Neural Trajectories of Conceptually Related Events

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    Schafer et al. investigate the extremely interesting and important claim that the human hippocampus represents the interactions with multiple social interaction partners on two relatively abstract social dimensions – and that this ability correlates with the social network size of the participant. This research potentially demonstrates the intricate role of the hippocampus in navigating our social world. While some results are tantalizing, the empirical evidence for the main claims is currently incomplete and requires clarifications and substantial revisions.

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In a series of conceptually related episodes, meaning arises from the link between these events rather than from each event individually. How does the brain keep track of conceptually related sequences of events (i.e., conceptual trajectories)? In a particular kind of conceptual trajectory—a social relationship—meaning arises from a specific sequence of interactions. To test whether such abstract sequences are neurally tracked, we had participants complete a naturalistic narrative-based social interaction game, during functional magnetic resonance imaging. We modeled the simulated relationships as trajectories through an abstract affiliation and power space. In two independent samples, we found evidence of individual social relationships being tracked with unique sequences of hippocampal states. The neural states corresponded to the accumulated trial-to-trial affiliation and power relations between the participant and each character, such that each relationship’s history was captured by its own neural trajectory. Each relationship had its own sequence of states, and all relationships were embedded within the same manifold. As such, we show that the hippocampus represents social relationships with ordered sequences of low-dimensional neural patterns. The number of distinct clusters of states on this manifold is also related to social function, as measured by the size of real-world social networks. These results suggest that our evolving relationships with others are represented in trajectory-like neural patterns.

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  1. Author response:

    a) that the investigation is very interesting and inventive, and has the potential to reveal some novel insights.

    We thank the reviewers and are excited to improve upon the manuscript through their suggestions.

    b) that the problem of temporal autocorrelation in the fMRI and behavioral data has not been dealt with clearly and convincingly

    We agree that convincingly accounting for fMRI temporal autocorrelation is important to our claims. To reduce its effects, we used field standard methods: prewhitening and autocorrelation modeling with SPM’s FAST algorithm (shown by Olszowy et al. 2019 to be superior to SPM’s default setting), as well as a high-pass filter of 128 Hz. There is still some first-order autocorrelation structure present across voxels in the left hippocampal beta series: across participants there is slightly positive autocorrelation between the betas of decision trials on successive trials, that decays to ~0 at subsequent lags. We note that our task is a narrative, and some patterns over time are expected; instead of attempting to fully eliminate all temporal structure in the data, we aim to show that the temporal distance between trials is unlikely to explain our effects.

    In the within versus between social dimension representational similarity analysis, the average temporal distance between trials is the same within and between dimensions. The clustering analysis is a between subject analysis about individual differences–and the same overall temporal structure is experienced by all participants.

    The trajectory analysis does not focus on consecutive trials across characters, but rather on consecutive trials within characters, where the time gap between successive trials is relatively large and highly variable. An average of over a minute of time elapses between successive decision trials for a given character (versus ~20 seconds across characters), which is on average almost 11 narrative slides and 3 decision trials. Across characters, the temporal gap between decision trials ranges between 12 seconds to more than 10 minutes, reducing the likelihood that temporal autocorrelation drives character-related estimates. We also highlight the shuffled choices control model, which shares the same temporal autocorrelation structure as the model of interest but had significantly poorer social location decoding–a strong indication that temporal autocorrelation alone can’t explain these results. For each participant, we shuffled their choices and re-computed trajectories that preserved the origin and end locations but produced different locations along the way. Our model decoded location significantly better than this null model, and this difference in performance can't be explained by differences in temporal autocorrelation in the neural or behavioral data.

    In the revision, we will further address this concern. For example, we will report more details on the task structure to aid in interpretation and will more precisely characterize the temporal autocorrelation profile. Where appropriate, we will also improve on and/or add more control analyses that preserve the autocorrelation structure.

    c) that a number of important interesting questions have not been addressed: Are the differences between social partners encoded in the hippocampus? Are the social dimensions encoded in a consistent manner across social partners?

    We believe that we should be able to decode other interesting task- and relationship-related features from the hippocampal patterns, as suggested by the reviewers. In the revision, we will attempt several such analyses, while taking care to control for temporal autocorrelation.

    d) that the cluster analysis in the brain-behavior correlation analysis is not well motivated or validated and should be clarified.

    We agree with the reviewers that this clustering analysis should be better described and validated. We aimed to ask whether less diverse and distinctive cognitive representations of the relationship trajectories relate to smaller real-world social networks. This question of impoverished cognitive maps was first raised by Edward Tolman; we think it is relevant here, as well. In the revision, we will clarify its motivations and implications, and better evaluate it for its robustness. Here, we address a few comments made by the reviewers.

    Reviewer 2 noted that other analyses could be used to ask whether social cognitive map complexity relates to real-world social network complexity. While the proposed alternatives are interesting (e.g., correlating decoding accuracy with social network size), we believe these analyses ask different questions. The current co-clustering analysis was intended to estimate map complexity jointly from the behavioral and neural signatures of the social map across characters. In contrast, the spline location decoding is within character; the accuracy of this decoding does not say much about representations across characters. And although we think character decoding is an interesting possible addition to this manuscript, its accuracy may reflect other aspects of the relationships, beyond just spatial representation. Thus, we will provide a clearer and better validated version of the current analysis to address this question.

    We would also like to clarify that we did not collect the Social Network Index questionnaire in the Initial sample; as such these results are more tentative than the other analyses, due to the inability to confirm them in a separate sample. Reviewer 2 also suggests that a single outlier could drive this effect; but estimating the effect with robust regression also returns a right-tailed p < 0.05, showing that the relationship is robust to outliers.


    Olszowy, W., Aston, J., Rua, C. & Williams, W.B. Accurate autocorrelation modeling substantially improves fMRI reliability. Nature Communications. (2019).

  2. eLife assessment

    Schafer et al. investigate the extremely interesting and important claim that the human hippocampus represents the interactions with multiple social interaction partners on two relatively abstract social dimensions – and that this ability correlates with the social network size of the participant. This research potentially demonstrates the intricate role of the hippocampus in navigating our social world. While some results are tantalizing, the empirical evidence for the main claims is currently incomplete and requires clarifications and substantial revisions.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    Schafer et al. tested whether the hippocampus tracks social interactions as sequences of neural states within an abstract social space defined by dimensions of affiliation and power, using a task in which participants engaged in narrative-based social interactions. The findings of this study revealed that individual social relationships are represented by unique sequences of hippocampal activity patterns. These neural trajectories corresponded to the history of trial-to-trial affiliation and power dynamics between participants and each character, suggesting an extended role of the hippocampus in encoding sequences of events beyond spatial relationships.

    The current version has limited information on details in decoding and clustering analyses which can be improved in the future revision.


    (1) Robust Analysis: The research combined representational similarity analysis with manifold analyses, enhancing the robustness of the findings and the interpretation of the hippocampus's role in social cognition.

    (2) Replicability: The study included two independent samples, which strengthens the generalizability and reliability of the results.


    I appreciate the authors for utilizing contemporary machine-learning techniques to analyze neuroimaging data and examine the intricacies of human cognition. However, the manuscript would benefit from a more detailed explanation of the rationale behind the selection of each method and a thorough description of the validation procedures. Such clarifications are essential to understand the true impact of the research. Moreover, refining these areas will broaden the manuscript's accessibility to a diverse audience.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    Using an innovative task design and analysis approach, the authors set out to show that the activity patterns in the hippocampus related to the development of social relationships with multiple partners in a virtual game. While I found the paper highly interesting (and would be thrilled if the claims made in the paper turned out to be true), I found many of the analyses presented either unconvincing or slightly unconnected to the claims that they were supposed to support. I very much hope the authors can alleviate these concerns in a revision of the paper.

    Strengths & Weaknesses:

    (1) The innovative task design and analyses, and the two independent samples of participants are clear strengths of the paper.

    (2) The RSA analysis is not what I expected after I read the abstract and tile of the result section "The hippocampus represents abstract dimensions of affiliation and power". To me, the title suggests that the hippocampus has voxel patterns, which could be read out by a downstream area to infer the affiliation and power value, independent of the exact identity of the character in the current trial. The presented RSA analysis however presents something entirely different - namely that the affiliation trials and power trials elicit different activity patterns in the area indicated in Figure 3. What is the meaning of this analysis? It is not clear to me what is being "decoded" here and alternative explanations have not been considered. How do affiliation and power trials differ in terms of the length of sentences, complexity of the statements, and reaction time? Can the subsequent decision be decoded from these areas? I hope in the revision the authors can test these ideas - and also explain how the current RSA analysis relates to a representation of the "dimensions of affiliation and power".

    (3) Overall, I found that the paper was missing some more fundamental and simpler RSA analyses that would provide a necessary backdrop for the more complicated analyses that followed. Can you decode character identity from the regions in question? If you trained a simple decoder for power and affiliation values (using the LLE, but without consideration of the sequential position as used in the spline analysis), could you predict left-out trials? Are affiliation and power represented in a way that is consistent across participants - i.e. could you train a model that predicts affiliation and power from N-1 subjects and then predict the Nth subject? Even if the answer to these questions is "no", I believe that they are important to report for the reader to get a full understanding of the nature of the neural representations in these areas. If the claim is that the hippocampus represents an "abstract" relationship space, then I think it is important to show that these representations hold across relationships. Otherwise, the claim needs to be adjusted to say that it is a representation of a relationship-specific trajectory, but not an abstract social space.

    (4) To determine that the location of a specific character can be decoded from the hippocampal activity patterns, the authors use a sequential analysis in a low-dimensional space (using local linear embedding). In essence, each trial is decoded by finding the pair of two temporally sequential trials that is closest to this pattern, and then interpolating the power/affiliation values linearly between these two points. The obvious problem with this analysis is that fMRI pattern will have temporal autocorrelation and the power and affiliation values have temporal autocorrelation. Successful decoding could just reflect this smoothness in both time series. The authors present a series of control analyses, but I found most of them to not be incisive or convincing and I believe that they (and their explanation of their rationale) need to be improved. For example, the circular shifting of the patterns preserves some of the autocorrelation of the time series - but not entirely. In the shifted patterns, the first and last items are considered to be neighboring and used in the evaluation, which alone could explain the poor performance. The simplest way that I can see is to also connect the first and last item in a circular fashion, even when evaluating the veridical ordering. The only really convincing control condition I found was the generation of new sequences for every character by shuffling the sequence of choices and re-creating new artificial trajectories with the same start and endpoint. This analysis performs much better than chance (circular shuffling), suggesting to me that a lot of the observed decoding accuracy is indeed simply caused by the temporal smoothness of both time series.

    (5) Overall, I found the analysis of the brain-behavior correlation presented in Figure 5 unconvincing. First, the correlation is mostly driven by one individual with a large network size and a 6.5 cluster. I suspect that the exclusion of this individual would lead to the correlation losing significance. Secondly, the neural measure used for this analysis (determining the number of optimal clusters that maximize the overlap between neural clustering and behavioral clustering) is new, non-validated, and disconnected from all the analyses that had been reported previously. The authors need to forgive me for saying so, but at this point of the paper, would it not be much more obvious to use the decoding accuracy for power and affiliation from the main model used in the paper thus far? Does this correlate? Another obvious candidate would be the decoding accuracy for character identity or the size of the region that encodes affiliation and power. Given the plethora of candidate neural measures, I would appreciate if the authors reported the other neural measures that were tried (and that did not correlate). One way to address this would have been to select the method on the initial sample and then test it on the validation sample - unfortunately, the measure was not pre-registered before the validation sample was collected. It seems that the correlation was only found and reported on the validation sample?