Stochastic tug-of-war among sarcomeres mediates cardiomyocyte response to environmental stiffness

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    This study provides a valuable characterization of individual sarcomere's contractility and synchrony in spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes as a function of substrate stiffness. The authors, however, provide an incomplete explanation for the observed heterogeneous and stochastic dynamics, so that the work remains mainly descriptive. The work will be of interest to scientists working on muscle biophysics, nonlinear dynamics, and synchronization phenomena in biological systems.

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Cardiac muscle function emerges from the coordinated contraction of sarcomeres in cardiomyocytes. Sarcomere dynamics are usually inferred from whole-cell or myofibril observations, assuming synchronized, uniform behavior. Here, we investigated how different mechanical properties of the cell environment affect contraction at both the sarcomere and cell level. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes with fluorescently labeled Z-bands were cultured individually on patterned elastic substrates (5 - 85 kPa). Sarcomere dynamics were precisely tracked and analyzed using SarcAsM, a machine learning algorithm we developed. Increasingly stiff substrates inhibited overall cardiomyocyte contraction, but, surprisingly, did not diminish individual sarcomere dynamics. Instead, sarcomeres competed in a tug-of-war with increasing heterogeneity, exhibiting rich dynamic phenomena such as rapid length oscillations and overextensions (popping). Statistical analysis showed that the heterogeneous dynamics were not caused by static structural differences, but were largely stochastic. This stochastic heterogeneity is thus an intrinsic property of cardiac sarcomere dynamics and is likely to be crucial for the adaptation of emergent cardiomyocyte contractility to mechanical constraints from its environment.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This study provides a valuable characterization of individual sarcomere's contractility and synchrony in spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes as a function of substrate stiffness. The authors, however, provide an incomplete explanation for the observed heterogeneous and stochastic dynamics, so that the work remains mainly descriptive. The work will be of interest to scientists working on muscle biophysics, nonlinear dynamics, and synchronization phenomena in biological systems.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    In this manuscript, the authors experimentally demonstrated the heterogeneous behavior of sarcomeres in cardiomyocytes and that a stochastic component exists in their contractile activity, which cancels out at the level of myofibrils.


    The experiments and data analysis are robust and valid. With very good statistics and unbiased methods, they show cellular activity at the individual level and highlight the heterogeneity between biological networks. The similarity of the results to the study cited in [24] demonstrates the validity of the in vitro setup for answering these questions and the feasibility of such in-vitro systems to extend our knowledge of physiology.


    Compared to the current literature ([24]), the study does not show a high degree of innovation. It mainly confirms what has been established in the past. The authors complemented the published experiments by developing an in vitro setup with stem cells and by changing the stiffness of the substrate to simulate pathological conditions. However, the experiments they performed do not allow them to explain more than the study in [24], and the conclusions of their study are based on interpretation and speculation about the possible mechanism underlying the observations.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    Sarcomeres, the contractile units of skeletal and cardiac muscle, contract in a concerted fashion to power myofibril and thus muscle fiber contraction.

    Muscle fiber contraction depends on the stiffness of the elastic substrate of the cell, yet it is not known how this dependence emerges from the collective dynamics of sarcomeres. Here, the authors analyze the contraction time series of individual sarcomeres using live imaging of fluorescently labeled cardiomyocytes cultured on elastic substrates of different stiffness. They find that reduced collective contractility of muscle fibers on unphysiologically stiff substrates is partially explained by a lack of synchronization in the contraction of individual sarcomeres.

    This lack of synchronization is at least partially stochastic, consistent with the notion of a tug-of-war between sarcomeres on stiff sarcomeres. A particular irregularity of sarcomere contraction cycles is 'popping', the extension of sarcomeres beyond their rest length. The statistics of 'popping' suggest that this is a purely random process.


    This study thus marks an important shift of perspective from whole-cell analysis towards an understanding of the collective dynamics of coupled, stochastic sarcomeres.


    Further insight into mechanisms could be provided by additional analyses and/or comparisons to mathematical models.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    The manuscript of Haertter and coworkers studied the variation of length of a single sarcomere and the response of microfibrils made by sarcomeres of cardiomyocytes on soft gel substrates of varying stiffnesses.

    The measurements at the level of a single sarcomere are an important new result of this manuscript. They are done by combining the labeling of the sarcomeres z line using genetic manipulation and a sophisticated tracking program using machine learning. This single sarcomere analysis shows strong heterogeneities of the sarcomeres that can show fast oscillations not synchronized with the average behavior of the cell
    and what the authors call popping events which are large amplitude oscillations. Another important result is the fact that cardiomyocyte contractility decreases with the substrate stiffness although the properties of single sarcomeres do not seem to depend on substrate stiffness.

    The authors suggest that the cardiomyocyte cell behavior is dominated by sarcomere heterogeneity. They show that the heterogeneity between sarcomeres is stochastic and that the contribution of static heterogeneity (such as composition differences between sarcomeres)
    is small.


    All the results are to my knowledge new and original and deserve attention.


    However, I find the manuscript a bit frustrating because the authors only give very qualitative explanations of the phenomena that they observe. They mention that popping could be explained by a nonlinear force-velocity relation of the sarcomere leading to a rapid detachment of all motors. However, they do not explicitly provide a theoretical description. How would the popping depend on the parameters and in particular on the substrate stiffness? Would the popping statistics be affected by the stiffness? It is also not clear to me how the dependence on the soft gel stiffness of the cardiomyocyte cell can be explained by the stochasticity of the sarcomere properties. Can any of the results found by the authors be explained by existing theories of cardiomyocytes? The only one I know is that of Safran and coworkers.

    I also found the paper very difficult to read. The authors should perhaps reorganize the structure of the presentation in order to highlight what the new and important results are.