Neuroestrogens facilitate male-typical behaviors by potentiating androgen receptor signaling in medaka

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    The authors provide an important step forward in understanding how brain-derived hormones modulate behavior, using medaka fish as a model system. Knockout lines present convincing evidence from multiple mutant lines, showing that estrogens play a significant role in male social behavior, and that lacking aromatase changes brain gene expression. The conclusions for females are less substantiated, and the conclusions regarding sexual differentiation should be considered carefully.

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In rodents, estrogens aromatized from androgens in the brain, also known as neuroestrogens, are essential for the development of male-typical behaviors. In many other vertebrates including humans and teleost fish, however, androgens facilitate these behaviors directly via the androgen receptor without aromatization into estrogens. Here we report that male medaka fish lacking Cyp19a1b (a subtype of aromatase predominantly expressed in the brain) exhibit severely impaired male-typical mating and aggression, despite elevated brain androgen levels. These phenotypes can be rescued by estrogen administration, indicating that neuroestrogens are pivotal for male-typical behaviors even in non-rodents. Our results further suggest that neuroestrogens facilitate male-typical behaviors by potentiating androgen action in the brain via the direct stimulation of androgen receptor transcription, thereby revealing a previously unappreciated mechanism of action of neuroestrogens. We additionally show that female fish lacking Cyp19a1b are less receptive to male courtship and conversely court other females, highlighting the significance of neuroestrogens in establishing sex-typical behaviors in both sexes.

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  1. eLife assessment

    The authors provide an important step forward in understanding how brain-derived hormones modulate behavior, using medaka fish as a model system. Knockout lines present convincing evidence from multiple mutant lines, showing that estrogens play a significant role in male social behavior, and that lacking aromatase changes brain gene expression. The conclusions for females are less substantiated, and the conclusions regarding sexual differentiation should be considered carefully.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    This research group has consistently performed cutting-edge research aiming to understand the role of hormones in the control of social behaviors, specifically by utilizing the genetically tractable teleost fish, medaka, and the current work is no exception. The overall claim they make, that estrogens modulate social behaviors in males and females is supported, with important caveats. For one, there is no evidence these estrogens are generated by "neurons" as would be assumed by their main claim that it is NEUROestrogens that drive this effect. While indeed the aromatase they have investigated is expressed solely in the brain, in most teleosts, brain aromatase is only present in glial cells (astrocytes, radial glia). The authors should change this description so as not to mislead the reader. Below I detail more specific strengths and weaknesses of this manuscript.


    • Excellent use of the medaka model to disentangle the control of social behavior by sex steroid hormones.

    • The findings are strong for the most part because deficits in the mutants are restored by the molecule (estrogens) that was no longer present due to the mutation.

    • Presentation of the approach and findings are clear, allowing the reader to make their own inferences and compare them with the authors'.

    • Includes multiple follow-up experiments, which lead to tests of internal replication and an impactful mechanistic proposal.

    • Findings are provocative not just for teleost researchers, but for other species since, as the authors point out, the data suggest mechanisms of estrogenic control of social behaviors may be evolutionarily ancient.


    • As stated in the summary, the authors attribute the estrogen source to neurons and there isn't evidence this is the case. The impact of the findings doesn't rest on this either.

    • The d4 versus d8 esr2a mutants showed different results for aggression. The meaning and implications of this finding are not discussed, leaving the reader wondering.

    • Lack of attribution of previously published work from other research groups that would provide the proper context of the present study.

    • There are a surprising number of citations not included; some of the ones not included argue against the authors' claims that their findings were "contrary to expectation".

    • The experimental design for studying aggression in males has flaws. A standard test like a resident-intruder test should be used.

    • While they investigate males and females, there are fewer experiments and explanations for the female results, making it feel like a small addition or an aside.

    • The statistics comparing "experimental to experimental" and "control to experimental" aren't appropriate.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The novelty of this study stems from the observations that neuro-estrogens appear to interact with brain androgen receptors to support male-typical behaviors. The study provides a step forward in clarifying the somewhat contradictory findings that, in teleosts and unlike other vertebrates, androgens regulate male-typical behaviors without requiring aromatization, but at the same time estrogens appear to also be involved in regulating male-typical behaviors. They manipulate the expression of one aromatase isoform, cyp19a1b, that is purported to be brain-specific in teleosts. Their findings are important in that brain estrogen content is sensitive to the brain-specific cyp19a1b deficiency, leading to alterations in both sexual behavior and aggressive behavior. Interestingly, these males have relatively intact fertility rates, despite the effects on the brain.

    That said, the framing of the study, the relevant context, and several aspects of the methods and results raise concerns. Two interpretations need to be addressed/tempered:

    (1) that the rescue of cyp19a1b deficiency by tank-applied estradiol is not necessarily a brain/neuro-estrogen mode of action, and
    (2) the large increases in peripheral and brain androgen levels in the cyp19a1b deficient animals imply some indirect/compensatory effects of lifelong cyp19a1b deficiency.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    Taking advantage of the existence in fish of two genes coding for estrogen synthase, the enzyme aromatase, one mostly expressed in the brain (Cyp19a1b) and the other mostly found in the gonads (Cyp19a1a), this study investigates the role of neuro-estrogens in the control of sexual and aggressive behavior in teleost fish. The constitutive deletion of Cyp19a1b reduced brain estrogen content by 87% in males and about 50% in females. It led to reduced sexual and aggressive behavior in males and reduced sexual behavior in females. These effects are reversed by adult treatment with estradiol thus indicating that they are activational in nature. The deletion of Cyp19a1b is associated with a reduced expression of the genes coding for the two androgen receptors, ara, and arb, in brain regions involved in the regulation of social behavior. The analysis of the gene expression and behavior of mutants of estrogen receptors indicates that these effects are likely mediated by the activation of the esr1 and esr2a isoforms. These results provide valuable insight into the role of neuro-estrogens in social behavior in the most abundant vertebrate taxa. While estrogens are involved in the organization of the brain and behavior of some birds and rodents, neuro-estrogens appear to play an activational role in fish through a facilitatory action of androgen signaling.


    - Evaluation of the role of brain "specific" Cyp19a1 in male teleost fish, which as a taxa are more abundant and yet proportionally less studied than the most common birds and rodents. Therefore, evaluating the generalizability of results from higher vertebrates is important. This approach also offers great potential to study the role of brain estrogen production in females, an understudied question in all taxa.

    - Results obtained from multiple mutant lines converge to show that estrogen signaling drives aspects of male sexual behavior.

    - The comparative discussion of the age-dependent abundance of brain aromatase in fish vs mammals and its role in organization vs activation is important beyond the study of the targeted species.


    - The new transgenic lines are under-characterized. There is no evaluation of the mRNA and protein products of Cyp19a1b and ESR2a.

    - The stereotypic sequence of sexual behavior is poorly described, in particular, the part played by the two sexual partners, such that the conclusions are not easily understandable, notably with regards to the distinction between motivation and performance. The behavior of females is only assessed from the perspective of the male, which raises questions about the interpretation of the reduced behavior of the males.
    At no point do the authors seem to consider that a reduced behavior of one sex could result from a reduced sensory perception from this sex or a reduced attractivity or sensory communication from the other sex.

    - Aspects of the methods are not detailed enough to allow proper evaluation of their quality or replication of the data.

    - It seems very dangerous to use the response to a mutant abnormal behavior (ESR2-KO females) as a test, given that it is not clear what is the cause of the disrupted behavior.

    - Most experiments are weakly powered (low sample size) and analyzed by multiple T-tests while 2 way ANOVA could have been used in several instances. No mention of T or F values, or degrees of freedom.

    - The variability of the mRNA content for the same target gene between experiments (genotype comparison vs E2 treatment comparison) raises questions about the reproducibility of the data (apparent disappearance of genotype effect).

    - The discussion confuses the effects of estrogens on sexual differentiation (developmental programming = permanent) and activation (= reversible activation of brain circuits in adulthood) of the brain and behavior. Whether sex differences in the circuits underlying social behaviors exist is not clear.

    Conclusions :

    Overall, the claims regarding the activational role of neuro-estrogens on male sexual behavior are supported by converging evidence from multiple mutant lines. The role of neuroestrogens on gene expression in the brain is mostly solid too. The data for females are comparatively weaker. Conclusions regarding sexual differentiation should be considered carefully.