Uncertainty-based causal inference modulates audiovisual temporal recalibration

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    In this valuable study, Li et al., set out to understand the mechanisms of audiovisual temporal recalibration - the brain's ability to adjust to the latency differences that emerge due to different (distance-dependent) transduction latencies of auditory and visual signals - through psychophysical measurements and modelling. The analysis supports a role for causal inference in recalibration, though the evidence is incomplete.

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Cross-modal temporal recalibration is crucial for maintaining coherent perception in a multimodal environment. The classic view suggests that cross-modal temporal recalibration aligns the perceived timing of sensory signals from different modalities, such as sound and light, to compensate for physical and neural latency differences. However, this view cannot fully explain the nonlinearity and asymmetry observed in audiovisual recalibration effects: the amount of re-calibration plateaus with increasing audiovisual asynchrony and varies depending on the leading modality of the asynchrony during exposure. To address these discrepancies, our study examines the mechanism of audiovisual temporal recalibration through the lens of causal inference, considering the brain’s capacity to determine whether multimodal signals come from a common source and should be integrated, or else kept separate. In a three-phase recalibration paradigm, we manipulated the adapter stimulus-onset asynchrony in the exposure phase across nine sessions, introducing asynchronies up to 0.7 s of either auditory or visual lead. Before and after the exposure phase in each session, we measured participants’ perception of audiovisual relative timing using a temporal-order-judgment task. We compared models that assumed observers re-calibrate to approach either the physical synchrony or the causal-inference-based percept, with uncertainties specific to each modality or comparable across them. Modeling results revealed that a causal-inference model incorporating modality-specific uncertainty captures both the nonlinearity and asymmetry of audiovisual temporal recalibration. Our results indicate that human observers employ causal-inference-based percepts to recalibrate cross-modal temporal perception.

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  1. eLife assessment

    In this valuable study, Li et al., set out to understand the mechanisms of audiovisual temporal recalibration - the brain's ability to adjust to the latency differences that emerge due to different (distance-dependent) transduction latencies of auditory and visual signals - through psychophysical measurements and modelling. The analysis supports a role for causal inference in recalibration, though the evidence is incomplete.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    This study asks whether the phenomenon of crossmodal temporal recalibration, i.e. the adjustment of time perception by consistent temporal mismatches across the senses, can be explained by the concept of multisensory causal inference. In particular, they ask whether the explanation offered by causal inference better explains temporal recalibration better than a model assuming that crossmodal stimuli are always integrated, regardless of how discrepant they are.

    The study is motivated by previous work in the spatial domain, where it has been shown consistently across studies that the use of crossmodal spatial information is explained by the concept of multisensory causal inference. It is also motivated by the observation that the behavioral data showcasing temporal recalibration feature nonlinearities that, by their nature, cannot be explained by a fixed integration model (sometimes also called mandatory fusion).

    To probe this the authors implemented a sophisticated experiment that probed temporal recalibration in several sessions. They then fit the data using the two classes of candidate models and rely on model criteria to provide evidence for their conclusion. The study is sophisticated, conceptually and technically state-of-the-art, and theoretically grounded. The data clearly support the authors' conclusions.

    I find the conceptual advance somewhat limited. First, by design, the fixed integration model cannot explain data with a nonlinear dependency on multisensory discrepancy, as already explained in many studies on spatial multisensory perception. Hence, it is not surprising that the causal inference model better fits the data. Second, and again similar to studies on spatial paradigms, the causal inference model fails to predict the behavioral data for large discrepancies. The model predictions in Figure 5 show the (expected) vanishing recalibration for large delta, while the behavioral data don't' decay to zero. Either the range of tested SOAs is too small to show that both the model and data converge to the same vanishing effect at large SOAs, or the model's formula is not the best for explaining the data. Again, the studies using spatial paradigms have the same problem, but in my view, this poses the most interesting question here.

    In my view there is nothing generally wrong with the study, it does extend the 'known' to another type of paradigm. However, it covers little new ground on the conceptual side.

    On that note, the small sample size of n=10 is likely not an issue, but still, it is on the very low end for this type of study.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    Li et al.'s goal is to understand the mechanisms of audiovisual temporal recalibration. This is an interesting challenge that the brain readily solves in order to compensate for real-world latency differences in the time of arrival of audio/visual signals. To do this they perform a 3-phase recalibration experiment on 9 observers that involves a temporal order judgment (TOJ) pretest and posttest (in which observers are required to judge whether an auditory and visual stimulus were coincident, auditory leading or visual leading) and a conditioning phase in which participants are exposed to a sequence of AV stimuli with a particular temporal disparity. Participants are required to monitor both streams of information for infrequent oddballs, before being tested again in the TOJ, although this time there are 3 conditioning trials for every 1 TOJ trial. Like many previous studies, they demonstrate that conditioning stimuli shift the point of subjective simultaneity (pss) in the direction of the exposure sequence.

    These shifts are modest - maxing out at around -50 ms for auditory leading sequences and slightly less than that for visual leading sequences. Similar effects are observed even for the longest offsets where it seems unlikely listeners would perceive the stimuli as synchronous (and therefore under a causal inference model you might intuitively expect no recalibration, and indeed simulations in Figure 5 seem to predict exactly that which isn't what most of their human observers did). Overall I think their data contribute evidence that a causal inference step is likely included within the process of recalibration.


    The manuscript performs comprehensive testing over 9 days and 100s of trials and accompanies this with mathematical models to explain the data. The paper is reasonably clearly written and the data appear to support the conclusions.


    While I believe the data contribute evidence that a causal inference step is likely included within the process of recalibration, this to my mind is not a mechanism but might be seen more as a logical checkpoint to determine whether whatever underlying neuronal mechanism actually instantiates the recalibration should be triggered.

    The authors' causal inference model strongly predicts that there should be no recalibration for stimuli at 0.7 ms offset, yet only 3/9 participants appear to show this effect. They note that a significant difference in their design and that of others is the inclusion of longer lags, which are unlikely to originate from the same source, but don't offer any explanation for this key difference between their data and the predictions of a causal inference model.

    I'm also not completely convinced that the causal inference model isn't 'best' simply because it has sufficient free parameters to capture the noise in the data. The tested models do not (I think) have equivalent complexity - the causal inference model fits best, but has more parameters with which to fit the data. Moreover, while it fits 'best', is it a good model? Figure S6 is useful in this regard but is not completely clear - are the red dots the actual data or the causal inference prediction? This suggests that it does fit the data very well, but is this based on predicting held-out data, or is it just that by having more parameters it can better capture the noise? Similarly, S7 is a potentially useful figure but it's not clear what is data and what are model predictions (what are the differences between each row for each participant; are they two different models or pre-test post-test or data and model prediction?!).

    I'm not an expert on the implementation of such models but my reading of the supplemental methods is that the model is fit using all the data rather than fit and tested on held-out data. This seems problematic.

    I would have liked to have seen more individual participant data (which is currently in the supplemental materials, albeit in a not very clear manner as discussed above).

    The way that S3 is described in the text (line 141) makes it sound like everyone was in the same direction, however, it is clear that 2 /9 listeners show the opposite pattern, and 2 have confidence intervals close to zero (albeit on the -ve side).

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    Li et al. describe an audiovisual temporal recalibration experiment in which participants perform baseline sessions of ternary order judgments about audiovisual stimulus pairs with various stimulus-onset asynchronies (SOAs). These are followed by adaptation at several adapting SOAs (each on a different day), followed by post-adaptation sessions to assess changes in psychometric functions. The key novelty is the formal specification and application/fit of a causal-inference model for the perception of relative timing, providing simulated predictions for the complete set of psychometric functions both pre and post-adaptation.


    (1) Formal models are preferable to vague theoretical statements about a process, and prior to this work, certain accounts of temporal recalibration (specifically those that do not rely on a population code) had only qualitative theoretical statements to explain how/why the magnitude of recalibration changes non-linearly with the stimulus-onset asynchrony of the adaptor.

    (2) The experiment is appropriate, the methods are well described, and the average model prediction is a fairly good match to the average data (Figure 4). Conclusions may be overstated slightly, but seem to be essentially supported by the data and modelling.

    (3) The work should be impactful. There seems a good chance that this will become the go-to modelling framework for those exploring non-population-code accounts of temporal recalibration (or comparing them with population-code accounts).

    (4) A key issue for the generality of the model, specifically in terms of recalibration asymmetries reported by other authors that are inconsistent with those reported here, is properly acknowledged in the discussion.


    (1) The evidence for the model comes in two forms. First, two trends in the data (non-linearity and asymmetry) are illustrated, and the model is shown to be capable of delivering patterns like these. Second, the model is compared, via AIC, to three other models. However, the main comparison models are clearly not going to fit the data very well, so the fact that the new model fits better does not seem all that compelling. I would suggest that the authors consider a comparison with the atheoretical model they use to first illustrate the data (in Figure 2). This model fits all sessions but with complete freedom to move the bias around (whereas the new model constrains the way bias changes via a principled account). The atheoretical model will obviously fit better, but will have many more free parameters, so a comparison via AIC/BIC or similar should be informative.

    (2) It does not appear that some key comparisons have been subjected to appropriate inferential statistical tests. Specifically, lines 196-207 - presumably this is the mean (and SD or SE) change in AIC between models across the group of 9 observers. So are these differences actually significant, for example via t-test?

    (3) The manuscript tends to gloss over the population-code account of temporal recalibration, which can already provide a quantitative account of how the magnitude of recalibration varies with adaptor SOA. This could be better acknowledged, and the features a population code may struggle with (asymmetry?) are considered.

    (4) The engagement with relevant past literature seems a little thin. Firstly, papers that have applied causal inference modelling to judgments of relative timing are overlooked (see references below). There should be greater clarity regarding how the modelling here builds on or differs from these previous papers (most obviously in terms of additionally modelling the recalibration process, but other details may vary too). Secondly, there is no discussion of previous findings like that in Fujisaki et al.'s seminal work on recalibration, where the spatial overlap of the audio and visual events didn't seem to matter (although admittedly this was an N = 2 control experiment). This kind of finding would seem relevant to a causal inference account.

    Magnotti JF, Ma WJ and Beauchamp MS (2013) Causal inference of asynchronous audiovisual speech. Front. Psychol. 4:798. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00798
    Sato, Y. (2021). Comparing Bayesian models for simultaneity judgement with different causal assumptions. J. Math. Psychol., 102, 102521.

    (5) As a minor point, the model relies on simulation, which may limit its take-up/application by others in the field.

    (6) There is little in the way of reassurance regarding the model's identifiability and recoverability. The authors might for example consider some parameter recovery simulations or similar.

    (7) I don't recall any statements about open science and the availability of code and data.