Synchronous Ensembles of Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons Associated with Theta but not Ripple Oscillations During Novel Exploration

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    The authors perform voltage imaging of CA1 pyramidal cells in head-fixed mice running on a track while local field potentials (LFPs) are recorded. They suggest that synchronous ensembles of neurons are differentially associated with different types of LFP patterns, namely theta and ripples. However, evidence for the potentially useful findings is currently incomplete due to major weaknesses in the experimental and analytical approach.

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Synchronous neuronal ensembles play a pivotal role in the consolidation of long-term memory in the hippocampus. However, their organization during the acquisition of spatial memory remains less clear. In this study, we used neuronal population voltage imaging to investigate the synchronization patterns of CA1 pyramidal neuronal ensembles during the exploration of a new environment, a critical phase for spatial memory acquisition. We found synchronous ensembles comprising approximately 40% of CA1 pyramidal neurons, firing simultaneously in brief windows (∼25ms) during immobility and locomotion in novel exploration. Notably, these synchronous ensembles were not associated with ripple oscillations but were instead phase-locked to local field potential theta waves. Specifically, the subthreshold membrane potentials of neurons exhibited coherent theta oscillations with a depolarizing peak at the moment of synchrony. Among newly formed place cells, pairs with more robust synchronization during locomotion displayed more distinct place-specific activities. These findings underscore the role of synchronous ensembles in coordinating place cells of different place fields.

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  1. Author response:

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    For many years, there has been extensive electrophysiological research investigating the relationship between local field potential patterns and individual cell spike patterns in the hippocampus. In this study, using state-of-the-art imaging techniques, they examined spike synchrony of hippocampal cells during locomotion and immobility states. In contrast to conventional understanding of the hippocampus, the authors demonstrated that hippocampal place cells exhibit prominent synchronous spikes locked to theta oscillations.


    The voltage imaging used in this study is a highly novel method that allows recording not only suprathreshold-level spikes but also subthreshold-level activity. With its high frame rate, it offers time resolution comparable to electrophysiological recordings. Moreover, it enables the visualization of actual cell locations, allowing for the examination of spatial properties (e.g., Figure 4G).

    We thank the reviewer for pointing out the technical novelty of this work.


    There is a notable deviation from several observations obtained through conventional electrophysiological recordings. Particularly, as mentioned below in detail, the considerable differences in baseline firing rates and no observations of ripple-triggered firing patterns raise some concerns about potential artifacts from imaging and analysis, such as cell toxicity, abnormal excitability, and false detection of spikes. While these findings are intriguing if the validity of these methods is properly proven, accepting the current results as new insights is challenging.

    We appreciate the reviewer’s insightful comments regarding the intriguing aspect of our findings. Indeed, the emergence of a novel form of CA1 population synchrony presents exciting implications for hippocampal memory research and beyond.

    While we acknowledge the deviations from conventional electrophysiological recordings, we respectfully contend that these differences do not necessarily imply methodological flaws. All experiments and analyses were conducted with meticulous adherence to established standards in the field.

    Regarding the observed variations in averaging firing rates, it is important to note the well-documented heterogeneity in CA1 pyramidal neuron firing rates, spanning from 0.01 to 10 Hz, with a skewed distribution toward lower frequencies (Mizuseki et al., 2013). Our exclusion criteria for neurons with low estimated firing rates may have inadvertently biased the selection towards more active neurons. Moreover, prior research has indicated that averaging firing rates tend to increase during exposure to novel environments (Karlsson et al., 2008), and among deep-layer CA1 pyramidal neurons (Mizuseki et al., 2011). Given our recording setup in a highly novel environment and the predominance of deep CA1 pyramidal neurons in our sample, the observed higher averaging firing rates could be influenced by these factors. Considering these points, our mean firing rates (3.2 Hz) are reasonable estimations compared to previously reported values obtained from electrophysiological recordings (2.1 Hz in McHugh et al., 1996 and 2.4-2.6 Hz in Buzsaki et al., 2003).

    Regarding concerns about potential cell toxicity, previous studies have shown that Voltron expression and illumination do not significantly alter membrane resistance, membrane capacitance, resting membrane potentials, spike amplitudes, and spike width (see Abdelfattah 2019, Science, Supplementary Figure 11 and 12). In our recordings, imaged neurons exhibit preserved membrane and dendritic morphology during and after experiments (Author response image 1), supporting the absence of significant toxicity.

    Author response image 1.

    Voltron-expressing neurons exhibit preserved membrane and dendritic morphology. (A) Images of two-photon z-stack maximum intensity projection showing Voltron-expressing neurons taken after voltage image experiments in vivo. (B) Post-hoc histological images of neurons being voltage-imaged.

    Regarding spike detection, we use validated algorithms (Abdelfattah et al., 2019 and 2023) to ensure robust and reliable detection of spikes. Spiking activity was first separated from slower subthreshold potentials using high-pass filtering. This way, a slow fluorescence increase will not be detected as a spike, even if its amplitude is large. We benchmarked the detection algorithm in computer simulation. The sensitivity and specificity of the algorithm exceed 98% at the level of signal-to-noise ratio of our recordings. While we acknowledge that a small number of spikes, particularly those occurring later in a burst, might be missed due to their smaller amplitudes (as illustrated in Figure 1 and 2 of the manuscript), we anticipate that any missed spikes would lead to a decrease rather than an increase in synchrony between neurons. Overall, we are confident that spike detection is performed in a rigorous and robust manner.

    To further strengthen these points, we will include the following in the revision:

    (1) Histological images of recorded neurons during and after experiments.

    (2) Further details regarding the validation of spike detection algorithms.

    (3) Analysis of publicly available electrophysiological datasets.

    (4) Discussion regarding the reasons behind the novelty of some of our findings compared to previous observations.

    In conclusion, we assert that our experimental and analysis approach upholds rigorous standards. We remain committed to reconciling our findings with previous observations and welcome further scrutiny and engagement from the scientific community to explore the intriguing implications of our findings.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    This study employed voltage imaging in the CA1 region of the mouse hippocampus during the exploration of a novel environment. The authors report synchronous activity, involving almost half of the imaged neurons, occurred during periods of immobility. These events did not correlate with SWRs, but instead, occurred during theta oscillations and were phased-locked to the trough of theta. Moreover, pairs of neurons with high synchronization tended to display non-overlapping place fields, leading the authors to suggest these events may play a role in binding a distributed representation of the context.

    We thank the reviewer for a thorough and thoughtful review of our paper.


    Technically this is an impressive study, using an emerging approach that allows single-cell resolution voltage imaging in animals, that while head-fixed, can move through a real environment. The paper is written clearly and suggests novel observations about population-level activity in CA1.

    We thank the reviewer for pointing out the technical strength and the novelty of our observations.


    The evidence provided is weak, with the authors making surprising population-level claims based on a very sparse data set (5 data sets, each with less than 20 neurons simultaneously recorded) acquired with exciting, but less tested technology. Further, while the authors link these observations to the novelty of the context, both in the title and text, they do not include data from subsequent visits to support this. Detailed comments are below:

    We understand the reviewer’s concerns regarding the size of the dataset. Despite this limitation, it is important to note that synchronous ensembles beyond what could be expected from chance (jittering) were detected in all examined data. In the revision, we plan to add more data, including data from subsequent visits, to further strengthen our findings.

    (1) My first question for the authors, which is not addressed in the discussion, is why these events have not been observed in the countless extracellular recording experiments conducted in rodent CA1 during the exploration of novel environments. Those data sets often have 10x the neurons simultaneously recording compared to these present data, thus the highly synchronous firing should be very hard to miss. Ideally, the authors could confirm their claims via the analysis of publicly available electrophysiology data sets. Further, the claim of high extra-SWR synchrony is complicated by the observation that their recorded neurons fail to spike during the limited number of SWRs recorded during behavior- again, not agreeing with much of the previous electrophysiological recordings.

    We understand the reviewer’s concern. We will examine publicly available electrophysiology datasets to gain further insights into any similarities and differences to our findings. Based on these results, we will discuss why these events have not been previously observed/reported.

    (2) The authors posit that these events are linked to the novelty of the context, both in the text, as well as in the title and abstract. However, they do not include any imaging data from subsequent days to demonstrate the failure to see this synchrony in a familiar environment. If these data are available it would strengthen the proposed link to novelty if they were included.

    We thank the reviewer’s constructive suggestion. We will acquire more datasets from subsequent visits to gain further insights into these synchronous events.

    1. In the discussion the authors begin by speculating the theta present during these synchronous events may be slower type II or attentional theta. This can be supported by demonstrating a frequency shift in the theta recording during these events/immobility versus the theta recording during movement.

    We thank the reviewer’s constructive suggestion. We did demonstrate a frequency shift to a lower frequency in the synchrony-associated theta during immobility than during locomotion (see Fig. 4B, the red vs. blue curves). We will enlarge this panel and specifically refer to it in the corresponding discussion paragraph.

    (4) The authors mention in the discussion that they image deep-layer PCs in CA1, however, this is not mentioned in the text or methods. They should include data, such as imaging of a slice of a brain post-recording with immunohistochemistry for a layer-specific gene to support this.

    We thank the reviewer’s constructive suggestion. We do have images of brain slices post-recordings (Author response image 2). Imaged neurons are clearly located in the deep CA1 pyramidal layer. We will add these images and quantification in the revised manuscript.

    Author response image 2.

    Imaged neurons are located in the deep pyramidal layer of the dorsal hippocampal CA1 region.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    In the present manuscript, the authors use a few minutes of voltage imaging of CA1 pyramidal cells in head-fixed mice running on a track while local field potentials (LFPs) are recorded. The authors suggest that synchronous ensembles of neurons are differentially associated with different types of LFP patterns, theta and ripples. The experiments are flawed in that the LFP is not "local" but rather collected in the other side of the brain, and the investigation is flawed due to multiple problems with the point process analyses. The synchrony terminology refers to dozens of milliseconds as opposed to the millisecond timescale referred to in prior work, and the interpretations do not take into account theta phase locking as a simple alternative explanation.

    We genuinely appreciate the reviewer’s feedback and acknowledge the concerns raised. However, we believe these concerns can be effectively addressed without undermining the validity of our conclusions. With this in mind, we respectfully disagree with the assessment that our experiments and investigation are flawed. Please allow us to address these concerns and offer additional context to support the validity of our study.


    The two main messages of the manuscript indicated in the title are not supported by the data. The title gives two messages that relate to CA1 pyramidal neurons in behaving head-fixed mice: (1) synchronous ensembles are associated with theta (2) synchronous ensembles are not associated with ripples.

    There are two main methodological problems with the work:

    (1) Experimentally, the theta and ripple signals were recorded using electrophysiology from the opposite hemisphere to the one in which the spiking was monitored. However, both signals exhibit profound differences as a function of location: theta phase changes with the precise location along the proximo-distal and dorso-ventral axes, and importantly, even reverses with depth. And ripples are often a local phenomenon - independent ripples occur within a fraction of a millimeter within the same hemisphere, let alone different hemispheres. Ripples are very sensitive to the precise depth - 100 micrometers up or down, and only a positive deflection/sharp wave is evident.

    We appreciate the reviewer’s consideration regarding the collection of LFP from the contralateral hemisphere. While we acknowledge the limitation of this design, we believe that our findings still offer valuable insights into the dynamics of synchronous ensembles. Despite potential variations in theta phases with recording locations and depth, we find that the occurrence and amplitudes of theta oscillations are generally coordinated across hemispheres (Buzsaki et al., Neurosci., 2003). Therefore, the presence of prominent contralateral LFP theta around the times of synchronous ensembles in our study (see Figure 4A of the manuscript) strongly supports our conclusion regarding their association with theta oscillations, despite the collection of LFP from the opposite hemisphere.

    In addition, in our manuscript, we specifically mentioned that the “preferred phases” varied from session to session, likely due to the variability of recording locations (see Line 254-256). Therefore, we think that the reviewer’s concern regarding theta phase variability has already been addressed in the present manuscript.

    Regarding ripple oscillations, while we recognize that they can sometimes occur locally, the majority of ripples occur synchronously in both hemispheres (up to 70%, see Szabo et al., Neuron, 2022; Buzsaki et al., Neurosci., 2003). Therefore, using contralateral LFP to infer ripple occurrence on the ipsilateral side has been a common practice in the field, employed by many studies published in respectable journals (Szabo et al., Neuron, 2022; Terada et al., Nature, 2021; Dudok et al., Neuron, 2021; Geiller et al., Neuron, 2020). Furthermore, our observation that 446 synchronous ensembles during immobility do not co-occur with contralateral ripples, and the remaining 313 ensembles during locomotion are not associated with ripples, as ripples rarely occur during locomotion. Therefore, our conclusion that synchronous ensembles are not associated with ripple oscillations is supported by data.

    (2) The analysis of the point process data (spike trains) is entirely flawed. There are many technical issues: complex spikes ("bursts") are not accounted for; differences in spike counts between the various conditions ("locomotion" and "immobility") are not accounted for; the pooling of multiple CCGs assumes independence, whereas even conditional independence cannot be assumed; etc.

    We acknowledge the reviewer’s concern regarding spike train analysis. Indeed, complex bursts or different behavioral conditions can lead to differences in spike counts that could potentially affect the detection of synchronous ensembles. However, our jittering procedure (see Line 121-132) is designed to control for the variation of spike counts. Importantly, while the jittered spike trains also contain the same spike count variations, we found 7.8-fold more synchronous events in our data compared to jitter controls (see Figure 1G of the manuscript), indicating that these factors cannot account for the observed synchrony.

    To explicitly demonstrate that complex bursts cannot account for the observed synchrony, we have performed additional analysis to remove all latter spikes in bursts and only count the single and the first spikes of bursts. Importantly, we found that this procedure did not change the rate and size of synchronous ensembles, nor did it significantly alter the grand-average CCG (see Author response image 3). The results of this analysis explicitly rule out a significant effect of complex spikes on the analysis of synchronous ensembles.

    Author response image 3.

    Population synchrony remains after the removal of spikes in bursts. (A) The grand-average cross correlogram (CCG) was calculated using spike trains without latter spikes in bursts. The gray line represents the mean grand average CCG between reference cells and randomly selected cells from different sessions. (B) Pairwise comparison of the event rates of population synchrony between spike trains containing all spikes and spike trains without latter spikes in bursts. Bar heights indicate group means (n=10 segments, p=0.036, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). (C) Histogram of the ensemble sizes as percentages of cells participating in the synchronous ensembles.

    Beyond those methodological issues, there are two main interpretational problems: (1) the "synchronous ensembles" may be completely consistent with phase locking to the intracellular theta (as even shown by the authors themselves in some of the supplementary figures).

    We agree with the reviewer that the synchronous ensembles are indeed consistent with theta phase locking. However, it is important to note that theta phase locking alone does not necessarily imply population synchrony. In fact, theta phase locking has been shown to “reduce” population synchrony in a previous study (Mizuseki et al., 2014, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B.). Thus, the presence of theta phase locking cannot be taken as a simple alternative explanation of the synchronous ensembles.

    To directly assess the contribution of theta phase locking to synchronous ensembles, we have performed a new analysis to randomize the specific theta cycles in which neurons spike, while keeping the spike phases constant. This manipulation disrupts spike co-occurrence while preserving theta phase locking, allowing us to test whether theta phase locking alone can explain the population synchrony, or whether spike co-occurrence in specific cycles is required. The grand-average CCG shows a much smaller peak compared to the original peak (Author response image 4A). Moreover, synchronous event rates show a 4.5-fold decrease in the randomized data compared to the original event rates (Author response image 4B). Thus, the new analysis reveals theta phase locking alone cannot account for the population synchrony.

    Author response image 4.

    Drastic reduction of population synchrony by randomizing spikes to other theta cycles while preserving the phases. (A) The grand-average cross correlogram (CCG) was calculated using original spike trains (black) and randomized spike trains where theta phases of the spikes are kept the same but spike timings were randomly moved to other theta cycles (red). (B) Pairwise comparison of the event rates of population synchrony between the original spike trains and randomized spike trains (n=10 segments, p=0.002, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Bar heights indicate group means. ** p<0.01

    (2) The definition of "synchrony" in the present work is very loose and refers to timescales of 20-30 ms. In previous literature that relates to synchrony of point processes, the timescales discussed are 1-2 ms, and longer timescales are referred to as the "baseline" which is actually removed (using smoothing, jittering, etc.).

    Regarding the timescale of synchronous ensembles, we acknowledge that it varies considerably across studies and cell types. However, it is important to note that a timescale of dozens, or even hundreds of milliseconds is common for synchrony terminology in CA1 pyramidal neurons (see Csicsvari et al., Neuron, 2000; Harris et al., Science, 2003; Malvache et al., Science, 2016; Yagi et al., Cell Reports, 2023). In fact, a timescale of 20-30 ms is considered particularly important for information transmission and storage in CA1, as it matches the membrane time constant of pyramidal neurons, the period of hippocampal gamma oscillations, and the time window for synaptic plasticity. Therefore, we believe that this timescale is relevant and in line with established practices in the field.

  2. eLife assessment

    The authors perform voltage imaging of CA1 pyramidal cells in head-fixed mice running on a track while local field potentials (LFPs) are recorded. They suggest that synchronous ensembles of neurons are differentially associated with different types of LFP patterns, namely theta and ripples. However, evidence for the potentially useful findings is currently incomplete due to major weaknesses in the experimental and analytical approach.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    For many years, there has been extensive electrophysiological research investigating the relationship between local field potential patterns and individual cell spike patterns in the hippocampus. In this study, using state-of-the-art imaging techniques, they examined spike synchrony of hippocampal cells during locomotion and immobility states. In contrast to conventional understanding of the hippocampus, the authors demonstrated that hippocampal place cells exhibit prominent synchronous spikes locked to theta oscillations.


    The voltage imaging used in this study is a highly novel method that allows recording not only suprathreshold-level spikes but also subthreshold-level activity. With its high frame rate, it offers time resolution comparable to electrophysiological recordings. Moreover, it enables the visualization of actual cell locations, allowing for the examination of spatial properties (e.g., Figure 4G).


    There is a notable deviation from several observations obtained through conventional electrophysiological recordings. Particularly, as mentioned below in detail, the considerable differences in baseline firing rates and no observations of ripple-triggered firing patterns raise some concerns about potential artifacts from imaging and analsyis, such as cell toxicity, abnormal excitability, and false detection of spikes. While these findings are intriguing if the validity of these methods is properly proven, accepting the current results as new insights is challenging.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    This study employed voltage imaging in the CA1 region of the mouse hippocampus during the exploration of a novel environment. The authors report synchronous activity, involving almost half of the imaged neurons, occurred during periods of immobility. These events did not correlate with SWRs, but instead, occurred during theta oscillations and were phased-locked to the trough of theta. Moreover, pairs of neurons with high synchronization tended to display non-overlapping place fields, leading the authors to suggest these events may play a role in binding a distributed representation of the context.


    Technically this is an impressive study, using an emerging approach that allows single-cell resolution voltage imaging in animals, that while head-fixed, can move through a real environment. The paper is written clearly and suggests novel observations about population-level activity in CA1.


    The evidence provided is weak, with the authors making surprising population-level claims based on a very sparse data set (5 data sets, each with less than 20 neurons simultaneously recorded) acquired with exciting, but less tested technology. Further, while the authors link these observations to the novelty of the context, both in the title and text, they do not include data from subsequent visits to support this. Detailed comments are below:

    (1) My first question for the authors, which is not addressed in the discussion, is why these events have not been observed in the countless extracellular recording experiments conducted in rodent CA1 during the exploration of novel environments. Those data sets often have 10x the neurons simultaneously recording compared to these present data, thus the highly synchronous firing should be very hard to miss. Ideally, the authors could confirm their claims via the analysis of publicly available electrophysiology data sets. Further, the claim of high extra-SWR synchrony is complicated by the observation that their recorded neurons fail to spike during the limited number of SWRs recorded during behavior- again, not agreeing with much of the previous electrophysiological recordings.

    (2) The authors posit that these events are linked to the novelty of the context, both in the text, as well as in the title and abstract. However, they do not include any imaging data from subsequent days to demonstrate the failure to see this synchrony in a familiar environment. If these data are available it would strengthen the proposed link to novelty if they were included.

    (3) In the discussion the authors begin by speculating the theta present during these synchronous events may be slower type II or attentional theta. This can be supported by demonstrating a frequency shift in the theta recording during these events/immobility versus the theta recording during movement.

    (4) The authors mention in the discussion that they image deep-layer PCs in CA1, however, this is not mentioned in the text or methods. They should include data, such as imaging of a slice of a brain post-recording with immunohistochemistry for a layer-specific gene to support this.

  5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    In the present manuscript, the authors use a few minutes of voltage imaging of CA1 pyramidal cells in head-fixed mice running on a track while local field potentials (LFPs) are recorded. The authors suggest that synchronous ensembles of neurons are differentially associated with different types of LFP patterns, theta and ripples. The experiments are flawed in that the LFP is not "local" but rather collected in the other side of the brain, and the investigation is flawed due to multiple problems with the point process analyses. The synchrony terminology refers to dozens of milliseconds as opposed to the millisecond timescale referred to in prior work, and the interpretations do not take into account theta phase locking as a simple alternative explanation.


    The two main messages of the manuscript indicated in the title are not supported by the data. The title gives two messages that relate to CA1 pyramidal neurons in behaving head-fixed mice: (1) synchronous ensembles are associated with theta (2) synchronous ensembles are not associated with ripples.

    There are two main methodological problems with the work: (1) experimentally, the theta and ripple signals were recorded using electrophysiology from the opposite hemisphere to the one in which the spiking was monitored. However, both signals exhibit profound differences as a function of location: theta phase changes with the precise location along the proximo-distal and dorso-ventral axes, and importantly, even reverses with depth. And ripples are often a local phenomenon - independent ripples occur within a fraction of a millimeter within the same hemisphere, let alone different hemispheres. Ripples are very sensitive to the precise depth - 100 micrometers up or down, and only a positive deflection/sharp wave is evident. (2) The analysis of the point process data (spike trains) is entirely flawed. There are many technical issues: complex spikes ("bursts") are not accounted for; differences in spike counts between the various conditions ("locomotion" and "immobility") are not accounted for; the pooling of multiple CCGs assumes independence, whereas even conditional independence cannot be assumed; etc.

    Beyond those methodological issues, there are two main interpretational problems: (1) the "synchronous ensembles" may be completely consistent with phase locking to the intracellular theta (as even shown by the authors themselves in some of the supplementary figures). (2) The definition of "synchrony" in the present work is very loose and refers to timescales of 20-30 ms. In previous literature that relates to synchrony of point processes, the timescales discussed are 1-2 ms, and longer timescales are referred to as the "baseline" which is actually removed (using smoothing, jittering, etc.).