Afadin-deficient retinas exhibit severe neuronal lamination defects but preserve visual functions

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    This study demonstrated that the conditional knockout of afadin disrupts retinal laminar organization and reduced number of photoreceptors while preserving some of the structure and light responsiveness of retinal ganglion cells. These findings are solid and useful for understanding afadin's role in retinal cell generation, lamination, and functional organization. However, the study provides limited new insights into the relationship between retinal lamination defects and overall retinal function.

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Neural lamination is a common feature of the central nervous system (CNS), with several subcellular structures, such as adherens junctions (AJs), playing a role in this process. The retina is also heavily laminated, but it remains unclear how laminar formation impacts retinal cell morphology, synapse integrity, and overall retinal function. In this study, we demonstrate that the loss of afadin, a key component of AJs, leads to significant pathological changes. These include the disruption of outer retinal lamination and a notable decrease as well as mislocalization of photoreceptors, their outer segments, and photoreceptor synapses. Interestingly, despite these severe impairments, we recorded small local field potentials, including the a- and b-waves. We also classified ganglion cells into ON, ON-OFF, and OFF types based on their firing patterns in response to light stimuli. Additionally, we successfully characterized the receptive fields of certain retinal ganglion cells. Overall, these findings provide the first evidence that retinal circuit function can be partially preserved even when there are significant disruptions in retinal lamination and photoreceptor synapses. Our results indicate that retinas with severely altered morphology still retain some capacity to process light stimuli.

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  1. Author response:

    Reviewer #1 (Public review):


    The question of how central nervous system (CNS) lamination defects affect functional integrity is an interesting topic, though it remains a subject of debate. The authors focused on the retina, which is a relatively simple yet well-laminated tissue, to investigate the impact of afadin - a key component of adherens junctions on retinal structure and function. Their findings show that the loss of afadin leads to significant disruptions in outer retinal lamination, affecting the morphology and localization of photoreceptors and their synapses, as illustrated by high-quality images. Despite these severe changes, the study found that some functions of the retinal circuits, such as the ability to process light stimuli, could still be partially preserved. This research offers new insights into the relationship between retinal lamination and neural circuit function, suggesting that altered retinal morphology does not completely eliminate the capacity for visual information processing.


    The retina serves as an excellent model for investigating lamination defects and functional integrity due to its relatively simple yet well-organized structure, along with the ease of analyzing visual function. The images depicting outer retinal lamination, as well as the morphology and localization of photoreceptors and their synapses, are clear and well-described. The paper is logically organized, progressing from structural defects to functional analysis. Additionally, the manuscript includes a comprehensive discussion of the findings and their implications.


    While this work presents a wealth of descriptive data, it lacks quantification, which would help readers fully understand the findings and compare results with those from other studies. Furthermore, the molecular mechanisms underlying the defects caused by afadin deletion were not explored, leaving the role of afadin and its intracellular signaling pathways in retinal cells unclear. Finally, the study relied solely on electrophysiological recordings to demonstrate RGC function, which may not be robust enough to support the conclusions. Incorporating additional experiments, such as visual behavior tests, would strengthen the overall conclusions.

    Thank you very much for taking the time and thoughtful and valuable comments. Following your suggestions, we will quantify some of the histological data and explore the mechanisms underlying the defects of lamination and cell fate determination observed in afadin cKO retina. We will also try to examine the vision of afadin cKO mice by visual behavior tests.

    Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    Ueno et al. described substantial changes in the afadin knockout retina. These changes include decreased numbers of rods and cones, an increased number of bipolar cells, and disrupted somatic and synaptic organization of the outer limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer, and outer plexiform layer. In contrast, the number and organization of amacrine cells and retinal ganglion cells remain relatively intact. They also observed changes in ERG responses and RGC receptive fields and functions using MEA recordings.


    The morphological characterization of retinal cell types and laminations is detailed and relatively comprehensive.


    (1) The major weakness of this study, perhaps, is that its findings are predominantly descriptive and lack any mechanistic explanation. As afadin is key component of adherent junctions, its role in mediating retinal lamination has been reported previously (see PMCID: PMC6284407). Thus, a more detailed dissection of afadin's role in processes, such as progenitor generation, cell migration, or the formation of retinal lamination would provide greater insight into the defects caused by knocking out afadin.

    Thank you for taking the time and valuable comments. Following your suggestions, we will perform experiments to evaluate mechanisms of retinal lamination and cell fate determination defects observed in the afadin cKO retina. However, we would like to note that the paper cited in the comment (PMCID: PMC6284407) analyzed the function of afadin in the formation of dendrites of direction selective RGCs in the IPL, and that the word "lamination" refers to the layering of RGC dendrites in the IPL. Here, we analyzed the function of afadin in laminar construction of the retina.

    (2) The authors observed striking changes in the numbers of rods, cones, and BCs, but not in ACs or RGCs. The causes of these distinct changes in specific cell classes remain unclear. Detailed characterizations, such as the expression of afadin in early developing retina, tracing cell numbers across various early developmental time points, and staining of apoptotic markers in developing retinal cells, could help to distinguish between defects in cell generation and survival, providing a better understand of the underlying causes of these phenotypes.

    Following your suggestion, we will perform the experiments to characterize the causes of distinct changes in the afadin cKO retina.

    (3) Although the total number of ACs or RGCs remains unchanged, their localizations are somewhat altered (Figures 2E and 4E). Again, the cause of the altered somatic localization in ACs and RGCs is unclear.

    To clarify the reviewer’s point, we will analyze the progenitor and those cell positions in the developing stage of the afadin cKO retina.

    (4) One conclusion that the authors emphasise is that the function of RGCs remains detectable despite a major disrupted outer plexiform layer. However, the organization of the inner plexiform layer remains largely intact, and the axonal innervation of BCs remains unchanged. This could explain the function integrity of RGCs. In addition, the resolution of detecting RGCs by MEA is low, as they only detected 5 clusters in heterozygous animals. This represents an incomplete clustering of RGC functional types and does not provide a full picture of how functional RGC types are altered in the afadin knockout.

    We appreciate the reviewer’s insightful comments. Although our clustering of RGC subtypes in afadin cHet retinas resulted in only five clusters, the key finding of our study is the preservation of RGC receptive fields in afadin cKO retinas, despite severe photoreceptor loss (reduced to about one-third of normal) and disruption of photoreceptor-bipolar cell synapses in the OPL. This suggests that even with crucial damage to the OPL, the primary photoreceptor-bipolar-RGC pathway can still function as long as the IPL remains intact. Moreover, the presence of rod-driven responses in RGCs indicates that the AII amacrine cell-mediated rod pathway may also continue to function. We agree that our functional clustering in afadin cHet retinas was incomplete. However, we guess that the absence of RGCs with fast temporal responses in afadin cKO retinas may not simply due to the loss of specific RGC subtypes but due to disrupted synaptic connections between photoreceptors and fast-responding bipolar cells. Furthermore, the structural abnormalities in retinal lamination in afadin cKO retinas may alter RGC response properties, making strict functional classification less meaningful. We would like to emphasize the finding that disruption of the retinal lamination in afadin cKO retinas leads to the absence of RGCs with fast temporal response properties, rather than focusing solely on the classification of RGC subtypes.

    Minor Comments:

    (1) Line 56-67: "Overall, these findings provide the first evidence that retinal circuit function can be partially preserved even when there are significant disruptions in retinal lamination and photoreceptor synapses" There is existing evidence showing substantial adaption in retinal function when retinal lamination or photoreceptor synapses are disrupted, such as PMCID: PMC10133175.

    Thank you for your comment. The paper you mentioned is crucial for discussing and considering the results of our study. We will refer the paper and mention in Discussion.

    (2) Line 114-115: "we focused on afadin, which is a scaffolding protein for nectin and has no ortholog in mice." The term "Ortholog" is misused here, as the mouse has an afadin gene. Should the intended meaning be that afadin has no other isoforms in mouse?

    Thank you for pointing it out. As we misused "Ortholog" as "Paralog", we will revise it.

  2. eLife Assessment

    This study demonstrated that the conditional knockout of afadin disrupts retinal laminar organization and reduced number of photoreceptors while preserving some of the structure and light responsiveness of retinal ganglion cells. These findings are solid and useful for understanding afadin's role in retinal cell generation, lamination, and functional organization. However, the study provides limited new insights into the relationship between retinal lamination defects and overall retinal function.

  3. Reviewer #1 (Public review):


    The question of how central nervous system (CNS) lamination defects affect functional integrity is an interesting topic, though it remains a subject of debate. The authors focused on the retina, which is a relatively simple yet well-laminated tissue, to investigate the impact of afadin - a key component of adherens junctions on retinal structure and function. Their findings show that the loss of afadin leads to significant disruptions in outer retinal lamination, affecting the morphology and localization of photoreceptors and their synapses, as illustrated by high-quality images. Despite these severe changes, the study found that some functions of the retinal circuits, such as the ability to process light stimuli, could still be partially preserved. This research offers new insights into the relationship between retinal lamination and neural circuit function, suggesting that altered retinal morphology does not completely eliminate the capacity for visual information processing.


    The retina serves as an excellent model for investigating lamination defects and functional integrity due to its relatively simple yet well-organized structure, along with the ease of analyzing visual function. The images depicting outer retinal lamination, as well as the morphology and localization of photoreceptors and their synapses, are clear and well-described. The paper is logically organized, progressing from structural defects to functional analysis. Additionally, the manuscript includes a comprehensive discussion of the findings and their implications.


    While this work presents a wealth of descriptive data, it lacks quantification, which would help readers fully understand the findings and compare results with those from other studies. Furthermore, the molecular mechanisms underlying the defects caused by afadin deletion were not explored, leaving the role of afadin and its intracellular signaling pathways in retinal cells unclear. Finally, the study relied solely on electrophysiological recordings to demonstrate RGC function, which may not be robust enough to support the conclusions. Incorporating additional experiments, such as visual behavior tests, would strengthen the overall conclusions.

  4. Reviewer #2 (Public review):


    Ueno et al. described substantial changes in the afadin knockout retina. These changes include decreased numbers of rods and cones, an increased number of bipolar cells, and disrupted somatic and synaptic organization of the outer limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer, and outer plexiform layer. In contrast, the number and organization of amacrine cells and retinal ganglion cells remain relatively intact. They also observed changes in ERG responses and RGC receptive fields and functions using MEA recordings.


    The morphological characterization of retinal cell types and laminations is detailed and relatively comprehensive.


    (1) The major weakness of this study, perhaps, is that its findings are predominantly descriptive and lack any mechanistic explanation. As afadin is key component of adherent junctions, its role in mediating retinal lamination has been reported previously (see PMCID: PMC6284407). Thus, a more detailed dissection of afadin's role in processes, such as progenitor generation, cell migration, or the formation of retinal lamination would provide greater insight into the defects caused by knocking out afadin.

    (2) The authors observed striking changes in the numbers of rods, cones, and BCs, but not in ACs or RGCs. The causes of these distinct changes in specific cell classes remain unclear. Detailed characterizations, such as the expression of afadin in early developing retina, tracing cell numbers across various early developmental time points, and staining of apoptotic markers in developing retinal cells, could help to distinguish between defects in cell generation and survival, providing a better understand of the underlying causes of these phenotypes.

    (3) Although the total number of ACs or RGCs remains unchanged, their localizations are somewhat altered (Figures 2E and 4E). Again, the cause of the altered somatic localization in ACs and RGCs is unclear.

    (4) One conclusion that the authors emphasise is that the function of RGCs remains detectable despite a major disrupted outer plexiform layer. However, the organization of the inner plexiform layer remains largely intact, and the axonal innervation of BCs remains unchanged. This could explain the function integrity of RGCs. In addition, the resolution of detecting RGCs by MEA is low, as they only detected 5 clusters in heterozygous animals. This represents an incomplete clustering of RGC functional types and does not provide a full picture of how functional RGC types are altered in the afadin knockout.

    Minor Comments:

    (1) Line 56-67: "Overall, these findings provide the first evidence that retinal circuit function can be partially preserved even when there are significant disruptions in retinal lamination and photoreceptor synapses" There is existing evidence showing substantial adaption in retinal function when retinal lamination or photoreceptor synapses are disrupted, such as PMCID: PMC10133175.

    (2) Line 114-115: "we focused on afadin, which is a scaffolding protein for nectin and has no ortholog in mice." The term "Ortholog" is misused here, as the mouse has an afadin gene. Should the intended meaning be that afadin has no other isoforms in mouse?