A comprehensive model of Drosophila epithelium reveals the role of embryo geometry and cell topology in mechanical responses
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eLife assessment
Using a novel micropipette-based, minimally invasive approach in combination with theoretical and computational analysis, this important work probes tissue mechanics in the Drosophila embryo. The authors provide compelling evidence for the applicability of their method, which reveals important differences between the mechanical properties on the apical and basal tissue sides. This work should be of broad interest to scientists studying tissue mechanics, membranes, and developmental processes.
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- Evaluated articles (eLife)
In order to understand morphogenesis, it is necessary to know the material properties or forces shaping the living tissue. In spite of this need, very few in vivo measurements are currently available. Here, using the early Drosophila embryo as a model, we describe a novel cantilever-based technique which allows for the simultaneous quantification of applied force and tissue displacement in a living embryo. By analyzing data from a series of experiments in which embryonic epithelium is subjected to developmentally relevant perturbations, we conclude that the response to applied force is adiabatic and is dominated by elastic forces and geometric constraints, or system size effects. Crucially, computational modeling of the experimental data indicated that the apical surface of the epithelium must be softer than the basal surface, a result which we confirmed experimentally. Further, we used the combination of experimental data and comprehensive computational model to estimate the elastic modulus of the apical surface and set a lower bound on the elastic modulus of the basal surface. More generally, our investigations revealed important general features that we believe should be more widely addressed when quantitatively modeling tissue mechanics in any system. Specifically, different compartments of the same cell can have very different mechanical properties; when they do, they can contribute differently to different mechanical stimuli and cannot be merely averaged together. Additionally, tissue geometry can play a substantial role in mechanical response, and cannot be neglected.
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eLife assessment
Using a novel micropipette-based, minimally invasive approach in combination with theoretical and computational analysis, this important work probes tissue mechanics in the Drosophila embryo. The authors provide compelling evidence for the applicability of their method, which reveals important differences between the mechanical properties on the apical and basal tissue sides. This work should be of broad interest to scientists studying tissue mechanics, membranes, and developmental processes.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this work, Cheikh et al. develop a novel method to probe tissue mechanics in vivo, with particular application to the early Drosophila embryo. The method is based on filling a pulled micropipette with a mixture of fluorescent dye and PDMS, which is cured and allowed to harden. Etching away the tip of the glass micropipette leaves exposed the PDMS core, which, like the bristles held in a brush handle, is easily deformed. Calibration of the stiffness of the PDMS tip allows for direct measurement of forces through the tip displacement. Apart from the particular application here, this method should prove to be widely useful in biological physics.
The authors then inserted this force probe into Drosophila embryos at the stage when cellularization has occurred, and demonstrate the ability to deform the tissue …
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In this work, Cheikh et al. develop a novel method to probe tissue mechanics in vivo, with particular application to the early Drosophila embryo. The method is based on filling a pulled micropipette with a mixture of fluorescent dye and PDMS, which is cured and allowed to harden. Etching away the tip of the glass micropipette leaves exposed the PDMS core, which, like the bristles held in a brush handle, is easily deformed. Calibration of the stiffness of the PDMS tip allows for direct measurement of forces through the tip displacement. Apart from the particular application here, this method should prove to be widely useful in biological physics.
The authors then inserted this force probe into Drosophila embryos at the stage when cellularization has occurred, and demonstrate the ability to deform the tissue (visualized by fluorescently labelled cell walls). Crucially, the time course of the deformation can be controlled by the rate at which the pipette is translated, allowing for the study of potential viscous or viscoelastic effects.
The authors find from their experiments and extensive computational analysis of mechanical models of the embryo that there must be a significant difference between the mechanical properties of the apical and basal sides of the tissue.
This is a very well executed paper that provides compelling evidence for the utility of the experimental method and the particular issues in Drosophila mechanics. A strength of the paper is the clear and simple focus on a particular deformation and its experimental and theoretical analysis. The computational section is a bit less clearly connected to the observations, in the sense that some kind of very simplified model incorporating the apicobasal differences is lacking.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
This is a very interesting study with a potential impact on understanding the 3D mechanics of cells in epithelia. The assay that the authors developed is novel and quite useful for future studies. However, I was hoping to see more experimental results in the manuscript. For example, there is a zoo of mutants that the community speculates about possible mechanical changes in cells. I was hoping to see if the authors can settle some of these arguments by using their novel technique and analysis.