Sexual dimorphism in trait variability and its eco-evolutionary and statistical implications

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Biomedical and clinical sciences are experiencing a renewed interest in the fact that males and females differ in many anatomic, physiological, and behavioural traits. Sex differences in trait variability, however, are yet to receive similar recognition. In medical science, mammalian females are assumed to have higher trait variability due to estrous cycles (the ‘estrus-mediated variability hypothesis’); historically in biomedical research, females have been excluded for this reason. Contrastingly, evolutionary theory and associated data support the ‘greater male variability hypothesis’. Here, we test these competing hypotheses in 218 traits measured in >26,900 mice, using meta-analysis methods. Neither hypothesis could universally explain patterns in trait variability. Sex bias in variability was trait-dependent. While greater male variability was found in morphological traits, females were much more variable in immunological traits. Sex-specific variability has eco-evolutionary ramifications, including sex-dependent responses to climate change, as well as statistical implications including power analysis considering sex difference in variance.

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  1. ###Reviewer #3:

    This is a comprehensive meta-analysis of empirical literature on sex differences in mammalian trait variability. The authors nicely articulate competing hypotheses: "estrus-mediated variability" (which predicts higher trait variability in females because they exhibit cyclic reproductive [estrous] hormone secretion that occurs over multi-day timescales) vs. "male variability hypothesis" (which predicts higher trait variability in males because they are the heterogametic sex). Several prior meta-analyses related to this have not provided support for the estrus-mediated variability hypothesis. The analysis performed here differs significantly from prior work in that the subjects were 27,147 mice from the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, which generated over 2x10^6 data points. Unlike other meta-analyses, the subjects of this analysis were therefore more systematically evaluated (9 WT strains across 11 labs). A total of 218 continuous traits were evaluated, grouped into 9 functional trait groups. Some traits were biased towards males and others towards females. There was no consistent pattern of greater variability in either sex. The results support a straightforward conclusion that neither hypothesis adequately explains patterns of trait variability. the discussion is a restrained defense of the practice of including females (please clarify that monitoring of estrous cycles was not performed in these studies so the females are classified as as "unstaged"); consequently females can be included in research studies without a default assumption that they are any more likely to introduce more variability than including males. The authors also apply their data on widespread differences in trait specific lnCVR values to the potential for phenotypic response to selection due to rapidly changing environmental events. The discussion is well written with the sections that are each meaningful. The web-based tool is a very helpful contribution. The discussion of statistical implications of the work (e.g., equalizing power and Type I consequences of unequal variance) is of significance to research on mammalian biology.

    1. The present work adds important new information to a growing literature (see for example Smarr BL, Rowland NE Zucker I. Male and female mice show equal variability in food intake across 4-day spans that encompass estrous cycles. PLoS One. 2019 Jul 15;14(7):e0218935) indicating that incorporation of unstaged female rodents in biomedical research does not increase variability compared to that generated by males; importantly, it also specifies several circumstances in which specific traits are more variable in one sex than the other.

    2. The statement on line 41-42 is a strong overgeneralization and should be tempered and/or clarified: "However, scientists in (bio-)medical fields have not traditionally regarded sex as a biological factor of intrinsic interest (2-7)." This is an overstatement. The study of sex differences and sexual differentiation in mammals (a class of animals of most direct relevance to biomedical research) has a long history, complete with dedicated journals (e.g. Biology of Sex Differences), learned societies, etc. Such an enduring interest in sex among biologists only makes the present work more interesting and important. This critique may be addressed with a more clear definition of "(bio-)medical", here, and throughout the manuscript.

    3. Colloquialisms such as "This is an important step, but we can go much further" (line 50) are vague and difficult for this reader to endorse as true, as written and we recommend deletion.

    4. In the Introduction, the authors delineate competing hypotheses: "estrus-mediated variability" vs. "male variability hypothesis". In their elaboration of the former hypothesis, the authors should clarify that the historical concern regarding decreased power and increased variability in females compared to males specifically regarded the inclusion of females that were not synchronized (or "staged") so as to be tested/treated on the same day/phase of the estrous cycle. Data from these so-called 'randomly cycling' females were predicted to be more variable than data from males. "Staged" females were presumed to be less variable, and the interventions and costs associated with the presumed need for staging are viewed as onerous. But a growing literature, including the important new results from the present study, argues that there is no empirical support for the contention that females generally are more variable than males across many traits.

    5. Methods: the data analysis pipeline is clear and rigorous. It should be stated that the data used come from unstaged females.

  2. ###Reviewer #2:


    There are significant methodology and interpretative concerns with this article. The analysis over stretches and does not consider the potential weaknesses. It needs to refocus on the primary question of whether there is a pattern in the sex's impact on the variance for these traits. The analysis then needs to go deeper and remove other sources of variance that could be confounding their findings.

    Major comments:


    1. The methodology is not clear.

    2. Meta-analysis is used when you don't have access to the raw data - why not use mixed effect regression models?

    3. The variance summary metric is calculated for an institute and strain for data collected in multiple batches, with potential baseline shifts as the data is collected across many years. This isn't a representative metric of variability for a sex as there are multiple sources of variance impacting this metric.

    4. Figure 3b and code: It is very rare for a fixed effect analysis to be justifiable. Why assume that there is no variation between the different traits when testing effect of sex? Normally you would explore sources of heterogeneity by meta regression rather than just assume it is sex differences.

    5. "A previous study found that the heterogametic sex was more variable in body size". If this holds, would not traits that are correlated with body weight also demonstrate the same finding?

    6. "minimum of 2 different institutes" is a very low N. Why would this give meaningful analysis? What was the minimum amount of data for a strain*centre for a trait to be included?

    7. Consider the recent discussions on phenotypic plasticity and the phenotypic interaction with the environment ( ). This suggests a fixed effect model is not appropriate. The results and approach need discussing in this context.


    1. It isn't made clear that this analysis is trying to assess the role of sex across strains and institutes.

    2. There are no discussions of the potential weakness of the analysis.

    3. Figure 3a

    • Why is there no discussion of measures of heterogeneity within the meta-analysis at the population level?

    • Should the differences in classification as male or female biased within functional group not be assessed by a fisher exact test and the p value adjusted for multiple testing before you state an area has a difference?

    1. Concern by "Notably most SD trait means also show the greater difference in trait variance" - seems to be an eyeball rather than a statistical analysis

    2. I have concerns on relating these results to power

    • These estimates are from an analysis across strains, batches and institutes looking at global behaviour in the traits. This absolute variance measure would be very different to that seen in a lab within a classic parallel group design study with one strain.

    • They advocate a factorial design but suggest the powering of the sexes independently. This feeds into the misconception that to study both sexes you have to double your sample size.

    1. The authors report that this analysis on mean differences was in accordance with previous studies. Not really. The differences will arise from the different approaches taken and highlights how this summary metric is losing sensitivity. The authors relate many of these changes to differences in body size. However, the earlier published analysis, adjusted for body weight.

    2. Why would the "difference in variability impact on the potential of each sex to respond to changes in specific environments"?

  3. ###Reviewer #1:

    This study looks at whether there are sex differences in the variability of traits in mice, via a meta-analysis of published datasets. The analyses show that females typically show greater variability in traits categorised as immunological, while males show greater variability in morphological traits. Traits related to the eye were also more variable in females. These findings are interpreted in light of evolutionary theory about greater between-individual variability in males, and greater within-individual variability in female mammals due to estrus. A handy online tool is provided to allow researchers to consider possible sex-specific variability in traits at the experimental design phase.

    I enjoyed the paper and thought the question and conclusions were interesting. The figures are great. I am not an expert in meta-analyses, so my comments mostly relate to the hypotheses and discussion of the results.

    1. The paper jumps about quite a bit between talking about sex differences relevant to mammals only and those that might apply to animals more generally. For example, the Introduction begins with reference to biomedical research (mammals) and the estrus hypothesis (mammals) but then introduces the "male variability" hypothesis by stating the "males are often the heterogametic sex". Given that the subject of your study is the mouse, I think it would be more logical to restrict the Introduction to mammals (i.e. explain the two hypothesis with respect to mammals). You could then include a section in the Discussion on if/why we might expect the same trends in other animals (see below also).

    2. I feel that the rationale behind the two hypotheses (female estrus and male variability) could be explained better in the Introduction. i.e. WHY estrus might produce higher variability in females and WHY stronger sexual selection or male heterogamety might produce greater male variability. A few extra sentences on each would probably be enough. At the same time, I think it would be worth clarifying a priori the extent to which these hypotheses are expected to apply to different traits. Some predictions are given only in the Discussion (e.g. estrus expected to mostly affect immune response and physiology).

    3. The Discussion on eco-evolutionary implications (line 184) would be greatly strengthened if it included at least one specific example of how sex-specific differences in trait variability might affect the evolutionary trajectory of a population. At present, one very general hypothetical is given, but I did not find it easy to follow (disease/climate change kills more of one sex than the other --> sex ratio of the population is skewed (temporarily?) --> mating system is "influenced" --> "downstream effects on population dynamics"). It is also stated that "modelling sex difference in trait variability could lead to different conclusions compared to existing models (cf 44)". The cited study there is on Eurasian sparrowhawks. I'm not familiar with this sparrowhawk study, but perhaps it is a suitable one to highlight in more detail as a clear example? What sort of different conclusions would be expected? It's fantastic that your paper is aiming to speak to a broad range of biologists, but I think that greater clarity in this section is needed to make ecologists and evolutionary biologists really take notice.

  4. ##Preprint Review

    This preprint was reviewed using eLife’s Preprint Review service, which provides public peer reviews of manuscripts posted on bioRxiv for the benefit of the authors, readers, potential readers, and others interested in our assessment of the work. This review applies only to version 1 of the manuscript.


    All reviewers agreed that the topic of the study was an interesting one, and that the issue of sex differences in trait variability is relevant to good experimental design. As you'll see below, however, Reviewer #2 felt that the current analytical treatment of this mouse dataset is not appropriate to the question. Of particular concern is that sources of variability other than sex were not adequately considered.