Stratification of viral shedding patterns in saliva of COVID-19 patients

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    eLife assessment

    This useful work by Park attempts to use machine learning algorithms to identify correlates of different observed shedding patterns in two COVID-19 cohorts. The evidence supporting the study conclusions is incomplete due to the lack of uniformity in assays between the 2 cohorts, relevant metadata (previous infection/vaccination status, viral variant), early viral load data in the cohorts, and incomplete statistical analyses. With a strengthened analysis, the work may be of interest to virologists, clinicians, and public health scientists.

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Living with COVID-19 requires continued vigilance against the spread and emergence of variants of concern (VOCs). Rapid and accurate saliva diagnostic testing, alongside basic public health responses, is a viable option contributing to effective transmission control. Nevertheless, our knowledge regarding the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection in saliva is not as advanced as our understanding of the respiratory tract. Here we analyzed longitudinal viral load data of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva samples from 144 patients with mild COVID-19 (a combination of our collected data and published data). Using a mathematical model, we successfully stratified infection dynamics into three distinct groups with clear patterns of viral shedding: viral shedding durations in the three groups were 11.5 days (95% CI: 10.6 to 12.4), 17.4 days (16.6 to 18.2), and 30.0 days (28.1 to 31.8), respectively. Surprisingly, this stratified grouping remained unexplained despite our analysis of 47 types of clinical data, including basic demographic information, clinical symptoms, results of blood tests, and vital signs. Additionally, we quantified the expression levels of 92 micro-RNAs in a subset of saliva samples, but these also failed to explain the observed stratification, although the mir-1846 level may have been weakly correlated with peak viral load. Our study provides insights into SARS-CoV-2 infection dynamics in saliva, highlighting the challenges in predicting the duration of viral shedding without indicators that directly reflect an individual’s immune response, such as antibody induction. Given the significant individual heterogeneity in the kinetics of saliva viral shedding, identifying biomarker(s) for viral shedding patterns will be crucial for improving public health interventions in the era of living with COVID-19.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This useful work by Park attempts to use machine learning algorithms to identify correlates of different observed shedding patterns in two COVID-19 cohorts. The evidence supporting the study conclusions is incomplete due to the lack of uniformity in assays between the 2 cohorts, relevant metadata (previous infection/vaccination status, viral variant), early viral load data in the cohorts, and incomplete statistical analyses. With a strengthened analysis, the work may be of interest to virologists, clinicians, and public health scientists.

  2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    This study by Park and colleagues uses longitudinal saliva viral load data from two cohorts (one in the US and one in Japan from a clinical trial) in the pre-vaccine era to subset viral shedding kinetics and then use machine learning to attempt to identify clinical correlates of different shedding patterns. The stratification method identifies three separate shedding patterns discriminated by peak viral load, shedding duration, and clearance slope. The authors also assess micro-RNAs as potential biomarkers of severity but do not identify any clear relationships with viral kinetics.


    The cohorts are well developed, the mathematical model appears to capture shedding kinetics fairly well, the clustering seems generally appropriate, and the machine learning analysis is a sensible, albeit exploratory approach. The micro-RNA analysis is interesting and novel.


    The conclusions of the paper are somewhat supported by the data but there are certain limitations that are notable and make the study's findings of only limited relevance to current COVID-19 epidemiology and clinical conditions.

    (1) The study only included previously uninfected, unvaccinated individuals without the omicron variant. It has been well documented that vaccination and prior infection both predict shorter duration shedding. Therefore, the study results are no longer relevant to current COVID-19 conditions. This is not at all the authors' fault but rather a difficult reality of much retrospective COVID research.

    (2) The target cell model, which appears to fit the data fairly well, has clear mechanistic limitations. Specifically, if such a high proportion of cells were to get infected, then the disease would be extremely severe in all cases. The authors could specify that this model was selected for ease of use and to allow clustering, rather than to provide mechanistic insight. It would be useful to list the AIC scores of this model when compared to the model by Ke.

    (3) Line 104: I don't follow why including both datasets would allow one model to work better than the other. This requires more explanation. I am also not convinced that non-linear mixed effects approaches can really be used to infer early model kinetics in individuals from one cohort by using late viral load kinetics in another (and vice versa). The approach seems better for making population-level estimates when there is such a high amount of missing data.

    (4) Along these lines, the three clusters appear to show uniform expansion slopes whereas the NBA cohort, a much larger cohort that captured early and late viral loads in most individuals, shows substantial variability in viral expansion slopes. In Figure 2D: the upslope seems extraordinarily rapid relative to other cohorts. I calculate a viral doubling time of roughly 1.5 hours. It would be helpful to understand how reliable of an estimate this is and also how much variability was observed among individuals.

    (5) A key issue is that a lack of heterogeneity in the cohort may be driving a lack of differences between the groups. Table 1 shows that Sp02 values and lab values that all look normal. All infections were mild. This may make identifying biomarkers quite challenging.

    (6) Figure 3A: many of the clinical variables such as basophil count, Cl, and protein have very low pre-test probability of correlating with virologic outcome.

    (7) A key omission appears to be micoRNA from pre and early-infection time points. It would be helpful to understand whether microRNA levels at least differed between the two collection timepoints and whether certain microRNAs are dynamic during infection.

    (8) The discussion could use a more thorough description of how viral kinetics differ in saliva versus nasal swabs and how this work complements other modeling studies in the field.

    (9) The most predictive potential variables of shedding heterogeneity which pertain to the innate and adaptive immune responses (virus-specific antibody and T cell levels) are not measured or modeled.

    (10) I am curious whether the models infer different peak viral loads, duration, expansion, and clearance slopes between the 2 cohorts based on fitting to different infection stage data.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


    This study argues it has found that it has stratified viral kinetics for saliva specimens into three groups by the duration of "viral shedding"; the authors could not identify clinical data or microRNAs that correlate with these three groups.


    The question of whether there is a stratification of viral kinetics is interesting.


    The data underlying this work are not treated rigorously. The work in this manuscript is based on PCR data from two studies, with most of the data coming from a trial of nelfinavir (NFV) that showed no effect on the duration of SARS-CoV-2 PCR positivity. This study had no PCR data before symptom onset, and thus exclusively evaluated viral kinetics at or after peak viral loads. The second study is from the University of Illinois; this data set had sampling prior to infection, so has some ability to report the rate of "upswing." Problems in the analysis here include:

    -- The PCR Ct data from each study is treated as equivalent and referred to as viral load, without any reports of calibration of platforms or across platforms. Can the authors provide calibration data and justify the direct comparison as well as the use of "viral load" rather than "Ct value"? Can the authors also explain on what basis they treat Ct values in the two studies as identical?

    -- The limit of detection for the NFV PCR data was unclear, so the authors assumed it was the same as the University of Illinois study. This seems a big assumption, as PCR platforms can differ substantially. Could the authors do sensitivity analyses around this assumption?

    -- The authors refer to PCR positivity as viral shedding, but it is viral RNA detection (very different from shedding live/culturable virus, as shown in the Ke et al. paper). I suggest updating the language throughout the manuscript to be precise on this point.

    -- Eyeballing extended data in Figure 1, a number of the putative long-duration infections appear to be likely cases of viral RNA rebound (for examples, see S01-16 and S01-27). What happens if all the samples that look like rebound are reanalyzed to exclude the late PCR detectable time points that appear after negative PCRs?

    -- There's no report of uncertainty in the model fits. Given the paucity of data for the upslope, there must be large uncertainty in the up-slope and likely in the peak, too, for the NFV data. This uncertainty is ignored in the subsequent analyses. This calls into question the efforts to stratify by the components of the viral kinetics. Could the authors please include analyses of uncertainty in their model fits and propagate this uncertainty through their analyses?

    -- The clinical data are reported as a mean across the course of an infection; presumably vital signs and blood test results vary substantially, too, over this duration, so taking a mean without considering the timing of the tests or the dynamics of their results is perplexing. I'm not sure what to recommend here, as the timing and variation in the acquisition of these clinical data are not clear, and I do not have a strong understanding of the basis for the hypothesis the authors are testing.

    It's unclear why microRNAs matter. It would be helpful if the authors could provide more support for their claims that (1) microRNAs play such a substantial role in determining the kinetics of other viruses and (2) they play such an important role in modulating COVID-19 that it's worth exploring the impact of microRNAs on SARS-CoV-2 kinetics. A link to a single review paper seems insufficient justification. What strong experimental evidence is there to support this line of research?

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    The article presents a comprehensive study on the stratification of viral shedding patterns in saliva among COVID-19 patients. The authors analyze longitudinal viral load data from 144 mildly symptomatic patients using a mathematical model, identifying three distinct groups based on the duration of viral shedding. Despite analyzing a wide range of clinical data and micro-RNA expression levels, the study could not find significant predictors for the stratified shedding patterns, highlighting the complexity of SARS-CoV-2 dynamics in saliva. The research underscores the need for identifying biomarkers to improve public health interventions and acknowledges several limitations, including the lack of consideration of recent variants, the sparsity of information before symptom onset, and the focus on symptomatic infections.

    The manuscript is well-written, with the potential for enhanced clarity in explaining statistical methodologies. This work could inform public health strategies and diagnostic testing approaches. However, there is a thorough development of new statistical analysis needed, with major revisions to address the following points:

    (1) Patient characterization & selection: Patient immunological status at inclusion (and if it was accessible at the time of infection) may be the strongest predictor for viral shedding in saliva. The authors state that the patients were not previously infected by SARS-COV-2. Was Anti-N antibody testing performed? Were other humoral measurements performed or did everything rely on declaration? From Figure 1A, I do not understand the rationale for excluding asymptomatic patients. Moreover, the mechanistic model can handle patients with only three observations, why are they not included? Finally, the 54 patients without clinical data can be used for the viral dynamics fitting and then discarded for the descriptive analysis. Excluding them can create a bias. All the discarded patients can help the virus dynamics analysis as it is a population approach. Please clarify. In Table 1 the absence of sex covariate is surprising.

    (2) Exact study timReviewer #3 (Public Review):eline for explanatory covariates: I understand the idea of finding « early predictors » of long-lasting viral shedding. I believe it is key and a great question. However, some samples (Figure 4A) seem to be taken at the end of the viral shedding. I am not sure it is really easier to micro-RNA saliva samples than a PCR. So I need to be better convinced of the impact of the possible findings. Generally, the timeline of explanatory covariate is not described in a satisfactory manner in the actual manuscript. Also, the evaluation and inclusion of the daily symptoms in the analysis are unclear to me.

    (3) Early Trajectory Differentiation: The model struggles to differentiate between patients' viral load trajectories in the early phase, with overlapping slopes and indistinguishable viral load peaks observed in Figures 2B, 2C, and 2D. The question arises whether this issue stems from the data, the nature of Covid-19, or the model itself. The authors discuss the scarcity of pre-symptom data, primarily relying on Illinois patients who underwent testing before symptom onset. This contrasts earlier statements on pages 5-6 & 23, where they claim the data captures the full infection dynamics, suggesting sufficient early data for pre-symptom kinetics estimation. The authors need to provide detailed information on the number or timing of patient sample collections during each period.

    (4) Conditioning on the future: Conditioning on the future in statistics refers to the problematic situation where an analysis inadvertently relies on information that would not have been available at the time decisions were made or data were collected. This seems to be the case when the authors create micro-RNA data (Figure 4A). First, when the sampling times are is something that needs to be clarified by the authors (for clinical outcomes as well). Second, proper causal inference relies on the assumption that the cause precedes the effect. This conditioning on the future may result in overestimating the model's accuracy. This happens because the model has been exposed to the outcome it's supposed to predict. This could question the - already weak - relation with mir-1846 level.

    (5) Mathematical Model Choice Justification and Performance: The paper lacks mention of the practical identifiability of the model (especially for tau regarding the lack of early data information). Moreover, it is expected that the immune effector model will be more useful at the beginning of the infection (for which data are the more parsimonious). Please provide AIC for comparison, saying that they have "equal performance" is not enough. Can you provide at least in a point-by-point response the VPC & convergence assessments?

    (6) Selected features of viral shedding: I wonder to what extent the viral shedding area under the curve (AUC) and normalized AUC should be added as selected features.

    (7) Two-step nature of the analysis: First you fit a mechanistic model, then you use the predictions of this model to perform clustering and prediction of groups (unsupervised then supervised). Thus you do not propagate the uncertainty intrinsic to your first estimation through the second step, ie. all the viral load selected features actually have a confidence bound which is ignored. Did you consider a one-step analysis in which your covariates of interest play a direct role in the parameters of the mechanistic model as covariates? To pursue this type of analysis SCM (Johnson et al. Pharm. Res. 1998), COSSAC (Ayral et al. 2021 CPT PsP), or SAMBA ( Prague et al. CPT PsP 2021) methods can be used. Did you consider sampling on the posterior distribution rather than using EBE to avoid shrinkage?

    (8) Need for advanced statistical methods: The analysis is characterized by a lack of power. This can indeed come from the sample size that is characterized by the number of data available in the study. However, I believe the power could be increased using more advanced statistical methods. At least it is worth a try. First considering the unsupervised clustering, summarizing the viral shedding trajectories with features collapses longitudinal information. I wonder if the R package « LongituRF » (and associated method) could help, see Capitaine et al. 2020 SMMR. Another interesting tool to investigate could be latent class models R package « lcmm » (and associated method), see Proust-Lima et al. 2017 J. Stat. Softwares. But the latter may be more far-reached.

    (9) Study intrinsic limitation: All the results cannot be extended to asymptomatic patients and patients infected with recent VOCs. It definitively limits the impact of results and their applicability to public health. However, for me, the novelty of the data analysis techniques used should also be taken into consideration.

    Strengths are:
    - Unique data and comprehensive analysis.
    - Novel results on viral shedding.

    Weaknesses are:
    - Limitation of study design.
    - The need for advanced statistical methodology.