Treacle’s ability to form liquid phase condensates is essential for nucleolar fibrillar center assembly, efficient rRNA transcription and processing, and rRNA gene repair

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    In this important study, the authors provide evidence that Treacle, a disease-relevant intrinsically disordered protein, undergoes biomolecular condensation to support the structure and function of the fibrillar center of the nucleolus. The findings, arising from complementary approaches, provide solid evidence for the role of Treacle condensation in supporting rDNA transcription, rRNA processing, and genome integrity. These findings may be of interest to the communities studying biomolecular condensates, nucleolar organization, and ribosome biogenesis.

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We investigated the role of the nucleolar protein Treacle in organizing and regulating the nucleolus in human cells. Our results support Treacle’s capacity to form liquid-phase condensates through electrostatic interactions among molecules. The formation of these biomolecular condensates is crucial for segregating nucleolar fibrillar centers from the dense fibrillar component, as well as ensuring high levels of rRNA gene transcription and accurate pre-rRNA processing. The presence of both the central and C-terminal domains of Treacle is necessary for the creation of liquid-phase condensates. Initiation of phase separation is attributed to the C-terminal domain, while the central domain, characterized by repeated stretches of alternatively charged amino-acid residues, is vital for maintaining the condensate’s liquid state. When mutant forms of Treacle, incapable of forming liquid-phase condensates, are overexpressed in cells, it compromises the establishment of fibrillar centers, leading to the suppression of rRNA transcription and disruption of its processing. Additionally, these mutant forms fail to recruit TOPBP1, resulting in the suppression of the DNA damage response in the nucleolus.

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  1. eLife assessment

    In this important study, the authors provide evidence that Treacle, a disease-relevant intrinsically disordered protein, undergoes biomolecular condensation to support the structure and function of the fibrillar center of the nucleolus. The findings, arising from complementary approaches, provide solid evidence for the role of Treacle condensation in supporting rDNA transcription, rRNA processing, and genome integrity. These findings may be of interest to the communities studying biomolecular condensates, nucleolar organization, and ribosome biogenesis.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    The manuscript by Velichko et al. argues that the ability of nucleolar protein Treacles to form phase-separated condensates is necessary for its function in nucleolar organization, rRNA transcription, and rDNA repair. These findings may be of interest to the communities studying biomolecular condensates, nucleolar organization, and ribosome biogenesis. The authors propose that Treacle's ability to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation is the key to its role as a scaffold for the FC of the nucleolus. The experiments in this study were designed and performed well, particularly the overexpression studies, done in the absence of endogenous protein and accounted for the protein expression levels. However, in my view, the interpretation of these data should consider the possibility that specific protein-protein interactions of Treacle may also play a role in the organization of the FC compartment in vivo. The in vivo results do not exclude, and sometimes imply the presence of specific protein-protein interactions that may drive the organization of FC instead of, or in addition to LLPS.

    Main points:

    In the first part of the manuscript, the depletion of Treacle disrupted the FC and its (somewhat arbitrary) boundary with the dense fibrillar component, as well as rRNA biogenesis. The phenotypic effects of Treacle depletion by gene knockout or siRNA knockdown were evaluated thoroughly, and I see no issues here except that all experiments were conducted in HeLa cells, and it may not hurt to validate some key findings in a more normal cell line.

    Next, the authors tested the hypothesis that the function of Treacle is due to its ability to form biomolecular condensates. In vitro, recombinant Treacle displayed classical phase separation behavior, forming liquid droplets at low salt concentrations and in the presence of dextran. Similarly, overexpression of fluorescently tagged Treacle at high concentrations showed classical liquid droplet behavior, characterized by round shapes and rapid fusion, which is illustrated by beautiful live cell video microscopy. The issue I see here is with the interpretation: the formation of classical phase-separated droplets at high concentrations suggests that Treacle may require reaching a certain saturating concentration to undergo phase separation. In other words, high levels of overexpressed protein might lead to abnormal phase separation that may not happen under normal expression levels. Based on these results, it is not necessarily correct to assume that its normal conformation is solely due to phase separation, as the formation of condensates at saturating concentrations does not automatically imply that the same components undergo phase separation under physiological conditions.

    Treacle had been previously reported to interact with other proteins, specifically RPA194 and UBF, and these interactions were mapped to specific domains: the central repeated domain reportedly binds to RNA Pol I, while the C-terminus is involved in rDNA promoter recognition and UBF recruitment. Both of these proteins are necessary for rRNA transcription and nucleolar formation. Authors showed that overexpressing mutants impaired in phase separation resulted in defects in ribosomal RNA transcription and processing, as well as reduced DNA damage response efficiency. Specific protein-protein interactions as potential drivers of compartmentalization should be factored into the interpretation of these results. For instance, the deletion of the C-terminal (Δ1121-1488) results may indicate that the interaction with UBF is important. A charge-scrambled central domain mutant may have lost its interaction with Pol I. These specific interactions may establish the architecture of the compartment and increase the local concentration of Treacle, which in turn could facilitate phase separation locally. LLPS and specific protein-protein interactions are not mutually exclusive.

    Overall, the data supports the idea that the overexpressed Treacle behaves like a classic phase-separated protein, but it is still possible that at physiological levels its specific interactions with other proteins are also important for the organization of FC. I am not suggesting that authors performed a conceptually different work, but this aspect should be discussed in the manuscript.

    Other points:

    FACS - sorting used throughout the study to separate treatment from the control essentially distinguishes transfected vs untransfected cells. Since the transfection itself can have odd effects, it might be beneficial to include an additional control involving Cas9 transfection with a non-targeting guide RNA.

    The authors convincingly demonstrated in Figure 1 that the depletion of Treacle reduces RPA194 occupancy on the rDNA. This raises a question: which Treacle mutants can restore RPA194 occupancy, and which cannot?

    Figure 2 - measuring FRAP recovery rates as indicative of LLPS, at least for the full-length Treacle, would be more informative if authors assessed the protein turnover within the compartment (half or partial FRAP) versus exchange in and out of the compartment (full compartment FRAP).

    Statement related to Figure 2: "Fluorescence recovery in FCs, nucleolar caps, and extranucleolar condensates never reached the initial values over the analyzed time periods. This suggests that the high molecular exchange rate occurs through the mixing of Treacle molecules within the condensate boundaries and does not involve external diffusion". Assuming the post-bleach data were normalized to the cell's total fluorescent intensity, the presence of a substantial immobile fraction could also suggest high-affinity binding of that fraction to something within the compartment.

    Data related to DDR activation in ribosomal genes under genotoxic stress (Figure 5) is convincing, but it would not hurt to confirm the key findings in a more normal cell line, since HeLa cells may not accurately represent all aspects of healthy DDR.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    Velichko, Artem, et al. investigate the role played by the long intrinsically disordered protein Trecle in nucleolar morphology and function, with an interest in its potential ability to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation. The authors explore Treacle's role in core functions of the nucleolus (rRNA biogenesis and DNA repair), which has been a subject of continual investigation since it was identified that truncation of Treacle is the major genetic cause of Treacher-Collins syndrome. They show that knock out of Treacle leads to de-mixing of canonical markers of the FC (UBF, RPA194) and DFC (FBL) phases of the nucleolus. They also show that replacing Treacle with mutants that disrupt its bulk dynamics leads to the de-mixing of FBL. These mutants either remove the central region of Treacle (∆83-1121) or, more subtly, reduce the segregation of charged residues by scrambling them (CS- Charge Scrambled). The observed morphological disruptions mirrored disruptions to the production of rRNA and the ability to recruit the DNA-damage response factor TOPBP1. These data give new insight into the role played by the central region of Treacle in affecting its bulk dynamics and the potential effects of disruptions therein to nucleolar morphology and function.


    The characterizations of changes to nuclear morphology upon Treacle knockout is the major strength of this study (Figure 1). Methodologically the CRISPR knockout appears sound. The characterized effects on the canonical markers of the FC and DFC phases support the idea that Treacle has a scaffolding function. While the effect of Treacle perturbations has been studied before, this has often been phenotyped in the context of development or rRNA biogenesis, and less often on the sub-cellular level.

    The other major strength of this study is its characterization of the effects of the charge scramble mutant. The authors find that replacing endogenous Treacle with this mutant reduces the bulk dynamics of Treacle (Figure 3K-M), de-mixes FBL from the DFC (Figure 4C-D), lowers pre-rRNA synthesis (Figure 4E-G), and abolishes the recruitment of the DNA-damage response factor TOPBP1 (Figure 5).


    Clarity around the reagents used and deeper analyses would bolster the author's claims about the condensation behavior of Treacle.

    Limited characterization and sparse methodological details regarding recombinant Treacle lead to a concern about the observation that Treacle condenses in vitro. The concerns are offset by the fact that most of the paper uses cellular data to draw conclusions.

    The authors ascribe liquid-like behavior to Treacle based on spherical morphology and fusion events of Treacle-Katushka2S condensates as well as fluorescence recovery after a photobleaching (FRAP); these are accepted characterizations in the biomedical field. Nonetheless, the authors only use FRAP to characterize mutants, which limits conclusions about their apparent material state. Overall, FRAP data are better interpreted as a readout of bulk dynamics. For example, the FRAP traces of Treacle plateau at a recovery percentage between 40 and 60%, indicating complex bulk dynamics and the possibility of an immobile pool that is not liquid-like.

    Lastly, the Treacle-Katushka2S construct is the predominant construct used throughout the paper. The known tetrameric nature of Katushka2S contrasts with the presumptively monomeric Treacle-FusionRed-Cry2 construct. This is relevant because multi-valance is known to increase the driving forces for condensation and affect condensate material properties. The authors report that the Treacle-FusionRed-Cry2 construct (monomeric) exhibits less condensation than the Treacle-Katushka2S construct (tetrameric). Thus, one is left concerned that the latter construct is not wholly representative of intrinsic Treacle condensation behavior.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    This study provides evidence that the protein Treacle plays an essential role in the structure and function of the fibrillar center (FC) of the nucleolus, which is surrounded by the dense fibrillar component (DFC) and the granular component (GC). The authors provide new evidence that, like the DFC and GC, the functional FC compartment involves a biomolecular condensate that contains Treacle as a key component. Treacle is essential to the transcription of the rDNA as well as proper rRNA processing that the authors tie to a role in maintaining the separation of FC components from the DFC. In vitro and in vivo experiments highlight that Treacle is itself capable of undergoing condensation in a manner that depends on concentration and charge-charge interactions but is not affected by 1,6 hexanediol, which disrupts weak hydrophobic interactions. Attempting to generate separation-of-function mutants, the authors provide further evidence of complex interactions that drive proper condensation in the FC mediated by both the central repeat (low-complexity, likely driving the condensation) and C-terminal domain (which appears to target the specificity of the condensation to the proper location). Using mutant forms of Treacle defective in condensation, the authors provide evidence that these same protein forms are also disrupted in supporting Treacle's functions in rDNA transcription and rRNA processing. Last, the authors suggest that cells lacking Treacle are defective in the DNA damage response at the rDNA in response to VP16.


    In general, the data are of high quality, the experiments are well-designed and the findings are mostly carefully interpreted. The findings of the work complement prior high-impact studies of the DFC and GC that have identified constituent proteins as the lynchpins of the biomolecular condensates that organize the nucleolus into its canonical three concentric compartment structure and are therefore likely to be of broad interest. The attempts to generate separation-of-function mutants to dissect the contribution of condensation to Treacle function are ambitious and critical to demonstrating the relevance of this property to the biology of the FC. The complementarity of the methods applied to investigate the Treacle function is appropriate and the findings integrate well towards a compelling narrative.


    Although the attempt to generate separation of function mutants of Treacle is laudable (and essential), there still remain possible alternative explanations for the observed defects in such mutants as most of the experimental approaches give rise to negative results. The DDR angle of the manuscript seems somewhat more preliminary as it is largely restricted to looking at the recruitment of DDR factors to the rDNA in response to a specific insult (VP16). It would be more compelling if the authors could investigate a more biologically relevant outcome (e.g. rDNA repeat number stability).