2-oxoglutarate triggers assembly of active dodecameric Methanosarcina mazei glutamine synthetase

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    This manuscript reports a valuable new mechanism of regulation of the glutamine synthetase in the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei and clarifies the direct activation of glutamine synthetase activity by 2-oxoglutarate, thus introducing a novel understanding of how 2-oxoglutarate serves as a central indicator of carbon and nitrogen sensing. The authors provide solid evidence using mass photometry, specific activity measurements, and single particle cryo-EM data. This study is of interest to biologists working on the regulation of metabolism.

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Glutamine synthetases (GS) are central enzymes essential for the nitrogen metabolism across all domains of life. Consequently, they have been extensively studied for more than half a century. Based on the ATP dependent ammonium assimilation generating glutamine, GS expression and activity are strictly regulated in all organisms. In the methanogenic archaeon Methanosarcina mazei , it has been shown that the metabolite 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG) directly induces the GS activity. Besides, modulation of the activity by interaction with small proteins (GlnK 1 and sP26) has been reported. Here, we show that the strong activation of M. mazei GS (GlnA 1 ) by 2-OG is based on the 2-OG dependent dodecamer assembly of GlnA 1 by using mass photometry (MP) and single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) analysis of purified strep-tagged GlnA 1 . The dodecamer assembly from monomers/dimers occurred without any detectable intermediate oligomeric state and was not affected in the presence of GlnK 1 . The 2.39 Å cryo-EM structure of the dodecameric complex in the presence of 12.5 mM 2-OG demonstrated that 2-OG is binding between two monomers. Thereby, 2-OG appears to induce the dodecameric assembly in a cooperative way. Furthermore, the active site is primed by an allosteric interaction cascade caused by 2-OG-binding towards an adaption of the transition state catalytic conformation. In the presence of additional glutamine, strong feedback inhibition of GS activity was observed. Since glutamine dependent disassembly of the dodecamer was excluded by MP, feedback inhibition most likely relies on an allosteric binding of glutamine to the catalytic site. Based on our findings, we propose that under nitrogen limitation the induction of M. mazei GS into a catalytically active dodecamer is not affected by GlnK 1 and crucially depends on the presence of 2-OG.

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  1. Author response:

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    We thank Reviewer #1 for the professional evaluation and raising important points. We will address those comments in the updated manuscript and especially improve the discussion in respect to the two points of concern.

    (1) How can GlnA1 activity further be stimulated with further increasing 2-OG after the dodecamer is already fully assembled at 5 mM 2-OG.

    We assume a two-step requirement for 2-OG, the dodecameric assembly and the priming of the active sites. The assembly step is based on cooperative effects of 2-OG and does not require the presence of 2-OG in all 2-OG-binding pockets: 2-OG-binding to one binding pocket also causes a domino effect of conformational changes in the adjacent 2-OG-unbound subunit, as also described for Methanothermococcus thermolithotrophicus GS in Müller et al. 2023. Due to the introduction of these conformational changes, the dodecameric form becomes more favourable even without all 2-OG binding sites being occupied. With higher 2-OG concentrations present (> 5mM), the activity increased further until finally all 2-OG-binding pockets were occupied, resulting in the priming of all active sites (all subunits) and thereby reaching the maximal activity.

    (2) The contradictory results with previously published data on the structure of M. mazei by Schumacher et al. 2023.

    We certainly agree that it is confusing that Schumacher et al. 2023 obtained a dodecameric structure without the addition of 2-OG, which we claim to be essential for the dodecameric form. 2-OG is a cellular metabolite that is naturally present in E. coli, the heterologous expression host both groups used. Since our main question focused on analysing the 2-OG effect on GS, we have performed thorough dialysis of the purified protein to remove all 2-OG before performing MP experiments. In the absence of 2-OG we never observed significant enzyme activity and always detected a fast disassembly after incubation on ice. We thus assume that a dodecamer without 2-OG in Schuhmacher et al. 2023 is an inactive oligomer of a once 2-OG-bound form, stabilized e.g. by the presence of 5 mM MgCl2.

    The GlnA1-GlnK1-structure (crystallography) by Schumacher et al. 2023 is in stark contrast to our findings that GlnK1 and GlnA1 do not interact as shown by mass photometry with purified proteins. A possible reason for this discrepancy might be that at the high protein concentrations used in the crystallization assay, complexes are formed based on hydrophobic or ionic protein interactions, which would not form under physiological concentrations.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    We thank Reviewer #2 for the detailed assessment and valuable input. We will address those comments in the updated manuscript and clarify the message.

    (1) The discrepancy of the dodecamer formation (max. at 5 mM 2-OG) and the enzyme activity (max. at 12.5 mM 2-OG).

    We assume that there are two effects caused by 2-OG: 1. cooperativity of binding (less 2-OG needed to facilitate dodecamer formation) and 2. priming of each active site. See also Reviewer #1 R.1). We assume this is the reason why the activity of dodecameric GlnA1 can be further enhanced by increased 2-OG concentration until all catalytic sites are primed.

    (2) The lack of the structure of a 2-OG and ATP-bound GlnA1.

    Although we strongly agree that this would be a highly interesting structure, it seems out of the scope of a typical revision to request new cryo-EM structures. We evaluate the findings of our present study concerning the 2-OG effects as important insights into the strongly discussed field of glutamine synthetase regulation, even without the requested additional structures.

    (3) The observed GlnA1-filaments are an interesting finding.

    We certainly agree with the referee on that point, that the stacked polymers are potentially induced by 2-OG or ions. However, it is out of the main focus of this manuscript to further explore those filaments. Nevertheless, this observation could serve as an interesting starting point for future experiments.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    We thank Reviewer #3 for the expert evaluation and inspiring criticism.

    (1) Encouragement to examine ligand-bound states of GlnK1.

    We agree and plan to perform the suggested experiments exploring the conditions under which GlnA1 and GlnK1 might interact. We will perform the MP experiments in the presence of ATP. In GlnA1 activity test assays when evaluating the presence/effects of GlnK1 on GlnA1 activity, however, ATP was always present in high concentrations and still we did not observe a significant effect of GlnK1 on the GlnA1 activity.

    (2) The exact role of 2-OG could have been dissected much better.

    We agree on that point and will improve the clarity of the manuscript. See also Reviewer #1 R.1.

    (3) The lack of studies on dimers.

    This is actually an interesting point, which we did not consider during writing the manuscript. Now, re-analysing all our MP data in this respect, GlnA1 is likely a dimer as smallest species. Consequently, we will add more supplementary data which supports this observation and change the text accordingly.

    (4) Previous studies und structures did not show the 2-OG.

    We assume that for other structures, no additional 2-OG was added, and the groups did not specifically analyse for this metabolite either. All methanoarchaea perform methanogenesis and contain the oxidative part of the TCA cycle exclusively for the generation of glutamate (anabolism) but not a closed TCA cycle enabling them to use internal 2-OG concentration as internal signal for nitrogen availability. In the case of bacterial GS from organisms with a closed TCA cycle used for energy metabolism (oxidation of acetyl CoA) like e.g. E. coli, the formation of an active dodecameric GS form underlies another mechanism independent of 2-OG. In case of the recent M. mazei GS structures published by Schumacher et al. 2023, the dodecameric structure is probably a result from the heterologous expression and purification from E. coli. (See also Reviewer #1 R.2). One example of methanoarchaeal glutamine synthetases that do in fact contain the 2-OG in the structure, is Müller et al. 2023.

  2. eLife assessment

    This manuscript reports a valuable new mechanism of regulation of the glutamine synthetase in the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei and clarifies the direct activation of glutamine synthetase activity by 2-oxoglutarate, thus introducing a novel understanding of how 2-oxoglutarate serves as a central indicator of carbon and nitrogen sensing. The authors provide solid evidence using mass photometry, specific activity measurements, and single particle cryo-EM data. This study is of interest to biologists working on the regulation of metabolism.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    This study shows a new mechanism of GS regulation in the archaean Methanosarcina maze and clarifies the direct activation of GS activity by 2-oxoglutarate, thus featuring another way in which 2-oxoglutarate acts as a central status reporter of C/N sensing.

    Mass photometry and single particle cryoEM structure analysis convincingly show the direct regulation of GS activity by 2-OG promoted formation of the dodecameric structure of GS. The previously recognized small proteins GlnK1 and Sp26 seem to play a subordinate role in GS regulation, which is in good agreement with previous data. Although these data are quite clear now, there remains one major open question: how does 2-OG further increase GS activity once the full dodecameric state is achieved (at 5 mM)? This point needs to be reconsidered.


    Mass photometry reveals a dynamic mode of the effect of 2-OG on the oligomerization state of GS. Single particle Cryo-EM reveals the mechanism of 2-OG mediated dodecamer formation.


    It is not entirely clear, how very high 2-OG concentrations activate GS beyond dodecamer formation.

    The data presented in this work are in stark contrast to the previously reported structure of M. mazei GS by the Schumacher lab. This is very confusing for the scientific community and requires clarification. The discussion should consider possible reasons for the contradictory results.

    Importantly, it is puzzling how Schumacher could achieve an apo-structire of dodecameeric GS? If 2-OG is necessary for dodecameric formation, this should be discussed. If GlnK1 doesn't form a complex with the dodecameric GS, how could such a complex be resolved there?

    In addition, the text is in principle clear but could be improved by professional editing. Most obviously there is insufficient comma placement.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    Herdering et al. introduced research on an archaeal glutamine synthetase (GS) from Methanosarcina mazei, which exhibits sensitivity to the environmental presence of 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG). While previous studies have indicated 2-OG's ability to enhance GS activity, the precise underlying mechanism remains unclear. Initially, the authors utilized biophysical characterization, primarily employing a nanomolar-scale detection method called mass photometry, to explore the molecular assembly of Methanosarcina mazei GS (M. mazei GS) in the absence or presence of 2-OG. Similar to other GS enzymes, the target M. mazei GS forms a stable dodecamer, with two hexameric rings stacked in tail-to-tail interactions. Despite approximately 40% of M. mazei GS existing as monomeric or dimeric entities in the detectable solution, the majority spontaneously assemble into a dodecameric state. Upon mixing 2-OG with M. mazei GS, the population of the dodecameric form increases proportionally with the concentration of 2-OG, indicating that 2-OG either promotes or stabilizes the assembly process. The cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure reveals that 2-OG is positioned near the interface of two hexameric rings. At a resolution of 2.39 Å, the cryo-EM map vividly illustrates 2-OG forming hydrogen bonds with two individual GS subunits as well as with solvent water molecules. Moreover, local side-chain reorientation and conformational changes of loops in response to 2-OG further delineate the 2-OG-stabilized assembly of M. mazei GS.

    Strengths & Weaknesses:

    The investigation studies the impact of 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG) on the assembly of Methanosarcina mazei glutamine synthetase (M mazei GS). Utilizing cutting-edge mass photometry, the authors scrutinized the population dynamics of GS assembly in response to varying concentrations of 2-OG. Notably, the findings demonstrate a promising and straightforward correlation, revealing that dodecamer formation can be stimulated by 2-OG concentrations of up to 10 mM, although GS assembly never reaches 100% dodecamerization in this study. Furthermore, catalytic activities showed a remarkable enhancement, escalating from 0.0 U/mg to 7.8 U/mg with increasing concentrations of 2-OG, peaking at 12.5 mM. However, an intriguing gap arises between the incomplete dodecameric formation observed at 10 mM 2-OG, as revealed by mass photometry, and the continued increase in activity from 5 mM to 10 mM 2-OG for M mazei GS. This prompts questions regarding the inability of M mazei GS to achieve complete dodecamer formation and the underlying factors that further enhance GS activity within this concentration range of 2-OG.

    Moreover, the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) analysis provides additional support for the biophysical and biochemical characterization, elucidating the precise localization of 2-OG at the interface of two GS subunits within two hexameric rings. The observed correlation between GS assembly facilitated by 2-OG and its catalytic activity is substantiated by structural reorientations at the GS-GS interface, confirming the previously reported phenomenon of "funnel activation" in GS. However, the authors did not present the cryo-EM structure of M. mazei GS in complex with ATP and glutamate in the presence of 2-OG, which could have shed light on the differences in glutamine biosynthesis between previously reported GS enzymes and the 2-OG-bound M. mazei GS.

    Furthermore, besides revealing the cryo-EM structure of 2-OG-bound GS, the study also observed the filamentous form of GS, suggesting that filament formation may be a universal stacking mechanism across archaeal and bacterial species. However, efforts to enhance resolution to investigate whether the stacked polymer is induced by 2-OG or other factors such as ions or metabolites were not undertaken by the authors, leaving room for further exploration into the mechanisms underlying filament formation in GS.

  5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    The current manuscript investigates the effect of 2-oxoglutarate and the Glk1 protein as modulators of the enzymatic reactivity of glutamine synthetase. To do this, the authors rely on mass photometry, specific activity measurements, and single-particle cryo-EM data.

    From the results obtained, the authors convey that glutamine synthetase from Methanosarcina mazei exists in a non-active monomeric/dimeric form under low concentrations of 2-oxoglutarate, and its oligomerization into a dodecameric complex is triggered by higher concentration of 2-oxoglutarate, also resulting in the enhancement of the enzyme activity.


    Glutamine synthetase is a crucial enzyme in all domains of life. The dodecameric fold of GS is recurrent amongst prokaryotic and archaea organisms, while the enzyme activity can be regulated in distinct ways. This is a very interesting work combining protein biochemistry with structural biology.

    The role of 2-OG is here highlighted as a crucial effector for enzyme oligomerization and full reactivity.


    Various opportunities to enhance the current state-of-the-art were missed. In particular, omissions of the ligand-bound state of GnK1 leave unexplained the lack of its interaction with GS (in contradiction with previous results from the authors). A finer dissection of the effect and role of 2-oxoglurate are missing and important questions remain unanswered (e.g. are dimers relevant during early stages of the interaction or why previous GS dodecameric structures do not show 2-oxoglutarate).