Arabidopsis transcriptome responses to low water potential using high-throughput plate assays

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    eLife assessment

    This work critically evaluates several widely-used assays of transcriptional responses to water limitation in Arabidopsis grown on defined agar-solidified media and, finding inconsistent responses in root transcriptome responses, introduces a new 'hard agar' assay with more consistent responses. The work is valuable as a simple and alternative experimental system that would enable high-throughput genetic screening (and GWAS) to assess the impacts of environmental perturbations on transcriptional responses in various genetic backgrounds. Within this scope, the work is solid, though the debate about whether field-level physiological inferences can be made from such assays remains.

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Soil-free assays that induce water stress are routinely used to investigate drought responses in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana . Due to their ease of use, the research community often relies on polyethylene glycol (PEG), mannitol, and salt (NaCl) treatments to reduce the water potential of agar media, and thus induce drought conditions in the laboratory. However, while these types of stress can create phenotypes that resemble those of water deficit experienced by soil-grown plants, it remains unclear how these treatments compare at the transcriptional level. Here, we demonstrate that these different methods of lowering water potential elicit both shared and distinct transcriptional responses in Arabidopsis shoot and root tissue. When we compared these transcriptional responses to those found in Arabidopsis roots subject to vermiculite drying, we discovered many genes induced by vermiculite drying were repressed by low water potential treatments on agar plates (and vice versa). Additionally, we also tested another method for lowering water potential of agar media. By increasing the nutrient content and tensile strength of agar, we show the ‘hard agar’ (HA) treatment can be leveraged as a high-throughput assay to investigate natural variation in Arabidopsis growth responses to low water potential.

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  1. eLife assessment

    This work critically evaluates several widely-used assays of transcriptional responses to water limitation in Arabidopsis grown on defined agar-solidified media and, finding inconsistent responses in root transcriptome responses, introduces a new 'hard agar' assay with more consistent responses. The work is valuable as a simple and alternative experimental system that would enable high-throughput genetic screening (and GWAS) to assess the impacts of environmental perturbations on transcriptional responses in various genetic backgrounds. Within this scope, the work is solid, though the debate about whether field-level physiological inferences can be made from such assays remains.

  2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    This manuscript describes new methodology to study low water potential (drought) stress responses in agar plates. They devote considerable effort in comparing transcriptome data among various previously published experimental systems, examining how different approaches of reducing water potential impact the Arabidopsis root and shoot transcriptome. Each method purported to reduce water potential in plate-grown seedlings has a different effect on Arabidopsis root transcriptome responses, which is problematic for the field. In this reviewer's view, differences in transcriptome are not as important, and often not as informative as measurement of physiological parameters, which they do very little of in their study.

    The focus on transcriptome data to the almost complete exclusion of other types of data is a symptom of a broader over-emphasis on the transcriptome that is quite prevalent in plant science now. We measure transcriptomes because we can, not because it is inherently the most informative thing to do. The important thing is protein amount, and even more so protein activity/function, which we know has an imperfect, at best, correlation with transcript level. This reviewer acknowledges that using Arabidopsis transcriptomics is a commonly employed method, and as such, the outcomes of this study will hold value for a broad audience, even if largely as a cautionary tale. If transcriptomics is used to identify candidate genes for future investigations, an approach that has had some success, then appropriate cautions should be taken in translating expectations about gene, protein, and phenotypic responses in field conditions.

  3. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    This work compares transcriptional responses of shoots and roots harvested from four plate-based assays that aim to simulate drought and from plants subjected to water deficit in pots using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana with the goal to select a plate-based assay that best recapitulates transcriptional changes that are observed during water-deficit in pots. For the plate-based assays polyethylene glycol (PEG), mannitol, and sodium chloride (salt) treatments were used as well as a 'hard agar' assay which was newly developed by the authors. In the 'hard agar' assay, less water was added to the solid components of the media leading to an increase in agar strength and nutrient concentration. Plants in pots were grown on vermiculite with the same nutrient mix as used in the plates and drought was induced by withholding watering for five days.

    The authors observed a good directional agreement of differential expressed genes for shoots between the plate assays on the vermiculite drying experiment. However, less directional agreement was observed for differential expressed genes of roots, except for their newly developed 'hard agar' assay which had good directional agreement. Testing whether the increase in agar strength or more concentrated nutrients are attributed to this, they found that both factors contributed to the effect of the 'hard agar'. Arabidopsis ecotypes that showed a stronger reduction in shoot size when grown on the 'hard agar' tended to have a lower fitness according to an external study which may indicate that the 'hard agar' assay simulates physiological relevant conditions.

    The work highlights that transcriptional responses for simulated drought on plates and drought caused by water deficit are highly variable and dependent on the tissues that are observed. The authors demonstrate that transcriptomics can be used to select a suitable plate assay that most closely recapitulates drought through water deficit for plants grown in pots. Interestingly their newly developed 'hard agar' assay provides an alternative to traditional plate-based assays with improved directional agreement of differential expressed genes in roots in comparison to plants experiencing water deficit in vermiculite. It is promising that the impact of 'hard agar' on the shoot size of 20 diverse Arabidopsis accessions shows some association with plant fitness under drought in the field. Their methodology could be powerful in identifying a better substitute for plate-based high-throughput drought assays that have an emphasis on gene expression changes.

  4. Author response

    The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews

    eLife assessment

    This work is an attempt to establish conditions that accurately and efficiently mimic a drought response in Arabidopsis grown on defined agar-solidified media - an admirable goal as a reliable experimental system is key to conducting successful low water potential experiments and would enable high-throughput genetic screening (and GWAS) to assess the impacts of environmental perturbations on various genetic backgrounds. The authors compare transcriptome patterns of plant subjected to water limitation imposed with different experimental systems. The work is valuable in that it lays out the challenges of such an endeavor and points out shortcomings of previous attempts. There was concern, however, that a purely gene expression-based approach may not provide sufficient physiologically relevant information about plant responses to drought, and therefore, despite improvements from a previous version, the new methodology championed by this work remains inadequate.

    Molecular biologists who study drought stress must make choices about which assays to use in their investigation. Serious resources and effort are put into their endeavor, and choice of assay matters. Our manuscript’s goal was largely practical: to guide molecular biologists employing transcriptomics in their choice of drought stress assay, and thus help ensure their work will discover transcriptional signatures of importance, and not those that may be an artifact from lowering water potential using chemical agents on agar plates.

    We examine how different approaches of reducing water potential impact the Arabidopsis root and shoot transcriptome. Our manuscript shows that each method of reducing water potential has a different effect on Arabidopsis root transcriptome responses. We acknowledge that drought stress induces a complex physiological response, and can vary depending on the method used. However, by comparing across assays, we find instances where a gene is downregulated by low water potential in one assay, and upregulated by low water potential in another assay. We feel it is only natural to question why this could be, and to hypothesize that it may be caused by secondary effects caused by the way low water potential is imposed. We note that comparative transcriptomics has been a standard approach for decades. We take it as the reviewer’s opinion that it may not be insightful, but it does not factually impact our findings.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    This manuscript purports to develop a new system to study low water potential (drought) stress responses in agar plates. They make numerous problematic comparisons among transcriptome datasets, particularly to transcriptome data from a vermiculite drying experiment which they inappropriately present as representing an authentic "drought response" to the exclusion of all other data. For some reason, which the reviewer cannot fully understand, the authors seem intent on asserting the superiority of their experimental system to all others. They do not succeed in this and such an effort is ultimately a disservice to the field of drought research as a whole.

    While they devote considerable effort in comparing transcriptome data among various experimental systems, the potentially more informative experiment at the end of the manuscript of testing growth responses of a number of Arabidopsis accessions is only done for their "LW" system. The focus of this manuscript on transcriptome data to the almost complete exclusion of other types of data which is a symptom of a broader over-emphasis on transcriptome that unfortunately is quite prevalent in plant science now. It is worth reminding that for protein coding genes, which constitute the vast majority of genes, transcriptome data is a proxy measurement. The really important thing is protein amount, and even more so protein activity/function, which we know has an imperfect, at best, correlation with transcript level. We measure transcriptomes because we can, not because it is inherently the most informative thing to do. The author's quixotic quest to see if the transcriptomes of different stress treatments match is of limited value and further diminished by their misleading presentation of one particular transcriptome data set (from their vermiculite drying experiments) as somehow a special data set that everything else must be evaluated against. This study sheds no new light on how to do relevant drought (low water potential) experiments in the lab.

    Although the reviewer acknowledges that the authors have made some effort to respond to previous comments, the fundamental flaws remain and the present version of this study is little improved from the first submission.

    One challenge faced by the drought community is establishing consensus regarding the definition of drought itself. According to the criteria followed by the reviewer, any method leading to a reduction in water potential qualifies as drought stress. However, the findings presented in this manuscript demonstrate that transcriptional responses in roots vary considerably across five different methods of reducing water potential. This indicates that beyond responding to a change in water potential itself, root transcriptomes will also respond to the specific way low water potential is introduced. We believe this variability is of interest to the drought research community.

    Of the five methods we explore, we hold the view that the gene expression changes induced by vermiculite drying as the most analogous to the expression signatures Arabidopsis would exhibit in response to low water potential in the natural environment. In contrast, we posit that Arabidopsis grown on agar plates - where the root system is exposed to air and light, and where water potential is lowered using chemical agents - may contain gene expression signatures plant molecular biologists may not find particularly relevant. However, we acknowledge that this is our opinion, and will make this more explicit on our revised text.

    More broadly, we believe that the reviewer’s observation regarding the ‘over-emphasis’ on transcriptomics that is prevalent within the plant science community justifies, rather than diminishes, the work presented here. If transcriptomics is a commonly employed method, then we anticipate that the outcomes of this study will hold value for a broad audience. Such researchers are likely not only using transcriptomics as a proxy measure for protein abundance, as the reviewer suggests, but also because it is one of the more straightforward genomic techniques biologists can use to identify candidate genes that may be chosen for further scrutiny.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    Comments on revised version:

    Specific previous criticisms that were addressed are:

    (1) that gene expression changes were only compared between the highest dose of each stress assay. In the revised version, the authors changed their framework and are now using linear modelling to detect genes that display a dose response to each specific treatment. I agree that this might be a more robust approach to selecting genes that are specific to a certain treatment.

    (2) that concentrations of PEG, mannitol, NaCl, and the "low water" agar which were chosen are not comparable in regards to their specific osmotic component. I appreciate that the authors measured the osmotic potential of each treatment. It revealed that both PEG and NaCl at their highest concentration had a much more negative osmotic potential compared to the other treatment. The authors claim that using ANCOVA they did not detect any significant differences between the treatments (lines 113, 114). I do believe that ANCOVA is not the appropriate test in this case. ANCOVA has an assumption of linearity, while the dose response between concentration and osmotic potential is non-linear. This is particularly evident for PEG (Steuter AA. Water potential of aqueous polyethylene glycol. Plant Physiol. 1981 Jan;67(1):64-7. doi: 10.1104/pp.67.1.64.). Since the treatments are not the same at the highest level, I think this could have effects on the validity of comparisons by linear model. One approach could be to remove the treatment level with the highest concentration and compare the results or adjust the treatments to the same osmolarity.

    (3) that only two biological replicates were collected for RNA sequencing which makes it impossible to know how much variance exists between samples. The authors added a third replicate in the revised version for most treatments. However, some treatments still have only two replicates, which cannot be easily seen from the text or the figure. I would prefer that those differences are pointed out.

    (4) that the original manuscript did not explore what effect the increase of agar and nutrient concentration in the "low water" agar had on water potentials. The authors conducted additional experiments showing that changes in water potential were exclusively caused by changes in the nutrient concentration (Figure 2-figure supplement 5; lines 222-224). However, the increase in agar strength had also some effect on gene expression. While this is not further discussed in the text, I believe this effect of agar on gene expression could be similar to root responses to soil compaction.

    (5) That the lower volume of media in the "low water" agar could have an effect on plants. The authors compared these effects in Figure 2-figure supplement 7. They claim that "different volumes of LW agar media do not play a significant part in modulating gene expression". While I can see that they detected 313 overlapping DEGs, there were still 146 and 412 non-overlapping DEGs. The heatmap in subpanel E also shows that there were differences in particular in the up-regulated genes. My conclusion would be that the change in volume does play a role and this should be a consideration in the manuscript.

    We thank the reviewer for their suggestions. We plan to resubmit the manuscript reflecting the requested changes. Specifically, we will:

    - We will detail more thoroughly the effects of agar volume on gene expression changes elicited by LW agar treatment.

    - We will investigate whether the tensile stress introduced by hard agar is similar to soil compaction by an analysis with existing literature.

    - Assess more rigorously the suitability of the ANCOVA model for assessing water potential changes of different media types.

  5. Author Response:

    eLife assessment

    This work is an attempt to establish conditions that accurately and efficiently mimic a drought response in Arabidopsis grown on defined agar-solidified media - an admirable goal as a reliable experimental system is key to conducting successful low water potential experiments and would enable high-throughput genetic screening (and GWAS) to assess the impacts of environmental perturbations on various genetic backgrounds. The authors compare transcriptome patterns of plant subjected to water limitation imposed using different experimental systems. The work is valuable in that it lays out the challenges of such an endeavor and points out shortcomings of previous attempts. However, a lack of water relations measurements, incomplete experimental design, and lack of critical evaluation of these methods in light of previous results render the proposed new methodology inadequate.

    We thank eLife for the initial assessment and comments to our work. In our revised manuscript we plan to address the main concerns raised by reviewers. Specifically, we plan to perform water relations measurements for all our treatment assays, as well as explore the separate effects agar hardening and nutrient concentration have in our low-water agar assay. We will also provide a more in depth critical review of our results compared to previously published results.

    Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    High-throughput genetic screening is a powerful approach to elucidate genes and gene networks involved in a variety of biological events. Such screens are well established in single-celled organisms (i.e. CRISPR-based K/O in tissue culture or unicellular organisms; screens of natural variants in response to drugs). It is desirable to extend such methodology, for example to Arabidopsis where more than 1000 ecotypes from around the Northern hemisphere are available for study. These ecotypes may be locally adapted and are fully sequenced, so the system is set up for powerful exploration of GxE. But to do so, establishing consistent "in vitro" conditions that mimic ecologically relevant conditions like drought is essential.

    The authors note that previous attempts to mimic drought response have shortcomings, many of which are revealed by 'omics type analysis. For example, three treatments thought to induce osmotic stress; the addition of PEG, mannitol, or NaCl, fail to elicit a transcriptional response that is comparable to that of bonafide drought. As an alternative, the authors suggest using a low water-agar assay, which in the things they measure, does a better job of mimicking osmotic stress responses. The major issues with this assay are, however, that it introduces another set of issues, for example, changing agar concentration can lead to mechanical effects, as illustrated nicely in the work of Olivier Hamant's group.

    We thank the reviewer for their comments. We hypothesize that our low-water agar assay is able to replicate drought gene expression patterns through a combination of hardened agar and higher nutrient concentration. However, we did not explore the separate effects each of these factors may play in eliciting such responses. Thus, in our revised manuscript, we will explore what role the mechanical effects of changing agar concentration has on root gene expression. However, we suspect that the mechanical effects introduced by hard agar does not introduce another issue per se, but in fact may help with replicating the transcriptional effects seen under drought.

    Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    […] The authors have not always considered literature that would be relevant to their topic. For example, there is a number of studies that have reported (and deposited in the public database) transcriptome analysis of plants on PEG-plates or plants exposed to well-controlled, moderate severity soil drying assays (for the latter, check the paper of Des Marais et al. and others, for the former, Verslues and colleagues have published a series of studies using PEG-agar plates). They also overlook studies that have recorded growth responses of wild type and a range of mutants on properly prepared PEG plates and found that those results agree well with results when plants are exposed to a controlled, partial soil drying to impose a similar low water potential stress. In short, the authors need to make such comparisons to other data and think more about what may be wrong with their own experimental designs before making any sweeping conclusions about what is suitable or not suitable for imposing low water potential stress.

    To solve the problem of using these other systems to impose low water potential stress, the authors propose the seemingly logical (but overly simplistic) idea of adding less water to the same mix of nutrients and agar. Because the increased agar concentration does not substantially influence water potential (the agar polymerizes and thus is not osmotically active), what they are essentially doing is using a concentrated solution of macronutrients in the growth media to impose stress. This is a rediscovery of an old proposal that concentrated macronutrient solutions could be used to study the osmotic component of salt stress (see older papers of Rana Munns). There are also effects of using very hard agar that is of unclear relationship to actual drought stress and low water potential. Thus, I see no reason to think that this would be a better method to impose low water potential.

    We thank the reviewer for their comments. In our revised manuscript, we will address points regarding plant and soil water potential; similar concerns were also raised by Reviewer 1 and 3. We note that we report vermiculite water content in Supplementary Table 4.

    We would like to clarify that both the PEG media and overlay solution were buffered - we did not include this within the written description in the methods, but will do in our revised manuscript.

    We agree with the reviewer’s concern that it may be problematic to compare the transcriptomic profiles of seedling and mature plants. In light of this, we plan to explore what effects our treatment media has on mature rosettes.

    We note that we do not claim that PEG is unable to produce low-water potential responses similar to partial soil drying. Indeed, we indicate that it is a good technique for eliciting phenotypes comparable to drought at the physiological level (line 48). Rather, we claim that PEG is unable to produce gene expression responses that are sufficiently similar to partial vermiculite drying.

    Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    […] The authors observed that gene expression responses of roots in their 'low-water agar' assay resembled more closely the water deficit in pots compared to the PEG, mannitol, and salt treatments (all at the highest dose). In particular, 28 % of PEG led to the down-regulation of many genes that were up-regulated under drought in pots. Through GO term analysis, it was pointed out that this may be due to the negative effect of PEG on oxygen solubility since downregulated genes were over-represented in oxygen-related categories. The data also shows that the treatment with abscisic acid on plates was very good at simulating drought in roots. Gene expression changes in shoots showed generally a high concordance between all treatments at the highest dose and water deficit in pots, with mannitol being the closest match. This is surprising, since plants grow in plates under non-transpiring conditions, while a mismatch between water loss by transpiration on water supply via the roots leads to drought symptoms such as wilting in pot and field-grown plants. The authors concluded that their 'low-water agar' assay provides a better alternative to simulate drought on plates.


    The development of a more robust assay to simulate drought on plates to allow for high-throughput screening is certainly an important goal since many phenotypes that are discovered on plates cannot be recapitulated on the soil. Adding less water to the media mix and thereby increasing agar strength and nutrient concentration appears to be a good approach since nutrients are also concentrated in soils during water deficit, as pointed out by the authors. To my knowledge, this approach has not specifically been used to simulate drought on plates previously. Comparing their new 'low-water agar' assay to popular treatments with PEG, mannitol, salt, and abscisic acid, as well as plants grown in pots on vermiculite led to a comprehensive overview of how these treatments affect gene expression changes that surpass previous studies. It is promising that the impact of 'low-water agar' on the shoot size of 20 diverse Arabidopsis accessions shows some association with plant fitness under drought in the field. Their methodology could be powerful in identifying a better substitute for plate-based high-throughput drought assays that have an emphasis on gene expression changes.


    While the authors use a good methodological framework to compare the different drought treatments, gene expression changes were only compared between the highest dose of each stress assay (Fig. 2B, 3B). From Fig. 1F it appears that gene expression changes depend significantly on the level of stress that is imposed. Therefore, their conclusion that the 'low-water agar' assay is better at simulating drought is only valid when comparing the highest dose of each treatment and only for gene expression changes in roots. Considering how comparable different levels of stress were in this study leads to another weakness. The authors correctly point out that PEG, mannitol, and salt are used due to their ability to lower the water potential through an increase in osmotic strength (L. 45/46). In soils, water deficit leads to lower water potential, due to the concentration of nutrients (as pointed out in L. 171), as well as higher adhesion forces of water molecules to soil particles and a decline in soil hydraulic conductivity for water, which causes an imbalance between supply and demand (see Juenger and Verslues, The Plant Cell 2022 for a recent review). While the authors selected three different doses for each treatment that are commonly used in the literature, these are not necessarily comparable on a physiological level. For example, 200 mM mannitol has an approximate osmotic potential of around -5 bar (Michel et al. Plant Physiol. 1983) whereas 28 % PEG has an osmotic potential closer to -10 bar (Michel et al. Plant Physiol. 1973). It also remains unclear how the increase in agar concentration versus the increase in nutrient concentration in the 'low-water agar' affect water potentials. For these reasons it cannot be known whether a better match of the 'low-water agar' at the 28% dose to water deficit in pots for roots in comparison to the other treatments is due to a good match in stress levels with the 'low-water agar' or adverse side-effect of PEG, mannitol, or and salt on gene regulation. Lastly, since only two biological replicates for RNA sequencing were collected per treatment, it is not possible to know how much variance exists and if this variance is greater than the treatments themselves.

    We thank the reviewer for their comments. In our statistical analyses, we found that dose-responsive genes (as fit by a linear model) were very similar to those genes found differentially expressed at the highest dose. Thus, for clarity, we decided to simply present the genes differentially expressed at the highest dose. We see now that this might have been an oversimplification. In our revised manuscript, we will present genes that are dose responsive across the range of treatment doses, thus providing more evidence that lower doses of low-water agar are also capable of simulating drought (as is suggested by overlap analysis of Figure 2A).

    Additionally, we will also explore the osmotic potential of each of our different assays to provide a better benchmark of how comparable each of our treatments are (as similarly requested by Reviewer 1 and 2). Lastly, to address concerns regarding the size of variance in gene expression, we will sequence a 3rd replicate of RNA.

  6. eLife assessment

    This work is an attempt to establish conditions that accurately and efficiently mimic a drought response in Arabidopsis grown on defined agar-solidified media – an admirable goal as a reliable experimental system is key to conducting successful low water potential experiments and would enable high-throughput genetic screening (and GWAS) to assess the impacts of environmental perturbations on various genetic backgrounds. The authors compare transcriptome patterns of plants subjected to water limitation imposed using different experimental systems. The work is valuable in that it lays out the challenges of such an endeavor and points out shortcomings of previous attempts. However, a lack of water relations measurements, incomplete experimental design, and a lack of critical evaluation of these methods in light of previous results render the proposed new methodology inadequate.

  7. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

    High-throughput genetic screening is a powerful approach to elucidate genes and gene networks involved in a variety of biological events. Such screens are well established in single-celled organisms (i.e. CRISPR-based K/O in tissue culture or unicellular organisms; screens of natural variants in response to drugs). It is desirable to extend such methodology, for example to Arabidopsis where more than 1000 ecotypes from around the Northern hemisphere are available for study. These ecotypes may be locally adapted and are fully sequenced, so the system is set up for powerful exploration of GxE. But to do so, establishing consistent "in vitro" conditions that mimic ecologically relevant conditions like drought is essential.

    The authors note that previous attempts to mimic drought response have shortcomings, many of which are revealed by 'omics type analysis. For example, three treatments thought to induce osmotic stress; the addition of PEG, mannitol, or NaCl, fail to elicit a transcriptional response that is comparable to that of bonafide drought. As an alternative, the authors suggest using a low water-agar assay, which in the things they measure, does a better job of mimicking osmotic stress responses. The major issues with this assay are, however, that it introduces another set of issues, for example, changing agar concentration can lead to mechanical effects, as illustrated nicely in the work of Olivier Hamant's group (e.g.,

  8. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

    The authors aim to make a reliable plate-based system for imposing drought stress (which for experiments like this would be better referred to as low water potential stress). This is an admirable goal as a reliable experimental system is key to conducting successful low-water potential experiments and some of the experimental systems in use have problems. They compare several treatments but seem to be unaware that such comparisons need to be based on the measurement of water potential as the fundamental measure of how severe the level of water limitation is. Only by comparing things at the same water potential can one determine if the methods used to impose the low water potential are introducing confounding factors. In this manuscript, they compare several agar-plate-based treatments to what they view as a baseline experiment of plants subjected to soil drying. However, that baseline soil drying (vermiculite drying, to be precise) experiment illustrates many of the problems present in the molecular drought literature in that they give no information on plant or soil water potential or water content. Thus, there is no way to know how severe the drought stress was in that experiment and no way for any other lab to reproduce it. It is directly akin to doing a heat stress experiment and not reporting the actual temperature.

    They compare transcriptome data from this soil drying experiment to transcriptome data from agar plates with PEG, mannitol or salt added. However, this comparison is problematic, because none of the treatments being compared are at the same water potential (as mentioned above). Also, the PEG-infused agar plates have limitations in that no buffer is added and it is not clear that anything is done to check or control the pH. Adding PEG to the solution will reduce the pH. Thus, in their unbuffered PEG plates, the plants are almost certainly exposed to low pH stress and this can explain the supposed difference they observe between PEG and other treatments, especially since the plants are left on such stressful pH conditions for a relatively long period. It is also problematic that the comparison between soil drying and plate-based treatments is at different times (5 vs 14 days). They also show an over-reliance on the GO annotations of drought-induced gene expression. This GO annotation is based on experiments using very severe stress for a short time period. It is notorious for not accurately reflecting what happens on longer-term exposure to more moderate levels of low water potential stress. Thus, for example, we would not expect many of the canonical drought regulation genes (RD29A and similar genes) to be upregulated in the longer-term treatments as its expression is induced rapidly but also rapidly declines back to near baseline at the plant acclimates to the low water potential stress.

    The authors have not always considered literature that would be relevant to their topic. For example, there is a number of studies that have reported (and deposited in the public database) transcriptome analysis of plants on PEG-plates or plants exposed to well-controlled, moderate severity soil drying assays (for the latter, check the paper of Des Marais et al. and others, for the former, Verslues and colleagues have published a series of studies using PEG-agar plates). They also overlook studies that have recorded growth responses of wild type and a range of mutants on properly prepared PEG plates and found that those results agree well with results when plants are exposed to a controlled, partial soil drying to impose a similar low water potential stress. In short, the authors need to make such comparisons to other data and think more about what may be wrong with their own experimental designs before making any sweeping conclusions about what is suitable or not suitable for imposing low water potential stress.

    To solve the problem of using these other systems to impose low water potential stress, the authors propose the seemingly logical (but overly simplistic) idea of adding less water to the same mix of nutrients and agar. Because the increased agar concentration does not substantially influence water potential (the agar polymerizes and thus is not osmotically active), what they are essentially doing is using a concentrated solution of macronutrients in the growth media to impose stress. This is a rediscovery of an old proposal that concentrated macronutrient solutions could be used to study the osmotic component of salt stress (see older papers of Rana Munns). There are also effects of using very hard agar that is of unclear relationship to actual drought stress and low water potential. Thus, I see no reason to think that this would be a better method to impose low water potential.

  9. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

    This work compares transcriptional responses of shoots and roots harvested from four plate-based assays that simulate drought and from plants subjected to water deficit in pots using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana with the aim to select a plate-based assay that best recapitulates transcriptional changes that are observed during water-deficit in pots. Polyethylene glycol (PEG), mannitol, and sodium chloride (salt) treatments that are commonly used by molecular biologists to simulate drought were used for the plate-based assays as well as a new assay that uses increased concentrations of agar and nutrients to elicit drought which was developed by the authors and termed a 'low-water agar' assay since the amount of water added to the media mix and plates was lowered. Plants in pots were grown on vermiculite with the same nutrient mix as used in the plates and drought was induced by withholding watering for five days. Additionally, treatment with abscisic acid was conducted to study whether growth on plates itself led to artifacts compared to water deficit in pots. Shoot and root samples were harvested from all treatments for RNA sequencing analysis and differentially expressed genes were called against control samples.

    The authors observed that gene expression responses of roots in their 'low-water agar' assay resembled more closely the water deficit in pots compared to the PEG, mannitol, and salt treatments (all at the highest dose). In particular, 28 % of PEG led to the down-regulation of many genes that were up-regulated under drought in pots. Through GO term analysis, it was pointed out that this may be due to the negative effect of PEG on oxygen solubility since downregulated genes were over-represented in oxygen-related categories. The data also shows that the treatment with abscisic acid on plates was very good at simulating drought in roots. Gene expression changes in shoots showed generally a high concordance between all treatments at the highest dose and water deficit in pots, with mannitol being the closest match. This is surprising, since plants grow in plates under non-transpiring conditions, while a mismatch between water loss by transpiration on water supply via the roots leads to drought symptoms such as wilting in pot and field-grown plants. The authors concluded that their 'low-water agar' assay provides a better alternative to simulate drought on plates.


    The development of a more robust assay to simulate drought on plates to allow for high-throughput screening is certainly an important goal since many phenotypes that are discovered on plates cannot be recapitulated on the soil. Adding less water to the media mix and thereby increasing agar strength and nutrient concentration appears to be a good approach since nutrients are also concentrated in soils during water deficit, as pointed out by the authors. To my knowledge, this approach has not specifically been used to simulate drought on plates previously. Comparing their new 'low-water agar' assay to popular treatments with PEG, mannitol, salt, and abscisic acid, as well as plants grown in pots on vermiculite led to a comprehensive overview of how these treatments affect gene expression changes that surpass previous studies. It is promising that the impact of 'low-water agar' on the shoot size of 20 diverse Arabidopsis accessions shows some association with plant fitness under drought in the field. Their methodology could be powerful in identifying a better substitute for plate-based high-throughput drought assays that have an emphasis on gene expression changes.


    While the authors use a good methodological framework to compare the different drought treatments, gene expression changes were only compared between the highest dose of each stress assay (Fig. 2B, 3B). From Fig. 1F it appears that gene expression changes depend significantly on the level of stress that is imposed. Therefore, their conclusion that the 'low-water agar' assay is better at simulating drought is only valid when comparing the highest dose of each treatment and only for gene expression changes in roots. Considering how comparable different levels of stress were in this study leads to another weakness. The authors correctly point out that PEG, mannitol, and salt are used due to their ability to lower the water potential through an increase in osmotic strength (L. 45/46). In soils, water deficit leads to lower water potential, due to the concentration of nutrients (as pointed out in L. 171), as well as higher adhesion forces of water molecules to soil particles and a decline in soil hydraulic conductivity for water, which causes an imbalance between supply and demand (see Juenger and Verslues, The Plant Cell 2022 for a recent review). While the authors selected three different doses for each treatment that are commonly used in the literature, these are not necessarily comparable on a physiological level. For example, 200 mM mannitol has an approximate osmotic potential of around -5 bar (Michel et al. Plant Physiol. 1983) whereas 28 % PEG has an osmotic potential closer to -10 bar (Michel et al. Plant Physiol. 1973). It also remains unclear how the increase in agar concentration versus the increase in nutrient concentration in the 'low-water agar' affect water potentials. For these reasons it cannot be known whether a better match of the 'low-water agar' at the 28% dose to water deficit in pots for roots in comparison to the other treatments is due to a good match in stress levels with the 'low-water agar' or adverse side-effect of PEG, mannitol, or and salt on gene regulation. Lastly, since only two biological replicates for RNA sequencing were collected per treatment, it is not possible to know how much variance exists and if this variance is greater than the treatments themselves.