The yeast endocytic early/sorting compartment exists as an independent sub-compartment within the trans-Golgi network

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    In this study, the authors use high-speed and high-resolution imaging to investigate the role of the yeast syntaxin homolog Tlg2p in endocytic vesicle sorting. They obtain compelling data to show that the Tlg2p-residing compartment within the trans-Golgi network functions as an early/sorting compartment, where endocytic cargos are sorted to either the recycling pathway or the endo-lysosomal pathway. The authors also describe additional molecular details of this sorting process, and overall provide important insights into the mechanism of endocytic vesicle sorting in budding yeast.

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Although budding yeast has been extensively used as a model organism for studying organelle functions and intracellular vesicle trafficking, whether it possesses an independent endocytic early/sorting compartment that sorts endocytic cargos to the endo-lysosomal pathway or the recycling pathway has long been unclear. The structure and properties of the endocytic early/sorting compartment differ significantly between organisms; in plant cells, the trans -Golgi network (TGN) serves this role, whereas in mammalian cells a separate intracellular structure performs this function. The yeast syntaxin homolog Tlg2p, widely localizing to the TGN and endosomal compartments, is presumed to act as a Q-SNARE for endocytic vesicles, but which compartment is the direct target for endocytic vesicles remained unanswered. Here we demonstrate by high-speed and high-resolution 4D imaging of fluorescently labeled endocytic cargos that the Tlg2p-residing compartment within the TGN functions as the early/sorting compartment. After arriving here, endocytic cargos are recycled to the plasma membrane or transported to the yeast Rab5-residing endosomal compartment through the pathway requiring the clathrin adaptors GGAs. Interestingly, Gga2p predominantly localizes at the Tlg2p-residing compartment, and the deletion of GGAs has little effect on another TGN region where Sec7p is present but suppresses dynamics of the Tlg2-residing early/sorting compartment, indicating that the Tlg2p- and Sec7p-residing regions are discrete entities in the mutant. Thus, the Tlg2p-residing region seems to serve as an early/sorting compartment and function independently of the Sec7p-residing region within the TGN.

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  1. Author Response

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    This manuscript by Toshima et al. describes a study of the organization of traffic in the endomembrane system of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The authors address the relation between endocytosis and the Golgi (TGN: a collection of maturing membrane elements derived from the trans-Golgi). The study builds on a previous article by the group of Benjamin Glick. In that study (Day et al., 2018), it was postulated that the TGN is the first destination for yeast endocytic traffic after internalization from the plasma membrane. Additionally, Day et al. had shown that endocytic recycling traffic towards the plasma membrane departs from the TGN as well. Therefore, early endosome and recycling endosome compartments would be identical to the TGN or contained within it. Here, Toshima et al. use super-resolution confocal live imaging microscopy (SCLIM) to refine a model of endocytic pathway organization. This powerful imaging technology allows them to show that out of two partially overlapping TGN markers, namely Tlg2 and Sec7, the syntaxin Tlg2 correlates better with the arrival of fluorescently labeled endocytic cargo than alternative TGN marker Sec7. Building on this main finding, the authors conclude that a specific part of the TGN (an "independent sub-compartment") functions as the early endosome. Further experiments in mutants for GGA clathrin adaptors, required for departure of endocytic cargo from the TGN to the Rab5-positive prevacuolar endosome, show again that endocytosed cargo accumulation correlates better with Tlg2 than with Sec7. Furthermore, in GGA mutants the overlap between Tlg2 and Sec7 is decreased, suggesting that GGA is required for maturation of this Tlg2 sub-compartment.

    The study is well conducted and its main conclusion that a Tlg2 subregion within the TGN functions as the early endosome seems well supported by the superb live imaging and the analysis of GGA mutants.

    Although a technical feat in live superresolution imaging, this single kind of data (moving, shape-shifting blobs of fluorescently-labeled proteins) does not totally fill with meaning the terms "compartment", "sub-compartment", or "independent sub-compartment". This, I think, is the main limitation of the study. Are these compartments or sub-compartments individuated membrane elements, collections of vesicles, regions of the same cisterna or saccule? For this, electron microscopy would be needed.

    We are very grateful for the reviewer’s favorable evaluation of our study. In accordance with the editors’ judgment in "Essential Revision", we have not performed electron microscopy analysis for this revision. However, we have addressed all other valuable comments.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    In this manuscript Toshima et al document the use of sophisticated microscopy - with powerful spatial and time resolution - to image markers of the yeast endosomal system.

    The initial work documented in this paper does a good job of defining the compartment endocytic cargoes internalise to. This is convincingly shown to be a compartment that is not marked by Sec7 but is instead a distinct (sub)compartment marked by the SNARE protein Tlg2. This agrees with many previous studies, (including biochemical experiments and microscopy of cargoes in a series of membrane trafficking mutants) but has different conclusions to another study (Day et al 2018 - Developmental Cell). Although the microscopy techniques used in the two studies are different, the yeast system and many of the reporters (FP tagged Tlg1, Sec7, Vps21 and fluorescently labelled mating factor) are the same. The Day et al study is suitably referenced throughout the manuscript but as to why the authors have come to fundamentally different answers about endocytic cargoes internalising to a Sec7+ compartment, is not discussed.

    According to the reviewer's suggestion, we have added a paragraph discussing about this (line 533-539).

    The work goes on to show endocytic carriers (marked by Abp1) and endocytic cargoes like fluorescently labelled mating factor internalise to the Tlg2+ compartment. The forward trafficking of these molecules is then observed to transit to a later endosome compartment labelled by Vps21. The super-resolution and time lapse imaging, sometimes even using 3 colours - is of very high quality and fully support the model presented at the end of the paper for this trafficking itinerary. Trafficking mutants are also used (such as a defective allele of arp3 and deletion of VPS21 / YPT52 GTPases) to interrupt trafficking routes and define the pathways followed by endocytosed mating factor.

    The endocytic trafficking from Tlg2+ to Vps21 compartments is shown to be defective in mutants lacking GGA adaptors (gga1∆ gga2∆), with cargoes accumulating in the Tlg2+ compartment and other clathrin adaptor mutants not causing this defect. This research avenue also reveals that the GGA proteins are required to maintain the distinct Tlg2 sub compartment.

    The final section of the paper uses the same tools to analyse the localisation of the recycling v-SNARE protein Snc1. This is arguably the most important set of experiments in the paper, not only is Snc1 a putative v-SNARE that functionally interacts with Tlg2, but this cargo, unlike pheromone, allows the investigation of recycling back to the PM from TGN/endosomes. However, the authors do not comment on the fact that Snc1 does not localise to the plasma membrane in either experiments using different microscopy techniques (Figure 5A + 5B), calling into question whether the recycling pathway is operating properly or that the FP-tagged machinery has disrupted processing? The steady state localisation of Snc1 in WT cells only looks normal in Supplemental figure, this discrepancy should be discussed or addressed.

    As the reviewer points out, fluorescent protein-tagged Snc1p usually localizes to the plasma membrane in addition to cytosolic puncta, as shown in Fig. 6–figure supplement 1A. In Fig. 6A, localization of GFP-Snc1p is demonstrated by focusing on the cell surface using a TIRF microscope, which differs from that focusing on the medial focal plane. Therefore, Fig. 6A shows that GFP-Snc1p localizes to the plasma membrane, albeit with evident punctate localization.

    Localization of mCherry-Snc1p to the plasma membrane was also observed in the images obtained by SCLIM. However, since the intracellular signals of mCherry-Snc1p are partially blocked by those around the plasma membrane, in Fig. 6B the intracellular localization has been emphasized by modulating the contrast, thereby reducing the fluorescence signals at the plasma membrane. In the new manuscript, we have added an image with only slight contrast (Fig. 6–figure supplement 1C) in the same cell as that shown in Fig. 6B.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    The manuscript by JY Toshima et al. is an excellent and important study that demonstrates very clearly the existence of an endosomal compartment in yeast, distinct from the trans-Golgi network, to which endocytic vesicles fuse upon internalization. They show that this compartment is enriched in the SNARE protein Tlg2, a yeast homologue of syntaxin, and is segregated from the Golgi-localized Sec7-containing compartment, indicating that the organization of the endocytic system in yeast is similar to that of animal cells. Furthermore, they demonstrate the trafficking machinery required for maturation of this compartment, and that it is also a station on the pathway back to the plasma membrane. Because there have been conflicting reports in the literature as to the existence of an endosomal compartment in yeast distinct from the trans-Golgi network, this paper is of great importance for the cell biology community.

    Major strengths of this study are the cutting-edge imaging technology used, and the careful, quantitative analyses carried out. The authors use a super-resolution live cell imaging approach that allows them to discriminate to a high resolution different compartments and membrane domains of highly dynamic yeast organelles, and to follow an internalizing cargo over time. With their manuscript, they have provided a full set of movies, along with quantifications, to support their conclusions.

    The authors use fluorescent-protein-labelled endocytic cargo (alpha-factor) and florescent-protein-labelled compartment markers, assaying them in high resolution and super-resolution live cell imaging microscopy systems. In this way, they are able to follow trafficking of cargo through compartments in real time. The authors first demonstrate that the alpha-factor cargo substantially colocalized with the SNARE protein Tlg2, a marker of early endosomes, but very little with Sec7. They also show that Tlg2 marks a sub-compartment distinct from the Sec7 compartment, but adjacent to it. Furthermore, they demonstrate using super-resolution microscopy and triple color 4D imaging that endocytosed alpha-factor cargo structures make contact with the Tlg2 compartment, adjacent to the Sec7 compartment, then disappear, supporting the conclusion that endocytic vesicles first fuse with the Tlg2 compartment. Next the authors show that alpha factor is transported from the Tlg2 compartment to the Vps21 compartment, a process that requires the GGA adaptors Gga1 and Gga2. Finally, the authors show that recycling of the endocytic R-SNARE Snc1 also occurs by passage through the Tlg2 compartment.

    The use of mutants that affect different stages of endosomal trafficking is a strength of the manuscript, as it allows elucidation of the mechanism of transport through successive compartments. Importantly, using a gga1-delta gga2-delta mutant, the authors demonstrate convincingly that the GGA adaptors Gga1 and Gga2 are required for alpha factor transport from the Tlg2 compartment to the Vps21 compartment.

    Throughout this study, the authors use fluorescent protein-labelled cargo and compartment markers (EGFP, mCherry, iRFP), but don't explicitly state to what extent these fusion proteins are functional compared to the endogenous proteins. They could cite previous publications or their results describing the functionality of the fusion proteins used.

    According to the reviewer's suggestion, we have cited previous publications for GFP-Tlg2 (Seron et al., MBoC, 1998), Sec7-GFP/-mCherry (Seron et al, MBoC, 1998; Llinares et al., Sci Rep, 2015), Abp1-mCherry (Kaksonen et al., Cell, 2003; Picco et al., eLife, 2015), GFP-Vps21 (Toshima et al., Nat. Comm, 2016), Gga2-mCherry (Daboussi et al., NCB, 2012), GFP-Snc1p (Lewis et al., MBoC, 2000), and GFP-Ypt31 (Kim et al., Dev Cell, 2016). We have also added data showing the functionality of Abp1-mCherry (Fig. 2–figure supplement 1A), Sec7-iRFP (Fig. 1–figure supplement 1F), Gga2-mCherry (Fig. 5–figure supplement 2G), and GFP-Ypt31p (Fig. 7–figure supplement 1A) in the new manuscript.

  2. eLife assessment

    In this study, the authors use high-speed and high-resolution imaging to investigate the role of the yeast syntaxin homolog Tlg2p in endocytic vesicle sorting. They obtain compelling data to show that the Tlg2p-residing compartment within the trans-Golgi network functions as an early/sorting compartment, where endocytic cargos are sorted to either the recycling pathway or the endo-lysosomal pathway. The authors also describe additional molecular details of this sorting process, and overall provide important insights into the mechanism of endocytic vesicle sorting in budding yeast.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    This manuscript by Toshima et al. describes a study of the organization of traffic in the endomembrane system of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The authors address the relation between endocytosis and the Golgi (TGN: a collection of maturing membrane elements derived from the trans-Golgi). The study builds on a previous article by the group of Benjamin Glick. In that study (Day et al., 2018), it was postulated that the TGN is the first destination for yeast endocytic traffic after internalization from the plasma membrane. Additionally, Day et al. had shown that endocytic recycling traffic towards the plasma membrane departs from the TGN as well. Therefore, early endosome and recycling endosome compartments would be identical to the TGN or contained within it. Here, Toshima et al. use super-resolution confocal live imaging microscopy (SCLIM) to refine a model of endocytic pathway organization. This powerful imaging technology allows them to show that out of two partially overlapping TGN markers, namely Tlg2 and Sec7, the syntaxin Tlg2 correlates better with the arrival of fluorescently labeled endocytic cargo than alternative TGN marker Sec7. Building on this main finding, the authors conclude that a specific part of the TGN (an "independent sub-compartment") functions as the early endosome. Further experiments in mutants for GGA clathrin adaptors, required for departure of endocytic cargo from the TGN to the Rab5-positive prevacuolar endosome, show again that endocytosed cargo accumulation correlates better with Tlg2 than with Sec7. Furthermore, in GGA mutants the overlap between Tlg2 and Sec7 is decreased, suggesting that GGA is required for maturation of this Tlg2 sub-compartment.

    The study is well conducted and its main conclusion that a Tlg2 subregion within the TGN functions as the early endosome seems well supported by the superb live imaging and the analysis of GGA mutants.

    Although a technical feat in live superresolution imaging, this single kind of data (moving, shape-shifting blobs of fluorescently-labeled proteins) does not totally fill with meaning the terms "compartment", "sub-compartment", or "independent sub-compartment". This, I think, is the main limitation of the study. Are these compartments or sub-compartments individuated membrane elements, collections of vesicles, regions of the same cisterna or saccule? For this, electron microscopy would be needed.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    In this manuscript Toshima et al document the use of sophisticated microscopy - with powerful spatial and time resolution - to image markers of the yeast endosomal system.

    The initial work documented in this paper does a good job of defining the compartment endocytic cargoes internalise to. This is convincingly shown to be a compartment that is not marked by Sec7 but is instead a distinct (sub)compartment marked by the SNARE protein Tlg2. This agrees with many previous studies, (including biochemical experiments and microscopy of cargoes in a series of membrane trafficking mutants) but has different conclusions to another study (Day et al 2018 - Developmental Cell). Although the microscopy techniques used in the two studies are different, the yeast system and many of the reporters (FP tagged Tlg1, Sec7, Vps21 and fluorescently labelled mating factor) are the same. The Day et al study is suitably referenced throughout the manuscript but as to why the authors have come to fundamentally different answers about endocytic cargoes internalising to a Sec7+ compartment, is not discussed.

    The work goes on to show endocytic carriers (marked by Abp1) and endocytic cargoes like fluorescently labelled mating factor internalise to the Tlg2+ compartment. The forward trafficking of these molecules is then observed to transit to a later endosome compartment labelled by Vps21. The super-resolution and time lapse imaging, sometimes even using 3 colours - is of very high quality and fully support the model presented at the end of the paper for this trafficking itinerary. Trafficking mutants are also used (such as a defective allele of arp3 and deletion of VPS21 / YPT52 GTPases) to interrupt trafficking routes and define the pathways followed by endocytosed mating factor.

    The endocytic trafficking from Tlg2+ to Vps21 compartments is shown to be defective in mutants lacking GGA adaptors (gga1∆ gga2∆), with cargoes accumulating in the Tlg2+ compartment and other clathrin adaptor mutants not causing this defect. This research avenue also reveals that the GGA proteins are required to maintain the distinct Tlg2 sub compartment.

    The final section of the paper uses the same tools to analyse the localisation of the recycling v-SNARE protein Snc1. This is arguably the most important set of experiments in the paper, not only is Snc1 a putative v-SNARE that functionally interacts with Tlg2, but this cargo, unlike pheromone, allows the investigation of recycling back to the PM from TGN/endosomes. However, the authors do not comment on the fact that Snc1 does not localise to the plasma membrane in either experiments using different microscopy techniques (Figure 5A + 5B), calling into question whether the recycling pathway is operating properly or that the FP-tagged machinery has disrupted processing? The steady state localisation of Snc1 in WT cells only looks normal in Supplemental figure, this discrepancy should be discussed or addressed.

  5. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    The manuscript by JY Toshima et al. is an excellent and important study that demonstrates very clearly the existence of an endosomal compartment in yeast, distinct from the trans-Golgi network, to which endocytic vesicles fuse upon internalization. They show that this compartment is enriched in the SNARE protein Tlg2, a yeast homologue of syntaxin, and is segregated from the Golgi-localized Sec7-containing compartment, indicating that the organization of the endocytic system in yeast is similar to that of animal cells. Furthermore, they demonstrate the trafficking machinery required for maturation of this compartment, and that it is also a station on the pathway back to the plasma membrane. Because there have been conflicting reports in the literature as to the existence of an endosomal compartment in yeast distinct from the trans-Golgi network, this paper is of great importance for the cell biology community.

    Major strengths of this study are the cutting-edge imaging technology used, and the careful, quantitative analyses carried out. The authors use a super-resolution live cell imaging approach that allows them to discriminate to a high resolution different compartments and membrane domains of highly dynamic yeast organelles, and to follow an internalizing cargo over time. With their manuscript, they have provided a full set of movies, along with quantifications, to support their conclusions.

    The authors use fluorescent-protein-labelled endocytic cargo (alpha-factor) and florescent-protein-labelled compartment markers, assaying them in high resolution and super-resolution live cell imaging microscopy systems. In this way, they are able to follow trafficking of cargo through compartments in real time. The authors first demonstrate that the alpha-factor cargo substantially colocalized with the SNARE protein Tlg2, a marker of early endosomes, but very little with Sec7. They also show that Tlg2 marks a sub-compartment distinct from the Sec7 compartment, but adjacent to it. Furthermore, they demonstrate using super-resolution microscopy and triple color 4D imaging that endocytosed alpha-factor cargo structures make contact with the Tlg2 compartment, adjacent to the Sec7 compartment, then disappear, supporting the conclusion that endocytic vesicles first fuse with the Tlg2 compartment. Next the authors show that alpha factor is transported from the Tlg2 compartment to the Vps21 compartment, a process that requires the GGA adaptors Gga1 and Gga2. Finally, the authors show that recycling of the endocytic R-SNARE Snc1 also occurs by passage through the Tlg2 compartment.

    The use of mutants that affect different stages of endosomal trafficking is a strength of the manuscript, as it allows elucidation of the mechanism of transport through successive compartments. Importantly, using a gga1-delta gga2-delta mutant, the authors demonstrate convincingly that the GGA adaptors Gga1 and Gga2 are required for alpha factor transport from the Tlg2 compartment to the Vps21 compartment.

    Throughout this study, the authors use fluorescent protein-labelled cargo and compartment markers (EGFP, mCherry, iRFP), but don't explicitly state to what extent these fusion proteins are functional compared to the endogenous proteins. They could cite previous publications or their results describing the functionality of the fusion proteins used.