Fetal liver macrophages contribute to the hematopoietic stem cell niche by controlling granulopoiesis

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    Using single-cell sequencing, high-resolution imaging, and inducible genetic deletion of yolk-sac (YS) derived macrophages, the authors present a useful map of fetal liver macrophage subpopulations and provide important data demonstrating that heterogeneous fetal liver macrophages regulate erythrocyte enucleation, interact physically with fetal HSCs, and may regulate neutrophil accumulation in the fetal liver. These novel findings, although yet incomplete, might provide a solid foundation for further investigating the effects of macrophages on HSC function during fetal hematopoiesis and into adulthood and will be useful for the field of macrophage biology and developmental hematopoiesis.

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During embryogenesis, the fetal liver becomes the main hematopoietic organ, where stem and progenitor cells as well as immature and mature immune cells form an intricate cellular network. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside in a specialized niche, which is essential for their proliferation and differentiation. However, the cellular and molecular determinants contributing to this fetal HSC niche remain largely unknown. Macrophages are the first differentiated hematopoietic cells found in the developing liver, where they are important for fetal erythropoiesis by promoting erythrocyte maturation and phagocytosing expelled nuclei. Yet, whether macrophages play a role in fetal hematopoiesis beyond serving as a niche for maturing erythroblasts remains elusive. Here, we investigate the heterogeneity of macrophage populations in the murine fetal liver to define their specific roles during hematopoiesis. Using a single-cell omics approach combined with spatial proteomics and genetic fate-mapping models, we found that fetal liver macrophages cluster into distinct yolk sac-derived subpopulations and that long-term HSCs are interacting preferentially with one of the macrophage subpopulations. Fetal livers lacking macrophages show a delay in erythropoiesis and have an increased number of granulocytes, which can be attributed to transcriptional reprogramming and altered differentiation potential of long-term HSCs. Together, our data provide a detailed map of fetal liver macrophage subpopulations and implicate macrophages as part of the fetal HSC niche.

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  1. Author Response

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    This manuscript from Kavanjoo et al examines the role of macrophages within the fetal liver beyond erythrocyte maturation. Using single-cell sequencing, high-resolution imaging, and inducible genetic deletion of yolk-sac (YS) derived macrophages, the authors demonstrate that heterogeneous fetal liver macrophages regulate erythrocyte enucleation, interact physically with fetal HSCs, and may regulate neutrophil accumulation in the fetal liver. The data as presented do not strongly support the authors’ conclusion that fetal macrophages in the liver regulate the HSC niche or granulopoiesis from HSCs.

    Fetal-derived resident tissue macrophages are increasingly implicated in regulation of adult tissue function and homeostasis, but considerably less is known regarding the function of fetal macrophages during development. Macrophages in the fetal liver have been shown to form erythroblastic islands, where they regulate erythrocyte maturation. Here, the authors performed single-cell sequencing on fetal liver macrophages (Cd11b-lo) to gain insight into heterogeneity and utilized previously published pre-Mac signatures from the YS to focus on YS-derived macrophages. These clusters were then further cross-referenced with surface protein expression as determined by multidimensional flow cytometry to hone in on a very specific subset of three groups of F4/80hi macrophages defined by multiple surface markers. Fate-mapping with three models (Tnfrsf11a-Cre - YS pMAC derived; Ms4a3Cre - FL monocyte derived; CXCR4-Cre-ERT2 - definitive HSC derived) revealed that three major subsets are all derived from YS pMACs.

    We thank the reviewer for the comments and have addressed all points below. If certain points were mentioned twice, we responded at the position where the point was raised the first time.

    However, the relative frequencies of these specific populations are not shown, and because the single sequencing analysis goes through so many iterations of re-clustering that initiates by focusing specifically on pMAC signatures, this result is not surprising.

    Probing gene expression within each of the three clusters revealed ligand expression suggesting cell-cell interactions, and cross-referencing with a fetal LT-HSC gene expression dataset revealed potential receptor-ligand interactions. Microscopic investigation of physical interactions between specific macrophage subsets and HSCs was not particularly convincing. In Figure 3C, for example, Cluster C is very difficult to visualize. It would again be helpful to know what the ratios are within the FL for each cluster. Data in Figure 3F are not well represented by Data in Figure 3E.

    We showed frequencies after CODEX in the original manuscript (Fig. S3A, now Figure 4 - figure supplement 1A) since isolation of cells often induces an artifact, and relative frequencies after scRNA-seq experiments never represent the actual cell numbers present in situ. However, also the CODEX analysis has its weakness, especially in dense tissues, as the automated gating method may not catch every macrophage due to its star-shaped structure. Thus, we have now included the absolute numbers of macrophage subpopulations in Figure 7C. We have tried to improve the visualization of the clusters in Figure 3C (now Figure 4C) by zooming into a specific region. The Voronoi diagram is a powerful method that allows for an overall spatial visualization of cell distribution in large tissue pieces. In the high-resolution PDF that we provide, zooming into the PDF file should allow the reader to see each cluster in great detail.

    To improve the data of macrophage-HSC interaction we have performed 3D reconstructions and quantified the distance of CD150+ and Iba1+ cells in 3D (new Figure 3C-E) as the thin cryosectioning used for CODEX is not suitable to reconstruct these interactions properly (see also lines 328-331). Thus, Figure 3E was not able and also not meant to represent data shown in Figure 3F (now Figure 4E and 4F). Figure 3E is just meant to show examples of all clusters sitting in proximity to CD150+ HSCs.

    Furthermore, deletion of YS pMAC-derived macrophages the Tnfrsf11a-Cre X Spi1fl/fl resulted in broad macrophage depletion - although the authors did not demonstrate this using the carefully refined phenotypes they had defined earlier in the manuscript. Nonetheless, the authors demonstrate that macrophage depletion did affect erythroid enucleation, as expected, and the authors also showed some effect of macrophage deletion on LT-HSC gene expression by bulk transcription analysis. These effects were relatively small, however, and this was clear in the absence of effects on hematopoiesis in vivo or HSC proliferation ex vivo. To further investigate the effects of macrophage deletion on downstream hematopoieisis, the authors re-assessed the myeloid compartment following macrophage deletion, and identified and specifically focused on an observed increase in neutrophils in response to macrophage depletion. Based on this increase, they tested HSC differentiation using a colony-forming assay, which shows a slight increase in GM colonies that is also reflective of a slight but insignificant increase in total colony forming capability. The authors concluded that loss of fetal macrophages causes a reprogramming of HSCs to the granulocytic lineage. However, the colony-forming assay and subtle differences in gene expression are not sufficient to conclude that fetal HSCs have been reprogrammed towards granulocytic lineage by macrophage deletion.

    We thank the reviewer for this comment and have improved the manuscript accordingly: We have performed the colony-forming assay again with n=5 embryos per genotype that were harvested on the same day, which resulted in a similar phenotype as before, with the differences of GM colonies now being significant. Further, we quantified the depletion of all macrophage subpopulations in the Tnfrsf11a-Cre X Spi1fl/fl model (Fig. 7C). To strengthen the point that the transient lack of macrophages when HSCs arrive in the fetal liver leads to their reprograming, we included flow cytometry data from E16.5 and E18.5 where we still see an increase of neutrophils in the fetal liver, despite the fact that macrophages are repopulating the empty niche (Fig. 7E, F). To show that this is a cell-intrinsic effect, we have performed adoptive transfer experiments supporting our claim that loss of macrophages reprograms HSCs toward the granulocytic lineage (Fig. 7H, I)

    Overall, there are some interesting pieces of data in this manuscript, including the classification of new subsets of macrophages in the liver, their fate-mapping to the YS, and gene expression analysis. However, the data as presented do not strongly support a role for these particular macrophage subsets in regulating HSCs or fetal hematopoiesis within the fetal liver niche. Although there may be specific subsets of fetal liver macrophages that more closely physically interact with HSCs, deletion of what appeared to be a vast majority of macrophages in the FL did not appear to affect cellularity of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vivo, and was not shown to convincingly affect HSC function. The mechanism by which macrophage deletion affected granulopoiesis could be independent from HSCs, and would be interesting to further explore.

    We hope that with new set of experiments we were able to convince the reviewer of the importance of macrophages in the HSC niche.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    Using a single-cell omics approach combined with spatial proteomics and genetic fate mapping, Kayvanjoo et al found that fetal liver (FL) macrophages cluster into distinct yolk sac-derived subpopulations and that some of the HSCs in FL preferentially associate with one of the identified macrophage subpopulations. FLs lacking macrophages show a delay in erythropoiesis. The authors also try to identify a role of macrophages for HSCs function in FL, and claim that macrophages affect myeloid differentiation of HSCs. Experimental support for the function of macrophages on HSCs remains weak. Taken together, their data provide a precise map of FL macrophage subpopulations, which is novel and will serve the field well.

    We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment. We have now strengthened the data regarding the impact of granulopoiesis by performing additional CFU assays and adoptive transfers.

  2. eLife assessment

    Using single-cell sequencing, high-resolution imaging, and inducible genetic deletion of yolk-sac (YS) derived macrophages, the authors present a useful map of fetal liver macrophage subpopulations and provide important data demonstrating that heterogeneous fetal liver macrophages regulate erythrocyte enucleation, interact physically with fetal HSCs, and may regulate neutrophil accumulation in the fetal liver. These novel findings, although yet incomplete, might provide a solid foundation for further investigating the effects of macrophages on HSC function during fetal hematopoiesis and into adulthood and will be useful for the field of macrophage biology and developmental hematopoiesis.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    This manuscript from Kavanjoo et al examines the role of macrophages within the fetal liver beyond erythrocyte maturation. Using single-cell sequencing, high-resolution imaging, and inducible genetic deletion of yolk-sac (YS) derived macrophages, the authors demonstrate that heterogeneous fetal liver macrophages regulate erythrocyte enucleation, interact physically with fetal HSCs, and may regulate neutrophil accumulation in the fetal liver. The data as presented do not strongly support the authors' conclusion that fetal macrophages in the liver regulate the HSC niche or granulopoiesis from HSCs.

    Fetal-derived resident tissue macrophages are increasingly implicated in regulation of adult tissue function and homeostasis, but considerably less is known regarding the function of fetal macrophages during development. Macrophages in the fetal liver have been shown to form erythroblastic islands, where they regulate erythrocyte maturation. Here, the authors performed single-cell sequencing on fetal liver macrophages (Cd11b-lo) to gain insight into heterogeneity and utilized previously published pre-Mac signatures from the YS to focus on YS-derived macrophages. These clusters were then further cross-referenced with surface protein expression as determined by multidimensional flow cytometry to hone in on a very specific subset of three groups of F4/80hi macrophages defined by multiple surface markers. Fate-mapping with three models (Tnfrsf11a-Cre - YS pMAC derived; Ms4a3Cre - FL monocyte derived; CXCR4-Cre-ERT2 - definitive HSC derived) revealed that three major subsets are all derived from YS pMACs. However, the relative frequencies of these specific populations are not shown, and because the single sequencing analysis goes through so many iterations of re-clustering that initiates by focusing specifically on pMAC signatures, this result is not surprising.

    Probing gene expression within each of the three clusters revealed ligand expression suggesting cell-cell interactions, and cross-referencing with a fetal LT-HSC gene expression dataset revealed potential receptor-ligand interactions. Microscopic investigation of physical interactions between specific macrophage subsets and HSCs was not particularly convincing. In Figure 3C, for example, Cluster C is very difficult to visualize. It would again be helpful to know what the ratios are within the FL for each cluster. Data in Figure 3F are not well represented by Data in Figure 3E.

    Furthermore, deletion of YS pMAC-derived macrophages the Tnfrsf11a-Cre X Spi1fl/fl resulted in broad macrophage depletion - although the authors did not demonstrate this using the carefully refined phenotypes they had defined earlier in the manuscript. Nonetheless, the authors demonstrate that macrophage depletion did affect erythroid enucleation, as expected, and the authors also showed some effect of macrophage deletion on LT-HSC gene expression by bulk transcription analysis. These effects were relatively small, however, and this was clear in the absence of effects on hematopoiesis in vivo or HSC proliferation ex vivo. To further investigate the effects of macrophage deletion on downstream hematopoieisis, the authors re-assessed the myeloid compartment following macrophage deletion, and identified and specifically focused on an observed increase in neutrophils in response to macrophage depletion. Based on this increase, they tested HSC differentiation using a colony-forming assay, which shows a slight increase in GM colonies that is also reflective of a slight but insignificant increase in total colony forming capability. The authors concluded that loss of fetal macrophages causes a reprogramming of HSCs to the granulocytic lineage. However, the colony-forming assay and subtle differences in gene expression are not sufficient to conclude that fetal HSCs have been reprogrammed towards granulocytic lineage by macrophage deletion.

    Overall, there are some interesting pieces of data in this manuscript, including the classification of new subsets of macrophages in the liver, their fate-mapping to the YS, and gene expression analysis. However, the data as presented do not strongly support a role for these particular macrophage subsets in regulating HSCs or fetal hematopoiesis within the fetal liver niche. Although there may be specific subsets of fetal liver macrophages that more closely physically interact with HSCs, deletion of what appeared to be a vast majority of macrophages in the FL did not appear to affect cellularity of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vivo, and was not shown to convincingly affect HSC function. The mechanism by which macrophage deletion affected granulopoiesis could be independent from HSCs, and would be interesting to further explore.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    Using a single-cell omics approach combined with spatial proteomics and genetic fate mapping, Kayvanjoo et al found that fetal liver (FL) macrophages cluster into distinct yolk sac-derived subpopulations and that some of the HSCs in FL preferentially associate with one of the identified macrophage subpopulations. FLs lacking macrophages show a delay in erythropoiesis. The authors also try to identify a role of macrophages for HSCs function in FL, and claim that macrophages affect myeloid differentiation of HSCs. Experimental support for the function of macrophages on HSCs remains weak. Taken together, their data provide a precise map of FL macrophage subpopulations, which is novel and will serve the field well.