Modulation of flight and feeding behaviours requires presynaptic IP3Rs in dopaminergic neurons

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Innate behaviours, although robust and hard wired, rely on modulation of neuronal circuits, for eliciting an appropriate response according to internal states and external cues. Drosophila flight is one such innate behaviour that is modulated by intracellular calcium release through inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP 3 Rs). Cellular mechanism(s) by which IP 3 Rs modulate neuronal function for specific behaviours remain speculative, in vertebrates and invertebrates. To address this, we generated an inducible dominant negative form of the IP 3 R (IP 3 R DN ). Flies with neuronal expression of IP 3 R DN exhibit flight deficits. Expression of IP 3 R DN helped identify key flight-modulating dopaminergic neurons with axonal projections in the mushroom body. Flies with attenuated IP 3 Rs in these presynaptic dopaminergic neurons exhibit shortened flight bouts and a disinterest in seeking food, accompanied by reduced excitability and dopamine release upon cholinergic stimulation. Our findings suggest that the same neural circuit modulates the drive for food search and for undertaking longer flight bouts.

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  1. ##Author Response

    1. There were concerns about the normality tests and reanalysis to avoid pseudo-replication that must be addressed.

    We have now checked the data by two tests for normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov_Smirnoff) and found that flight data do not follow a normal distribution. Therefore statistical analysis of flight data have now been performed using non-parametric tests. We have used the Kruskal-Wallace test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test for multiple comparisons and Mann-Whitney U-Test for pair wise comparisons. This information has been included in the statistical tests section in methods. Regarding pseudo-replication, as suggested imaging data have been replotted and calculated now to include just one cell, or one lobe per brain. In addition we have included individual brain traces for every experiment as supplemental data (Figure 5 - supplement F2, Figure 6 – supplement F1, F3 and F4).

    1. Discussion should be made clearer and expanded to encompass more of the literature. Specifically, the authors should expand upon the final section of the discussion to discuss more about 1) the potential context for cholinergic modulation of the PPL1-y2alpha'1 DANs (For example, consider where the acetylcholine signal onto DANs might come from. DANs may not be entirely presynaptic to Kenyon cells but might also receive input from Kenyon cells.), 2) the proposed role of these DANs (which have been studied in several contexts) and 3) modulation of innate behavior in general. The paper begins with the importance of modulating innate behavior, but the discussion on this topic is spare and focused almost entirely on research on the mushroom bodies of Drosophila. The discussion section leans heavily on summarizing the results, rather than making connections to work in other systems or networks.

    As suggested we have now addressed each of these points in greater detail in the last section of the discussion which has been expanded to two paragraphs. The possibility of cholinergic inputs from KC cells to DANs stimulating the IP3R have been included in the discussion and in the final model in Figure 7. Several other references that mention the role of PPL1-y2alpha'1 DANs in modulation of behaviour are now included – see last para of the discussion. We have expanded the last section of the discussion to include possible roles for other regions of the brain in modulating flight and references to other insect brains, where relevant.

    1. One common point raised by all reviewers was the need for expression of the itprDN during pupation which could have been due to either the perdurance of endogenous itpr vs. a developmental effect caused by the itprDN (the authors fully acknowledge the issue). This section raised many questions that aren't within the scope of this study, nor are easily resolved. Nevertheless, the authors must expand upon the implications of these results and suggest future studies will needed to resolve the issue.

    We are indeed unable to state equivocally if adult behavioural phenotypes, arising from expression of the IP3R^DN, are only pupal or both pupal and adult. We have expanded on the implications of these results both in the results (Page 9-10) and in the discussion (page 11). One way of addressing this is to express a tagged IP3R^DN specifically in late pupae and then follow it’s perdurance in adults. This experiment has now been suggested as a way to resolve this issue in the second paragraph of the discussion.

    ###Reviewer #1:

    The authors report experiments on Drosophila to show that the proper function of an IP3 receptor in a small subset of dopaminergic neurons is required for flight behavior. Most interesting is the fact that the requirement is restricted to a time point during pupal development. Technically, the authors report a novel dominant-negative mutant for of the IP3 receptor to interfere with its function. Physiologically, the IP3 receptor-dependent impairment in the function of the dopaminergic neurons affects both synaptic vesicle release and excitability, Also, muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are required for proper development of the flight-modulating circuit during development.

    The role of dopamine in the brain of Drosophila (as a model for general dopamine and brain function) is in the center of current research, and is studied by a large number of laboratories. More and more types of behavior are discovered that are modulated by dopaminergic neurons, and in particular those innervating the mushroom body. Therefore, the study is of very high interest for researchers working on Drosophila, but also to a broader readership.

    The experiments are well designed. with appropriate controls at place. The conclusions drawn are highly interesting and novel (dopaminergic modulation of flight behavior, perhaps in the context of food seeking behavior, molecular mechanisms of circuit maturation).

    Minor comments:

    1. A test for normal distribution of data is required to determine whether parametric statistical tests are actually appropriate.

    Done – please see response above.

    1. It is not clear to me why the authors conclude an acute requirement of IP3R during the adult state although the phenotype can arise through a genetic intervention during earlier time points in development (Page 9, lines 297ff). This has to be outlined much clearer. My interpretation of the data is: During a certain time window after pupal formation IP3 signaling is required for a proper formation of the neuronal circuit. This is likely to be not only a cell-intrinsic (i.e., cell autonomous) effect because the mAchR is also required during this time window. This provides an excellent example (there are actually only very few!) of circuit development that requires synaptic interactions between neurons. If one keeps in mind that dopaminergic neurons have reciprocal synapses with Kenyon cells (e.g. Cervantes-Sandova, elife 2017; should be included in schematic illustration!)), and these release acetylcholine onto dopaminergic neurons, a potential circuit maturation based on the concerted activity is most interesting. I suggest that the authors point out more precisely how they think the actual phenotype comes about, of course, with all due caution.

    The primary reason that we suggest an adult requirement for the IP3R in the DANs is that we see a Ca2+ response to carbachol in adult PPL1-y2alpha'1 DANs (Figure 5 – supplement 1). We put together this finding with the observation that carbachol stimulates dopamine release from PPL1-y2alpha'1 DANs (Figure 5) and that blocking vesicle release acutely in adults reduce durations of flight bouts (Figure 4) to suggest that there is likely to be an adult requirement. However, we agree that this is not conclusive and certainly does not negate a pupal requirement. As mentioned above we have addressed the pupal vs pupal+adult issue in greater detail in the results (page 9, 10) and discussion (page 11). We agree that there may be acetylcholine release from Kenyon cells at the MB synapse. This possibility has been included in the discussion and in Figure 7.

    1. Statistical tests should be done across independent brains, not across different cells in the same brains.

    We have done this. Thank you for pointing this out.

    Additional data files and statistical comments:

    A test for normal distribution of data is required to determine whether parametric statistical tests are actually appropriate.


    Figure legend 5 C should be 5B. The scaling of the y-axis is not optimal.


    Statistical tests should be done across independent brains, not across different cells in the same brains. This would cause a mixture of dependent and independent data. This is of importance!


    Reviewer #2:

    The results of the individual experiments reported by the authors are convincing. The approach is rigorous and they take full advantage of the many powerful molecular genetic tools available in Drosophila. The identification of a mechanism by which a small subset of dopaminergic cells may control behavior is significant. My concerns about the manuscript are relatively minor.

    Minor comments:

    I have reviewed "Modulation of flight and feeding behaviours requires presynaptic IP3Rs in dopaminergic Neurons" by Sharma and Hasan. The authors first translated to Drosophila a dominant negative (DN) strategy first tested in mammalian cells to block the function of the fly IP3 receptor. Controls using westerns to test the expression in vivo and calcium imaging to assess inhibitory activity in an ex vivo prep were generally convincing. They then show that the DNA, RNAi and a wt transgene disrupts flight as they have shown previously using both genetic mutants and RNAi. They use genetic rescue to further show that alterations in the function of itpr in dopaminergic cells are likely to mediate at least some aspects of the flight deficit. The restricted distribution of the THD' driver was used to narrow down the identity of DA cell clusters responsible for this effect to PPL1 and/or PPL3. Additional split GAL4 lines identified a deficit when the DN was expressed in the PPL1-γ2α′1 subset of DA cells that project to the mushroom bodies. This is a key finding of the paper since it localizes the requirement of the IP3R to cells that have been implicated in other behaviors. Developmental tests using TARGET/GAL80 indicate a requirement for itpr during late development. Disruption of itpr only in the adult did not have a significant effect. This seems likely to be due to perdurance of itpr as suggested by the authors. However, these data make it difficult to determine which aspects of the phenotype are due to broad developmental deficits versus disruption of IP3R in the adult (see below). The authors next test the effects of mAhR with the idea that mAChR is likely to signal through IP3R. While it was known that developmental expression of mAcHR expression is required for adult flight, the current data more specifically that the PPL1-γ2α′1 DANs are required, enhancing the impact of the paper.

    To tie these results to vesicle recycling and release the authors use the shibere[ts] transgene in PPL1-γ2α′1. Flight bouts were disrupted via exposure to the non-permissive temperature both during late pupal development and the adult. The adult phenotype has been demonstrated previously but the developmental defect is novel. The demonstration of an effect in adults is important since it suggests loss of itpr during adulthood might also have an effect in adults even though this can't be tested due to perdurance. Expression of shibire[ts] in PPL1-γ2α′1 also disrupts feeding, and the authors next phenotype these effects with the itpr DN, indicating that IP3R expression in PPL1-γ2α′1 is required for both feeding and flight. However, here as with the flight experiments, it is not possible to directly demonstrate an effect in adults due to perdurance. They show that knockdown of mAChR also reduces feeding similar to its effects on flight and suggest that the deficits are due to disruption of the mAchR ->(Gq) ->IPR3 pathway. The suggestion of connections between mAchR and IPR3 within PPL1-γ2α′1 and the idea that PPL1-γ2α′1 controls two distinct behaviors are a significant finding and one of main contributions of the paper.

    To help link the shibire[ts] data set with and the results of perturbing mAchR and IPR3, the authors show that carbochol induced DA release is reduced, making excellent use of the relatively new GRAB-DA lines. As a control, they show that synapse density of PPL1-γ2α′1 in the γ2α′1 MB lobes are not altered. The demonstration that DA release is altered elevates the technical strength of the paper. Moreover, although further experiments might be needed to prove their model, these data support the argument that mAchR ->(Gq) ->IPR3 pathway is disrupted in the adult. The final set of experiments in Fig 6 indicate that excitability of the PPL1-γ2α′1 DANs is also disrupted by knock down or IP3R. Is it possible that this deficit contributes to the decrease in DA release by the mAchR ->(Gq) ->IPR3 and the authors nicely explain a possible mechanism and cite relevant references in the Discussion.

    The results of the individual experiments reported by the authors are convincing. The approach is rigorous and they take full advantage of the many powerful molecular genetic tools available in Drosophila. The generation of the DN transgene is a nice idea and in combination with other tools helped them to identify specific subsets of DA neurons important for the behaviors they test. However, they have previously demonstrated similar effects with mutants and RNAi, and again use them to help map the relevant cells. Since the use of the DN construct did not really go beyond the experiments using RNAi or genetic rescue, the emphasis on the importance of this reagent might be reduced in the abstract and introduction.

    Flight deficits have also been seen in other experiments on these the DANs identified by the authors. Thus, the major novel finding of this section is the demonstration that itpr is required in these cells for regulating flight. While it was previously shown that feeding behavior is also required by DAN projections to the MB, the idea that overlapping cells might control both flight and feeding is interesting. Although the idea that these two phenotypes are specifically related to each other seems somewhat speculative, one major strength of the paper lies in tying together prior observations on itpr and the DANs with their current experiments. They do this again at the cellular level using GRAB to show that carbachol induced release of DA (but not synapse density) is reduced by itpr knock-down, thus tying together data on shibere, AcHR and itpr.

    These connections make for an exciting story, and they have been cleverly woven together by the authors. On the other hand, they also represent a possible concern about the manuscript as a whole, since causal relationships between the deficits between the effects of blocking the effects of IP3R, mAcHR, neuronal excitability and vesicle release are not yet proven. It is therefore possible that all of these are relatively non-specific effects of disrupting the function of PPL1-γ2α′1 neurons. This modestly reduces the strength of the paper but is also a relatively minor concern. A second potential concern is that despite the interesting connections made by the authors as well as some exciting new data, some of the findings replicate previous data.

    It is indeed likely that loss of the IP3R in PPL1-y2alpha'1 DANs leads to both specific (acetylcholine signaling followed by neurotransmitter release) and non-specific changes (such as loss of excitability). Both are likely to have an effect on the behavioural phenotypes modulated by PPL1-y2alpha'1 DANs. We have previously shown a role for both mAchR and the IP3R in flight. However, in this work we have addressed cell specificity and mechanism, neither of which was known earlier.

    A third concern is the relationship between the effects of disrupting PPL1-γ2α′1 during development versus the adult. As the authors suggest, perdurance (of protein expression) and/or "perdurance" of previously formed tetramers could easily account for the failure of itpr and mAChR knock down in the adult to cause behavioral deficits. By the same token, it is difficult to parse out the contribution of developmental defects in the DA cells versus problems with signaling in the adult and the following issues should be addressed: the observation that synaptic bouton density is not disrupted is a good way to eliminate gross disruption of connectivity during development but does not rule out other more subtle developmental defects in neuronal function. The fact that shibire[ts] can cause effects in the adult is appreciated but does not really help us to understand what IP3R and perhaps mAcHR are doing during development.

    We agree and have tried to further address this issue in the text (see above).

    Additional Minor Concerns.

    To validate the decrease in the overall response to carbachol in Fig 1D and E, the authors show a statistically significant difference for area under the curve. A parallel metric and statistical test might be used to support the statement that the response is delayed in 1D but not 1E.

    Thank you for this suggestion. We performed the test and in fact found that both cellular and mitochondrial responses are delayed. In presence of IP3RDN. This part of the text has been modified (page 4).

    "Interestingly, the mitochondrial response did not exhibit a delay in reaching peak values." Why is that? A brief explanation might be useful.

    This is no longer the case. The sentence has been removed.

    The second explanation of how shibire[ts] works might be shortened.


    ###Reviewer #3:

    General Assessment:

    This study demonstrates that IP3R signaling (triggered by muscarinic receptor activation) affects excitability and quantal content of a subset of dopaminergic neurons to modulate flight duration and food search. I had no technical concerns and am generally supportive. My only major concern was that the narrative was fragmented. I believe this is because the perspective shifted between the IP3Rs and the dopamine neurons themselves, and was too focused. I think that streamlining the narrative and providing a broader perspective for the results will remedy this issue.

    Major Comments:

    -I would like the authors to expand upon their final section of the discussion to discuss more about 1) the potential context for cholinergic modulation of the PPL1-y2alpha'1 DANs, 2) the proposed role of these DANs (which have been studied in several contexts) and 3) modulation of innate behavior in general. The paper begins with the importance of modulating innate behavior, but the discussion on this topic is spare and focused almost entirely on research on the mushroom bodies of Drosophila. The discussion section leans heavily on summarizing the results, rather than making connections to work in other systems or networks.

    We have expanded the last section of the discussion to include these suggestions (see above under consolidated review points).

    -The developmental section seemed somewhat tangential as the authors cannot distinguish between a developmental role for the IP3R from a need to express the ItprDN transgene prior to adulthood to overcome a potential slow turnover of endogenous IP3R. In essence, it was unclear how these results contributed to the overall narrative of state modulation of behavior. Is this section informative to the development of the mushroom bodies or rigorous validation of the novel transgene?

    The manuscript addresses how IP3R function impacts behaviour. In that context pupal (developmental) and adult contributions are both relevant.

  2. ###Reviewer #3:

    General Assessment:

    This study demonstrates that IP3R signaling (triggered by muscarinic receptor activation) affects excitability and quantal content of a subset of dopaminergic neurons to modulate flight duration and food search. I had no technical concerns and am generally supportive. My only major concern was that the narrative was fragmented. I believe this is because the perspective shifted between the IP3Rs and the dopamine neurons themselves, and was too focused. I think that streamlining the narrative and providing a broader perspective for the results will remedy this issue.

    Major Comments:

    -I would like the authors to expand upon their final section of the discussion to discuss more about 1) the potential context for cholinergic modulation of the PPL1-y2alpha'1 DANs, 2) the proposed role of these DANs (which have been studied in several contexts) and 3) modulation of innate behavior in general. The paper begins with the importance of modulating innate behavior, but the discussion on this topic is spare and focused almost entirely on research on the mushroom bodies of Drosophila. The discussion section leans heavily on summarizing the results, rather than making connections to work in other systems or networks.

    -The developmental section seemed somewhat tangential as the authors cannot distinguish between a developmental role for the IP3R from a need to express the ItprDN transgene prior to adulthood to overcome a potential slow turnover of endogenous IP3R. In essence, it was unclear how these results contributed to the overall narrative of state modulation of behavior. Is this section informative to the development of the mushroom bodies or rigorous validation of the novel transgene?

  3. ###Reviewer #2:

    The results of the individual experiments reported by the authors are convincing. The approach is rigorous and they take full advantage of the many powerful molecular genetic tools available in Drosophila. The identification of a mechanism by which a small subset of dopaminergic cells may control behavior is significant. My concerns about the manuscript are relatively minor.

    Minor comments:

    I have reviewed "Modulation of flight and feeding behaviours requires presynaptic IP3Rs in dopaminergic Neurons" by Sharma and Hasan. The authors first translated to Drosophila a dominant negative (DN) strategy first tested in mammalian cells to block the function of the fly IP3 receptor. Controls using westerns to test the expression in vivo and calcium imaging to assess inhibitory activity in an ex vivo prep were generally convincing. They then show that the DNA, RNAi and a wt transgene disrupts flight as they have shown previously using both genetic mutants and RNAi. They use genetic rescue to further show that alterations in the function of itpr in dopaminergic cells are likely to mediate at least some aspects of the flight deficit. The restricted distribution of the THD' driver was used to narrow down the identity of DA cell clusters responsible for this effect to PPL1 and/or PPL3. Additional split GAL4 lines identified a deficit when the DN was expressed in the PPL1-γ2α′1 subset of DA cells that project to the mushroom bodies. This is a key finding of the paper since it localizes the requirement of the IP3R to cells that have been implicated in other behaviors. Developmental tests using TARGET/GAL80 indicate a requirement for itpr during late development. Disruption of itpr only in the adult did not have a significant effect. This seems likely to be due to perdurance of itpr as suggested by the authors. However, these data make it difficult to determine which aspects of the phenotype are due to broad developmental deficits versus disruption of IP3R in the adult (see below). The authors next test the effects of mAhR with the idea that mAChR is likely to signal through IP3R. While it was known that developmental expression of mAcHR expression is required for adult flight, the current data more specifically that the PPL1-γ2α′1 DANs are required, enhancing the impact of the paper.

    To tie these results to vesicle recycling and release the authors use the shibere[ts] transgene in PPL1-γ2α′1. Flight bouts were disrupted via exposure to the non-permissive temperature both during late pupal development and the adult. The adult phenotype has been demonstrated previously but the developmental defect is novel. The demonstration of an effect in adults is important since it suggests loss of itpr during adulthood might also have an effect in adults even though this can't be tested due to perdurance. Expression of shibire[ts] in PPL1-γ2α′1 also disrupts feeding, and the authors next phenotype these effects with the itpr DN, indicating that IP3R expression in PPL1-γ2α′1 is required for both feeding and flight. However, here as with the flight experiments, it is not possible to directly demonstrate an effect in adults due to perdurance. They show that knockdown of mAChR also reduces feeding similar to its effects on flight and suggest that the deficits are due to disruption of the mAchR ->(Gq) ->IPR3 pathway. The suggestion of connections between mAchR and IPR3 within PPL1-γ2α′1 and the idea that PPL1-γ2α′1 controls two distinct behaviors are a significant finding and one of main contributions of the paper.

    To help link the shibire[ts] data set with and the results of perturbing mAchR and IPR3, the authors show that carbochol induced DA release is reduced, making excellent use of the relatively new GRAB-DA lines. As a control, they show that synapse density of PPL1-γ2α′1 in the γ2α′1 MB lobes are not altered. The demonstration that DA release is altered elevates the technical strength of the paper. Moreover, although further experiments might be needed to prove their model, these data support the argument that mAchR ->(Gq) ->IPR3 pathway is disrupted in the adult. The final set of experiments in Fig 6 indicate that excitability of the PPL1-γ2α′1 DANs is also disrupted by knock down or IP3R. Is it possible that this deficit contributes to the decrease in DA release by the mAchR ->(Gq) ->IPR3 and the authors nicely explain a possible mechanism and cite relevant references in the Discussion.

    The results of the individual experiments reported by the authors are convincing. The approach is rigorous and they take full advantage of the many powerful molecular genetic tools available in Drosophila. The generation of the DN transgene is a nice idea and in combination with other tools helped them to identify specific subsets of DA neurons important for the behaviors they test. However, they have previously demonstrated similar effects with mutants and RNAi, and again use them to help map the relevant cells. Since the use of the DN construct did not really go beyond the experiments using RNAi or genetic rescue, the emphasis on the importance of this reagent might be reduced in the abstract and introduction.

    Flight deficits have also been seen in other experiments on these the DANs identified by the authors. Thus, the major novel finding of this section is the demonstration that itpr is required in these cells for regulating flight. While it was previously shown that feeding behavior is also required by DAN projections to the MB, the idea that overlapping cells might control both flight and feeding is interesting. Although the idea that these two phenotypes are specifically related to each other seems somewhat speculative, one major strength of the paper lies in tying together prior observations on itpr and the DANs with their current experiments. They do this again at the cellular level using GRAB to show that carbachol induced release of DA (but not synapse density) is reduced by itpr knock-down, thus tying together data on shibere, AcHR and itpr.

    These connections make for an exciting story, and they have been cleverly woven together by the authors. On the other hand, they also represent a possible concern about the manuscript as a whole, since causal relationships between the deficits between the effects of blocking the effects of IP3R, mAcHR, neuronal excitability and vesicle release are not yet proven. It is therefore possible that all of these are relatively non-specific effects of disrupting the function of PPL1-γ2α′1 neurons. This modestly reduces the strength of the paper but is also a relatively minor concern. A second potential concern is that despite the interesting connections made by the authors as well as some exciting new data, some of the findings replicate previous data.

    A third concern is the relationship between the effects of disrupting PPL1-γ2α′1 during development versus the adult. As the authors suggest, perdurance (of protein expression) and/or "perdurance" of previously formed tetramers could easily account for the failure of itpr and mAChR knock down in the adult to cause behavioral deficits. By the same token, it is difficult to parse out the contribution of developmental defects in the DA cells versus problems with signaling in the adult and the following issues should be addressed: the observation that synaptic bouton density is not disrupted is a good way to eliminate gross disruption of connectivity during development but does not rule out other more subtle developmental defects in neuronal function. The fact that shibire[ts] can cause effects in the adult is appreciated but does not really help us to understand what IP3R and perhaps mAcHR are doing during development.

    These, too are relatively minor concerns, and the difficulty inherent in overcoming the confounding effects of perdurance are appreciated. Indeed, the authors have already made it clear that they don't know whether developmental vs adult effects of their genetic manipulations are most important. In fact, the authors have tried to address potential this concern at multiple sites, perhaps trying to address previously critiques. While all of these caveats are correct, it may be useful to consolidate some of them.

    Additional Minor Concerns.

    To validate the decrease in the overall response to carbachol in Fig 1D and E, the authors show a statistically significant difference for area under the curve. A parallel metric and statistical test might be used to support the statement that the response is delayed in 1D but not 1E.

    "Interestingly, the mitochondrial response did not exhibit a delay in reaching peak values." Why is that? A brief explanation might be useful.

    The second explanation of how shibire[ts] works might be shortened.

  4. ###Reviewer #1:

    The authors report experiments on Drosophila to show that the proper function of an IP3 receptor in a small subset of dopaminergic neurons is required for flight behavior. Most interesting is the fact that the requirement is restricted to a time point during pupal development. Technically, the authors report a novel dominant-negative mutant for of the IP3 receptor to interfere with its function. Physiologically, the IP3 receptor-dependent impairment in the function of the dopaminergic neurons affects both synaptic vesicle release and excitability, Also, muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are required for proper development of the flight-modulating circuit during development.

    The role of dopamine in the brain of Drosophila (as a model for general dopamine and brain function) is in the center of current research, and is studied by a large number of laboratories. More and more types of behavior are discovered that are modulated by dopaminergic neurons, and in particular those innervating the mushroom body. Therefore, the study is of very high interest for researchers working on Drosophila, but also to a broader readership.

    The experiments are well designed. with appropriate controls at place. The conclusions drawn are highly interesting and novel (dopaminergic modulation of flight behavior, perhaps in the context of food seeking behavior, molecular mechanisms of circuit maturation).

    Minor comments:

    1. A test for normal distribution of data is required to determine whether parametric statistical tests are actually appropriate.

    2. It is not clear to me why the authors conclude an acute requirement of IP3R during the adult state although the phenotype can arise through a genetic intervention during earlier time points in development (Page 9, lines 297ff). This has to be outlined much clearer. My interpretation of the data is: During a certain time window after pupal formation IP3 signaling is required for a proper formation of the neuronal circuit. This is likely to be not only a cell-intrinsic (i.e., cell autonomous) effect because the mAchR is also required during this time window. This provides an excellent example (there are actually only very few!) of circuit development that requires synaptic interactions between neurons. If one keeps in mind that dopaminergic neurons have reciprocal synapses with Kenyon cells (e.g. Cervantes-Sandova, elife 2017; should be included in schematic illustration!)), and these release acetylcholine onto dopaminergic neurons, a potential circuit maturation based on the concerted activity is most interesting. I suggest that the authors point out more precisely how they think the actual phenotype comes about, of course, with all due caution.

    3. Statistical tests should be done across independent brains, not across different cells in the same brains.

    Additional data files and statistical comments:

    A test for normal distribution of data is required to determine whether parametric statistical tests are actually appropriate.

    Figure legend 5 C should be 5B. The scaling of the y-axis is not optimal.

    Statistical tests should be done across independent brains, not across different cells in the same brains. This would cause a mixture of dependent and independent data. This is of importance!

  5. ##Preprint Review

    This preprint was reviewed using eLife’s Preprint Review service, which provides public peer reviews of manuscripts posted on bioRxiv for the benefit of the authors, readers, potential readers, and others interested in our assessment of the work. This review applies only to version 2 of the manuscript. Ronald L Calabrese (Emory University) served as the Reviewing Editor.