The co-receptor Tspan12 directly captures Norrin to promote ligand-specific β-catenin signaling

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    This is a fundamental study that addresses the key question of how the tetraspanin Tspan12 functions biochemically as a co-receptor for Norrin to initiate β-catenin signaling. The strength of the work lies in the rigorous and compelling binding analyses involving various purified receptors, co-receptors, and ligands, as well as molecular modeling by AlphaFold that was subsequently validated by an extensive series of mutagenesis experiments. The study advances the field by providing a novel mechanism of co-receptor function and shedding new light on how signaling specificity is achieved in the complex Wnt/Norrin signaling system.

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Wnt/ β -catenin signaling directs animal development and tissue renewal in a tightly controlled, cell- and tissue-specific manner. In the central nervous system, the atypical ligand Norrin controls angiogenesis and maintenance of the blood-brain barrier and blood-retina barrier through the Wnt/ β -catenin pathway. Like Wnt, Norrin activates signaling by binding and heterodimerizing the receptors Frizzled (Fzd) and Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 or 6 (LRP5/6), leading to membrane recruitment of the intracellular transducer Dishevelled (Dvl); this ultimately results in the stabilization of the transcriptional coactivator β -catenin. Unlike Wnt, the cysteine-knot ligand Norrin only signals through Fzd4 and additionally requires the co-receptor Tspan12; however, the mechanism underlying Tspan12-mediated signal enhancement is unclear. It has been proposed that Tspan12 integrates into the Norrin-Fzd4 complex to enhance Norrin-Fzd4 affinity or otherwise allosterically modulate Fzd4 signaling. Here, we measure direct, high-affinity binding between purified Norrin and Tspan12 in a lipid environment and use AlphaFold models to interrogate this interaction interface. We find that Tspan12 and Fzd4 can simultaneously bind Norrin and that a pre-formed Tspan12/Fzd4 heterodimer, as well as cells co-expressing Tspan12 and Fzd4, more efficiently capture low concentrations of Norrin than Fzd4 alone. We also show that Tspan12 competes with both heparan sulfate proteoglycans and LRP6 for Norrin binding and that Tspan12 does not impact Fzd4-Dvl affinity in the presence or absence of Norrin. Our findings suggest that Tspan12 does not allosterically enhance Fzd4 binding to Norrin or Dvl, but instead functions to directly capture Norrin upstream of signaling.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This is a fundamental study that addresses the key question of how the tetraspanin Tspan12 functions biochemically as a co-receptor for Norrin to initiate β-catenin signaling. The strength of the work lies in the rigorous and compelling binding analyses involving various purified receptors, co-receptors, and ligands, as well as molecular modeling by AlphaFold that was subsequently validated by an extensive series of mutagenesis experiments. The study advances the field by providing a novel mechanism of co-receptor function and shedding new light on how signaling specificity is achieved in the complex Wnt/Norrin signaling system.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    Though the Norrin protein is structurally unrelated to the Wnt ligands, it can activate the Wnt/β-catenin pathway by binding to the canonical Wnt receptors Fzd4 and Lrp5/6, as well as the tetraspanin Tspan12 co-receptor. Understanding the biochemical mechanisms by which Norrin engages Tspan12 to initiate signaling is important, as this pathway plays an important role in regulating retinal angiogenesis and maintaining the blood-retina-barrier. Numerous mutations in this signaling pathway have also been found in human patients with ocular diseases. The overarching goal of the study is to define the biochemical mechanisms by which Tspan12 mediates Norrin signaling. Using purified Tspan12 reconstituted in lipid nanodiscs, the authors conducted detailed binding experiments to document the direct, high-affinity interactions between purified Tspan12 and Norrin. To further model this binding event, they used AlphaFold to dock Norrin and Tspan12 and identified four putative binding sites. They went on to validate these sites through mutagenesis experiments. Using the information obtained from the AlphaFold modeling and through additional binding competition experiments, it was further demonstrated that Tspan12 and Fzd4 can bind Norrin simultaneously, but Tspan12 binding to Norrin is competitive with other known co-receptors, such as HSPGs and Lrp5/6. Collectively, the authors proposed that the main function of Tspan12 is to capture low concentrations of Norrin at the early stage of signaling, and then "hand over" Norrin to Fzd4 and Lrp5/6 for further signal propagation. Overall, the study is comprehensive and compelling, and the conclusions are well supported by the experimental and modeling data.


    • Biochemical reconstitution of Tspan12 and Fzd4 in lipid nanodiscs is an elegant approach for testing the direct binding interaction between Norrin and its co-receptors. The proteins used for the study seem to be of high purity and quality.

    • The various binding experiments presented throughout the study were carried out rigorously. In particular, BLI allows accurate measurement of equilibrium binding constants as well as on and off rates.

    • It is nice to see that the authors followed up on their AlphaFold modeling with an extensive series of mutagenesis studies to experimentally validate the potential binding sites. This adds credence to the AlphaFold models.

    • Table S1 is a further testament to the rigor of the study.

    • Overall, the study is comprehensive and compelling, and the conclusions are well supported by the experimental and modeling data.

    Suggestions for improvement:

    • It would be helpful to show Coomassie-stained gels of the key mutant Norrin and Tspan12 proteins presented in Figures 2E and 2F.

    • Many Norrin and Tspan12 mutations have been identified in human patients with FEVR. It would be interesting to comment on whether any of the mutations might affect the Norrin-Tspan12 binding sites described in this study.

    • Some of the negative conclusions (e.g. the lack of involvement of Tspan12 in the formation of the Norrin-Lrp5/6-Fzd4-Dvl signaling complex) can be difficult to interpret. There are many possible reasons as to why certain biological effects are not recapitulated in a reconstitution experiment. For instance, the recombinant proteins used in the experiment may not be presented in the correct configurations, and certain biochemical modifications, such as phosphorylation, may also be missing.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    This is an interesting study of high quality with important and novel findings. Bruguera et al. report a biochemical and structural analysis of the Tspan12 co-receptor for norrin. Major findings are that Norrin directly binds Tspan12 with high affinity (this is consistent with a report on BioRxiv: Antibody Display of cell surface receptor Tetraspanin12 and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein) and a predicted structure of Tspan12 alone or in complex with Norrin. The Norrin/Tspan12 binding interface is largely verified by mutational analysis. An interaction of the Tspan12 large extracellular loop (LEL) with Fzd4 cannot be detected and interactions of full-length Tspan12 and Fzd4 cannot be tested using nano-disc based BLI, however, Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimers can be purified and inserted into nanodiscs when aided by split GFP tags. An analysis of a potential composite binding site of a Fzd4/Tspan12 complex is somewhat inconclusive, as no major increase in affinity is detected for the complex compared to the individual components. A caveat to this data is that affinity measurements were performed for complexes with approximately 1 molecule Tspan12 and FZD4 per nanodisc, while the composite binding site could potentially be formed only in higher order complexes, e.g., 2:2 Fzd4/Tspan12 complexes. Interestingly, the authors find that the Norrin/Tspan12 binding site and the Norrin/Lrp6 binding site partially overlap and that the Lrp6 ectodomain competes with Tspan12 for Norrin binding. This result leads the authors to propose a model according to which Tspan12 captures Norrin and then has to "hand it off" to allow for Fzd4/Lrp6 formation. By increasing the local concentration of Norrin, Tspan12 would enhance the formation of the Fzd4/Lrp5 or Fzd4/Lrp6 complex.

    The experiments based on membrane proteins inserted into nano-discs and the structure prediction using AlphaFold yield important new insights into a protein complex that has critical roles in normal CNS vascular biology, retinal vascular disease, and is a target for therapeutic intervention. However, it remains unclear how Norrin would be "handed off" from Tspan12 or Tspan12/Fzd4 complexes to Fzd4/Lrp6 complexes, as the relatively high affinity of Norrin to Fzd4/Tspan12 dimers likely does not favor the "handing off" to Fzd4/Lrp6 complexes.

    Areas that would benefit from further experiments, or a discussion, include:

    - The authors test a potential composite binding site of Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimers for norrin using nanodiscs that contain on average about 1 molecule Fzd4 and 1 molecule Tspan12. The Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimer is co-inserted into the nanodiscs supported by split-GFP tags on Fzd4 and Tspan12. The authors find no major increase in affinity, although they find changes to the Hill slope, reflecting better binding of norrin at low norrin concentrations. In 293F cells overexpressing Fzd4 and Tspan12 (which may result in a different stoichiometry) they find more pronounced effects of norrin binding to Fzd4/Tspan12. This raises the possibility that the formation of a composite binding requires Fzd4/Tspan12 complexes of higher order, for example, 2:2 Fzd4/Tspan12 complexes, where the composite binding site may involve residues of each Fzd4 and Tspan12 molecule in the complex. This could be tested in nanodiscs in which Fzd4 and Tspan12 are inserted at higher concentrations or using Fzd4 and Tspan12 that contain additional tags for oligomerization.

    - While Tspan12 LEL does not bind to Fzd4, the successful reconstitution of GFP from Tspan12 and Fzd4 tagged with split GFP components provides evidence for Fzd4/Tspan12 complex formation. As a negative control, e.g., Fzd5, or Tspan11 with split GFP tags (Fzd5/Tspan12 or Fzd4/Tspan11) would clarify if FZD4/Tspan12 heterodimers are an artefact of the split GFP system.

    - Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimers stabilized by split GFP may be locked into an unfavorable orientation that does not allow for the formation of a composite binding site of FZD4 and Tspan12, this is another caveat for the interpretation that Fzd4/Tspan12 do not form a composite binding site. This is not discussed.

    - Mutations that affect the affinity of norrin/fzd4 are not used to further test if Fzd4 and Tspan12 form a composite binding site. Norrin R41E or Fzd4 M105V were previously reported to reduce norrin/frizzled4 interactions and signaling, and both interaction and signaling were restored by Tspan12 (Lai et al. 2017). Whether a Fzd4/Tspan12 heterodimer has increased affinity for Norrin R41E was not tested. Similarly, affinity of FZD4 M105V vs a Fzd4 M105V/Tspan12 heterodimer were not tested.

    - An important conclusion of the study is that Tspan12 or Lrp6 binding to Norrin is mutually exclusive. This could be corroborated by an experiment in which LRP5/6 is inserted into nanodiscs for BLI binding tests with Norrin, or Tspan12 LEL, or a combination of both. Soluble LRP6 may remove norrin from equilibrium binding/unbinding to Tspan12, therefore presenting LRP6 in a non-soluble form may yield different results.

    - The authors use LRP6 instead of LRP5 for their experiments. Tspan12 is less effective in increasing the Norrin/Fzd4/Lrp6 signaling amplitude compared to Norrin/Fzd4/Lrp5 signaling, and human genetic evidence (FEVR) implicates LRP5, not LRP6, in Norrin/Frizzled4 signaling. The authors find that Norrin binding to LRP6 and Tspan12 is mutually exclusive, however this may not be the case for Lrp5.

    - The biochemical data are largely not correlated with functional data. The authors suggest that the Norrin R115L FEVR mutation could be due to reduced norrin binding to tspan12, but do not test if Tspan12-mediated enhancement of the norrin signaling amplitude is reduced by the R115L mutation. Similarly, the impressive restoration of binding by charge reversal mutations in site 3 is not corroborated in signaling assays.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    Brugeuera et al present an impressive series of biochemical experiments that address the question of how Tspan12 acts to promote signaling by Norrin, a highly divergent TGF-beta family member that serves as a ligand for Fzd4 and Lrp5/6 to promote canonical Wnt signaling during CNS (and especially retinal) vascular development. The present study is distinguished from those of the past 15 years by its quantitative precision and its high-quality analyses of concentration dependencies, its use of well-characterized nano-disc-incorporated membrane proteins and various soluble binding partners, and its use of structure prediction (by AlphaFold) to guide experiments. The authors start by measuring the binding affinity of Norrin to Tspan12 in nanodiscs (~10 nM), and they then model this interaction with AlphaFold and test the predicted interface with various charge and size swap mutations. The test suggests that the prediction is approximately correct, but in one region (site 1) the experimental data do not support the model. [As noted by the authors, a failure of swap mutations to support a docking model is open to various interpretations. As AlphFold docking predictions come increasingly into common use, the compendium of mutational tests and their interpretations will become an important object of study.] Next, the authors show that Tspan12 and Fzd4 can simultaneously bind Norrin, with modest negative cooperativity, and that together they enhance Norrin capture by cells expressing both Tspan12 and Fzd4 compared to Fzd4 alone, an effect that is most pronounced at low Norrin concentration. Similarly, at low Norrin concentration (~1 nM), signaling is substantially enhanced by Tspan12. By contrast, the authors show that LRP6 competes with Tspan12 for Norrin binding, implying a hand-off of Norrin from a Tspan12+Fzd4+Norrin complex to a LRP5/6+Fzd4+Norrin complex. Thanks to the authors' careful dose-response analyses, they observed that Norrin-induced signaling and Tspan12 enhancement of signaling both have bell-shaped dose-response curves, with strong inhibition at higher levels of Norrin or Tspan12. The implication is that the signaling system has been built for optimal detection of low concentrations of Norrin (most likely the situation in vivo), and that excess Tspan12 can titrate Norrin at the expense of LRP5/6 binding (i.e., reduction in the formation of the LRP5/6+Fzd4+Norrin signaling complex). In the view of this reviewer, the present work represents a foundational advance in understanding Norrin signaling and the role of Tspan12. It will also serve as an important point of comparison for thinking about signaling complexes in other ligand-receptor systems.