Forecasting the spatial spread of an Ebola epidemic in real-time: comparing predictions of mathematical models and experts

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    eLife assessment

    This manuscript provides valuable evidence comparing the performance of mathematical models and opinions from experts engaged in outbreak response in forecasting the spatial spread of an Ebola epidemic. The evidence supporting the conclusions is convincing though the work might have benefited from the use of more than two models in the ensemble predictions. It will be of interest to disease modellers, infectious disease epidemiologists, policy-makers, and those who need to inform policy-makers during an outbreak.

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Ebola virus disease outbreaks can often be controlled, but require rapid response efforts frequently with profound operational complexities. Mathematical models can be used to support response planning, but it is unclear if models improve the prior understanding of experts.We performed repeated surveys of Ebola response experts during an outbreak. From each expert we elicited the probability of cases exceeding four thresholds between two and 20 cases in a set of small geographical areas in the following calendar month. We compared the predictive performance of these forecasts to those of two mathematical models with different spatial interaction components.An ensemble combining the forecasts of all experts performed similarly to the two models. Experts showed stronger bias than models forecasting two-case threshold exceedance. Experts and models both performed better when predicting exceedance of higher thresholds. The models also tended to be better at risk-ranking areas than experts.Our results support the use of models in outbreak contexts, offering a convenient and scalable route to a quantified situational awareness, which can provide confidence in or to call into question existing advice of experts. There could be value in combining expert opinion and modelled forecasts to support the response to future outbreaks.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This manuscript provides valuable evidence comparing the performance of mathematical models and opinions from experts engaged in outbreak response in forecasting the spatial spread of an Ebola epidemic. The evidence supporting the conclusions is convincing though the work might have benefited from the use of more than two models in the ensemble predictions. It will be of interest to disease modellers, infectious disease epidemiologists, policy-makers, and those who need to inform policy-makers during an outbreak.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    Munday, Rosello, and colleagues compared predictions from a group of experts in epidemiology with predictions from two mathematical models on the question of how many Ebola cases would be reported in different geographical zones over the next month. Their study ran from November 2019 to March 2020 during the Ebola virus outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Their key result concerned predicted numbers of cases in a defined set of zones. They found that neither the ensemble of models nor the group of experts produced consistently better predictions. Similarly, neither model performed consistently better than the other, and no expert's predictions were consistently better than the others. Experts were also able to specify other zones in which they expected to see cases in the next month. For this part of the analysis, experts consistently outperformed the models. In March, the final month of the analysis, the models' accuracy was lower than in other months and consistently poorer than the experts' predictions.

    A strength of the analysis is the use of consistent methodology to elicit predictions from experts during an outbreak that can be compared to observations, and that are comparable to predictions from the models. Results were elicited for a specified group of zones, and experts were also able to suggest other zones that were expected to have diagnosed cases. This likely replicates the type of advice being sought by policymakers during an outbreak.

    A potential weakness is that the authors included only two models in their ensemble. Ensembles of greater numbers of models might tend to produce better predictions. The authors do not address whether a greater number of models could outperform the experts.

    The elicitation was performed in four months near the end of the outbreak. The authors address some of the implications of this. A potential challenge to the transferability of this result is that the experts' understanding of local idiosyncrasies in transmission may have improved over the course of the outbreak. The model did not have this improvement over time. The comparison of models to experts may therefore not be applicable to the early stages of an outbreak when expert opinions may be less well-tuned.

    This research has important implications for both researchers and policy-makers. Mathematical models produce clearly-described predictions that will later be compared to observed outcomes. When model predictions differ greatly from observations, this harms trust in the models, but alternative forms of prediction are seldom so clearly articulated or accurately assessed. If models are discredited without proper assessment of alternatives then we risk losing a valuable source of information that can help guide public health responses. From an academic perspective, this research can help to guide methods for combining expert opinion with model outputs, such as considering how experts can inform models' prior distributions and how model outputs can inform experts' opinions.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    The manuscript by Munday et al. presents real-time predictions of geographic spread during an Ebola epidemic in north-eastern DRC. Predictions were elicited from individual experts engaged in outbreak response and from two mathematical models. The authors found comparable performance between experts and models overall, although the models outperformed experts in a few dimensions.


    Both individual experts and mathematical models are commonly used to support outbreak response but rarely used together. The manuscript presents an in-depth analysis of the accuracy and decision-relevance of the information provided by each source individually and in combination.


    A few minor methodological details are currently missing.