a complementary paper (Hussain et al.) showing similar findings in zebrafish hair cells.


    This study demonstrated i) the motion of ribbons precursors along the microtubules, ii) ribbons precursors undergo multiple cycles of fusion-fission events and iii) kinesin Kif1a is critical for synaptic maturation. The results are solid and the images are mesmeric.


    As stated by the authors in the discussion, the mechanism underlying the threshold shift in the Kif1a mutant is unclear and may not be solely attributed to the reduction of the ribbon volume.


    The synaptogenesis in the auditory sensory cell remains still elusive. Here, this study shows a high plasticity in the synaptogenesis. Indeed, the formation of the synaptic organelle is a dynamic process consisting of several rounds of fusion-fission of presynaptic elements. This study will undoubtedly boost a new line of research aimed at identifying the specific molecular determinants that target ribbon precursors to the synapse and govern the fusion-fission process.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    This manuscript makes use of live cell imaging to look at aggregates of the synaptic ribbon protein ribeye to explore synapse formation in an organotypic culture system. The authors find that microtubule disruption influences the motion of a subset of ribeye spots and changes to ribbon volume. Disruption of the microtubule motor is also found to change ribeye motion and ribbon volume, albeit in the opposite direction. Together these results support a role for microtubule-based transport in synapse assembly.


    (1) The use of the in vitro imaging approach provides a method for high-quality live cell imaging in a mammalian preparation.

    (2) The data characterizing the movement of Ribeye in the cochlea is new and exciting.

    (3) The role of motors in the delivery of Ribeye to the synapse had never been established. The effects of nocodozole on directional asymmetry for the subset of slow-moving particles are convincing, though it is unclear to this reviewer how frequently these objects undergo directed motion.

    (4) The effect of Kif1a on ribbon size is an interesting finding that doesn't rely on overexpression and supports the importance of motors on the delivery of ribeye to the synapse.


    (1) The analysis leaves unclear what fraction of ribeye spots make use of active transport mechanisms. The authors make the claim that 54% underwent targeted transport because fits of their MSD vs time were best-fit by an exponent >1. This overstates the reliability of this approach. Purely diffusive motion will not always fit perfectly with an exponent of exactly 1 and one would expect roughly to have to have greater than 1 and half less than one, which is what they observe. In point of fact, truly directed transport should have an exponent near 2 (Figure 2F), which only a handful of spots seem to exhibit. I should also note that none of the examples look like those that are typically associated with directed motion.

    (2) The imaging approach makes use of viral expression using a non-Ribeye promoter. This overexpression approach will likely exaggerate the number of ribeye spots and could saturate binding to other proteins or other factors. Also, the promoters aren't under the control of feedback mechanisms that would typically turn off expression at the appropriate time.

    (3) The effect of Kif1A removal on the ABR threshold is very unlikely to be due to ribbon size. Complete removal of the ribbon only has a modest effect on the ABR threshold, so these modest reductions in size are unlikely to contribute much.

    (4) Fusion and fission of small aggregates are difficult to resolve with light microscopy and the examples provided in Figure 3 are indistinguishable from two spots that happen to be too close to each other to resolve.

    1. The "slight left shift" in the velocity distribution in Figure 5C does not look significant. Is it?

    2. Nocodozole and elimination of Kif1a have opposite effects on ribbon volume, which might point to alternative roles for the microtubules.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    In this study, the authors addressed the question of how synaptic ribbons-specialized, electron-dense presynaptic structures-are formed from ribbon precursors in sensory hair cells. Specifically, the authors evaluated whether molecular motor-driven, microtubule-based transport plays a role in the directed transport of ribbon precursors to the active zone of cochlear hair cells and assessed whether there was a specific role for the microtubule motor Kinesin Family Member 1A (Kif1a). Using live imaging of cochlear explants and fixed images of both mature and developing cochlea, they provide evidence that ribbon precursors are actively transported on microtubules, that ribbon precursor volume is dynamically modified by fission and fusion events on microtubules, and that Kif1a plays a role in synaptic ribbon maturation.


    Overall, the data presented in this study support that the fission and fusion of ribbon precursors are dependent on microtubule-based translocation, and this dynamic assembly of precursors may involve Kif1a. Live-imaging data and analysis provide strong evidence for microtubule-based transport contributing to dynamic fission-fusion events of ribbon precursors. Further, fixed image analysis of Kif1a mutants supports that it plays a key role in synaptic ribbon maturation.


    While the authors clearly established the polarity and stability of microtubules in hair cells, they did not assess the net direction of putative slow microtubule-based movement (i.e. the ratios of plus to minus end-directed travel) in their analysis of ribbon precursor displacement. This information is critical in establishing a role for microtubule-based transport in localizing ribbon precursors to the active zones in the basolateral region of hair cells to form presynaptic ribbons. In addition, the discussion section did not elaborate on what is known about the coordination of molecular motor proteins during microtubule-based transport nor did it effectively incorporate the interpretation of the results with what has been described in previous studies on intracellular transport and the roles of Kif1a in synaptic vesicle precursor trafficking.