Role of N343 glycosylation on the SARS-CoV-2 S RBD structure and co-receptor binding across variants of concern

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    eLife assessment

    This study presents an important finding on the structural role of glycosylation at position N343 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein's receptor-binding domain in maintaining its stability, with implications across different variants of concern. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is convincing, since appropriate and validated methodology in line with current state-of-the-art has been approached. The work will be of interest to evolutionary virologists.

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Glycosylation of the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein represents a key target for viral evolution because it affects both viral evasion and fitness. Successful variations in the glycan shield are difficult to achieve though, as protein glycosylation is also critical to folding and structural stability. Within this framework, the identification of glycosylation sites that are structurally dispensable can provide insight into the evolutionary mechanisms of the shield and inform immune surveillance. In this work, we show through over 45 μs of cumulative sampling from conventional and enhanced molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, how the structure of the immunodominant S receptor binding domain (RBD) is regulated by N -glycosylation at N343 and how this glycan’s structural role changes from WHu-1, alpha (B.1.1.7), and beta (B.1.351), to the delta (B.1.617.2), and omicron (BA.1 and BA.2.86) variants. More specifically, we find that the amphipathic nature of the N -glycan is instrumental to preserve the structural integrity of the RBD hydrophobic core and that loss of glycosylation at N343 triggers a specific and consistent conformational change. We show how this change allosterically regulates the conformation of the receptor binding motif (RBM) in the WHu-1, alpha, and beta RBDs, but not in the delta and omicron variants, due to mutations that reinforce the RBD architecture. In support of these findings, we show that the binding of the RBD to monosialylated ganglioside co-receptors is highly dependent on N343 glycosylation in the WHu-1, but not in the delta RBD, and that affinity changes significantly across VoCs. Ultimately, the molecular and functional insight we provide in this work reinforces our understanding of the role of glycosylation in protein structure and function and it also allows us to identify the structural constraints within which the glycosylation site at N343 can become a hotspot for mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 S glycan shield.

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  1. Author response:

    The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

    We are thankful to all reviewers and to you for your careful analysis of our work and for the feedback you all provided. The reviews were fundamentally positive with very minor modifications suggested, which we have addressed in this new version as follows.

    (1) We changed Figure 1 to include a high resolution image of the 3D structure of the low affinity complex between the RBD and the GM1 tetrasaccharide (GM1os), see panel d. We predicted this structure through extensive sampling through MD simulations as part of earlier work aimed at guiding the resolution of a crystal structure. Due to insurmountable difficulties in the crystallization of such complex the work was only published as an extended abstract(Garozzo, Nicotra, and Sonnino 2022). Following one of the reviewer’s suggestions we added all the details on the computational approach we used as Supplementary Material.

    (2) We added the comment and corresponding references to the Discussion section in relation to earlier work flagged by one of the Reviewers (Rochman et al. 2022) “Further to this, our results show that taking into consideration the effects on _N-_glycosylation on protein structural stability and dynamics in the context of specific protein sequences may be key to understanding epistatic interactions among RBD residues, which would be otherwise very difficult, where not impossible, to decipher.”


    Garozzo, Domenico, Francesco Nicotra, and Sandro Sonnino. 2022. “‘Glycans and Glycosylation in SARS-COV2 Infection’ Session at the XVII Advanced School in Carbohydrate Chemistry, Italian Chemical Society. July 4th -7th 2021, Pontignano (Si), Italy.” Glycoconjugate Journal 39 (3): 327–34.

    Rochman, Nash D., Guilhem Faure, Yuri I. Wolf, Peter L. Freddolino, Feng Zhang, and Eugene V. Koonin. 2022. “Epistasis at the SARS-CoV-2 Receptor-Binding Domain Interface and the Propitiously Boring Implications for Vaccine Escape.” MBio 13 (2): e0013522.

  2. eLife assessment

    This study presents an important finding on the structural role of glycosylation at position N343 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein's receptor-binding domain in maintaining its stability, with implications across different variants of concern. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is convincing, since appropriate and validated methodology in line with current state-of-the-art has been approached. The work will be of interest to evolutionary virologists.

  3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The authors sought to establish the role played by N343 glycosylation on the SARS-CoV-2 S receptor binding domain structure and binding affinity to the human host receptor ACE2 across several variants of concern. The work includes both computational analysis in the form of molecular dynamics simulations and experimental binding assays between the RBD and ganglioside receptors.

    The work extensively samples the conformational space of the RBD beginning with atomic coordinates representing both the bound and unbound states and computes molecular dynamics trajectories until equilibrium is achieved with and without removing N343 glycosylation. Through comparison of these simulated structures, the authors are able to demonstrate that N343 glycosylation stabilizes the RBD. Prior work had demonstrated that glycosylation at this site plays an important role in shielding the RBD core and in this work the authors demonstrate that removal of this glycan can trigger a conformational change to reduce water access to the core without it. This response is variant dependent and variants containing interface substitutions which increase RBD stability, including Delta substitution L452R, do not experience the same conformational change when the glycan is removed. The authors also explore structures corresponding to Alpha and Beta in which no structure-reinforcing substitutions were identified and two Omicron variants in which other substitutions with an analogous effect to L452R are present.

    The authors experimentally assessed these inferred structural changes by measuring the binding affinity of the RBD for the oligosaccharides of the monosialylated gangliosides GM1os and GM2os with and without the glycan at N343. While GM1os and GM2os binding is influenced by additional factors in the Beta and Omicron variants, the comparison between Delta and Wuhan-hu-1 is clear: removal of the glycan abrogated binding for Wuhan-hu-1 and minimally affected Delta as predicted by structural simulations.

    In summary, these findings suggest, in the words of the authors, that SARS-CoV-2 has evolved to render the N-glycosylation site at N343 "structurally dispensable". This study emphasizes how glycosylation impacts both viral immune evasion and structural stability which may in turn impact receptor binding affinity and infectivity. Mutations which stabilize the antigen may relax the structural constraints on glycosylation opening up avenues for subsequent mutations which remove glycans and improve immune evasion. This interplay between immune evasion and receptor stability may support complex epistatic interactions which may in turn substantially expand the predicted mutational repertoire of the virus relative to expectations which do not take into account glycosylation.

  4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    The receptor binding domain of SARS-Cov-2 spike protein contains two N-glycans which have been conserved the variants observed in these last 4 years. Through the use of extensive molecular dynamics, the authors demonstrate that even if glycosylation is conserved, the stabilization role of glycans at N343 differs among the strains. They also investigate the effect of this glycosylation on the binding of RBD towards sialylated gangliosides, also as a function of evolution


    The molecular dynamics characterization is well performed and demonstrates differences on the effect of glycosylation as a factor of evolution. The binding of different strains to human gangliosides shows variations of strong interest. Analyzing structure function of glycans on SARS-Cov-2 surface as a function of evolution is important for the surveillance of novel variants, since it can influence their virulence.


    The revised article does not hold significant weaknesses

  5. Author Response

    We would like to thank the three reviewers and the eLife editors for their careful analysis of our work, and for their constructive feedback and positive evaluation. We are especially pleased to see echoed in the reviews and in the editorial assessment that our results underline the importance of taking into account glycosylation in viral evolution, immune surveillance, and in the interpretation of complex epistatic interactions. With this provisional response we would like to communicate to the editors, reviewers and to the eLife readership our intention to integrate in the paper a detailed description of the GM1os and GM2os binding site on the RBD with details on the computational approach we used. We agree that this addition will strengthen the work by making it more self-contained. Also, as suggested by the editorial team, we will provide a comprehensive discussion of published data, as a firmer foundation for our findings.

  6. eLife assessment

    This study presents a valuable finding on the structural role of glycosylation at position N343 of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein's receptor-binding domain in maintaining its stability, with implications across different variants of concern. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, although a more complete discussion of published data would have strengthened the study by providing a foundation for the new findings. The work will be of interest to evolutionary virologists.

  7. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


    The authors seek to elucidate the structural role of N-glycosylation at the N343 position of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein's Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) and its evolution across different variants of concern (VoCs). Specifically, they aim to understand the impact of this glycosylation on the RBD's stability and function, which could have implications for the virus's infectivity and, eventually, the effectiveness of vaccines.


    The major strength of the study stems from the molecular-level picture emerging from the use of over 45 μs of cumulative molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, including both conventional and enhanced sampling schemes, which provide detailed insights into the structural role of N343 glycosylation. The combination of these simulations with experimental assays, such as electron-spray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) for affinity measurements, bolsters the reliability of the findings. At the same time, one potential weakness is the inherent limitation of the current computational models to fully capture the complexities of in vivo systems. While the authors acknowledge the difficulty in completely gauging the N343 glycosylation's impact on RBD folding due to the dynamic nature of glycan structures, their computational/experimental approach lends support to their claims.


    One potential weakness is the inherent limitation of computational models to fully capture the complexities of in vivo systems. While the authors acknowledge the difficulty in completely gauging the N343 glycosylation's impact on RBD folding due to the dynamic nature of glycan structures, their multi-faceted approach lends solid support to their claims.

    Other Comments:

    The study shows that N343 glycosylation plays a structural role in stabilizing the RBD across various SARS-CoV-2 strains. The removal of this glycan led to conformational changes that could affect the virus's infectivity. The results correlate with a reported reduction in viral infectivity upon deletion of glycosylation sites, supporting the authors' conclusion that N343 glycosylation is functionally essential for viral infection.

    By providing molecular insights into the spike protein's architectural changes, the work could influence the design of more effective vaccines and therapeutic agents. The data and methods used could serve as a valuable resource for researchers looking into viral evolution, protein-glycan interactions, and the development of glycan-based interventions.

  8. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The authors sought to establish the role played by N343 glycosylation on the SARS-CoV-2 S receptor binding domain structure and binding affinity to the human host receptor ACE2 across several variants of concern. The work includes both computational analysis in the form of molecular dynamics simulations and experimental binding assays between the RBD and ganglioside receptors.

    The work extensively samples the conformational space of the RBD beginning with atomic coordinates representing both the bound and unbound states and computes molecular dynamics trajectories until equilibrium is achieved with and without removing N343 glycosylation. Through comparison of these simulated structures, the authors are able to demonstrate that N343 glycosylation stabilizes the RBD. Prior work had demonstrated that glycosylation at this site plays an important role in shielding the RBD core and in this work, the authors demonstrate that removal of this glycan can trigger a conformational change to reduce water access to the core without it. This response is variant-dependent and variants containing interface substitutions that increase RBD stability, including Delta substitution L452R, do not experience the same conformational change when the glycan is removed. The authors also explore structures corresponding to Alpha and Beta in which no structure-reinforcing substitutions were identified and two Omicron variants in which other substitutions with an analogous effect to L452R are present.

    The authors experimentally assessed these inferred structural changes by measuring the binding affinity of the RBD for the oligosaccharides of the mono-sialylated gangliosides GM1os and GM2os with and without the glycan at N343. While GM1os and GM2os binding is influenced by additional factors in the Beta and Omicron variants, the comparison between Delta and Wuhan-hu-1 is clear: removal of the glycan abrogated binding for Wuhan-hu-1 and minimally affected Delta as predicted by structural simulations.

    In summary, these findings suggest, in the words of the authors, that SARS-CoV-2 has evolved to render the N-glycosylation site at N343 "structurally dispensable". This study emphasizes how glycosylation impacts both viral immune evasion and structural stability which may in turn impact receptor binding affinity and infectivity. Mutations that stabilize the antigen may relax the structural constraints on glycosylation opening up avenues for subsequent mutations that remove glycans and improve immune evasion. This interplay between immune evasion and receptor stability may support complex epistatic interactions which may in turn substantially expand the predicted mutational repertoire of the virus relative to expectations that do not take into account glycosylation.

  9. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


    The receptor binding domain of SARS-Cov-2 spike protein contains two N-glycans which have been conserved by the variants observed in these last 4 years. Through the use of extensive molecular dynamics, the authors demonstrate that even if glycosylation is conserved, the stabilization role of glycans at N343 differs among the strains. They also investigate the effect of this glycosylation on the binding of RBD towards sialylated gangliosides, as a function of evolution.


    The molecular dynamics characterization is well performed and demonstrates differences in the effect of glycosylation as a factor of evolution. The binding of different strains to human gangliosides shows variations of strong interest. Analyzing the structure function of glycans on SARS-Cov-2 surface as a function of evolution is important for the surveillance of novel variants since it can influence their virulence.


    The article is difficult to read, with no sufficient efforts of clarification for non-glycobiology audiences. The presentation of previous knowledge about RBD glycosylation and its effect on structure is very difficult to follow and should be reorganized. The choice of the nature of the biantennary glycan at N343 is not rationalized. A major weakness is the absence of data supporting the proposed binding site for ganglioside.